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Clooney chads eating good edition

previous: >>11072238
The old thread wasn’t even at bump limit you insufferable fag
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If only you new how good things could be
>wasting an Azrael on a shitty Magneto
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What about a Catwoman
Report it as spam/flooding like me
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>Was Diamond select currently doing Marvel statues?
They were selling them on Previews World, I used to love looking at their toy catalog. The only thing I ever bought was their Iron Giant (and yes, I have it out of the package, I just don't have a snapshot).

I actually didn't know they put out that Metallic version.

I bought his Jim Lee statue. It's literally still sitting in the shipping box because I was moving and now I think I might just end up posting it and flipping it.

In the meantime, someone is offering a Kara statute I've been eyeing for a bargain price on eBay and even paying the $20 shipping makes it less than McFarlane price plus shipping. And I won't get some PVC piece of crap.
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>Todd will ever make a full cowl version of the Red Robin costume for Tim

Can't believe this was a 4 incher and Crapazon sellers are literally asking $50+ for it.
cyclops looks good but holy fuck that is an awful magneto
pay up or keep walking
>awful magneto
How so?
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Nope. I'm buying some stuff in a few minutes, but $40 for two toys (pre-order of the Booster SP) and some protein powder and fruit juice).
Even what you can see of Beast looks decent enough.

NTA but clearly too blocky and stubby.
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Based Imaginextchad. All of the autistic screeching has me remembering them. I preferred their non-license stuff, but their license stuff was cool too. It was the only time I can think where you can get Marvel and DC characters that fit the same aesthetic and were the same size. My brother had this but I would always steal and play with it.
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Not to get to off topic, but their original stuff was really cool. Suprisngly creative kijda like playmobil people as far as variety went. Any idea when to expect super friends series 2?
I still have most of mine in mint condition. Someday they'll be worth a lot of money.
took me s to realize what im looking at. the only give away are the scolops on the cape
Sorry, but I don't know. I haven't actually bought imaginext in a long time.
I doubt it, but good luck
i have a deep distain for mohawk storm but otherwise its good work for something done by hand
Fucking Bezo's, charging shipping on fucking pre-orders. And now they won't fully consider a grocery order fully as part of their increased $35 minimum.
Stop being a broke bitch and learn how to use apostrophes. I'm glad he is, keep you poor faggots out.
I'll be honest. I'm hoping Todd gets to shift to making Super Powers style Marvel figures. And vehicles.
>Not having Prime in 2024
Broke faggots like to pretend it's out of some consumer virtue lol
Me too.
Super Powers is dead. All the geriatric fucks who were keeping it alive died. Dead!
I hate crapzon but don't consider that a virtue and I don't order enough crap (this is my second order in 2024 so far). I would have paid $100 by now for what? Comic books I pirate and still don't have time to read? Crappy video when I have stuff I do want to watch from good streaming sites that I need to catch up on?

You all want to flush money down the toilet, be my guest.
>not crapazon
Broke retard alert.
Hello Rajesh, do they really pay you 1.55USD an hour to shill Amazon Prime on an Indonesian basket weaving forum?
NTA but funny since you type like a shitskin. Who the fuck adds USD to the end besides some pajeet faggot? Imagine crying that your EBT groceries aren't enough to get free shipping lmao
>DS does not have Marvel Selects at retail,
But they do anon, the puzzle store sells a few things, including Mezco and crap like that, and they sell DS figures. Other, non-LCS shops do. Hot Topic has carried them.
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He was not the person who complained about Bezo's scamming more money from stupid people like you and this imbecille >>11078088 as well as these two: >>11077970 >>11077972 -- unless, of course, you're all of these people and just being a stupid person yelling on-line on the internet because you don't have a life.

I buy shelf-stable shit like Pacific Almond Milk, for my coffee. No one on food stamps is spending $5 buying quart cartons of NOT milk in order to save on shipping for toys. In fact, I doubt anyone that has to live off EBT benefits is buying any luxuries.

But you do you, son.
im not reading all that lol
>Pacific Almond Milk
Are you a woman?
What is actually wrong with you? Clearly English is not your first language, your grammar is fucked lol. And $5 is not a lot of money for a carton of almond milk, this isn't 2016 anymore.
I'm uncomfortable with how good that likeness is given the limitations of the figure.
You're a fucking idiot, dude
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I hope the rest of the JL members get a mech suit.
I added USD specifically to help you know what currency I was speaking of, Rajesh, rather than rupees.
>falling over the shit in his streets
You're not white nor American, never will be.
How long does it take extremely well crafted customs like these to fall apart with paint chipping and Milliput cracking, etc.? Like it must be horrific putting so much effort into something like this but you know you basically can't pose it that much or you'll get paint scuffs and cracks on the paint on the soft diaper pieces and such. And you likely have to store it in climate controlled conditions to slow the natural degradation of the paint.
English speakers know you just add a $ before the number, ESL.
Didn't think they still make GI joe
Multiple different countries use $, like Canada. This is why "USD" is even a thing.
>English speakers know
Canadians are english speakers, anon. When someone says "That figure is $32 MSRP" someone in the US' eyes are going to bug out until they find out its a leaf using $ instead of "CAD"
Nobody sees a dollar sign on a site frequented by international users and thinks anything other than US Dollars. This is you exposing yourself lol
>$32 MSRP
Nobody talks like this lmao you are such a fucking ESL
I do, as I've seen too many Canadians posting about their figure prices.
And they always specify it's CAD, because a dollar sign naturally means US Dollars. I'm done talking to lesser-thans today.
I've specifically seen them not do this on this very board.
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What do you think about McFarlane's Darkseid, anons? Is it satisfactory enough that you will be able to display it with your JLA or are you holding out for better?
you talk like someone with a fragile grasp on the english language
Cancelled once I saw the arms fall out
It may be because the area in the torso they plug into is improperly sculpted to give them a natural round clearance and instead is a hard cut off. The arms were taken from another figure as reuse, so that doesn't help any as they need to account for some other sculptor's work rather than just their own.

Why not argue about toys rather than nationalities on this toy board, dude?

