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I’ve only had these figures for almost half a month and the part of the rubber skin where the jaw flexes is starting to tear from repeated use. I have no clue if it can be fixed and apparently I’m not the only one having this problem.
So if you plan on collecting them and just displaying them don’t even mess with the jaw feature. If you collect them and play with them please be gentle.
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Another example
Imagine the sorry state these sharks will be when they're as old as the originals are now. What a shame.
Yeah it’s sad really, I was so excited for this line but now I’m scared to even play with them. I’m hoping they learn from this and change whatever caused this.
So glad I cancelled these except Slash
Damn. Even goojitsu handle better than this
What’s that
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the line of stretchy figures filled with goo filling.

It's fairly commonfor vintage Street Sharks to have cracking and like tears. I think Mattel should have ditched the "real feel" skin and just did full plastic figures.
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It's like looking at old rubber puppets rot.
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does this happen with their jurassic park toys?
The old ones not rotting at all

it's just their paint got scruffed off
They really should've made them a hard plastic or just not have the gimmick (even if people would've complained like they do with MOTU Origins).
Also I guess this makes the two villains the vest figures in the line since they don't have rubber on them as far as I remember.
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They marketed rubber as realistic shark skin? That's so dumb, everyone knows shark skin is covered in razor sharp scales which will cut you if you touch them, authentic life-like shark texture would never pass safety regulations on a toy.
none of these are rotting. this is just paint wear because they used paint on flexible plastic. and those are pretty extreme cases of toys that werent taken care of, how do i know? Because I have some of the older toys, and have seen a ton at toy shows, and NONE of them look like this.

Is /toy/ filled with brainlets today? first the dude that can't see the exploding feature on a clearly visible exploding figure, and now this.

What I havent seen is someone comparing the plastic quality of the og's to the new toys, but i would take a guess the new ones are softer and thinner.
>first the dude that can't see the exploding feature on a clearly visible exploding figure, and now this.
Lol I was just in that thread. Cool it, bud.
plastic on modern toys really is shit, not surprising but still really disappointing
>I’m scared to even play with them.
Why not just play with them and not care about whether they're pristine and undamaged? They're just $25, it's not like you're investing in a Hot Toys.
That's what I was saying in another thread. People are treating these like some long-term investment, lol.
>but i would take a guess the new ones are softer and thinner.
They're not softer, but judging by feel, the new ones are at least half as thick as the old ones.
NTA, I don't think it's about making sure they're pristine and undamaged, I think it's more about having a toy last a long time. It shouldn't matter if the toy is only $25, once it is in someone's collection it should last for as long as they want it to. I have plenty of toys that were cheap as hell from when I was a kid and they've lasted the 30 or more years that I've had them, and just because they were cheap when I got them as a kid, doesn't mean I don't cherish them now.
Paint scuffing, looser joints, missing accessories, all that is fine as time goes by, but having the figures literally coming apart after a month of having them means they're just gonna turn to crap in a few years or less.
Is the inside of the mouth a separate piece? Could it just be where the parts were glued together giving out?
These probably would have been better served if the lower/upper jaw was on a hinge that moved instead of going for the rubber skin like the originals. I know people would have bitched about it not having the rubber, but rubber is a terrible choice for toys of any kind.
I fucked with my OG street sharks pretty hard as a kid but mine have managed to survive. Paint flaking is understandable but the rubber dry rotting like that or tearing this soon is either someone being intentionally destructive or it's a fundamental issue with the material.

