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Finally completed my adventure series line. As an Indy fan, it was hard to wait, but I ended up getting a lot of these heavily clearanced. Anyone else pick these up? They’re pretty solid, despite some key missing characters. But I think a lot of these will make for good customs down the line too.
How does it feel knowing they didnt make mola ram because KK is a politically correct bitch?
Congrats, anon.
I was gonna grab a few to fill out a desk and shelf for the SHF Indy, but I missed out on them.
Not good honestly, the temple of doom feels like the most incomplete collection of the movies. Although I guess it could be worse, considering crystal skull got nothing
>Although I guess it could be worse, considering crystal skull got nothing
Disney lucasfilm must really hate george considering their hate boner for the prequels and now kingdom of the crystal skull
I mean truthfully I can understand why they didn’t. With the Russia Ukraine stuff, they probably don’t want to make Russian figures, so no Spalko or Russian soldiers. The Indy figure would barely be different from his dial of destiny figure. So that leaves what, Mutt, old Marion, Mac, Oxley, and a crystal skull alien as the Build an Artifact? The other figures didn’t sell all that well, but that wave just sounds like pegwarm central.
>I mean truthfully I can understand why they didn’t. With the Russia Ukraine stuff, they probably don’t want to make Russian figures, so no Spalko or Russian soldiers
If anything thatd make me want to buy the toys even more to make topical memes with them. Like imagine using the russian soldier figures to reenact some of those execution videos like the one where they crush that mans head with a sledgehammer
Also id totally buy the alien if they made him a single carded release
I’m not saying I wouldn’t want the Russian figures, but there’s no way Hasbro would do them considering they didn’t do any nazis either.
Nah i see your point but im just saying hasbros retarded to not use like all the toyetic characters because of adherence to political correctness bullshit
Nice funkos…
>and now kingdom of the crystal skull
so are we going to pretend crystal skull is good now?
>better than disney's film!
yes! it is, but that's like comparing wet shit to dry shit, at the end of the day they're both shit even if one is worse than the other.
The first half wasn’t bad. That’s more than I can say about dial of destiny. As soon as they go to Peru it’s all downhill though.
Hmmm yeah I can agree with you there.
It has to be PC shit. Hasbro made 3.75 figures back when KOTCS came out and the only ones that didn't get made this time are all Pol incorrect by todays fake and gay standards.

>No Cairo Swordsman
>No Monkey Man
>No Mola Ram
>No Temple Chief
>No Temple Guard
>No Dietrich
>No Vogel

Cause it might offend kebabs, jeets or nosenites.

I'm surprised they didn't make Willie and Young Indy though.
I’m assuming they couldn’t get the likeness rights for Willie
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>No Hovitos!
Eh, the original line didn’t have hovitos either. We’d need pith helmet belloq from that scene first before I’d consider having hovitos
Its insane seeing toy companies and western society as a whole gleefully go from promoting Nazis as default bad guys to sell tons of toys and movies to avoiding any depiction of an enemy soldier like its the plague.
Id army build the fuck out of 1/12 Nazi and Soviet troopers.
Boy will you chuds be pissed after Friday when you see the two Olympic flag bearers for the American team.

Perhaps even more than you'll be ass blasted on the 6th.
>people are tired of censorship
>must be le chuds
>muh olympics
>implying I'll be watching
If you mean the she-hognog then I've seen and laughed at her already anyway.
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Who even gives a shit about the Olympics anymore? Id rather watch this.
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Harsh lighting, but Mezco indy was shown off at SDCC and looks pretty good. Glad I was able to get one, seems to be gone everywhere.
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Pic with more natural lighting
Looks fantastic, better than the SHF I’d say
I liked Adventure Series except for the fact that there were so few villains. Yes I know there's 1/12 WW2 lines out there if I just need some stock German army builder mooks but where was the flying wing mechanic? Where was Irina? Where was freaking Mola Ram? We didn't get Last Crusade Salah either which is another notable miss.

I know we can't get every single last character appearance but it sucks because Adventure Series is likely the last time we'll ever get a full line of Indiana Jones figures. I'm sure once in a blue moon one of the Japanese companies will put out an Indy figure but Indiana Jones as an IP is just about over and whatever is out now, we're stuck with it unless Hasbro does one final wave for the game coming out next year (which I find unlikely).
>think this out dated crap is still popular

No. I'm under no delusions of what the Indiana Jones IP is degraded into or how irrelevant it's become. That doesn't mean I can't be disappointed about the line's shortcomings though.
I agree with you. It’s strange, because they did do the German mechanic and TLC Sallah in the retro line. I would’ve rather them reduced the amount of Indy variants and instead give us characters to round out each film. I understand why they didn’t wanna touch crystal skull though. But no Willie, Mola Ram, and TLC Sallah is a big miss.
Looks about how I expected. Jacket will likely flake, but if you're a Mezco collector you* already know that.

*in the general sense, not you specifically, anon.
Yeah… it’s a little worrying. I guess I’ll put him into a pose that’s not super strenuous on the jacket and hope for the best.
That's what I do with my Pink Skulls with leather jackets. About all you can do.
Isn’t there stuff you can apply to the pleather to help preserve/seal it?
That's a big concern of mine too, nobody has figured out how to do softgoods leather that actually holds up. Real leather will eventually dry out and biodegrade, and pleather will eventually crack and flake away.
I just don’t get why even hot toys still uses pleather when they’ve proven they can use leather
The upside to leather is that it's at least possible to preserve it, It requires some maintenence but if you oil it once in a while and keep it out of direct sunlight (because leather is skin, and the sun damages skin), it can last longer than any of our lifetimes.

With pleather, there's nothing you can do. If it's on a moving part it's eventually going to crackle and flake no matter how much you baby it.
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>Makes posts so dumb because he can't comprehend what I was saying
>Whole implication of my post was that I wanted to buy those characters
>Am annoyed that I can't because some retarded faggot would be offended by their existence
>Despite them having previous toys made and no one sane actually gives a shit
Im astounded that anyone likes Indiana Jones this much. Do you ever try to get into contact with Harrison Ford to offer to suck his dick? If I had this big of an infatuation with another man I’d be doing everything in my power to have his cock in my ass.
NTA but if your immediate reaction to someone posting their collection is they want butt sex that might be you projecting...

>If I had this big of an infatuation with another man I’d be doing everything in my power to have his cock in my ass.

checks out

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