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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Implications Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11069746
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Succubus Lustia (Aug), Succubus Lustia Optional Part Set (Aug), Pumpkin Princess (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo Option Foot Part Set (Nov)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Aug)
> Frazettagirl Teegra (Aug)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q2)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q3)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q3)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q3)
>Manatee Industry 1/12 Yua (Q3)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Snail Shell Bunny Girl Eileen
>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
>Loscont Studio Armored battle angles Blade Violet
>SNAP Official Licensed Balala the Fairies Maggie Lin

>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
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150th Thread Contest
>Contest prize:
The winner will receive, by mail, from me(slt)
-One sealed Second Axe Hentai Action Sakura Igawa figure
-One sealed Optional part set for Sakura Igawa
-One envelope containing a postcard of Sakura Igawa Art

>Submission Parameters:
-One digital image of toys
-The digital image must be a minimum four panel comic style picture created with digital pictures of your toys.
-Must be your original content, no posting other people's work.
-Toys must be in every panel of the comic image
-Statues are allowed but at least one articulated figure must be present in all panels of image
-Image must be of high enough resolution that the subjects are viewable
-Digital image manipulation is allowed
-Generative AI is allowed if it is a supporting element, remember must contain at least one actual toy in all panels
-Can be any style, lewd, funny, etc. No topic is taboo
-Be creative, do not post an image of 4 panels of toys standing in a static pose
-One submission per account
-You must provide a valid mailing address to ship the prize to if you win
-You must be 18 years of age or older since the prize is an 18+ item

>How to submit:
-Contest will occur on discord at https://discord.gg/PcH9a5YaJp
-Can be throw away account
-Submission must be posted to "submissions" channel
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>How will contest be conducted:
-Each account submission will be given a number corresponding to the chronological time of posting
i.e. the first submission will be number 1 the second submission will be number 2 and so on
-Contest will occur between 7/20/2024 0001 (12:01am) EST and 8/23/2024 1900 (7:00pm) EST
-At the conclusion of the contest a random number generator will provide a number in the range of total submissions
-The drawing will be streamed live on the "voice channel"
-The number corresponding to an image will receive a message from me to confirm winning status
-If the winner does not respond within 48 hours of confirmation message, a new drawing will be held in short order
-Winning submission will also be featured as OP image in the next occurring /ctg/ thread

>Extra particulars:
-This bundle was acquired from Mandarake.co.jp. It came sealed and has not been opened by me.
I assume the contents are what is stated on the website as Mandarake is a reputable company.
Upon request by contest winner, I can open the contents to verify they are as stated and begin an inquiry
to rectify any non included items. I do not believe this is required since Mandarake is a
reputable company, simply including it for official sake.
-No cash value will be substituted for the prize, the prize is as stated
-The shipping method will vary depending on country of the winner and their preferences
-I assume shipping costs and will ship in a secure manner with tracking and insurance
-I do not assume responsibility for lost mail, once the prize has left my hands the responsibility
lies with the chosen postal service responsible for shipping the item to you
-If your country does not allow this type of item, 18+, to be shipped to you please do not enter
if you do choose to enter and your country's customs confiscates the item, I am not responsible
what does this picture even have to do with coom. all it does is hurt my eyes from the filters
Maybe filters are his fetish
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>pudgy mommy tummy

This line has been like a dream come true bro
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uohhhh cute and funny gynoid
She's about to take the Blue Eyes White D.
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I love cheap bootlegs.

