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Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.1
Batman Arkham Knight Ver. (DC)
Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Woody Ver.2.0 (Toy Story)
Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
E・HERO NEOS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.2
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shirai Kuroko (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shokuhou Misaki (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia)
Midoriya Izuku (Reissue)
Joker Ver.1.5 (DC)
Junk Warrior (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Attack Titan (Attack on Titan)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 (Marvel)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 X-Force Ver.(Marvel)
Flash (Reissue)
Reverse-Flash (Reissue)
Deathstroke Ver.1.5 (DC)
Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Genos (One-Punch Man)
Garou(One-Punch Man)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Luke (Street Fighter)
Juri (Street Fighter)
Ayane (Ninja Gaiden)
Armored Titan (Attack on Titan)
Female Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tartaglia/Childe - Foul Legacy Ver. (Genshin Impact)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)
Tsukumo Yuma & Astral (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)
Number 39: Utopia (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)
Arkham Knight Ver.1.5 (DC)
Mazinger Z (Dynamic Pro)
Great Mazinger (Dynamic Pro)
Hell Kaiser Ryo (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)

Previous: >>11063412
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It's less than a week till Wonder Festival.
What do we expect to see at WonFes for sculpts?
What unrevealed characters from the current IP set you expect or want to see?
What new IP do you think might be added?
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Hope to see OPM stuff.
Would love to see Chainsaw Man or Berserk stuff but that's a never ever.
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Can they make him now that they have the SF6 license?
Just because he was licensed to Capcom for SF6, that doesn't mean Capcom can license him to Kaiyodo. SNK and Kaiyodo would need to form their own contract for figure rights.
That said, KoF and most fighting games for that matter are good fits for AY. I'd grab a Terry if they made it.
They'll probably focus on one fighting game at a time, so SF6 only for a while. After that it's probably DOA. Be weird they went out of their way for Koei only to do some NG Revos. And DOA has like zero action figures besides that figma of their statue of Kasumi. That sounds weird but that's what happened. And the very old Yamaguchi mini figures so good chances they'll make them again
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>What new IP do you think might be added?
Please Yamaguchi... I beg you...
>Revo Mazingers
huh, honestly a bit surprised it's taken them this long to make 'em.
In my dreams? New DMC figures, MGR Raiden 2.0 or MGS4 Raiden, Alucard 2.0
how long before they showcase the new 'zingers?
Bandai's Soul of Chogokin series made it difficult to compete during Revoltech's original run. Didn't help that they did hundred different versions, made smaller versions, model kits and all that. Revoltech's small defiance was releasing Mazinkaiser and Grendizer.

As to why now, I think they want to make mecha revos again but have no idea what to do so finally went for the safest, most well known title that's not gundam because Bandai owns gundam. TF failed and they already did so many Evas recently.
I assume the timing means prototypes will be shown at WF. Even though they don't specify that exactly.
They made Tetsujin 28 in Revoltech and Soul of Chogokin years ago though

Same with Gunbuster
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Store exclusive will be a pair of feet with dirty soles
Oh I had no intention to go through every overlap, I was just focusing on what's considered part of the Mazinger family of robots which Grendizer is also part of. There are like 10 revoltech getters too.
And what ultimately made the Mazingers a special case would've been the higher licensing fees compared to those.
I think the if they can price these well they have a niche for them now. Super robot toys have gotten really expensive in the last decade or so because they seemingly exclusively target high end collectors, so they drive the price up with metal and gimmicks like light up features. There’s room for cheaper ones.
Model kits kind of fills that but I guess there are lazy people. I never understood why Bandai didn't make poseable EG Mazinger Z.
Finally some real Revoltechs. Capeshit can jog on.
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Seriously, why the fuck isn't Kaiyodo reissuing Wolverine when Deadpool and his movie is coming out. Wasted opportunity for quick bucks from suckers such as myself.
No cigar, no buy.
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My cope is that we'll see a 2.0 this weekend during WF
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Custom Lady Nagant sculpted by the same guy who did Mirko, Uraraka, and Toga
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look how they massacred my boy!
Neat, and I'd get a nagant, but she feels a bit flat and the engineering's ehhh..
This looks like an SHF from a couple years back. Looking at their current MHA stuff it'd be a lot better than this, and the articulation scheme clearly fits that (or even more like a Figma, really) more than it does Revoltech. She'd be a cool character to make but this sculpt isn't it.

