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So China started producing a ton of their original dolls similar to Obitsu11 or Nendoroid Dolls. Does anybody own one or two? How is the quality?
The blind box ones are good! The centaur ones are my favourites.
These are cute, but they're all so generically cute in the same way that I haven't picked any up.
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I like them because they're cheap and cute.
Pictured: Cytoys and Penny's Box dolls. The Cytoys one has a small issue, after I disassembled the head the face doesn't fit tightly anymore and falls apart easily, but it's not a problem if they're just posed standing on the shelf.
The clothes don't feel particularly worse compared to Nendoroid doll (although I only have one of these). Usually you have to remove their hands and head to dress them up.
Oh and I only buy preopened ones from aliexpress, I hate gambling.
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Final product.
My one big problem with them is that I dislike doll eyes and for some reason chinese makers have a big problem with making good faceplates with painted on eyes (like nendos).
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This kind of figures are also look cute but I'm not sure if they are allowed here but they technically count as blind boxes.
i own one of the centaurs! really good quality but the wings fall off, im probably going to paint her soon, next time il probably get an open one on alie lol
havent seen any that interest me since but i am waiting for the 1/12 collection
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Got this one from aliexpress, quite neat but the eyes are too far from the socket which I think its the fault of the eyes being halfway open instead of full open like the othe dolls of the same wave.
Is aliexpress the best place for buying these dolls tho?
>these tiny chibi dolls
your brain is legitimately rotted
Kukaka Insect Cafe and the second Bonnie wave are great, although their clothes are difficult to put on.
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Just got this one from a series that was in preorder for months, pretty good
the promo pics are not always accurate, but it's also not very easy to see user pics from the final products. I have a centaur doll and it's alright, the magnets hold in the wings and tail but the magnets are super weak so they fall out pretty easily.
what series?
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I was considering purchasing a peetson boy doll since I collect nendolls but always disliked how flimsy ob11/nendoroid doll joints were. Currently looking for a cheap doll to steal the 1/12 bjd body from, but that is also slightly taller from ob11 height, like >>11082193 (though I'm not sure what series it is from and if it's even 1/12 lol)
Any recs?
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Escapes plans series
What are you talking about
They say those things in every thread with figures that even vaguely resemble the female form. Best to report and ignore

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