I'm about to do something for the open sides of the skirt. What do you guys think I should do, close it with a more finished out skirt, or add mecha parts like on the 2014 racing miku.
What bootleg is it?
holy shit! anon she looks amazing! i also have started modding bootlegs
how did you made your miku's hips so wide? is she kitbashed with something else? on my figurine the tiny hips have been a problem and i dont wanna ruin her articulation and i think you could maybe help me with it

In your case i would close the skirt, if you added mecha you would have to add more mecha parts elsewhere so it would not out of place
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Fell into a rabbit hole and kinda want some coomer toys and was looking at TBleague dolls, but last thread seemed to suggest seamless is prone to wear and not a great choice for figures, are they really that bad? I like the lack of hard obvious joints and their softness but I'm hesitant now before some second opinions.
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For those getting all three of the Wise Monkeys, are you planning any part swaps or mods? I plan to make one girl have all cyborg and bandaged limbs and mod the headphones and goggles to fit on one head while simultaneously using the 'speak no evil' face. The other two will be 'normal'.
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Found a better pic of her in the Mafex thread thanks to another anon.
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The way Mafex thinned her face and made her eyes pop makes M3GAN look like an anime girl. She's perfect.
doesnt work
I might have to get this, she looks way better than I expected.
so anime is okay but this isn't? fucking prudes
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Seamless figures are different and fun to pose but pretty annoying to maintain. You have to powder them every once and a while and not leave them posed or they will crease etc. also some clothing will stain the bodies. I think the durability thing is slightly over stated as I've had my oldest one for 5 years and only have some pit cracking, but I wouldn't expect them to last too much longer

>I like the lack of hard obvious joints and their softness
The issue I have is that while there aren't obvious joints, the wrists, feet, and neck are very obvious and look awkward. Hard to get good pics of them hiding these awkward parts + the weird unnatural looking ways the skin can shape when you pose them. The wire bodies kind of let you get away with too much.

Also, the cost... I paid like 250 for this bitch. I think in the future if I'm dropping that much on TPE/silicone I'm getting something I can actually fuck. Even if you just get a blank body a head is gonna cost you 20-30 bucks plus clothing about the same, making a full figure 100 bucks on the cheaper end

I think the worldbox bodies seem like a good compromise, but joints ...
Imagine pearl clutching in the coomer thread
real life? thats a stylized figure of an uncanny looking character. stop being a prude
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Someone check this anons hard drive... he's acting pretty sketchy...
>She's about to take the Blue Eyes White D.
But Blue Eyes is a girl?
On that note, Blue Eyes Abyss Dragon figure when?
Is girl going to fuck dragon?
I have a true1toy body that i got to put my mondo teela heads on. it's a pretty nice body
>robot in a movie is real life
There is. M3GAN, however, is a robot from a fictional movie. She isn't 'real life', and isn't a real person even at n the source material.
Never said it was. All I said was that, while the guy knows there's a distinction between fiction and reality, it's kinda funny that he can't seem to understand exactly what that distinction is. At the end of the day, the dude is still trying to white knight for a fictional character that has no rights to defend on account of never having existed in reality to begin with.
I don't like the parts with the actress. The animatronic on the other hand...
What do you plan on doing for the declared value on the thing items? Actual value or some nominal amount? Some places might get hit with customs.
>the movie M3GAN is real life
Dude, let me refine your previous statement: There's a difference between fiction and real life. M3GAN is not a real person. The events of her movie were not based on real life. She's just as fictional as an anime character, and the character has no rights for you to defend. Please get out of the basement and touch some grass once in a while - you're losing touch with reality here.
will sell in mass just to reap the body
sorry chris-chan, but drawings don't have human rights
>I think in the future if I'm dropping that much on TPE/silicone I'm getting something I can actually fuck.

I'm realzing the same thing in regards to cost and maintence, if I'm putting that much into it I might as well go all the way and get something fuckable. Always wanted a half onahole doll/figure but can't seem to find many options. Guess with all this in mind, I'll think of other options like compromise stuff or getting over aversions to hard figures. Thank's for the info anon.
To the guy who made his strap on harness to his Asanagi succubus figure, what did you make it out of?
Real leather, I do a lot of leather working for work and that was my first attempt at incorporating it into my toy collecting hobby. I’m kinda honored you remembered.
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Unfortunately we don't know if the body is complete underneath. It might look horrendously filled with gaps without a full dress. I'm planning to do my M3GAN up in maid outfit.
do you have an album of the previous How To's you have posted before? What do you use for the dicks in strap ons?
Agreed. I’m going to wait until they reveal the NECA version, hopefully should be at SDCC.
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What the fuck is that.
Unthinned paints
Its stupid how rarely Mafex makes non capeshit female figures. This looks well made but I'm wanting some plain clothes adult woman figures from them.

