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What're you looking forward to? Hopefully these will only be 50-60 a piece. They're supposed to come in 2 packs. With potential other things being announced I also hope these won't go up for preorder just yet.
Is Super7 still alive?
Their stuff is usually expensive but also usually 12 inches tall. I'm hoping with the RGB stuff being six inch the prices will be much more friendly.
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Hope Jada shows more Capcom stuff and Ronald McDonalds
I'm fine with 60 if they're well made and pose well. The Diamond Selects had single jointed elbows and knees. Sometimes you can get good range out of just a single, but those sure didn't. I don't need Spiderman articulation but I'd like them to be able to properly hold their gear, scratch their head, that sorta thing. Any idea when preorders will be available?
Mondo and Super7 share sculptors. The guy who made these is also working on different lines for Super7's Ultimates. They may ask well be part of the some company.
Mondo figs seem to have much better articulation than Super7s though.
I'm hoping i can actually buy MOTUC Two Bad and Classified Nemesis Enforcer (still dont have Mindbender or Serpentor).


The only thing from Mondo I would hope to hear about is a vinyl slash from their newest line.

Jada - more Robot Masters

Mattel - Snake Lair and any new MOTU stuff, not keen on any PoP though. Any new franchises they might bring back and possibly whatever the hell those G.I. Joe Mega Construx figures might be.

Hasbro - Looking forward to seeing the Rattler. Wild Weasel is one of my top five Joe characters. I'd say I was interested in new ML figures but ever since I never find any of them below $25 these days I've all but stopped buying them.

Playmates - I'd really like to know why they just don't do simple redecos on their figures. It'd be easy enough to repaint the skin and bandana color to make another turtle on any of the variants but I doubt anyone asks the panel. I'm also keen on knowing if the remastered line continues with other characters. I''d say it's about 70/30 in favor of no.
Lower QC quality if you watch the reviews by Pixel Dan for the Mondo MOTU figures. Bad paint apps and paint that rubs really bad is the common issue. A lot of people complained about their Rogue for the same reasons.
I hope NECA shows a ultimate toon shredder
Hopefully the RGB stuff is fine. Maybe being smaller will mean better qc?
I've had issues with both companies, but the difference is mondo will go out of their way to replace items with bad qc if you ask without a single complaint, while S7 will knowingly ship you garbage, shrug their shoulders and blame china saying its out of their hands if you want a replacement. Mondo should definitely get better but they at least seem to understand if you charge a premium you need to at least follow through with the customer service equivalent to the price.
Maybe Dead Rising? I'd love some 1/12 zombies. Viewtiful Joe would be nice too.
Your post made me Ran Ran Ru for the first time in years.
Super7 did replacement heads for their She-Ra and sent out a bunch of bonus accessories and replacement parts for Thundercats. I still remember sleazy companies like Neca trying to lie when they fucked up Ratking, and Randy going radio silent when he was confronted by Ratking's crotch diaper falling apart even in the packaging photos.
Hi Randy!
yes and they also fucked up tygra's arm band, told customers they could do nothing, fucked up the paint of an entire wave of joe's heads, told them they could do nothing, etc. They do not have the best track record.
I like how Super7's promotional images consist almost entirely of 3D renders.
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Has anyone preorder from Mondo before? I'm curious if they're usually hard to get, end up as exclusives, or what. I ask cause if the RGB's go up for preorder on Friday I'll be busy, but I can change up my schedule to be free since I want those fuckers.

I dunno how Mondo does it but these were just concepts the guy who works for them did up, and ended up getting a green light. I'm hoping they turn out well because they said they'd do ghosts if these do well. I'm happy with my makeshift Boogeyman but I'd still like something more accurate.
>Ronald McDonalds
That'd get me with fast food mascots
>Jada - more Robot Masters

This but just, please Jada, don't make it two RMs and Mega Man variant again. You've done it 3 times. Give us literally anyone else in the 3rd slot...Blues, Roll, Bass, fuck i'd even take Quint at this point.
>fucked up tygra's arm band, told customers they could do nothing
It's OK though when Neca does it with Ratking, or forces collectors to re-buy April O'Neil because they fucked up her head? Or how about that time they released Ultimate Friday the 13th Part 3 Jason without his t-shirt painted, and forced customers to buy a fixed re-release as a double dip? Super7 at least fixes their fuck ups.