Look, have a toy, be happy, not angry.
I accept your concession.
Blessed are the peacemakers, anon
You've already submitted.
Then why are you still replying?
To remind you. I already know why you're replying, you can't help yourself lol. Enjoy the last word, anon. You can have it.
Uh oh looks like I don't live in the US anymore because of a guy posting on a /toy/ board.
Wish I could give you an opinion but Gaystop delayed mine.
Pretty sure delays are very common with mcfarlanes now everywhere. I've had mcfarlanes delayed from both Amazon and Target, so it's probably mcfarlane toys' fault rather than the retailer.
I dont have one, but it looks rather boring. Like, youd need to know what he is capable of before being impressed by him. Whereas >>11078304 lets you know without reading comics that he is gonna wreck shit. But all of us cool guys know darkseid would body doomsday.
Where was this shown?
This figure looks like shit at the arms. Mcfarlane can't do anything right.

Whats wrong with the arms?
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>totally ok
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Do the new spin master figs stil have buttcheeks that block the legs from going backwards? i kinda want the bane
He only works, as is, for Super Powers/Super Friends, Silver Agey displays.

He needs to get the skirt, lose the cape and get a darker shade of blue for a more classic, timeless look.

I still hate those reused vein-y Mongul arms, but maybe I could overlook that at the end.
No, it's just you people not understanding street dates.
>says it will be released on certain day
>gets delayed weeks, sometimes months
>"hurr you don't understand street dates"
No, anon. Everyone knows McFarlane is the most incompetent clown show in this business.
Pushing back "street dates" is a delay
See: >>11078838
It was originally street dated for 7/11. I even got an automated email a few weeks back saying "it's coming". Then they pushed it back to 8/5. That's a delay.
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your bane anon?
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Hopefully soon homes
i have a feeling theyd rather not associate with this actor given his death circumstance
W-what happened?
hgfhjgjhvhvjgjv answer me
Anthony didn't even complain about the ridiculously wrong Latissimus Dorsi anatomy. All his reviews are positive now with only little negatives mentioned and dismissed.
od'ed from the roids. during filming he got so jacked it took a crew to put on and off his t-shirts
We only collect Imaginext figures here.
just his normal t-shirts not even his make up or anything btw. his arms got so meaty he couldnt fully bend them
isnt even wrong but its need to be that big for backshots
hes gotta pay for that camera some how
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Prove it or shut the fuck up
qc issue where that falls off easily or...?
Quit trying to be an argumentative little faggot, someone's just posting something funny
I don't really get why its funny but ok.
I'm not shocked.
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>no idea how distribution works
Almost everything is directly shipped from the docks to their respective distributors. Target and Walmart all have their own distribution centers. Probably the same with Amazon.
The only thing McFarlane Toys has warehouses for is for their own webstore.

If something is delayed, it's almost always because of a shipping problem and out of McFarlane's hands.

Fact is, McFarlane Toys handles announcements when shit is either being shipped out of Chinese factories or actually being loaded onto the ships. This is why their announced toys come out a month or two later, because that's how long it takes to ship stuff from China and for distributors to do their thing. This is how they've been publically announcing products for about 4 years now, while prototypes are first shown in private.

Most other companies make announcements when a prototype is approved and ready to be produced by the factories, if it isn't already in production. This is why it takes almost an entire year to see an announced product from a company like Hasbro or Bandai to come out in store shelves.
Sometimes prototypes are shown with "pending approval" sign right next to it. So if a licensor wants something fixed by Mattel/Hasbro/Kaiyodo/GoodSmile, it takes extra time to make those changes before it even enters production.

Was their Kickstarter Spawn the last time McFarlane showed something off like companies normally do? It took about a year from announcement to shipment.
I haven't been following their DC Direct or their other collector stuff, like Spawn closely, and i imagine they need to generate more public interest for that, since direct market stores need more marketing for orders. So maybe these too?
Nobody is gonna read this
McFarlane still has to get the toys to Target, Amazon and Walmart. The fact is that in the past year, McFarlanes get delays both in my experience and from what I've seen people post here--meanwhile Marvel Legends get their shipping dates MOVED UP earlier. That could be Hasbro just estimating release date further away than plausible so as to give people a nice surprise rather than a delay notice.
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>dickriding Todd this hard
Okay, but why is his shit always delayed when no one else has these problems? Typing up multi-paragraph essays of cope is fucking insane when literally no other toy company consistently has delays like this.
Call me when they make a Guy Gardner figure. No joke. I'd buy it.
tldr sorryy tod
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>dramatic price increase in the last two years
>quality control an industry joke
>can't deliver products on time
As a customer I don't give a fuck if Todd can't figure out how to coordinate shipping to retailers on time. When someone pays for something and it gets delayed week after week after week and this is far from an isolated situation, the problem is obviously with Todd.
>implying their are semitrucks with Spawn logos on them
Look at that image and notice the cluster of distribution centers near Los Angeles. see also the other coasts, including the gulf. Walmart and Target have these giant 5 city block sized warehouses on the coast, because everything from the docks goes into them daily. From there, the shipments are sent to regional distribution centers and from there, into individual stores.
IT's a longass chain that you don't seem to realize exists.

The only thing most toy companies do is handle the overseas freight costs, if their shit is sold in mass market toy stores. Even specialty shops order their shit from normal distributors, like Diamond Comics, AAA Anime Distribution, or that one distributor that Bandai bought like 5 years ago..... Bluefin.
This is how distribution has worked for decades (if not a century), and companies like bandai cut out that middleman, so they can get more profits from selling their stuff to the stores.
Obviously, McFarlane doesn't have a distributor, hence his collector shit being sold through Diamond and other distributors.

>but why is his shit always delayed when no one else has these problems?
How should i know? I don't work with distributors or docks.
And you ignored the part that McFarlane isn't announcing and showing off products a year ahead of time as prototypes, which is where delays are usually attributed to, because licensors aren't happy with a product or some other shit.
Again, McFarlane has been announcing products a month or two before they're actually supposed to be in stores and that means those products are finished and being shipped out of China. There's literally nothing McFarlane can do if there's a delay there, unless they hire helicopters to lift shipping containers from stuck vessels or hiring the A-Team to steal the containers being held up by customs.
>more walls of text
>still can’t explain why todd can’t run his company competently
I don’t care if he has to hire eskimos to sled cases from russia through canada, nobody else has these kinds of problems and it falls on him to figure out reliable distribution and how to give himself a delivery buffer. Instead he leaves his customers out to dry after they’ve already paid for a product.