Yeah I havent seen any of those, would like to as well!
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Definitely would buy a M3gan to hang out with Chucky and articulation on the Mafex will obviously be way better with the cloth, but I'll wait and see how she stacks up to the NECA ultimate accessory-wise.
Unless guro/amputation is your fetish best not.
I'll cross that bridge when i get to it. Depends on who wins. It can be a discussion with the winning party if it's an issue.
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My only issue with the NECA is half the movie M3GAN looks best sitting looking cute and devious while the NECA with its solid plastic skirt can't sit nor bend over all that much.
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Other than the Mafex all the other M3GAN figures have an unsightly fat face.
Even worse, an intentionally uncanny-valley looking child from the movie where she's basically wearing a rubber mask. This shit is super cursed.
If it is intentionally made to look uncanny valley and disturbing, then the appeal to horror fans is obvious.
>it is intentionally made to look uncanny valley and disturbing
Exactly. Mafex Esther from horror movie Orphan when?
reminds me of a kitbash i did with an extra aqua torso and a busted 2.0 figma miku
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Saw this tweeted after it for the colors/faces.
Also blue nips.
>grey with white hair
Oh my goodness
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No. You cannot "shame" someone on this board nor any board into doing what you want, newfag. My posts will continue so keep whining bitch.
Awaiting paints
>Also blue nips.
I dont mind the real life stuff, could do with more coomer non anime figures but I want adult women.
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they will never make alternative naked breastplate for her
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Shame we won't see this version of her... but i am still getting her!
>extra T H I C C, huge boobs, green skin, black sclera
Nipless like the others if she does.
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>real life stuff
>adult women
No IP owner nor actress is willing to sign off on a borderline pornographic highly articulated action figure of a female character with a distinct likeness. The 90s and early 2000s killed the prospect with all those shitty figures with three points of articulation based on Sin City and random pornstars. Elvira was the last one and only because she's LGBT friendly now.
They should just sell them with ones you can stick on.
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same for panda girl
dlc nips? best idea ever?
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I like the style of this artist, also he makes a lot of monstergirls specially slimegirls, hope SnailShell make more stuff from him
blame chink laws, if they show nips or pussy, they go to jail
I need Panda Girl yesterday.
link to uncensored pic, for science?
hans.B / 藩滑るめる
Now THIS is some dlc I can get behind...
That looks uncomfortable. But I like those flat robot feet
ty, but still censored
that's the least censored version, sorry not sorry
jp artists don't normally ever post uncensored stuff publicly, he doesn't have a fanbox/fantia either so that is probably all there is.
I might've just secured a succubus queen for under $250.

