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still mad btw
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I’ve been mad for like 8 years about this. Making Sheryl and not Ranka was so darksided of Bandai, I want both.
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Lydia was so hot in the cartoon
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If it helps the Variable Fighter Girls kit looks pretty great when complete, and seems to have done the hair better than what the Figuart was planning.
But the only casual clothes for her are cloth ones, which I'm not a fan of. And you have to get the special version of her to get them.
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She’s unfortunately too big, thus doesn’t look good with Sheryl. I’ll have to hope and cope for an anniversary meaning a Sheryl will appear in variable scale or Ranka will finally make it out of prototype hell…which would be preferable because there’s an ex-gear Alto that would look perfect with them.
Nice design
Yeah my girl loves Beetlejuice and I got her the cartoon one they released and I really wanted to get her this one too.
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didn't know this had gotten cancelled, did the whole line get killed? I thought I saw a cartoon Beetlejuice in the shelves...
what the fuck is this
It's Loyal Subjects, it was a mercy killing. I'd rather have no figure than a shitty figure
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was around the time covid hit and the chinese factory stopped working, kinda sad because even if was shit like anon said >>11077909, we would still have a figure instead of none
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Look around for some burger kids meal toys, lydia got a toy in that. Its not much, but maybe your lady will appreciate it.
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I will never not be mad
Why was this cancelled?
It was on a shitty crowdfund that no one backed
He can’t keep getting away with it!
it still stings all these years later
meh it's not like the tomy figures were any good, jakks is fine
>another generic t-rex
i dont get it
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I'm still mad
> See cartoon as a kid during a time when every cartoon got toys
> Most we get it a shitty BK toy that ain't even a figure
> Wait 30 years for a figure
> Cancelled
> Kill myself
> Do this post from beyond the grave
RIP my friend
Kenner almost made beetlejuice cartoon toys but they got cancelled too
You say that as if T. rex wasn't the coolest thing to ever live
were there any prototypes?
There was for the french skeleton at least. Im sure there were more tho
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I had these Mattel Lion King action figures, but I don't think they made everyone from that line. On the right are some BK toys, Nala kinda made up for it, though her legs stuck out more than Simba. Ed was stuck in this pose, and would squeak when you moved his legs.
There were movie Beetlejuice figures, though. There was even a Beetlejuice that had the same exploding gimmick used for the Kenner Scorpion Alien and T-1000 figures.
Ed would speak?
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They shoulda had this fucker come out, the ultimate edgelord dinosaur.
Did u know T.rex actually had feathers irl
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Not true btw, there is no evidence to support this but there are multiple scale impressions from all throughout the body
This still hurts. I wonder if they'll ever come back to this once they've bled the Heisei Godzilla movies dry.
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>implying they won't keep releasing the same Heisei Godzilla stuff til the end of the world.
I just wanted the entire Fearsome Five, damn it.

Also, what the fuck were they thinking with Hooter and Gryzlikoff? Why not the other two Justice (non) Ducks, Stegmutt and Neptunia? Why not other villains like Ammonia Pine, Dr. Fossil, or Splatter Phoenix? Who the hell suggested "boring office boss version of Ludwig von Drake" and "boring government agent people probably don't even remember"?
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The cancelled Metallosaurus and Maligore figures from the Power Rangers Turbo line would've been really nice.
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Not to mention the original Season 1 figures of Rita, Scorpina, and Mutaytus.
I mean there are hundreds of toys of it anyway. How is this a loss at all?
here's a bright side
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Oh, is it time for cry over the cancelled Xevoz again. Yes, yes it is.
>bright side
>still rare as fuck because it barely saw a release at the tail end of the line
i really dont know what's keeping mattel from doing chaos effect stuff
>that shortlived fukno line that went nowhere
>that shitty upcoming rogen reboot where darkwing is turbocucked in favor of a nigger duck
great times to be nostalgic right now...
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Look who got un-cancelled!
I have him, it's like saying Jazwares had amazing figures because of the one 12 inch Metal Sonic they made. Overall tomy sucked ass.
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Never released the middle one, the one i wanted the most.
This one fucks me up but I imagine those arms would be fragile as shit
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I knew as soon as the coof happened, that these would never see the light of day. Didn't help that they were Playmates
one more for Ben 10
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dude there was like someone talking about this figure the other day
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Bandai you shitters
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Say what you will about Sota, but I always loved these designs.
They’re rereleasing Hellboy alongside him as well, it’s awesome.
I hope he rereleases with a big left arm, just for fun
It still stings these will never come out.

Bandai's Legacy Collection:
Silver (In Space)
Psycho Pink (In Space)
Psycho Yellow (In Space)
Alpha 5 Build-A-Figure (Mighty Morphin)

Hasbro's Lightning Collection:
Quantrons (In Space)
Baboo (Mighty Morphin)
Squatt (Mighty Morphin)

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5 inch Rita is cursed. Bandai made another prototype for her in 2017 which was supposed to be in a two-pack with the 2017 film Rita, but due to that movie bombing the two-pack never got released. Bandai mentioned in some Q&A that they would release her in another way, but Hasbro snagged the license before they could do so.
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1/64 vespas
Were we actually gonna get Squatt and Baboo
What is this? Obviously it's Tyrant, but I mean what line?

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