You sound like toys are your whole world and you probably spend hundreds on toys from other companies so don’t give a shit that your Batman is a month or two late, but for people who are just buying that Batman and all they see is Target delaying an order they’ve already spent money on, that person is never coming back for another figure or they’ll just pick it up off ebay.

This leads to diminishing sales, which leads to less money for paint apps and forces Todd to seek out even cheaper factories with even less consistent delivery dates and variable quality issues. Even you, gagging on Todd’s cock, can see how an incompetently run business that continually burns customers is in a death spiral.
>i don't want to know how anything works
i bet you spend your entire mcdonalds pay check on toys too

>You sound like toys are your whole world
I run my own business, hence knowing how distribution works. Even if i didn't, most college business courses offer this info too. Not quite basic knowledge, but it shows your level of education.
Most likely these companies pay a premium for getting their stuff unpacked earlier. Back when Mcfarlanes distribution was "good" early in the line they were probably paying extra for getting their freight offloaded from the shipping containers ahead of others so it could go out earlier. Now he's trying to cut costs and save money on everything so would no longer be doing so.
Yep, everyone who owns their own business knows it can take three months for them to unpack your products unless you pay them
Who knows if what you'er saying is true or not, but if McFarlane's stuff isn't shipped on time, they pay a penalty fee.
During COVID, he revealed he was paying millions of dollars to Walmart/Target thanks to the shipping crisis.

So i imagine they do pay a premium to get their stuff unloaded on time, since it would affect sales, ontop of the penalty fees they'd pay.

But who knows. Maybe there are no delays at all. People are talking about their online preorders being delayed, but we know that store shipments take precedence over internet sales. Some shops like BBTS always seem to get their stock in last.
I mean, we've seen people bitch about how their Target store in California having jack shit on the shelves, while people on the east coast have had theirs for a month. Or people taking pictures of unopened boxes of wave J59 with a street date of one week ago, while the shelves are empty. So are physical stores also being affected and which?

People have been antsy about newest waves of X not being available to them fast enough since forever and coming up with stories on why they couldn't get theirs.
I remember way back in the day when this Speeder Bike was impossible to find and there were rumors on print magazines about them being recalled due to having lead paint. Turned out it was nothing but bullshit and scalpers were just buying them up. I bought mine from an indie store and the owner never heard of a recall.
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>>cyclops looks good
Doesn’t have bulge
>People are talking about their online preorders being delayed, but we know that store shipments take precedence over internet sales
I ordered mine from GameStop. It was delayed a month.
That’s because you aren’t tipping your local post office for early deliveries
>cough cough
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>have bulge
comic accuracy is paramount, friend
>side holes for the pincers
Lore accurate.
>thinking you'll get your toys on time if you only tip the post man
At a minimum you need to have guys at your:
- post office
- Walmart
- Target
- Gamestop
- at least one guy at the coastal distribution centers

My friend knows a guy in China but my toy budget is already stretched too thin tipping the local supply chain.
The Mcfarlane delays I have seen and am typically seeing anons report aren't for 3 months but more like a week to a couple weeks, with that one guy and the Hush Batman being an extreme outlier of months.

Actually now with mcfarlanes I notice BBTS always seem to get their shit in stock BEFORE Target or Amazon sends out my preorders.

>Maybe there are no delays at all.
When a store says "we are going to ship this to you by June 3rd" and that date passes with nothing and you get an email from them saying it's been delayed, the retailer is literally acknowledging there's a delay.
I'd like to know how high that Cyclops can lift his leg up because it seems like it would be almost not at all if they want to keep the diaper paint intact
My Mr. Freeze preorder got delayed for a month through Amazon so I cancelled it. I’m not even going to go through having to check on the order status while they’re popping up on ebay. Looks like they might be in stock in one to three months, who knows?
Got fucked good on Steel, too. That one was just outright cancelled after a week and the preorders everywhere else were sold out.
Imagine spending that $80 for Jonah Hex then getting it cancelled and knowing you’ll have to pay at least $100 on ebay for something you already have a receipt for lmao
This shit is embarrassing.
That Flash looks a little too eager and Aquaman looks like he knows he's in a photo.
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Mafex chads eating good.
Jonah most likely won't sell out in the preorder stage. He's too expensive and too niche a character.
You say that but I've had issues with both a big seller like Batman and a niche character like Steel. Stop being ridiculous, everyone knows ordering a McFarlane figure is a gamble.
literally the gayest robin to exist.
Steel isn't a niche character, he is from a major Superman storyline that most people know of and he has continued on after that. Jonah Hex is from his own niche book.
Jonah Hex had a movie with Megan Fox in it and he was in a couple episodes of Justice League and Batman. Either way, you're saying an order being cancelled or delayed depends on its popularity when it happens to the wide releases and the niche ones, which is patently absurd and not at all the reality we live in.
An order being canceled depends on whether the figure sells out. Jonah Hex will not sell out anytime soon.
Ah, so now it's the volume being sold from the predetermined amount already leaving the factories that causes the three month delays. You've blamed popularity, distribution, and Todd not paying the dock workers to unload his product first. What are you going to pull out of your ass next, is it windier on the east coast and it slows down the trucks? What are you even doing, anon?
Uh what? This is unrelated to reasons for delays or distribution. I am not >>11079689
I'm saying the figures that guy says he got canceled sold too well and ended up selling out so the stores likely canceled his order due them mistakenly allowing more preorders than units they were able to get from Mcfarlane.

Jonah Hex will not sell too well, and on the other hand is an Mcfarlane exclusive. The only way Jonah Hex gets canceled is if Mcfarlane sells out of Jonah Hex figures entirely, which is not going to happen during the preorder stage. Maybe weeks or months down the line of being in stock.
does look good; i need to wait on a chinese bootleg
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Robin says "I need YOU to stop buying figures from bad movies and only buy them from good movies."
Sorry Dick
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I just got gay
The old Mattel DCSH is much Better, hell, the BAF is very superior fo this fail!
im actuallly really looking forward to this guy and dick head
There is a ton of third party 1/6 jokes already, some 1/12 too. People just wanted some cheap 1/12 to put on display.