I feel insane for spending so much on her.
I won't confirm anything until I get a shipping notice.
Okay, now this is beyond my limit. ew
>nipples were too much for anon despite seeing a girl clearly getting fucked by her robot armor in the first pic
oh ok
Thanks friend(s)
You ever get your ass ate by a caterpillar
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Congrats on /ctg/ managing to hit thread 150! Thank you for the feature.
I mean fair, even Snail shell doesnt go full out on sculpted nipples and pussies. I just want some nice plain clothes adult women figures. Mafexes catalogue is pretty much 99% capeshit and SHF is the same whenever they do a non anime female figure. Even most of the Batmen get really nice business suit Bruce Wayne releases.
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What's CTG think about these two? Do they have coomer toy potential? Friend had no idea what they were worth and sold them to me for $30 even though they're legit. Was thinking of selling them since they're worth way more than that, but then I started to wonder if they could be used for more cultured purposes.
left very much so
That roza fetches 3 maybe 4 times that price easily. Also yeah polynians are always welcome as coom figures.
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>show up to the 1/12 figure game a couple of years ago
>starts dropping high quality figures at breakneck speed
>become actual competitor to SHF and Figma
>doesn't elaborate
>>doesn't elaborate
Elaborate on what?
What needs further explanation on?
You sure this the word you meant to use?
It's a meme, but I am actually curious how they manage to output actual high quality stuff compared to other Chink brands. I guess they do seem genuinely passionate about making figures of sexy chicks which translates well into their products.
NGL I'm genuinely surprised nobody other than Todd has tried doing actual pornstar action figures. Stranger things have happened, especially given some, uh, talents have signed off on their vaginas being used as the models for fleshlights, and IIRC Max Factory's Plamax line does static figure kits of JAV stars.
What's it like under the dress?
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I like my Bunnygirl Aileen. I'm sure if the rarer light-skinned Milktea, you might be able to headswap her.
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You might want to look into the artists' works that their figures are based on. I consider their output arthouse-y.
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I like it already. Hope they do more Halloween stuff
Oh, god damn that looks good.
I got a shipping confirmation.
Well see if I get a box of rocks when it arrives.
It came out to $220 overall.
Saddened I'm made aware of her existence so late. Left's now pricey on Manda for an AGP.
Are people in the west such big fans of traditional porn stars nowadays? You might have luck with OF porn creators like Belle Delphine (comes with bathwater accessory) I think, I can see a market gap for it like the youtooz figures. In JP I can see certain JAV stars being popular enough to get their own figures.
Has the price gotten that bad? I used to get some A.G.P stuff every once in a while before the line died, but they weren't very expensive back then. The last one I got was one of the shipgirls for like 5k. Think it was Musashi. I've long since gotten rid of all of them, but I still have her.
Manda's sold out lists 17k.
Last AGPs I got were 2k for a Strike Witch and 4 or 5k for a Stratos exo
So I got my first snail shell today (milk tea) holy fuck these transfers are horrible....

I've seen some pics of her with high heels instead of her feet. Were abouts can I get these from?
Also what's the best ko green jacket to go for
why did they not go with a clear abdomen and visible spine? they've done it before for robot girls, it would be perfect here
What do you mean transfers?
The waterslides for the weapons.
I never even bothered with the weapon lmao
There a pain to assemble. There not like other build kits and it's clear as fucking day that the guns you see on the box etc are factory made with these details applied already (not water decals) it even wants you to paint sections alone which you cant do because doing so would require you to prime the entire piece
Was it the new arrival that is now sold out on Mandarake? I posted a couple threads ago about getting one for $250 off MFC and I was sweating the entire shipping process wondering if it was legit because so many people were trying to get one on there. Good find either way. If you're disappointed you can definitely get your money back I'd say.
Left is fine if you're a coward
Idk I thought it was pretty easy and I hate models
When you cut them off the sprue they dont come off as clean as what they should. I've model built star wars bandai, Kos mos and other build figures before.
Then theres the water decals which are just infuriating. Stickers would have been possible but instead its crappy decals
>tfw when on of your actor toys wont arrive in time for the photo comic contest
Time for their stunt double.
>doxxing yourself for a toy
Peak retardation
Way back in 2004, "A survey of office workers at Liverpool Street Station found that 71% were willing to part with their password for a chocolate bar." Not much has changed, I guess. This contest glows.
Telling one person your address so they can send you a hard to get expensive toy. Yeah man it's really fishy.
But if your paranoid then get a temp po box. Unless you're scared slt is going to fly out to your town and stake out the post office and follow you home to force you to do butt stuff or something.
Seems to me if slt had ulterior motives there would be easier ways to go about it to get one single address if a random person to ... I don't know send pizzas to.
>This contest glows.
This thread glows.
Amiami requested payment of bunny girl finally
Still waiting on Genki. They got her as end of the month tho.
Also noticed they got Succubus listed for November, which can't be right.
Nobody tell this guy about the /bst/ or the Secret Santa exchange for Christmas.
pics plz
I've seen people say the same thing about the secret santa every year, always making up lies that the guy who runs it is evil or that grinching is common despite it being extremely rare.
Some people are just really bitter and assume everyone else is like them.
>give password
>get chocolate bar
>change password
so do we know if the 3 monkeys will have nipples?
where can I find 1/12 clothes that aren't fucking expensive
can I get 1/6 clothes and cut them in half? those are actually easy to find
No anon it doesn't work like that
time to find some grandma and ask her to sew miniskirts for me
Highly likely they wont.

