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Post your current run.
What vpets are you looking forward to?
What’s your rarest vpet?
Tamagotchi or Digimon?
Based vpet bro. Not currently running one but I'm waiting for the Digivice 25th Anniversary releases at the end of the month. Probably should get something going on my DMC and PenC though to connect to the Digivice.
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Can’t wait for these to come out.
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Haven't turned this back on in a while. I think I might roll a new one tonight. I hear there have been updates
They added a feature where you can meet different characters based on detected wifi networks, similar concept to how you could meet characters on the pix based on the color detected by the camera
>What’s your rarest vpet?
Probably Tamawalkie, they were sold in my country so I got one for retail price when they were new

I just bought a Tamagotchi Friends Dream Town (V9), NIP for 375 burger bucks. Feels awful spending so much, but they're obscenely rare now - especially if you want a specific shell and like-new condition
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Here's my ChoHakkaimon on my DMXB. Still working on grinding XP to get her to Ultimate. Leaning towards MetalGarurumon X, but I may wind up aiming for BeelStarrmon X if I can.

>What vpets are you looking forward to?
The last wave of Pendulum Colors, particularly Wind Guardians and Metal Empire.

Also the English release of the DMX Ver. 3s, even if it's not likely to ever happen. I can always hope...

>What’s your rarest vpet?
My Pendulum Cycle Ver.8 Still kicking myself over losing it like an idiot.

>Tamagotchi or Digimon?
Digimon, full stop. Nothing against Tamagotchi, but Digimon's my ride or die series.
Never had a Digimon. What do you guys recommend? Any of the rereleases good/worth looking forward to?
If you want to start with Digimon I recommend the DM20. They're readily available and super cheap, sub $20. It is a remake of the original vpet with some gameplay changes to bring it up to modern standards. The device has numerous eggs on it meaning you can raise a plethora of Digimon. It's a good starter device but some of the newer ones like the DMX have even more quality of life improvements. The DMX, depending on the version, is also easy to obtain for a good price. The main difference to the DM20 is that there is only one egg per device on the DMX, meaning there are less Digimon to raise per device, however, the evolution lines are much more robust and complex, meaning that depending on how you raise your mon, you can wind up with many different evolution results. Also, the DMX includes a quest mode instead of a battle colosseum. It serves the same general purpose, completing battles without having to connect to a second device, the difference being the Quest Mode gives you different rewards based on which level you do. Also, the DMX includes an XP system you accumulate from winning battles that will impact the evolution path you're on. Overall, the DMX, in my opinion is the more fun device, quest mode, XP, and the branching Evo paths really elevate them to me. That being said, the DM20 is a tad simpler, has a much more expanded roster, and is more beginner friendly imo. Both can be purchased in Amazon, the DM20 in a variety of colors. Give it a try, they're great.
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wow another vpet thread to post in.
I got this character on my uni, who I adore. I'm also running a 4U and ID L. I usually try to just have no more than two going at once but I have a lot of fun with the dlc and custom content for the 4U and ID L i feel like I want to run both.
>What vpets are you looking forward to?
Nothing in the near future, but I hope that if the v3/keitai rerelease do well we can get later connection versions get rereleases as well. I particularly want the v4/v4.5.
>Tamagotchi or Digimon?
TMGC! I have been on and off obsessed with Tamagotchi since 2006. I always loved the silliness and cute characters. I like digimon as a franchise as well, though i'm not as well versed in digimon vpets i mostly watched the anime (I have a few DM20s i like to run sometimes).
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Yep, this anon nails it. The 20th is good and cheap and has a shit ton of mons on it.

If you're looking for a bit more of a game and stuff to do, the DMX is a good choice for sure. And is probably the "best" of the standard digivices.

If you want something a little flashier and willing to drop some money, I will say, the color pendulums are also great. A little pricey and I'm not sure where best to get them right now, but I really do love the looks of the color sprites. Especially Nightmare Soldiers, which has basically all my favorite ghosts and creepy guys on it.

I'm crossing all my fingers for a color X though.

