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Kaiyodo...This is a joke right?
oh hell yeah
NOW i'm buying your toy
Finally... Punky Knight action figures.
Thank you Kaiyodo for the fat headed teenis representation
Well, people always wanted women with balls.
you didnt know about supergirls super clit?
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fat round coochie
Hey at least it doesn't make clicking sounds.
Nice to see DC is allowing guns again.
cute penis
This. Fucking finally!
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Their Catwoman looks nice.
so how much will you samefag OP?
Fuck are you talking about - this figure is ass, The only revo figs that are worth a shit are the ones with hidden faces, when they attempt faces they end up looking like meth addicts.
>unique IP counter is gone
What the fuck
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>All these retards falling for it
the answer is: a lot
where are these pics coming from? anny review up yet
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>making me spit my drink out
is that like the hip piece put on backwards or what
It looks like the same hip piece that other AY have, but the ball that plugs into the torso is pulled out and posed forward for a dick joke.
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Maybe a taller Wonder Woman 2.0 could be in the cards.
How well do the attachment parts stay on? My Arkham Knight had an issue with one staying attached
I had to goggle it but, lol, i vaguely recall this.
> Selina height 5' 7"
> Kara height 5′ 9″
so it's all right
Patrician taste.
why is Catwoman's head so huge?
The helmet creates the illusion of a larger head. She has to fit all her hair in there
I meant her fat face.
Pixie and bob hair cuts compliment fat faced/ defined jawline women the best by making the face look narrower.

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