Man, back in the day my mom used to make clothes for my Action Man toys.
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Phicen managed to license Anri Okita and Hatano Yui to have 1/6 seamless body made with their likeness

unfortunately, they are priced at 2x the price of ordinary Phicen sets, so they didnt sell well. I was hoping at least for Yuria Satomi
Theres a user on aliexpress that makes great 1/12 clothing. They can be abit expensive yet I've seen people happily drop 30 bucks or more just for the snail shell coat (green) to milk tea girl
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Does anyone know why Amazon sometimes has those stupidly high shipping costs for some figures? Is it a preorder thing or will they actually charge 20k yen for shipping?
their shipping is retarded, they've been known to ship small items in their biggest boxes and damage is likely
A western company making a child size figure?!
There's no way they don't know what they are doing. I'm surprised they managed to go through with it.
IIRC they were planning on doing the same with Vicki from Small Wonder, but that seems to have been scrubbed from the net.
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Grim desu

I wouldn't really expect Alice to have a fat ass but if they were going off model anyway I wish they would have used a different body
Damn, someone at NECA is based.
Cute, but I want one in proper dog colors. I really dislike the furry trend of making everything multicolor. German Shepard would be a good fit IMO.
It’s a sparkledog. Honestly I kinda want clothes for it. I think zoophiles have ruined German Shepherds for me.
same, i want to turn her into a beastmen type warrior with some weapons and minor clothes
Did you just take it at the best possible angle or is anything not three heads wide grim
>Laughs in private mailbox
>win contest
>get prize
>buy a whole new property and move
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can't go wrong with the baroness ... although she should always have her signature glasses
God this shit looks ugly
Oh its Hasbro....
>front-back hinge ankles
lol easy pass
Seethe at what?
If your retarded and want to pay hasjew for their inflated prices for a poor quality product then more fool you.
It just trash. Will this be like there other items and have hollow parts with plastic that turns color after a few months?
csan't believe I'm spending 350 bucks just for her
don't be a retard
they will give you this exact same figure in black a year from now
but I don't get a cool warthog plane with it though
lel you seethin bud
fucking horrendous looking....

bullshit. Theres no way that ugly fucking thing is 350.
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>they just can't stop seething over our sexy cobrakino
Does Wonfes start today for exhibitors/industry people? Will we get pics soon?
kek people on here have paid that much or more just for one snail shell milk tea figure or some shitty seamless figure that will fall apart in a year.
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>It just trash
A pic perfect for Hallowen future thread
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A Figma Miku 1.0 and a hentai action Shizure. Not a bad deal for less than 20 bucks. Both figures are absolutely atrocious on their own.


Also, you just need to throw that thing away anon.
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You trying to make this?
Woah, last I saw this guy was doing garage kits of these girls years ago. Always cool to see someone actually work up to selling at retail.
55 bucks a pop, and no extra hands? C'mon. Get outta here.
We will start a secret livestream!
No, but it is where I got the idea from.
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She comes with a fuckheug plane as an accessory. In case you're wondering the plane does have tailfins on the back, they're just not assembled in pic related.
crazy how huge this is and yet it looks stumpy and undersized
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>it looks stumpy and undersized
If they made it to scale it would encompass that entire table.
huge cameltoe
yeah I get that. I just don't think the end result looks good because of it. They should stick to fantasy vehicles like the HISS.
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The idea is if this is Shizure in Miku's colors mine is Miku with Shizure's body type. I also reworked some of her internals to allow for marginally improved torso movement.
those faces are so hideous...
needs more stego. try embedding your hex into the exif data.
Yeah, that still looks like absolute dogshit for 350.
He still does.
I kinda made her squeeze em together by crossing her legs, it's not just the size but the shape is a little odd too
>not nakeable
how is this a coomer fig
I think the plane is the real deal, I remember someone making pics of girls fucking planes or something...
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I'm not sure how, but the amazon seller I took a chance with managed to bring me Snail Shell's Bunny Girl Aileen within just a couple days.
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This is the first Snail Shell figure I got my hands on. I just wanted it mostly because of the drought of a bunny outfit action figure on the market.

