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Old thread is sinking >>11060119
Windblade is so powerful, she manages to not be a headswap of Thrust.
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>Iceberg already working with Animester
>When his Orange Cat Industry stuff doesn't even have colored prototypes yet.
Should we be worried?
Working for multiple companies means he's freelancing so at least he's already paid.
To the guy in the last thread I wouldn't mind a KO of the Nemisis at this point because it's like the only titan to sell out before it could get clearanced
I bought the Ark at retail just to see it go to $90 and I swore I would just be patient this time but got fucked a different way
Thank you to the anons from the last thread that gave suggestions. I think 4th party was the way to go. As much as I prefer the "blown up" molds to actually be a proper Commander Class, it's nice finally having a Nemesis Prime about the same height as ER Prime (and at a tenth of the cost of official Nemesises).
Somebody said you could buy blokees individually? I really wanted shockwave does anyone have a link please?
>FT blitzwing up for preorder
Little too expensive for something so antiquated.
Why is it antiquated?
It’s a newer design
Did anyone get fanshobby Clutch?
So 150-180 in a non ripoff store?
Yep through TCP, I got a shipping notification like 15 minutes after placing the order which is impressive.
No abcrunch nor a waist swivel even.
Is this real? I cannot find a single link or citation to a Gilthor 3P figure anywhere but here.

Dunno but that website is legit, I’ve bought from them on ebay a few times but it’s more for Aussie buyers
How do you know that?
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forgot pic
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Not from America so got to try FH today.
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He large
So I'm army building these sweeps after all
Also Botcon Strika and clear Scourge
They do it on taobao. No point finding a link when every other seller does this.
Alternatively use image search for better results
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Looks like MMC Ruination will have the proper camo decos after all
I'm about to go fucking crazy. How the FUCK do you open the door in the back of the Vecma Toys Skullcruncher?
Knock first
Urrgh maybe I will too
Why do I need a clear one again
Robot Paradise Soundwave/Soundblaster probably has the worst hip and crotch flaps I’ve ever seen on an MP figure and I’m surprised nobody has ever mentioned it.
Lol licensed 3P found a way around the no-transforming non-compete clause
By partsforming
Is the Iron Factory Jallguar really sold out on ShowZ and Bombusbee?

When they shift from pre-order to incoming to in stock they constantly put it as sold out only to later have it in stock to the point you don't know if they truly are sold out or if they are just updating it.
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So nice of them to give 4th party a head start. Unlike the FlameToys conversions all they have to do is add some hinges.
Which windblade are you talking about?
Shattered class?
Why have they not made an Incredible Crash Dummy-like TF that splits apart and reconstructs like this? Just tack a spring loaded button on the front grille and watch the limbs fly.
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>Fanstoys Dead End+Trailer going up for preorder for 555CAD

Once upon a time that's what the whole team used to cost you. They should have give you the option to purchase him separately if you didn't care about the combiner.
Yeah I'm kind of glad that I'm stepping away from collecting. I told myself a year ago that the last things I'm going to 100% buy are the last FT Stunticons and MMC Protectobots. Shit's too expensive, I just want to finish my sets and get out.
isn't that 150 more than the superion?
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Is there anyone except me who collects newage dinobots the SG versions? I think they are kinda underrated
Stop using western stores for pricing, they mark it up massively
I guarantee it’ll be 280 from a better store
I haven't taken good pics and still only have a few but I really love the Newage SG stuff
Me. I pick the MS for the G1 cartoon look and NA for the SG look.
doubtful that Dead End and a giant Trailer is going to cost less than a single Aerial Bot
Nah, it’ll be the same price as the las aerial bot with superion parts
So whatever price that is on BBB, expect to pay that for Bandit
There's no much difference in overseas and domestic retail anymore. Mainly because of domestic sights complaining to 3p companies themselves.
Not when I bought soundblaster
Got him for 160, western stores were trying to flog him off for 250
With FT stuff yeah, ShowZ will try to pass off the release as western retail on the first initial wave. The Soundblaster on that site was about $225 on the first wave, and then it dropped down to $180 on the second pass.
With FT, the taobao prices aren't that much lower and is also subject to stock cuts. They actively drop vendors if they undercut their MSRP.
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Got Fans Hobby Clutch. He's pretty good. Feels like it's easier to transform to robot mode than to alt mode which is odd. I never handled the naval commander version. They did gut the super mode stuff and no matrix so no combining with a future Astro Train redeco of Jetfire.

Trailer reminds me of Legacy Bulkhead/Breakdown but better.
He definitely looks like he works better as Clench than Armada Prime
It looks like something they would have made for Universe 1 back in the day. I love it and wish I could have gotten one.
like this?
Please help me understand who this is for
That one bootleg schizo, it's the only way their overpriced licensed figures can "transform"
Me. Looks like the bastard child of Transformers and 30 Minute Missions.
I love me some modular robots.
weird ko
Are there leg covers for Newage G2 Ymir (the blue one)?
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The covers are packed with corresponding version of Sludge I think
they come with the Newage G2 Rhedosaurus.
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What the fucking fuck
Reproduction but with improvements?
I'm almost convinced to replace all mine with these
Don't do this.

Don't give me hope. MT is dead. They're not coming back. I went through the stages of grieving, we're done.
They sold enough convention exclusive seekers to squeeze out one more toy. Thanks for doing your part everyone
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Fansproject back from the dead???
I think it's just the same guys buying up old designs
Why is Devastator impossible for anyone to do properly?
Because the original design has a lot of issues.
It's not?
He's been done well multiple times and there are heaps that are currently being made
Take us through the list of like 70 Devastators and tell us why none of them are any good
Because you have unrealistic expectations.
fp isnt coming back, all the guys that werent wrapped up in that drama have been working for action toys for the past several years.
its been on pre order for the past year on bbts slotted for Q3 2024, it might actually ship on time
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What in the funky munky??

If they’re actually decent figures unlike their last dino-fem-bot I might pick up Chromia or Elita
To the 3 Animated fans out there. Would you want a 3P Prime to be this stylized?
chin's not big enough FAIL
Looks like fucking dogshit
>Devastator is bad
I guess you dumbasses can't really build a case for it considering you don't actually buy the figures.
Onus is on you anon
What’s your beef with them, I have a devastator that great

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