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My girls out grew the shelf they shared with some other figures, so now they get their own!
Nice ... my girls are far to cramped in their acrylic box.

Here is my gender swapped Machaon she is super cute
oops meant to respond to >>11079985
well have a FLL machaon for the trouble
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I for one welcome our new nipple overlords
No Futaon?
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A couple of chums, mooching about
Nope not my thing. But hey if it's yours we can both enjoy the figure in our own ways. The modularity of this line is awesome and even accompanying lore allows for any way you mod them to be supported as lore friendly
The hair and faceplates really do suit the female bodies far better than the grotesque one he comes with. What are the odds of future releases of him coming with gender-swapped parts packed in the way Lucio, Alvin, and Emile did back in the day? That's literally the only way I'd buy this one - I can handle Shamrock's bulge, but that tumor just crosses too many lines for me.
Well there is a chance they release a female torso for it like Emile... but I think if it was going to have gender swap options they would have has it in package. They are making a grey one but I doubt it will have female parts.

V2 clovers have an extra torso you can use and they are about to re-release her too
>What are the odds of future releases of him coming with gender-swapped parts packed in the way Lucio, Alvin, and Emile did back in the day?
Very low. Why go through the effort of adding a new lower body, the largest single part, to a figure (especially when his existing lower part is one his main appeals for a lot of the people who already bought him) when you already sell another figure with female parts that can be swapped seamlessly to genderswap him. You sell 2 figures instead of 1
Because as noted by the anon above you, they've gone exactly that in the past.
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Yeah but the difference between Machaon and Lucio/Emile/Alvin is that they had unique lower body sculpts that couldn't just be swapped out with another figure's piece and look integrated, so they made female lower bodies for them because I'd hazard a guess that the boy ones don't sell as well as the girl ones. Machaon is naked like Lana, Clover and Shamrock, so you can just take parts from them. Update Clover and Shamrock contain an extra lower body piece, and Machaon with Shamrock's lower body is used in advertising. Also as far as I know, none of the other nude figs have ever released with genderswap parts in box.
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Heroman getting a handful
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They also teasing their next boy.

>New design released!! A new boy type has been released from the same bondage type as Rosa! Its name is "Luka" and its motif is the Grim Reaper! ?
I'm glad I ordered a few Machaon, won't have enough for all the bois but I'll still have plenty of pokies to go around
Best trans girl with her budding hrt titties
Very based

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