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are there any 1/12 scale WW2 figures that don't use soft goods?
Plan B's old Call of Duty line. That's about all for articulated, soft goods-free 1:12 WWII.
that's crazy. wtf is wrong with these people
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they want 200 bucks for this dog shit LMAO
These look pretty good. Source?
Not sure what the first one is, the second is Sgt Rock from DC Multiverse.
Wait, really? >>11079098 Is McFarlane's Sergeant Rock.
>These look pretty good
oh, i see why we can't have nice things, these companies are making stuff for literal retards
Does it NEED to be 1/12?
well, yeah because i want action figures, not miniatures
Anon, that's 1/10.
In their defense, they *are* twenty years old figures, now.
are you a zoomer? there was no mandate back then that compelled them to make an absolute dog shit of a figure
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I think he's asking if they NEED to be 1/12 because there is a 1/18 scale line of WWII figures by Marauder. Covers US Army and Marines, Brits, various Germans, Russians, and Japs. They also sell basic bucks for each soldier type that you can gear up yourself with all the accessories they sell.
You won't find a 1/12 line with as much troop variety.
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Yes (but no). Even Indiana Jones lines wont do soldier figures for jack shit.

I honestly like this face sculpt.
My bet is, they are to niche to justify unique moulds. Doing soft goods on same body is cheaper in small releases.
Never seen anyone collecting these, here, on reddit or yt. Some may have 1 or 2 figs but haven't seen a single big collection yet. Kinda weird, as they have massive diorama making potential.
Yeah, they’re more in demand from diorama guys who make battlefield recreations. There’s no real demand for 1/12, there’s no particular market to justify it or any franchise that would have a young enough audience. The only bet I can think of is the WW2 Cap and any figures they made to support him like Peggy, Red Skull and the Hydra Goon.

Otherwise a custom figure maker could help OP. Or maybe you could some GI Joe kitbashing?
how can someone collect what doesn't exist?
yeah there is no market for WW2 stuff LOL
>young enough audience
kids don't buy action figures
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$30 for this pos? no thanks
You can cope all you want and reject reality, but it still won't change the fact that there is no market for large scale WW2 action figures.
WW2fags are in it mostly for vehicles, soldiers are just an addition to their dioramas, nothing more.
right, which is why there are thousands of 1/6 figures that sell for multiple of hundreds of dollars a piece. and we all know people buy those just for their 1/6 scale WW2 vehicles.
next time save us the time and just post "I'm retarded"
>there is no market for large scale WW2 action figures
What are Dragon Models?
>lol dragondildo?
>we all know people buy those just for their 1/6 scale WW2 vehicles.
This but unironically
Those unironically exist, this guy was showing me the boomer GI Joe collection he inherited from his dad which had 1/6 Jeeps
no shit they exist retard. they're just auxiliary and people don't collect 1/6 WW2 figures "for the vehicles"
in fact the vast majority of 1/6 scale WW2 figure collectors don't have a single vehicle
Some solidly stupid fucks in this thread. There's quite the market for WW2 figures.
most people on this board are trannys and furries and anime girl freaks. they'll never get it
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It do be like that

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