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Can someone recomend me some modern day small monster figure guys to collect? I always enjoyed collecting these kinds of figures as a kid. This one is from a series called fistful of power, just an example of what i might be looking for for fun.
there is a new wave of zuru smashers subtitled "horror house". every coffin comes with a buildable zombie, a handful of spooky minifigs, slime, and some other odds and ends. might be a good place to start. there's also the old S.L.U.G. Zombies line worth looking into.

Thanks for the recomendations. I'm thinking of using some of these as wacky funny additions for various tabletop games i want to do in the future.
Zuru does those dino right? The bilnd bag is segemented into 5 pieces?
It looks like the ones with the large purple coffin and the 3 small green coffins is the one to get?
The one with the 3 small green coffins seems to be the one that holds the minifigures it looks like.
its a good idea. just realized I should have also mentioned culturefly's scooby doo and batman keshi lines. you can snag them a buck per capsule at 5 Below now, or just splurge on the larger packs online. The scooby rogues are probably more of interest to you in this case
yeah, each package is basically a segmented easter egg styled container full of a bunch of random shit. kinetic sand, slime, a big toy, smaller trash pack styled figures, and some other random stuff. it varies from series to series but that's the gist.
all the previous waves usually include a few miniatures in the larger sets. maybe they changed that up for this one.
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So these are the bigger ones, around $20 i think. I checked one store recently and didnt find any but now i know exactly what im looking for.
I got one of these today
they still havent restocked my stores. its still nothing but the last smashers wave.
which character did you get?

also wanted to mention more monster figurine ideas but after the scooby tiny mights Im tapped on ideas. maybe something neat will pop up before october. that tiny mights line could be huge if they play their cards right.
Which stores are they at? I'm in the states so maybe its different.
I think this one comes with 2 minifigures based on what I saw online, but not 100% sure.
I got the big green zombie for the big coffin with three little coffins included and the blue zombie for the medium sized coffin
I got them at target
What kind of monsters are you looking for?
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modern ones maybe cool,but you can't beat this classic

could be robots, horror themed or fantasy themed stuff i could use in tabletop games. I'm not too fussy about what I want. I just love collecting little monster dudes, some stuff i have in my current colelctions are Gormiti figures, fistful of aliens, random things like flush force and so on. Plus various monsters in my pocket figures.
MOTU Minis are fun if you can still find them for cheap. Same goes for the MOTU mega construx figs.
Well, >>11079147 is from a cancelled line called "Dragamonz" where each figure is basically a hybrid between a dragon and an animal. Seriously got done dirty by Spin Master.

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