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Previous Thread: >>11056254

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy
>GSC Online Shop - some figmas only are available through their online shop
>Amiami - usual place for buying, to some people, shipping is a bit higher due to packaging
>Hobby Link Japan shipping is usual lower, but their prices are a bit higher, private warehaouse is available
>Hobby Search Japan - items stay in stock the longest
>Mandarake - search figma or フィグマ
>eBay/Amazon - only if you hate having too much money. Avoid bootlegs, you can spot them as 'Chinese version'
>http://jungle-scs.co.jp/ - Seems like you can fine some good deals here
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection for any offer/deal

Here's a link to the buyfag guide list of shops:
If you're getting into the hobby, there's plenty of other useful information to find on the wiki.

In case someone is interested in the printable backdrops/dioramas & other papercraft stuff that Max Factory have in the download section of their site:
here is a back up, Enjoy!

Short illustrated posing guide by Max Factory
>http://ameblo.jp/figma/entry-11564427757.html (in moonrunes)
The S shape is always good advice though. The basic idea is that straight lines tend to look stiff.

Tomytec's 1 inch scale section (1/12 stuff, little armory, vehicles and others)

For 3rd party accesories/diorama pieces just look for 1/12 stuff (for other scales just ask in the thread)
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>Release schedule: (your favorite will probably get delayed)

>Shiroko Sunaookami
>Chisato Nishikigi & Takina Inoue (single & set)

>Slan & Conrad
>Gawr Gura
>Racing Miku 2023 ver.
>Void and figFIX Ubik

>La+ Darknesss

>Kyouyama Kazusa
>Jigokuraku Gabimaru

>Dead Space Isaac Clarke
>Veronica Sweetheart
>Takanashi Kiara
>Gridman (Universe Fighter)
>Persona 5 Joker

January 2025
>Raging Wolf
>Nakayama Kinni-kun
>The Milkmaid by Vermeer
>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.
>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

February 2025
>Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.
>Sakamata Chloe
>Yuuka Hayase

April 2025
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>The following release dates have been confirmed:

>Shipping out from the 3rd of July 2024:
Shiroko Sunaookami

>Shipping out from the 4th of July 2024:

>Shipping out from the 22nd of July 2024:
Chisato Nishikigi & Takina Inoue (single & set)

>The following products have had their release dates changed:

>Delayed from July 2024 to August 2024:
Void and figFIX Ubik
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>Yuuka Hayase


>Persona 5 Joker

>Sakamata Chloe

>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.

>The Milkmaid by Vermeer

>Nakayama Kinni-kun


>Gridman (Universe Fighter)



>Takanashi Kiara

>Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.

>Veronica Sweetheart

>Raging Wolf

>Jigokuraku Gabimaru


>Dead Space Isaac Clarke


>Kyouyama Kazusa

>La+ Darknesss
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>Reposting from the previous thread

In hand pics of a few of the latest releases and some older figures

In hand pics of E.M.M.I

LittleArmory is making male versions of their Tactical Gloves

Armed JK Variants Reviews

Mona Lisa Review

Sumire Uesaka Review

Wonfes 38 Gallery

Review of JSDF soldier
What figures is everyone looking forward to? For me, it’s Isaac Clarke who I hope to see sooner rather than later.
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Good Smile Company website renewal (https://www.goodsmile.com/en) is complete
The new website combines the main site and the shop into one, you must reset your password to access the new shop.
Orders done in the old shop will be processed through the old website.

Remember to ignore the shitposters trying to derail the thread

And fuck the autosage
How come last thread stopped bumping? It was nowhere near bump limit.
I have a few ordered:
>Tarnished/Raging Wolf
>Gawr Gura
Among them I'm probably looking forward to the Tarnished and Isaac the most. Don't know if I'll keep Makima though. I'll wait for reviews comparing her to the SHF.
there weren't any announcements the last couple of shows, there's always a chance though i reckon it's very slim
i have all the girls except for widow, not a single issue with them, usually is pretty cheap so you could get that one first
i wanna see how their take on nier turns out
mods in their divine wisdom decided that, instead of banning the spammers and deleting bait threads it was better to implement a 15 day autosage to the whole board
gonna get Torrent for your foul tarnished?
Any chance that figma releases more dragon quest figures in the future? Got dai recently and im considering getting popp as well, It would be nice If they release maam at least
2B and Snake.
The revival of Fate Figma is a very welcome surprise. Even if it ends up being just one final hurrah, i'll happily take it.
And like everyone else, im keen to see if someone finally does 2Bs ass some justice.
That ship has sailed, Max Factory only cared about making the two main boys and Flazzard only exists because Freeing always make whatever the hell they want (bless them for that, as I've been wanting a figure of this guy since I was a little kid).
Raging Wolf, LycoReco set and Ciel are the ones I am waiting for the most. However my dream is to have Shiki Ryougi, Aoko Aozaki and Shiki Tohno from Nasuverse
This, though I'm gonna be pretty pissed if Castoria's a one-off desu. So many great characters from LB6 alone that need figmas.
Isaac, Raging Wolf and Link.
As for protos, Snake and Geralt interest me the most. Torrent is cool, but wanna see the price and accessories first. He's not something like Abara figures by T.E.S.T.
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What’s going on with that horse
Yeah agreed. Though im not getting my hopes up too high for more as i don't want to be too bummed out.
But I would kill innumerable people for at least the main LB6 characters to be made, Gimme Castoria and Morgan ill be super happy, add fairy knights ill be ecstatic and then any of Muramasa, Cnoc na riabh, Gareth or mothman and id never complain about figma again.