Also the expression on this head is pretty boring
Should I make a new thread?
only if>>11079394 is the op image
That isn't a DC character

Why? The thread is at 147 posts, nowhere near 300
>the retailer is literally acknowledging there's a delay.
But what's the cause of the delay?
Freight/customs trouble?
Distribution issue with Walmart/Target/Walmart?
IF it's a distribution issue, do the stores have stock, but not online fulfillment? Or do no stores have them at all?
It's harder for us to say specifics without evidence like combing stores but people seem to be noting it only with McFarlane Toys and not Hasbro or other companies. So they're extrapolating it's something specific to McFarlane Toys.
> but people seem to be noting it only with McFarlane Toys
IS this only because people are used to the way companies normally behave when announcing products?
Because McFarlane is the only company (AFAIK) that announces a product a few months before it's supposed to be in stores, which means those toys are already being shipped out from China. Production has to have finished to get those products within the time frame of their announcement.

The way most companies have (and McFarlane before 2020) announced toys is by showing off a figure about a year before it's supposed to be out. Sometimes before the figure is even approved by the licensor, so if there's any delays from these, we know it's a toy company's or licensor's fault.
So pic related, we knew it was the licensor's fault, becasue it never even entered production. It obviously wasn't Diamond fault, because they wouldn't have wasted money to even produce a prototype and not release it.
Every time I've seen it talked about it's because it was meant to ship on X date and they got a notification it was pushed back a week or more.
So they give you the same message, whether it's a stock, distribution, shipping, or production problem then?
Amazon isn't exactly going to give details on why the order is delayed. Most likely never a production problem, since as people say, McFarlane announces his figures when they're already made
>"most likely never ever a production problem"
>todd's toys just sometimes show up months late because of a variety of factors no other toy company has problems with lol
This faggot has been sucking Todd's dick for the last two days straight. Guess as to why?
The strangest part is he can't fathom that anons have issues with receiving their orders and wants to die on this hill. He types essays of imaginary nonsense about distribution and not paying the right dock workers but when multiple people say they've had the same problems he dismisses them and doubles down on his delusions. So bizarre.
If there was a production problem, the figure would be delayed for 5 months, not 2-3 weeks.
He's just an autistic retard.
It's subjectanon you guys. Come on.
It would be nice to have an honest discussion with other anons about reasons for delays without the conversation being hijacked by some chronically online schizo who rabidly replies to any criticism of the Toddfather within 60 seconds.
The problem is, we can't really know. It isn't in the retailer or mcfarlane's interest to tell us. so basically we'll always be in the dark. maybe it'll get better or maybe it won't. my perspective is if you don't like the delays, just stop ordering from mcfarlane. if you have to have the figure, then expect the delay.
>imaginary nonsense about distribution
So you think everything is shipped from China by plane and McFarlane Toys has a warehouse with pallets full of merchendise, that they personally ship out through FedEx or UPS to every individual retailer in the US?

It takes over a year just to produce any toyline, and but you think McFarlane takes 2 months to do that and have it in every retailer in the United States, which measures 2,800 miles x 1600 miles ?

It seems there's two people here who live in a fantasy world.

pic of a company gloating about their boat getting to the US and delivered in less than two weeks, only a couple days later than using an airplane to do it.
Million dollars says no toy company uses this service.

IT takes longer than this for Walmarts and Targets to even distribute a product, from dock to distribution centers to stores.
That phantom lady is awesome looking. Im kinda at a point of just saying, 'if i cant get a pre order then why even bother really'. Im not down on the toys or whatever, just saying im not into chasing down toys. Steel was the first time id read about multiverse getting into this rut of smaller production runs, since to have gotten more prevalent or pronounced but maybe thats due to whales buying a case at a time. Idk, whatever, still got super friends.
Steel is an example of a production problem. So is Cyborg Superman. These figures don't get delayed AFTER preorders. They get delayed BEFORE preorders. With Mcfarlane, Preorder means the figure is already starting to be shipping out from China
She’s pretty rad. I’ve been thinking about building a Freedom Fighters team but there’s no way anyone is going to make a guy named Human Bomb who fights crime by exploding.
Really want a Jack and Ted Knight to round out the family, too.
I’d love a 80’s Dee Tyler and even a Stormy Knight but if we haven’t gotten a new Power Girl or Zatanna after half a decade into the Multiverse line nobody is going to make second and third generation versions of Phantom Lady.
40’s Sandra Knight is public domain so maybe somebody will make a red and blue version, or in 10 years we can tell AI to design a custom figure and just print the parts.
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>New Frontier and Action Comics 1000 Sooparman
is that a custom batman? looked up gaslight figures but non of them have the black trunks
Yeah, I needed him for the Luthor head and he was only like twelve bucks so I spent a couple days fixing him up. Used a dark grey in the recesses of the suit, fixed his eyes and painted the skin around them darker like the movies, and painted the metal bits on the knives.
I’d prefer Batman normally look like that, I love the stitching and wrinkles, it feels more like what someone crawling around Gotham’s alleys every night would look like. I know Alfred spends his time maintaining the car and suits but it looks cooler and more dramatic when his costume feels like he only had an hour to stitch it back together after a fight before he had to go back out and deal with some other kind of insanity.
Used to have a giant collection from childhood.
Sold it all years ago to a Mexican family at the influence of my folks.
Still regret it to this day.
yeah he's def more unhinged looking with the homemade kinda look. normally i hate gaslight batman but this one actually kinda works. beats tacticool batmen thats for sure
books-a-million carries them too.
people react extremely negatively to these anytime i've brought them up.
i think it's poorfag cope and the culture surrounding these.
people treat Hot Toys like stocks instead of like toys.

i'm poor and instead of getting angry about these i'm just satisfied looking at pictures. yep looks just like the movie. pretty cool.
if you were doing toy photography (i do), you would have to increase the quality of your props and dioramas by a lot to match Hot Toys is the main problem for me, besides the money.
cheaper toys look fine with cheaper props.
They’re making a mafex but I would absolutely buy this if I had space for it
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>op image

>DC character

Here you go:
Some people are idiots and think this is going to set up imaginary or real progeny for the college funds. If it was a Pokemon collection AND the bottom of that market didn't fall out the way other (meme-ish) things have, they might have a point, but there's no way to know with things like HT, or Mafex, etc.

