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anyone know when mp 43 beast megatron will be reissued, or even when? i passed up on him and have regretted it ever since!
Dude, shut up already about this. Can't you use your autism in some productive way to make enough money to pay scalper prices?
im just trying to speculate and discuss the possibility. of a reissue.
that guy isnt me lol. he just copy pasted my post from another thread. i can afford scalper prices just fine. but what if a reissue solves the waist problem and then im stuck with a subpar version. also, what if the scalper is selling a used/ opened figure as new, fuk that
why are you impersonating me?
You already tried that and nobody here knows. Go find Takara's customer support mail address, write a mail asking them this, use machine translation to translate it into Japanese and send it.
dont got nothing nice to say then say nothing at all.
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I regret passing on Tigatron. Maybe they’ll reissue him when they eventually make Airazor.
So you're a moron then, ok.
>the waist problem
I fixed that in less than five minutes with just some pliers and a cloth to protect the plastic, you only need to push the waist joint pin further in to solve the looseness.
My sources confirm that tomorrow, be on the look out!
why are you so goddamn mad? he just wants a purple fucking dinosaur
I like Beast Wars but do not care about them enough to pay over 200 USD for one figure, I prefer anime characters. Thanks for reading my opinion.
Tbh, these masterpiece figures are really damn cool in their accuracy, but for some reason they just don’t do it for me like the original toy designs.
Either he posted the same crap several times already or OP is just trolling and not the original anon. All in all, stupid thread.
>I prefer anime characters
This Megatron speaks in Japanese with the voice of Buggy the Clown when you press a button, so...
These kind of threads just aggravate people because it's unorganized and pointless.
It's just he mark of the worst kind of poster here.You can tell the difference between the people who collect JP franchises and those who collect western ones in that the western collectors make dumbass threads like this. No one here has any clue, we don't work at Japanese toy companies and reissues get announced out of the blue.
Meanwhile the revoltech thread keeps getting reissues revealed and you'd have no idea if you don't stick to those threads.
If you want this just buy the KO. The chance of an exploding plastic crotch aint worth it on the price tag.
The KO also has the cracking crotch? Why god u do this
>cracking crotch
Wasn't that just miss assembly of the first run?
Yep, misassembly in the hip ratchets that stressed the crotch plastic. Getting a faulty one was lottery, but easy to tell because the cracks happened fast or even out of the box. I disassembled mine to check and it was correctly assembled so no stress whatsoever.
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I gotta tell you, this thing is fucking cool. Mine showed up on a Japanese marketplace for a completely acceptable price a few years ago, I still see him around. He really goes hard with a Transart Transmetal Megatron, which you should honestly prioritise getting while you wait. It's such a fucking bargain figure for 120 Australian pretend dollars. There will probably be a re-issue of MP43 eventually, but could be 5 years from now, just decide on a price you're willing to pay and search around until one turns up, stick to nippon markets they're more realistic about prices. Im sleeping on Rhinox MP for now which you could also pickup depending how into Beastwars you are. I really like some of the MPs and most of the Transart releases to go with my OG BW sets.
>Im sleeping on Rhinox MP for now
I recommend getting it, as an owner of all the BW MP masterpieces it's probably my favorite to handle and transform, even if looks wise Megatron is still unsurpassed.
You can get it for a normal price on Amazon
Transart megatron I find to be kinda lacking honestly, though in robot mode he's super slick looking, it's also missing detail and you can tell it's one of transart's earlier ventures

This also isn't exclusive to it, but it's kinda fucking embarrassing how much the mainline kingdom megatron BTFOs every alternative when it comes to dino mode articulation. These MP style figures have like 2-4x the budget and can't manage to pull that off
I have the knockoff and it DOESN'T have a cracking crotch. It jus has the inferior paint job
>it's also missing detail and you can tell it's one of transart's earlier ventures
It's not really that old, it's just from 2 years ago. The missing details on it and all the transmetal releases are more due to the show models not being as detailed . It's not as noticeable on a screen as it is on a big toy
Does it feel cheap? How about the ratchets? How’s the sound quality in person?
The ratchet joints are pretty good.
The figure does feel like I can rip it in half though. Not sure what you mean by sound quality
if it sounds like a mcdonalds toy, or more like your phone, the voices in english and japanese.
>it's kinda fucking embarrassing how much the mainline kingdom megatron BTFOs every alternative when it comes to dino mode articulation
The tradeoff is that the kibble looks like absolute shit in robot mode. Bulky as fuck like the original toy and full of panels like the MP, it takes the worst of both without any of the advantages (looking clean/being small).
My guy Tigatron sold like shit and was in stock everywhere for like 2 years
I also own them all, Megs is still my fave with dinobot in second but the big man is an easy third place. Just hope the line isn't dead and we get another fucking predacon.
The thing about Rhinox is that there's way less paint to fuck up. I transformed him as many times as Dinobot and Megatron and I own them since release, that's why I find it more fun.
why would the make rhinox glossy when the others arent?
Tigatron and others like Hoist must've got Takara sweating when they didn't sell that well. It's just not feasible to sell $150-200 figures of minor characters like that in Japan when Transformers isn't the biggest franchise.

You have more patience than me mate, I find Rhinox's transformation to be too similiar to Megs in that they both require loads of panels to be lined up perfectly. That being said Rhinox is defs more fun to transform than Megs.
>I find Rhinox's transformation to be too similiar to Megs in that they both require loads of panels to be lined up perfectly
You only need to make sure the robot arms are exacty were they should be, then the panels line up perfectly and easily in beast mode. It's not like Tigatron's tiger belly at all, those are a pain.

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