Maybe check out Humulos' site to explore the different rosters.
Thr PenC is easily my favorite device out of everything I own. Kinda regretting not getting the whole set, but they're just too pricey so I got Nature Spirits from the first wave and Virus Busters coming in a few months. I have an ACOM so unlocking everything isn't an issue for me. It's more expensive but the PenC is definitely one of the best devices out there.
My one complaint is that it feels a bit...empty? Quest mode is short and you're only fighting against the same roster you can evolve into, sort of like the VB. I'm sure it's a memory/power/whatever limitation, but even if it just had a few extra "bosses", a few more rounds, and the ability to reset the colosseum that would really make it 10/10 imo. The PenC is still fantastic though otherwise.
currently doing a mini run
i forgot how squeaky they were
digimon mini, to clarify
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RIP DMX devices

It looks like their inventory has dried up and Bandai is not making any more.
surely the perfect time for the x3 now that there can’t be market confusion
I have a brand new digimon rereleas and tamagatchi g2, and I haven't turned them on yet because some weird autistic anxiety. I haven't played with once since the 90's and I got back into them and I really like the concept of them, but I just can't turn them on. I'm worried I won't have time and stuff.
>I'm sure it's a memory/power/whatever limitation
On a modern vpet?
It's laziness, plain and simple.
Same reason it took them like a decade longer for Digimon to get colour after Tamagotchi did.

Last release they tried with was the X models and their quest mode has fucking heaps of opponents, and not just stuff you can evolve into, which is still a large amount.
I just Jogressed a Voltoboutamon on my Pendulum Color. Once I get Skull Mammon and Demon I'll be done (don't have a way of getting Loogamon just yet).
I got into the hobby rather late, so it would have to be the Pendulum Z (Nightmare Soldiers).
>Tamagotchi or Digimon?
I fucking love Digimon. However, all the cool features Tamagotchi gets have left me curious about trying one out. If nothing else I am extremely jealous of Tamagotchi bros.
>Quest mode is short and you're only fighting against the same roster you can evolve into
This is one of the reasons the X is my favorite out of the V-Pets that I own. It feels like you're going on a real adventure with your Digimon when you can go from fighting a pack of dinos, to an army of robots.
Fuck's sake. This is what I get for waiting so long to get my hands on one.

Here's hoping, but I Bandai, especially their North American branch, hates to do anything even close to logical.
you can still find some 3rd parties selling it for 22 dollars
best to buy now before that price triples
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How does the pendulum Z rank against the digimon X? Seems to go under the radar comparatively
They're essentially the same device gameplay wise except instead of the XAI you have the Pendulum counter. Quest mode is essentially the same, you have the same XP system, same items (minus the XAI related ones, although they are programmed in the device if you go into debug mode), and branching evo paths are essentially the same style except with non-X Digimon. The main complaint about the Z's were the rosters and how a lot of the time they didn't necessarily fit the theme of the device. That and the unlocks were kind of lame to some. They're good devices for sure, but some versions can be quite pricey on the aftermarket, so I can't really recommend them unless you find one for a good deal.

I don't have one personally, and I've been tempted to get one in the past but none of the rosters excite me enough to justify spending the money on them. I like the rosters better on the PenC for Pendulum devices, and the X for non color devices, so I haven't had really a reason to get one.
i think the nightmare soldiers one has one of the best vpet rosters ever
Are the full color remakes worth the price?
The DMC, I dunno. It's pretty barebones compared to other devices to be honest. It's cool to have, but honestly, they're not worth the price, especially late comers tax. I like mine, but I probably will rarely use it in favor of the PenC. The PenC however, is absolutely worth the price and is one of the best devices they've made overall.
Based and Ghostmonpilled
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Nice, I thought they were supposed to be similar. There's definitely some questionable roster choices, particularly on the deep savers. What the hell is this guy doing underwater

That's the one I have my eye on.

I'd recommend trying one. I picked up a pendulum for the color novelty and ended up liking it enough to pick up 4 other colors. The backgrounds having a day and night cycle is really nice, plus the option to switch them.
I'd also recommend a pendulum over the DMC. Without an album/library it just doesn't have much replay value for me in comparison.
ive seen it for 35 before on japanese sites

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