I personally agree with your last paragraphs. Sadly this particular general and this entire sub is full of idiots who just want to hear themselves type and want to bait and you farm or want to get into fights, look at the idiots continue to argue about distribution above?
They're just too big to play around with and if I'm getting something for display I'd rather drop like $800 on an amazing statue in that scale.
>nowhere near 300
that hasn't stopped some people before. Although I assume that anon just wants to stop the nonsense discussion about distribution, not that a new thread would actually accomplish much.
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He is
It's based on Jim Lee's art; why would Clark have any reasons to smile?
The Cyborg Superman platinum looks like a poorly made custom. This company, man....
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its inaccurate af btw
meh, just make a better 1989/Returns Batman, Todd.
>I'm trans btw
>an improvement
So I'm thinking it's time for a new thread, yeah?
Im not joking i have one of the real cowls right here im looking right at it
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Phantom Lady is such a great design, i wish somehow the Terry Dodson bust's sculpt was used for a figure, its perfect.
Ew, no thank you.
I wonder if dc would ever approve a piece of merchandise this sexy ever again
Agent Liberty will be available in VERY limited quantities on the SDCC floor. What will you do dc gen? How will you get your Agent Liberty?
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>its inaccurate af btw
It is, they clearly mixed Returns and 89

If this was wearable at least, this shit is not worth $100, it's just plastic.
Not much else to talk about anyway until Todd announces s'more toys. Or Mafex I guess. >>11080998
No, you need to stop being a faggot and post some toys.
i looks kinda like they took the panther suit then had a added the lowest effort scolops on the bottom and called it a day. also the glossiness is hilarious
im jusr glad i got my real one while i had the chance
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its def thje panther suit lmao
Please Todd, stop the platinums, please. I just want to buy what I order, not some weird repaint.
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Fuck you are right, it's 100% Kilmer's cowl
absolute travesty dont buy this shit
Yeah that’s a really nice statue, I just wish it were a full figure or the base was more in theme with the character, like she had a handheld black flashlight that blinds people or a few different cars and planes she destroys and replaces in the next story.

Probably not. Sandra Knight is public domain and most comic historians only know her from the Matt Baker cover that Dr. Wertham clown used in his witch hunt. Dee Tyler only showed up for a few issues then was a background Justice League character for a minute. Stormy Knight just wants to kill herself. Jennifer Knight lasted about four issues a decade ago.
All the Phantom Ladies DC owns beside Sandra kind of suck and DC wouldn’t want to mess with something public domain, shows too much skin, and a google search just comes up with results about her being problematic even in the 50’s, even though she was written by a woman and drawn by a gay black man.
Anything cool would be too much of a pain in the ass and could cause some kind of weird outrage on twitter even though she’s basically Batman with tits.
I love Phantom Lady so much, bros. It pains me she’s forgotten while boring ass characters like Stargirl and Black Canary keep getting used as the designated team C Listers.
If they are approving the cover books they recently published, or the swim suit covers, 's no reason they wouldn't approve stuff like that.

They really aren't doing statutes - and if they are, they are doing that PVC crap that Todd is pushing out and so far he hasn't really done anything. But DC or Warner Consumer Products isn't really stopping outside vendors from doing this stuff, even if some of the more recent stuff was in the pipelines for a while.
That's why I posted those.

I would have posted the ZSJL Mafex images, but I figured that might start even a worse shit show of conversation since that fan base is so divisive across the site.
its fucking ridiculous mafex wasted slots on the snyder verse.
I'm hoping they do the full knightmare line up desu
Are you retarded?
Are you? You can clearly see they used that design as a base.
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Might as well post the rest of the Mafex's. Here we have Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
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The Flash. I hate these designs.
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The Suicide Squad. A proper Peacemaker and Bloodsport is sick. Imagine the accessories.
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Death of Superman, Doomsday. He looks a bit small.
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Hush, Batgirl. It's nice we're getting a near complete Batfamily.
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DCEU. I don't know what went through WB or DC's head when they greenlit this many since the movie was just direct-to-streaming.
More DC PU
What the fuck is up with Mafex and their boner for Batman Hush? Seriously, I'd much rather have them make proper Batman, Superman, Flash, WW, GL, and Aquaman figures instead of always going back to that overrated book
Because Jim Lee stuff sells. Next up are ASBAR and New 52 figures. You heard it here first.
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Ready to take some dicks tomorrow
Snyder Pajeets need to do something with their bitcoins. It's not like it will let them afford housing on the subcontinent.
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>New 52 figures
I wouldn't mind a Superbro based on Unchained that isn't that stupid, overdesigned Mecha Anime suit that Todd released and which peg warmed hard and then got remaindered all over Ollies, Big Lots, Ross, etc. Even SpinMaster's cheaper version continues to peg warm.

But something like PICREL with a neutral expression and better yet, at least one spare smiling head sculpt. and without all of Lee's fucking busy lines on the uniform, I can get behind that.
I'm looking to buy a classic comic book Superman. The latest Mezco one seems to work but I'm tempted to go all in on those Death/Return Mafex ones if they're good
Do they have a bad reputation? I never bought one and don't hang around in this thread...
Why did McFart go all in on unique sculpts that look like crap when you try to reuse them?
They are not that great in terms of quality, texture, and likeness for the price.
You know you can buy unpainted nude figures from other companies, right? They’re cheaper than mcfarts and lack any clothing detail so you could use them for your rows of men in tights
There's a lot of trolls on /toy/ for Mezco.
Just watch reviews if you want real impressions.

When we had a Mezco general, most figures were well received.
Why don't we have a Mezco general anymore? Because COVID fucked up their release schedule and everything got delayed for years.
I can say as someone with experience with many of their older releases, that they are very hit and miss. Some look amazing in person, others, not so much. I have about a dozen or so and they vary from great to ok. When they hit they hit hard, their Conan and Popeye coming to mind as stellar figures. However, their superhero stuff can be an acquired taste since they can look like pajamas/Megos sometimes, depending on how well Mezco did the fit of the cloth goods suit.

