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Fat guy toy thread. The less clothes the better, although clothed fat guy toys are also welcome.
>replying to bait.
How is it bait? It’s just spam.
Um what
>it’s another sleeping mods episode
You guys like these. Makes the forum more bearable and interesting
Id rather threads like these exist if they help to hold the usual troll routines in one place to work off each other. If the people who like to argue the same old boring scripts then do it in a retrospam thread
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At least with these it's all concentrated into one thread I can hide and ignore.
Unlike that piece of fucking shit athena who goes into every goddamn thread and posts his stupid bullshit.
If I could find him I would beat his face into a puddle with a hammer and set his parents on fire for making him. I would destroy every person in his family until his genetic line was wiped from the earth. I hate every molecule that comprises him.
Seems a little extreme
less talk more fat fucks please fellas
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People with autism don't understand humor
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Humor is like art or porn man, purely subjective and entirely dependant on the audience. If there were something funny here then im sure id laff.
I still will gladly take zatlit over chungusfurry any day.
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>mfw haters hatin
He's making multiple threads now. Dudes been at this for like 5 years. It's pretty sad.
If we can have 10 lego threads and 18 robot threads then we can surely have 3 threads to the best toy show ever.
Run out of money for your meds again Adam?
>best toy show ever
top kek
This feels like something he would actually post in threads
lel, the mods banned me for having a good time in these threads
I'm going to shame talk a toy company's product while occasionally including a talking Darth Vader toy as comedy. I'll talk in way where my face barely emotes showing the world "you too can have autism and openly talk about toys while making that Youtube moneeeehhhhhh"
Why is this still here?
>guy openly bragging about ban evading itt
Mods are dying, please pray
based mods
Hey MODS fucking take care of this! You've seen this spam a hundred times now.
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Is he correct in that Transformers are not proper action figures because they don't have proper playsets and the figures become vehicles instead of sitting inside dedicated vehicles.
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Sure, why not?
Is Michael actually autistic or is that just projection?
Look at the way he dresses. That alone would answer your question.
It's my thread not his, I'm a very fat gentleman and I like toys that look just like me. I also like Retroblasting, although I wish Mick was fat.
Yeah, nobody believes you.

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