I have to think a new/reissue Wolvie is coming soon. Has to be.
The already did a reissue recently. Maybe they sold a lot then and not sure how much new demand will be made from this film. Don't forget Japan is Japan, ticket sales and all that is new data while planing even an reissue takes time.If the movie makes enough of an impact then it really doesn't matter when PO starts or item is released.
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With the new anime going on, the third entry must be Grendizer, right?

>Grendizer U made by GAINA
Whoa one of those weird offshoot companies from Gainax actually made an anime? I thought they were all made as some sort of tax scam or legal camouflage for something dodgy.
Deadpool 2.5 was made before any possible sales data was out there yet it was entirely made with the intention to capitalize on the movie.
Yeah but that's deadpool who's been continuously successful. There's no guarantee Wolverine is the exact same. Treating them as commercial equals are just comic nerds' hubris.
Like many places made deadpools regardless of upcoming movies. He sells no matter what.
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Completely unfamiliar with this season, but it looks alright. Sculpt is very basic, but it's not bad and probably fits the art style. Looking forward to seeing Utopia (I'd guess a grey proto at WF, and maybe Yugi too).
Is Astral a statue?
It kind of looks like it has shoulder joints, so maybe either interchangeable expressive arms, or just regular articulated arms? Maybe something in the torso too, but from the midsection down it's definitely a statue.
It looks like they finally settled on doing ball jointed hips. Now I can be less worried about Yugi.

Yeah probably articulated neck and shoulders with some optional arms.
Hello, gang! It’s me again.

As may have been brought to your attention, the Amazing Yamaguchi line seems to have had a bit of a shakeup following the official announcement and opening of preorder windows for the upcoming Mirko.

To clarify for those not in the know, what qualifies an Amazing Yamaguchi figure is whether or not it was sculpted by Yamaguchi Katsuhisa. This sculptor has been present in the company for around ten years and is the only sculptor credited on all Amazing Yamaguchi figures.

This Mirko figure, for one reason or another, is NOT a part of the Amazing Yamaguchi line but is being released by Revoltech as a continuance of their My Hero Academia line. Himiko Toga, another My Hero Academia character, has had photos released and seems to following the same design principles leading many, myself included, to conclude this is likely not a part of the Amazing Yamaguchi line.

This seems to mark a trend that, at the very least, some lines will have a mixture of Amazing Yamaguchi and other Revoltech sculptors. What this ultimately means for the Amazing Yamaguchi line is unclear and how things will be handled is up in the air. Hopefully, we will know more as time goes on. I will keep this community updated if I learn any more information with a verifiable source.

All that is to say that, since all of these figures are still a part of the Revoltech family we will be not only allowing but encouraging posts and discussion around these figures as they release. While, technically, they are not Amazing Yamaguchi, many of us got into the overall Revoltech company as a result of the Amazing Yamaguchi line.

I will try my best to stay informed and keep this community in the loop. If you have any questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability.

- AY Anon
Is this a copy/paste or something?
What can we expect to see at WonFes you little BITCH?
?? What you're thinking happened long before that.

>This sculptor has been present in the company for around ten years and is the only sculptor credited on all Amazing Yamaguchi figures.
He's been with Kaiyodo since the late 90's.
AY isn't just him now. AY is the Revoltech he sculpts OR directs.

There were always. ALWAYS Revoltechs made by Yamagychi and those not made by him. Even in the same IP, like the mini SF line. Some Eva were sculpted by Tani Akira. MH Revos were sculpted by other even when part of Yamaguchi Revoltech title.

>I will keep this community updated if I learn any more information with a verifiable source.
Sure but be a little more accurate about it. Past doesn't matter I get it. It's easy to know what's not AY and just Revoltech. They tell you. They even tell you the sculptors, down to if Yamaguchi sculpted or not for AY.