They were worth the price when a regular release was $65 and a deluxe/PX version was $90. Now, you're getting regular releases for like $95 and deluxe release going for as much as $130-$140, maybe more. And, it may just be me, but it feels like some of their regular releases, not all of them, are coming with less accessories, when that was one of the big draws for Mezco, was the amount of stuff you got with the figure. I dunno, they've kind of lost their luster, plus they delay highly desired releases in favor of their stupid OC donut steel Rumble Society characters. Plus, they've always been shitty about lying and photoshopping promo pics to make figures look or do things that they can't actually do in real life, like Doom crossing his arms.

Overall, if you're looking for a good 1/12 scale Superman, I recommend trying to track down the Mafex, there's a few versions, most people prefer the Hush version. He's been released a few times so if you watch Mandrake or something you can probably find him for a not super unreasonable price.
overpriced garbage with ugly porpotion and reused bodies.
Because he thought cool looking figures would sell better, but only later did he find the market just wanted characters dressed up in 1970s era costumes wearing diapers. Clown world.
The fact most of his 'cool looking figures' are only half painted doesn't help. A toy company that can't afford to finish painting toys. Clown world.
>They were worth the price when a regular release was $65 and a deluxe/PX version was $90.
>when Marvel Legends were still $20
>and NECA figures were under $30.
>and SHF could be bought for $40
>and Figmas were $60 MSRP at Targets
>and McDonalds hamburgers were 99¢
This poster has been bitching about Mezco prices and saying they're worse quality since probably 2021 to justify his bitching, despite quality actually not changing since forever.

This is why you should stick to reviewers and not pay attention to /toy/ when it comes to One:12.
People who would review a mezco are already biased towards mezco. They are very polarizing due to their look. Some love them, some hate them, with very little in between.
Yes, everyone should just shut up and pay the increasingly ridiculous prices for toys that continue to decline in quality. If you don't like it then get out of the way for someone who does.
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>reviewers are biased
No doubt, but they're still showing off everything a figure can do and doing it on camera. It's better than anything /toy/ can do, especially when >>11082719 are lying about decreases in quality and accessories.
With reviewers, you can judge whether they're worth it or not based on what they're actually showing, instead of taking the word of a guy who can no longer afford some sweet ass grapes.

Here's what Mezco's black suit Spiderman came with way back in the day when the poorfag (who thinks inflation doesn't exist and no other toy company has increased their prices) said they were worth it.
Probably the only figure that comes with even fewer accessories might be another One:12 figure pre-2020.
I wish more companies used the hero's symbol the base, that looks really nice.
The cool figures from 2020-2022 were painted. It's figures now that aren't
Gotta say I am leaning back towards Marvel Legends now compared to DCMV. A good bit of the laziness has been cleaned up for at least the premiere releases in ML while DCMV just feels like a bunch of unfinished prototypes now.

The chases at random giving me a repaint I didn't order and am now stuck with are a big issue as well.

At least when I ordered Warbird I knew I had it and they wouldn't ship me a weirdass blue version that I would have no recourse in getting the actual advertised color scheme.
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>the market just wanted characters dressed up in 1970s era costumes wearing diapers.
I knew 15 years ago I liked Neal Adam's Batman.
I liked Neal Adams Batman 10 years ago.
I liked it 5 years ago
I'll like it 15 years from now
I have no connection to a McFarlane redesign. It may be cool, but I'd prefer my space be taken up by something I have more of a connection with.
Clown world.
he was so fucking hot in these movies
the breathing and nipples make this suit so erotic
>Some love them, some hate them, with very little in between
Yeah I’m the guy who was asking and am on the fence. I kinda like the Mego vibe and think the number of accessories would justify the price but since it’s Superman probably not gonna use most of them
Are you able to take off their doll clothes if you want to stuff some cotton between their legs?
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Is the Lazarus Pit set as cool in person as it looks in photos?
>we have 90% of Returns Batman suit made into a dumb Flash from a shit movie
>still no Returns figure on sight
I hate this world.
Batman doesn't sell anymore.
I'm sorry if the truth hurts, but the truth hurts. Mezco toys aren't worth $150. I'd argue no 1/12 scale action figure is worth that. $90 for a deluxe was the sweet spot. You've been seething about my opinion as long as I've been voicing it. Get over it bitch boy.
Mold reuse at McFarlane has basically become worse than Marvel Legends now.
No. The clothes is as skin tight as possible, as each costume is tailored to each figure. So if you add anything underneth, it's going to make it really hard to move.

This also means that figures that wear jackets have restricted movement, because clothes over clothes doesn't really work at scale.

And restriction is basically being able to get arm movement for a T pose. Ys? Probably not, but it depends on the figures. Watch the video reviews to find out for each specific figure.
On superheroes who just wear spandex costumes, Ys are easy. Splits are possible and usually depends on the body.
>sour grapes: the post
only person seething is you for being priced out and pretending they're worse
Where did I say they're worse? Only thing I said was it seemed like some of their releases have been skimping on accessories and some have, look at the Planet of the Apes figures. My point is they haven't improved at anything, nor justifying the price point. The quality of a Mezco I purchased back in 2016 is going to be pretty close to the quality of one released today. I can't say the same thing about even a Marvel Legends figure that have new engineering, face printing and other improvements from figures from 2016.

If Mezco wants that extra $30 from me, they're gonna have to earn it. And they need to stop with the shitty photohopping of their promo pics. I don't mind if they do it, but holy shit, do a better job. Whoever is doing it for Mezco sucks balls at it lmao.
IT's what you've been bitching about for the past 4 years.

Again, see >>11082724 on how they really haven't decreased on accessories since before you were able to afford them.

Also, comparing them to MLs is just retarded, because they still don't match the high end paints Mezco uses. Few toylines under $80 can match their quality of paint, and usually because they have shit articulation
Yea the base of that statue really doesnt go with the character, and i too wish it was a full body.
I actually like Stargirl, though im not too familiar with her stories so i cant say if shes a boring character or not but i do really like her design. Black canary is pretty boring though, ill agree with you there.
Never liked the more recent Phantom Ladies, yes it is because they covered her up way too much.
>Again, see >>11082724 on how they really haven't decreased on accessories since before you were able to afford them.
Is reading comprehension just impossible for you? I said it SEEMED like SOME of their releases had fewer accessories. Not that it was even a common occurrence. You're looking for smallest of reasons to try and pick apart my opinion because your usual go-to argument of "um acktually, you've just never seen these toys in persona dn are judging them from low resolution pictures" because I've proven to you that I own over a dozen of them, probably more than you do. You need to get the fuck over the fact that not everyone shares the same opinion on things as you do. You enjoy your Mezco's? Congratufuckinglations. No one is telling you not to. Anon asked for people's opinion on them, I own more Mezco's than the majority of this board, somi gave him my opinion. Stop seething about it you fucking sutismo, you've been raging about it for three years now.