Its a centorse
With the body of a horse and the head of a horse and also the body of a man.
A decade ago you know goodsmile would have made this abomination a priority.
That's not a horse, that's clearly Lu Bu.

>A decade ago you know goodsmile would have made this abomination a priority.
Tell me you don't know anything about the figma line from ten years ago without telling me you don't know anything about the figma line from ten years ago.
>But we can take Hu Lao Gate. I've managed to defeat every general so far so this should be no probl....ARGH FUCK OH SHIT FUCK ME HE JUST TOOK OFF HALF MY HEALTH BAR WHAT THE FUCK and I'm dead.
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Not exactly Figma, but I just got my 1/6th scale Goodsmile Guyver I.
>not knocking him off Red Hare and stealing it
Git gud
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How is swapping their skirts?
Not as pleasant as you might think, the black haired bitch almost broke my jaw.
>mine haven't even left the port office yet
is there ever gonna be a C
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Don't use your mouth, anon
Then don't post it in the figma general, chucklefuck.
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There are Mori's being sold for around 39.00 on Amazon right now. Is it BS?
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You would think these would be no brainers, especially considering there’s nendoroids and pop up parades. PLEASE.
Congrats anon. We need a new shonen gen to discuss things like this. I'm just waiting on some updated from SDCC and WonFes this weekend and I'll great one!
It should be fine for this general, it's basically a 1/6th scale Figma, and Guyver figures are the only reason that Goodsmile/Figma exists to begin with.
>You would think these would be no brainers
Goes for a lot of things they never did. That golden age is gone.
I doubt its already chink knockoffs, but that doesnt mean it couldn't be some other BS.
On amazon, you are basically guaranteed to not get fucked as the buyer though aren't you?
Also i see them at $70, or are you not talking america?
Looking at Ali I can see some for ten bucks, so probably a bootleg if it’s Amazon, they’re 99% dropshipped crap nowadays.
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Beautiful. A work of art
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Is Goodsmile going to finally give us Fairy Tail figma? They're 10 years late but the new season is airing at least. FT is represented in pretty much all the other GS offerings.
Honestly, you got better luck with Bandai for that now.
GSC turns everything into a PUP/Nendo, but Max doesn't give a damn enough to do the same with figma.
If it was her first ascension design I would’ve pre-ordered like crazy. One of the few FGO designs from Takeuchi I like.
Very unlikely since both Erza and Lucy gimmick are kinda useless for a single release, They are costumes dependant. They are Nendoroid and PUP worthy at most. Only Bandai stupid enough to release the same characters with a different accessories or add-on and put them back on the market. Max Factory will never revive the FigFix lines.
The thought of them swapping outfits never even crossed my mind as something necessary. Erza in her standard chest plate outfit with a sword and Lucy with a key and a bag is enough. A single release for each character would already be a miracle. Even swimsuit second versions like konosuba would seem more likely than more armors.
I think all 3 are great (hell 4, her FA is a combo of Asc2+3).
But I do get you, her country bumpkin wizard look fits her vibe perfect and i would have been very happy to get that.
The cool thing about second ascension is that you can repurpose her as young Morgan. It's like having two characters in one.
Oh hey are you that anon who was really excited when Flazzard was announced?
Probably. I think I'm the only person on this site who cared about it, kek.
Adorable Englishwoman
> Holo
Too little too late. Back in the days when figma was like 2000 yen per figure I probably grabbed like 10 of her. For now I just pass. No interest here.
>Arc an' Ciel
Same shit. Especially with those ugly marvel legends articulation and ridicule prices for simple barebone figures.
Maybe maybe. But Fate line is still dead so what's even point.

We are not back. Not yet. And probably never will. Not with current prices and new articulation implements. Will see on next WonFest but overall all hopes are still dead.
>everything now in shitty webp format
>lower quality images on everything when it was already low quality
Great new website guys!
Most these sites can't into technology. They just apply webp to everything like it's a magic bullet without a single thought about what re-compression will do to already lossy images. There are webp files on the new site with reds and blues that basically lose almost all their color vibrance even with similar file sizes. It's a 77kb file vs a 76kb file but that 76kb webp looks like absolute dog shit due to re-compression.

At least Wayback Machine has most the original images backed up if you actually care that much. Either that or MFC. Also the new site is considerably harder to use and browse. That's the modern internet for you.
>not back yet
Not with that attitude
What the yuri-yuri?

Eh-hem... By the way, tomorrow is WonFes Summer. What are you guys expecting? Nothing?
gsc isn't participating this time
I expect nothing so I can’t be disappointed.
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Are all you fucking dead or something? new stream:
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His skin looks so flat.
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kawaii desu ne!

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