This is REVOLTECH general not AY general. There never was any kind of distinction or discouragement in posting. We talked about Vulcanlogs and Revol Mini. You want to get really technical we talk about action figures released or sculpted by Kaiyodo. Yamaguchi just happens to be the most active sculptor they have working on those for nearly three decades. The IP were never tied to a sculptor then it's not now. The change you feel is only that Kaiyodo took a break in output level of action figures.
A Kotori revo would be nice….
The "shakeup" happened visibly with the packaging changing to the all grey simple one. BTS it happened when Kaiyodo was bought out in 2020 and CEO changed from Senmu, the son of the man who started Kaiyodo, to some guy specializing in running Disney theme parks.

Three new and young sculptors were hired by Kaiyodo and were put under Yamaguchi's leadership. Since then 2 of the Tokyo Revengers AY's, and 2 DC AY's were sculpted by them if you want to focus in IP getting multiple sculptors.

The 3 girls MHA Revoltechs are by Maoji alone, so they don't get AY name simply because Yamaguchi wasn't involved. My suspicions for this is Kaiyodo didn't want to waste time of their sculptors on MHA girls that they seem to think are poor performers over what they're doing now like OPM. So they bought the existing GK sculpts with what looks like the smallest effort to upgrade them.Maoji isn't a Kaiyodo sculptor. Having non-Kaiyodo sculptors release Revoltechs isn't that rare too. The Takeya lines were like that.
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For me it’s the clicky joints
I like hearing them and moving them :)
>you get new DMC figures
>but it's the dmc 5 countepart
Grim... poor Trish. This is why you don't do drugs
Heh i can't wait to see him available in mandarake and cheap too please
The ones I want to see sculpts ASAP are the ones that's difficult to pinpoint the outcome exactly. Like Mazinger Z, a classic super robot after so many years of Revoltechs not having one. Saitama for the overall style, the degree of musculature. And finally Chun-Li for how the dress will be handled. Everybody else there's not much surprises in what they'll be like.
I wonder if we'll get a Revo Devilman at some point
Who knows. I think the direction they'll go if and when the Mazingers sell well is to do more robots. There are so many just within the Nagai Go worlds of giant robots.
>Nagai Go world
shit now I want a Revo Violence Jack
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Don’t pay more than 40
I got him for 26 back in the day
this character looks like a fucking tranny, where is the bunny slut
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Yeah.... with upskirt action.

But seriously, I don't think we'll get any girls, maybe DMG as per usual but that's all.
had to keep his vagina bones intact.
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PO starts 8/1
June release
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Store PO bonus is broken mask
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looking good, baldy
Head seems maybe a tad large, but probably just the forehead forward look that's giving that appearance. Looking forward to seeing more, looks great overall so far (I mean, he's a more or less blank body, so it's to be expected, but he's also buff as shit, like the S3 poster look).
fooook yea
I just hope he comes with enough to make him worthwhile.
With punch guys it can be either or the other. Plus the fact that we've seen an accessory disparity between different AY/Revo releases as of late.
Nice, was afraid it would be a unmasked head
Yeah. With Saitama I can see them wanting to keep things light and cheap, and he already has a cape that I think counts as a large chunk of accessories budget. So probably 9900 yen with 6 hands and like 3 head sculpts? I say sculpts because they'll be some same ones with different eye prints.