Hasbro/Mattel seem to be playing a game of "what can we get away with" with consumers. Across all IPs they seem to test the grift boundaries
Who cares? They still look cool. That Ripster is clearly not gonna get any worse anyway now there’s nothing to put stress on. No need to be a joyless doomer like this faggot >>11076898
>Who cares?
People who don't want their toys disintegrating 5 minutes after they remove them from the packet care.
Fuck, I'm in the southern hemisphere and it's close to fucking 0°C where I am, so I'm glad I've gotten a heads up about this before they arrive. This is annoying though, and most people's issues seems to be that the vintage ones were more durable than these new ones.
As for the joyless anon you pointed out, he probably got burnt out on Street Sharks thanks to the faggot that kept fantasizing about a TMNT crossover and posting that shitty soulless artwork in every TMNT general. I'm pretty sure most anons wanted that faggot to commit neckrope.
im just going to bite the bullet anyways and hope the line lasts long enough that we get some hard plastic sharks with sculpted realistic skin texture ala mattel's jurassic world line.
I fucking hated seeing that image with the shitty greentext synopsis that felt like it was written by a grade schooler. I hope the line keeps going so that sperg can keep his shit to his containment thread instead of shitting up TMNT general with his fan fiction.
I would have liked to get Slobster since I like Crab People, and I have been thinking about how to make Crablante from One Punch Man, but if the line dies before then, my life would remain unchanged.
Damn, crazy story. No one cares.
But yeah, you can't deny this is pretty insane wear for how short these things have been around. Imagine these in five years. They need to course correct this yesterday or it's literally a better idea for fans to just get the old toys used. Paint wear is better than actual tearing.
Modern toys are so expensive to manufacture that every corner that can be cut will be cut.
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>every corner that can be cut will be cut.
Well, that mouth corner sure has a cut so I guess you're right.
I got rip and jab from target with the least amount of cracking in the mouth. Fingers crossed they survive the trip home in the hot car and a week of play to see if anything starts to get bigger.
whens wave 2?
Thing is Mattel's only options are try to make SS popular or try to make people care about MOTU again for the 60th time only for something to yet again go wrong.
Or reboot Mighty Max, though that would be hard to do given how niche micro-playsets are today and that it would be likely impossible to re-capture the gruesome detail of the original line (And to have a new show that captures the original shows edgy-as-fuck writing and tone).
they showed it off already
I assume they'll drop just before the christmas season
>the 60th time
You could just admit to disliking MOTU anon. We're still riding the origins revival wave. The only thing that's truly failed has been their attempts to make new media for the franchise, and its because they get the biggest shitheads they can to lead those efforts. The CGI series failed because muh netflix, Revelations-Revolution failed because nobody like the direction Smith took with the property, and Im certain the Travis Knight movie will suck too because nobody wants to see the adventures of baby he-man on earth.
>Revelations-Revolution failed because nobody like the direction Smith took with the property
Revelations failed because of the direction Smith went, and because he lied about being a He-man fan, and told reporters it wouldn't be the Teela show beforehand, but he was full of shit.
Revolution failed because nobody was willing to give him a second chance after all of his bullshit in the lead up to Revelation. It really dialled back everything that was wrong with Revelation. It won't blow your socks off, but it was worth it for Keith David as Hordak and William Shatner as Keldor. It's a shame it was tainted by its predecessor.
there's not much difference between what you said and what I did. smith was the problem. he did what he's always done when handed a big name IP, and just made garbage. its gay that nobody called him out for as much at power con.
Just saw these guys at Target. If you use the bite gimmick, the plastic cracks. I tried it on two different figures, with the exact same results.
Sounds fun, will use that gimmick every single time I find one in a store.
At least the chilluns will like it.
Proof Mattel is using cheaper, crappier plastic these days I guess?
Rubber is a totally different material than PVC. I seriously doubt these new street sharks are made of rubber.
Pretty much any rubber toy will have this issue, including your Hammond collection stuff. Might just depends on how much tension is on them.
I kind of want these and goojitzus, is it true some arrive fucking damaged in box and should i expect damage of any sort if i just display them? Do they require a specific temp? Im in fl
no wear issues yet. I hope it stays that way for a good long while.
goojitzu or the sharks? same state here and Ive had no issue with goojitzu
i've been watching reviews of these guys nonstop ever since anons have reported this issue and I have yet to see any reviewers with broken or snapped lips. maybe it varied between production batches.
Both and good
>qc doomposting was standard 4chin bullshit
tale as old as time
just got mine from Walmart, I thought I'd cancelled it but the arms are good, the body is good, the legs feel like the most waffled thing though, not like they'd break, but I wouldn't want something so flimsy supporting the huge upper half, I really think they should have left it static, but it'll be better if they offer vehicles later
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pre-orders for these dropped today
Bunch of people about to find out if their shelves are actually level or not
I'm not familiar with Street sharks. Are all of these soft plastic/rubber?
I fucking knew it; Mattel rubber is garbage good thing I didn't preorder despite how cool they looked.
Protip: Soft PVC toys are not rubber, they are just PVC with higher plasticizer content.
you can say this every time and nobody will ever listen
I know. I was born a human, but I don't want to be one anymore and haven't for quite a long time.
If it's like the originals, it's usually
Goodguys = soft parts
Badguys = mostly hard
it's not a tear, the upper teeth are like a plastic denture and the seam closes with his mouth closed
just the upper torso on the sharks
Mondo Street Sharks by James Groman
Looks like shit
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>12-inch soft vinyl
those fuckers will be beasts like their Man-Thing figure
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Wait those are 12 inch? Why would they make them 12-inch and not the 8-inch size of their TMNT sofubi?
Some news from what I learned at SDCC talking to people. Wave 3 will be Rox, Slobster and Killamari. If these continue to sell well, they have a plan to do Show Accurate figures, akin to Motu origins. There was no mention if the limbs would be swappable, but the bodies will be plastic, not rubber. They are keeping this quiet for now as to not impact the sales of the current Toy accurate line.
If you ever want some street sharks that won't degrade, just suck it up and buy them for the greater good.
IDK how to feel about that, the toys are already quite close to their onscreen appearances. This isn't like some other lines like Fred Wolf TMNT where the toys looked drastically different from the cartoon...I kind of feel like we're going to just get very similar looking figures out of this.

I love Groman, but this is kind of dull and safe by his standards. I'd be more inclined to buy if they were crazy detailed and covered in details like his other work.
Got the Slash assuming it was the safe bet. What the FUCK are these hip joints? It feels like i nearly have to start twisting the plastic to get the ball joint moving. Really not a great start.

Hm. 2 to 1 villain hero ratio is a bit odd. I would've thought Moby Lick or a hero variant would have been in there.
I'm gonna be honest, I absolutely loved this toyline as a kid but never actually saw the cartoon.
show us the joint
nice fanfic.
There's nothing special to show. They just have way too much friction/are too tight.
Heat. It. Up. This is like step one of any toy joint being tight.
I want to see more of this
NTA but that wouldn't do anything if the joint is already free. That's for freeing up frozen joints.
Didn’t they just get a podcast to reminisce about muh 90s nostalgia for the panel? If they actually had reveals, there would have been pictures online by this point (either from someone at the panel or by Mattel themselves).

Also Mattel probably wouldn’t make a toon line for Street Sharks. Unlike with MOTU and Filmation, there aren’t any weird rights issues that requires a separate line to be made later. They’re already using art from the Street Sharks cartoon in promotional material and saying that the figures are inspired by the cartoon.

Mattel said they were going to show off more stuff (including a comic) at SDCC but it looks they were lying.
>Street Sharks in the same size as Turtles
are you mental?

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