>the paint of an entire wave of joe's heads
Which ones were those? The only issue I'm aware of was that they cast the figures in the correct flesh color on wave 2 instead of painting the skin like wave 1, and then wave 3 had painted skin again.
If the rumor that mattel is making a filmation Shera and Bow is true, I'll be happy even if everything else there is literal dog shit
Please Jada give us some Megaman
I'd fucking love a Quint but I don't think Crapcom would even let them, they hate that character
Here, I dug out a photo of the first release of Ultimate Part 3 Jason, where they forgot to paint his undershirt. They forced you to buy a second re-release to get it painted. Necafags will tell you this acceptable, but bitch about Super7.
yes, that was the mistake they made on the joes. And they look like complete shit as a result. Hardly the only thing wrong with those figures either as they're also cast in some of the most gummy plastic I've ever seen on an action figure along with lady jaye and baroness both having super loose torsos to the point they look like bobbleheads.
I didn't bring up neca either. Just because one company is shit doesn't make another better.
>You weren't forced to do anything
If you pre-ordered Ultimate Jason you were, plus you had to shell out another $30(a $60+ bargain!). And not to mention the bullshit with the first release of Jason Lives Ultimate Jason, which had a neck peg that slid and up and down causing him to have no neck. They even fucked up his hockey mask and never fixed the sculpt. Instead they put out a Mego version with a better mask to rub salt in the wound. They had previously re-sculpted Part 3's mask, when the basic figures was shot, but forced you to first buy an NES Jason to get it. Then they did Ultimate Part 3 which had the new mask. Total bullshit. But oh, no they're fixing the Part 6 mask! They also fucked up making Part 3 have blood on his neck so he can never not be the battle damage version.
The part 6 mask thing bugs me alot. It was the first Ultimate Jason I picked up, and once I had a few more in hand it really bugged me that the mask on it was the only one that wasn't decent. I've tried boiling and reshaping it a few times but it never takes for more than a few hours.
For something as small as the undershirt it wouldn't bother me. I can understand being annoyed for sure, but with it being such a small detail it's something that is easily brushed aside to me. Now if there was no blood or the mask had no chevrons then I'd be ticked off. Again not saying to not be annoyed by it, but you gotta admit there's big difference between a small bit of undershirt being unpainted over something like a whole side of a face missing paint or a limb breaking. Like I'd consider the mask thing a worse bit of qc.
Fucking Proto Man, please.
When exactly does SDCC start anyway? 25th right, but at what time?
Where are they dammit? Not even a price leak?
You know this is a fan render... right?
Yeah, figured there be some kinda news or leak by now. Guess not though.
There's a photo of the booth. It has a sheet over it with a ghost face drawn on it. Wait till tomorrow.
4:30 pst is Mondo's showcase tonight.
No livestream from what I can see but they just posted a video to their Instagram story showing Peter, Slimer, and Samhain
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Toy Anxiety just did a live shot of the booth with the physical prototypes. Pete and Samhain will be out late this year, Egon and Boogeyman start of next.

More pics and info here: >>11085573
It's supposedly a misprint and actually 1/12.
>people keep saying these are 1/12
>sign clearly says 1/6
and yet the figures in the display are clearly not 1/6
I mean you can see how big they are in the video
Unless you need to see them next to your Marvel Legends or some shit to judge
They're just 3D printed samples. They could've done that at a smaller scale than the final figures for whatever reason.
Oh that's true, they could have just set the 3D printer to random and it was too late to print them at the actual side to advertise a actual product, because that happens constantly
Yeah the gbs are 6 inch.
Those are clearly 1/6. Just like the rest of their lines. No thanks, Mondo
They specifically said the GBs would be 6.5 inches. Look at the scale in the case compared to the people's hands.
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Totally! And then they changed the labels to say 1/12 in order to illustrate that these downsized samples are 1/12 but I'm sure they were telling everyone there that the final product would be 1/6.
You're obviously trolling but yeah, they corrected the typo soon after they were first unveiled.
I don't understand the point of the 1/6 autism unless it's just one guy mad he's wrong
Anyone know if preordering with Mondo is annoying? Curious if they'll be a pain to get or if they stay available for a while.
What's not to understand? The figures were labeled as 1/6, which is also the scale of all the other figures they make. I'm happy to be wrong as I have no interest in the space or price 1/6 figures consume.
their limited stuff is a nightmare to try to get if its popular; their limited rogue for example sold out in minutes
that said the timed edition stuff is just an open preorder for a couple weeks, no issue there, and that is most of what they make
Well you should be happy being wrong. When these were initially announced they something to the effect of trying something different and making the RGBs 6 inch scale. They even fixed the label.

Nice, thanks. So timed edition is just them producing the amount of orders they get? Should be no problem to get these then.
they sell to the whole world or just murricah?
Man I really wish these weren't two-packs. I'd go all in on ghosts, but I really have no interest in the toon busters.
Someone said the busters will have solo releases. Maybe the ghosts will too?
Do you think some glow in the dark glue would work well on the RGB proton streams? It'd dry kind of clear/translucent so shouldn't ruin the look of it like straight up paint might.
You are very stupid
ALL these years i avoided buying any ghostbusters and was waiting for the perfect cratoon ones.
These are fucking awesome and those monsters are amazing!!!
Nah, I'm good they aint even cel shaded or double jointed. I'll grab the Hasbro version for $17 on sale whenever they get around to it.
So you pulled that price out of your ass, I see.
Pixel Dan video my guy.

>Have a tag with the wrong scale at first
>Correct it with a new tag with the right scale
>Cross part out and hand-write in sharpie a random price

Is this for real? I was kind of looking forward to these, but this just comes off as weird incompetence. $202 is such a bizarrely specific price, too. Feels like that's about twice what these things should cost. $100 would have been pushing it, but I suppose you could justify the GBs being in the $25-$35 range, and since the ghosts are so big and well sculpted, I suppose I could see that being pushed up to $100, but if they really are $200 that's honestly just robbery.

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