If they made him more comical looking I think accessories options opens up more but if it's serious, like why even bother you know. Oh you get a small effect piece? Doesn't feel that impressive to his usual double page punch scenes.
Gonna take a wild guess and say 8800. One punch effect that goes between the hand peg, a few hands, one extra 'dull' head. Bonus will be a funny head. When they do a comical Saitama they could go more wild with accessories and funny heads, entry Saitama should be cheaper because you know Genos will be pricey and they'll probably want to try to hook people in.
I'm not sure Saitama will be THAT widely distributed. OPM peak passed, otherwise we'd get more action figures. So I don't think he can get that low unless they do Attack Titan minimalist approach.. The other 2 will be 10k+ for sure.
S3 is starting soon. I'd picture him still probably being a 'limited' release or whatever we want to call them, but I just picture it being a simple release without many accessories. Unlike the Figma, I can't see this Saitama carrying a bag of leeks or what have you.
>violence jack
you have great taste in nagai, my man.
Ok, now show me GAROU.
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Street fighter bros.... they're not cancelled r-right?
it's over
How does AY Optimus look with the ol' revoltech Transformers?
Doesn't this guy normally look dopey?
ah shit i thought summer wonfes would be today, but it's 2 more sleeps
Looks exactly like how I imagined (high fucking praise) with the toned down thighs and all. Cannot wait for WonFes since SDCC was mostly a snoozefest for imports (except Hiya?).
>Cannot wait for WonFes since SDCC was mostly a snoozefest for imports
yeah, sdcc was awful. bandai especially just dropped the ball
wonfes wise, I don't expect much from goodsmile since they showed off the goods not long ago, so I'm mostly hyped for kaiyodo (and maybe a bit of buzzmod)
So Deadpool 3 kinda made a certain AY or two (besides Wolverine) have a chance at a reissue...not gonna say who. Very unlikely but probably not going to have another chance like this for a few years at least so curious to see what happens.
>normal head online exclusive
Not sure who you're talking about, but if they're not doing Wolverine (which they still might) I'm doubting the chances given to what I assume is a cameo.
So you are talking about Cable for one right? That would be nice.
I am not watching that shit so I don't care if you spoil it for me.
Does his crotch look weirdly low or is it just posing?
Go look for spoilers elsewhere, I'm sure they're out there. The clips are surely out there too.

The torso maybe looks a bit long all the way to the crotch (though it probably is proportional, most don't realize how long the torso is relative to the legs), so I think that's probably what's making you think that.
Not the posing, that's just how male AY are like
I already saw the spoilers. It sounds awful. Anyway Channing Tatum Gambit is in there so Gambit is the other one that you are talking about right?
I assume they won't make two-in-one, so for the goofy Saitama, you'll still need the Figma or something.
Oh, fucking sweet.
That's probably going to be either an alt face or an exclusive one.
Gambit and Psylocke. She was very background character in comparison though.
I can't wait for AY Genos. It's gonna be awesome.
>knee spikes
fucking ruined
>look mom, I posted it AGAIN!
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are we gonna get a reissue?
Is there a reason why this is being made and the Playmates Basic ones are being re-released? Streaming or something? I'd guess no, probably because I don't think there's any ongoing relationship between the two, but who knows, maybe someone will reach out and if they still have the molds, why not.
Boros please... Any form would be fine. Armored, released, or meteoric burst.
Wait, there will be a TMNT Revoltech?
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Yup, in October 2014! stay tuned.
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That clearly says NECA. Anon is referring to the old Revoltech 2012 Turtles.
Holy crap, I'm interested in seeing how the new versions will look like.
>why this is being made
They ran out of other shit to do? Also about the right time to start milking nostalgia, kids then would start to have jobs and cash?

Japan doesn't care much for TMNT. The big charm of the concept, Ninja, isn't that strong of a selling point surprisingly lol. It was kinda mad that Revoltechs happened. Even madder they did a pole and they won and got reissues. A pole that was probably abused and the numbers were pathetically low overall.
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Usually the wait for nostalgia is closer to 20 years than 10 (well, 12), but the point was more are they rereleasing it via streaming or something, but sure.

Also you may be underestimating demand. If they warranted getting a reissue there was clearly some people that wanted them, and the aftermarket prices are higher than most Revoltech or AY.
Maybe. But that some people were like 300 votes or something. Statistically insignificant. That pole was meaningless.

Is that demand though? Japanese TMNT action figures are rare and those are the only ones for that show in particular. 2 prints wouldn't be that high in numbers probably. So they're rare I'll say but not in demand.
Did Revoltech not make Mazinger already? I would have sworn they'd do those forever ago when they were crapping out every getter under the sun.
Only Nagai/Ishikawa super robots they did were Mazinkaizer, Grendizer, and a bunch of Getter Robo. Kaiyodo made garage kits prior to Revo and soft vinyl statues of Mazingers since, but never action figures until now.
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lol even the ct toys version is coming with the exclusive head like the standard bootleg

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