>Also, comparing them to MLs is just retarded, because they still don't match the high end paints Mezco uses. Few toylines under $80 can match their quality of paint, and usually because they have shit articulation
Oh, maybe reading comprehension is too difficult for you. I wasn't comparing the quality of Mezco to ML. I was comparing the fact that ML has improved on itself since the mid 2010s while Mezco has kind of just meandered on doing the same thing it always has. Their paint processes haven't improved, their tailoring is the same as it's ever been.
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Did you ever get yours?
Yeah, that's a reason why even though the display stands take up more space, that I've picked up some on eBay for figures I got second hand that didn't come with them.
>unpainted nude figures
NTA but they aren't ALL that cheap even when you get them from Chinese KO companies on Amazon or EB.

Todd has very few 'cool' figures in 2020 and 2021, unless you idea of 'cool' is butt loads of bat variants.

I have two different versions from DC Directs, why do I need Todd Slop?

The Green Diaper?
The overall Smell and Feel of grease and oil?
The clearly reused static cape?
That cape is actually entirely new. Much of the rest of the figure is reuse, but not that.
Nah I passed. I thought those white spots on his cape were some cum or snot spray on my monitor but they're actually hand painted onto his cape.
It does not look good.
Each one of those white dots cost 3 cents. Just imagine how much they could've saved and how much better the figure would look without them. McFarlane Toys does some nonsensical stuff some times.
Are they delayed?
No, just sold out
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This better not be one of the ones
The crowd funded Super Powers vehicles are being shown at SDCC.
fuck off
Is his cape the base? That's cool as hell
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>dat Clark neck
We don't care about baby toys
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nothing leaked from the imaginext booth yet. fischer price's security is famously tight, though
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Yes, the Spectre should always be floating anyway--but the low POA and soft sculpt isn't so cool unfortunately.
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There's some Batman of Earth -44 reuse in that Cyborg all over the place...but then why is he so huge compared to Azrael?
FINALLY more heads.
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You know a custom is extremely tedious to do right, right?
Early mcFarts were actually painted well. Maybe not washes but a heck of a lot better than what we get now. Which is weird because his other licenses are painted much better. So he CAN do it, he just chooses not to for DC stuff.
Very pronounced diaper Red Hood has there. So far this is the only thing posted that appears to not have reuse (besides the crowbar)
I think Todd is stretching himself too thin.
How many Red Hoods do we need?
DC license likely lost McFarlane Toys money due to tons of new tooling released during a time when stores' sales on non-essentials were lackluster, and for a line that was (at the time) trying to sell to normals rather than nostalgic collectors. The only way normals would see this stuff would be in a retailer, not stumbling upon BBTS or weird toys on Amazon. They are probably trying to catch up and make back the losses with extreme reuse and lack of paint.
1 or 2: the walgreens one with guns (good luck) and maybe the 3 Jokers one.
>due to tons of new tooling
Would this have been a McFart decision or a DC one?
McFarlane, he said in at least one interview he went in to the DC meetings talking about how so much would be unique sculpts and they were surprised by that. That said, there would have to be new tooling for any new line but McFarlane didn't seem to plan for reuse which is why there were not flat basic bucks that could apply to a lot of characters until recently and they are still getting some bits of that down -- like making legs without boots for the booster gold buck.
Those pro-types look decent. I would like more angles.

Nope, the one where the cape wraps around him is one, I forget what the other is is, but it's wrapped up and in a box since I'm going to sell him.
That is the worst looking wired cape they have put out. Most of the other McFarlane wired capes are good (some even great like that Batman First Appearance one) but probably the straight yellow makes the stitching really noticeable.
That doesn't look bad but I've no interest in a version of Vic that's on the JLA


We can use more, but people hated that idiotic costume so making that will just lead to peg warmers. IF WB Consumer forced them to make it, that's on them and Todd has ever right to complain.
How did Hugo Strange get so buff?
>hey, thigh cuts
>side lines that are going to look really stupid when it's twisted.
That's almost any thigh cut to be fair
Is McFarlane going to stop the ball wrists and just go Marvel Legends? Shocking if true. Or maybe its just to make up for the extra thigh cut POA by removing a POA at the wrists.
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Suit is white on the card, black on the figure. I find it hard to believe this keeps happening by accident.
who even is this
No idea. A character only people deep into older DC comics want probably.
looks like a knock-off captain america
That's literally what he is.
This makes me want a Space Ghost
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WB owns both DC and Space Ghost. There is a DC Space Ghost comic. If McFarlane wanted to make Space Ghost, it would be pretty easy to make it happen.
They used the name and some (minor) essence of the character (and wasted Sam Witwer on portraying him) in the DCW Supergirl so he's not that unknown.
After ten years of Smallville I didn’t want to follow the Arrowverse. I tried the Superman and Lois show and the opening with him in the Fleischer suit was fantastic but then then it cut forward to Superman and Lois being married with kids and that’s always bugged me in movies and comics.
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Do they own Zorak and Moltar, too?
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You can already buy those, anon
new when you're ready:
I want the McFarlane version with a black suit.
Superman and Lois is actually a standalone for what it's worth.
Yeah but I hate anything where Superman has kids.
>Imaginext cuck ruining SDCC thread.
Imagine having this tiny of a pee pee.
I liked Jon. He was a cute, naive kid. The Super Sons run where he and Robin had kid sized adventures was great with their two opposite personalities clashing. There was also some good stories of Clark & Jon doing some quality father/son bonding while fighting bad guys. Good stuff.

