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Good Morning /toy/ soldiers!

Last winter /toy/ made it pretty far into the Knockout round, and this time they aim to continue that success in the summer cup.

Match today is against /sci/, with the next two matches against classic opponents in /x/ and /sp/. Today's match is around 21:40 UTC, or 5:40ish EST (Usually later lol), so be there!

Till all are one!
good luck!
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Also this is the first cup in a while going back on PES 16, so expect some interesting things to happen lol

Caretaker did dig up some old face tech on Madoka, so you may see some new faces on the model.
Fucking megaman from nowhere!
>refuses to ellaborate
Fine, I will buy Woody 2.0 and Jada Megaman now
Big thanks to Anon for making a thread while I’m away. I got to catch the game as I woke up. Fun match. Hopefully the good fortune continues.
We're back today against /sci/ and playing on Sunday against /sp/! We're 5th match of the day today, so whenever that ends up being.

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