...But then (((THEY))) had to age up Jon and make him gay. Fuck that.
>Imaginext chad blessing the SDCC thread.
>magine having this large of a pee pee.
>Is reading comprehension just impossible for you?
>You need to get the fuck over the fact that not everyone shares the same opinion on things as you do.
LOL, My reading comprehension is fine, as is my memory, hence knowing YOU'VE been doing this for FOUR YEARS. Same old tale of sour grapes, and supposedly 3 or 4 years ago, you said you were quitting /toy/ for all time and blahblahblah.

I know your "opinion" because you've been saying the same bullshit for four years, yet you want to pretend "it SEEMED like SOME" for four fucking years, despite me showing example after example of how you're full of shit.

People like you are exactly why no one should take /toy/'s opinion seriously. You're the biggest poorfag on /toy/ since Queen Kittan was crying that toys are as important as food and water, so the government must pay for his toys.

>still comparing a budget childrens toyline that still has barebone paint apps and barely went back to pre-2009 levels of articulation to a premium toyline that has nowhere to go except super expensive handbrushed details
so retarded you don't even know you're retarded
Same reason they greenlit so many merch from ZSJL/Snyderverse for so many other collectible companies constantly lol.

ZSJL basically saved the huge marketing machine that should've been JL 2017. All that investment went away in 2 years since no one had an interest on it.

Now since 2021 they can go and make all the toys/statues they want for it (and for BVS for that matter) happily.

Just like what happens with TDK Batman and Joker, you won't stop seeing Batflecks, Cavills and Gals collectibles ever.
>you said you were quitting /toy/ for all time and blahblahblah
Stop making up wild stories about me in your head. It's really weird you think about me this much.

>I know your "opinion" because you've been saying the same bullshit for four years, yet you want to pretend "it SEEMED like SOME" for four fucking years, despite me showing example after example of how you're full of shit.
Seethe about it cuck.

>People like you are exactly why no one should take /toy/'s opinion seriously. You're the biggest poorfag on /toy/ since Queen Kittan was crying that toys are as important as food and water, so the government must pay for his toys.
If this is what you need to tell yourself, go ahead. You know in your heart of hearts though it isn't true. How many Mezco's do you own?

Keep fucking seething that I don't suck off Mezco's dick and that you can't use your shitty go to argument with me. But don't think about it too much, that would be woman behavior.
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I scored this on a $10 bid so $20 total with shipping, the listing was totally badly written.

I'd rather have the two pack with the Demon Spawn, but this was worth the low cost.
I have the Icons Jon from the 2 pack with Damian, he's an alright figure, but I'm glad to have him. Super Sons and the Tomasi run on Superman was the best that book had been in decades.
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>Stop making up wild stories about me in your head
Hey, you're the one who rage quit and pretended not to 3 years later, because you're still here. Hard to forget a fuckwit who does stupid shit like this. The fact you even know who i am means you've encountered what I've directly said to you about your sour grapes.

Pretending to even have more figures than me is just cope, because you don't like me for recognizing your stupid bullshit for 4 years and calling you a poorfag, because your criticism is literally about how shit costs more today than preCOVID.
Inflation is a fact of life and you come up with all sorts of retarded excuses on why the grapes are sour, because you got priced out of affording Mezco figures.

And i have no idea how many Mezco figures i own. I've bought some just for their accessories alone, so it's not something i should even keep track of.. The fact you think this is some sort of accomplishment is retarded, especially since I've continued buying them when you've supposedly rage quit 4 or 3 years ago.

Here's one of my not-One:12s with some exclusive i don't even remember whether it was an SDCC one or not.
>Hey, you're the one who rage quit and pretended not to 3 years later,
No I didn't lmao, once again, stop making shit up. It's weird. I never claimed to quit /toy/, where did you even come up with that?

>Inflation is a fact of life and you come up with all sorts of retarded excuses on why the grapes are sour, because you got priced out of affording Mezco figures.
Yeah, and because of inflation, I've cut back on what stuff I purchase, because I don't feel the price hikes are worth it. Sorry that it bothers you that I don't buy Mezco's anymore. But nothing I said about them is outright wrong.

>And i have no idea how many Mezco figures i own. I've bought some just for their accessories alone, so it's not something i should even keep track of..
Ok, just deflect from answering the question I guess.
That is the ugly bastard of dogs
His whole plotline was great. Hated how they resolved it though. tl;dr:
>4th season? Villain
>extraterrestrial illegal immigration is a problem
>his family is extremely effected by it
>take the time to show how he was sympathetic to then radicalized against aliens over the course of the whole series
>gets no redemption, just treated like trash
I feel bad for that guy who got to play Jon.
>you get to play Superman Jr.
>well actually you don't get powers your oc brother does
>at least you get romance plot do a shirtless makeout scene with a hot girl
>we aged your character up in the comics and drew him to look like you also he's gay now please have gay sex
>what do you mean you quit?
>No I didn't lmao, once again, stop making shit up
Sure, it's totally another poorfag who bitches about Mezco increasing their prices (like every single company) and makes up bullshit like decreased accessories despite Mezco continuing to operate the same way since 2015 or whenver the line started.

>deflect the question
I answered the question 4 years ago when you started your sour grapes bitching.
Again, you forget because you're an obvious retard with brain problems, and even within my the post you're quoting, I said that I no-matter-what own more since you could no longer afford them, because I never stopped buying them.

>Sorry that it bothers you that I don't buy Mezco's anymore
I have no problem if you don't buy Mezcos, i do have a problem with the fact that it's 4 years later and you're still trolling with the same disproven statements you've been using for 4 years.

/toy/'s opinion on the line is worth shit since there's so many trolls like you. Better just watch a review and decide from that whether they're worth it or not.
>Anyone who doesn't share the same opinion as me is a troll
Eat shit and die already subjectanon. Your parents are ashamed of you.
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It's fully sculpted and that tends to realism, if not comic accuracy.

You want friendly, then you want the Fisher Price, friend.
>lying is an opinion
way to prove my point that you guys just want to troll and why /toy/ isn't a trust worthy source if you want actual opinions
>Throwing a big baby temper tantrum because /toy/ doesn't share his insular opinion
Lmao. You're in your mid 40s subjectanon. Try acting like it.
Oh and just so you know, if Mezco makes something worthwhile I'll get it again. I'm eyeing that Beetlejuice they showed off. I'll likely bite the bullet for that. So, I say again, eat shit.
Boo hoo, you don't like /toy/s opinion? Stop coming here.

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