I enjoyed the extra articulation afforded in the knees.
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The ball joints at the neck and hand feel a bit more fragile than the ones used by Figma. I had a hand joint come apart when I changed a hand out for the first time - but I was able to put it back together without trouble. The neck joint also seems to come apart in a similar way after moving the figure's neck around a few times. It too can be put back together just like the hand joint but it is a little bothersome as I had to take the faceplate off each time. A part of me wishes that could've figured out a way to make the shoulders more articulated - since it seems like I can only really rotate them around in a circle unless I need to loosen them up more.

But after that I don't have anything to complain about. The finishes and sculpting look great. Coming from using average Figma and Hon bodies I like the extra articulation in the knees, arms, and whatever setup they did at her lower torso that seems to give the her upper leg some great articulation. If course those moveable eyes are a great feature to have.
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Anyway, I can understand the enthusiasm everyone has for figures coming of the snail shell line. This wasn't one of their fancier releases but I can definitely feel the effort this line is putting into it's releases. If I saw a figure from the line that I felt that I would like, I'd probably be more receptive to going after it giving how much I liked this figure.

I still really wish figma would release a bunny girl outfit, though.
>tfw they released a set of bunny outfits for nendoroids but no figma styles
Sometimes, I don't understand GSC.
I just ordered a 1/6 Worldbox body since despite post nut clarity, I decided I still want one. I'm not even quite sure where to go from there. Suggestions for where to shop head sculpts and accessories like outfits or brand recommendations for such stuff? Already thinking about a second one to pair with for smut...
Are you sure this is being aold BY amazon? Scalpers do that sort of thing on amazon a lot, only time amazon has a high cost is when it's a placeholder
Yeah this is one of the cheaper ones. I got the bunny girl, the bike, the jacket, with shipping for a hundred bucks. When's the last time you could say that about a line? I am happy to see you jump on the line. Maybe you can hunt down a milk tea since she's more closer to figma size.
Or £350 ($450) if you're a Bong. Fuck Hasbro.
Can you say which 2 figures they were as I'd like to try and make this myself.

You can buy a bigger toy version of this looking plane by Hasbro for $30 on ebay. It took 10 minutes for me to find one on a bigger scale.
Your paying 400buckaroos to HasbroJewLab for a $20 figure and a $30 plane. This is why they have record profits for another year
Friendo, I realize english isn't your first language, but the $30 ebay listings are not for a plane. They're not even for 3D printing files. Admittedly if you actually use those plans to build the model they describe with the requisite skills at cutting, sawing, sanding, painting and wiring, it will actually be able to fly, but there is considerably more involved than $30. An RC of similar size to the haslab runs about $200, and an actual 1/12 scale A-10 can go as high as $650 for retail and takes up a 5'x5' square with the wings assembled.

Also, >>11086015
Again. 10 minutes to look on ebay. You can find toy planes in this size for 30. Not my fault your retarded and want to pay 300 or more
Nigga you stupid or lying. The thirty dollar "1/12" planes are 1/1200 scale as in much smaller. Screenshot proof of your claim if you wanna prove me wrong.
>Nigga you stupid
I'm afraid that's u anon.
U have ebay, carousel, aliexpress and your still not able to find toy planes for 1/12 stuff cheap?
he has no idea what he's talking about or trolling
most of the figures posted here can't be nude either retard
>got BTFO and can’t find any examples because you got taken in by the 1/12(00) listings
with a little bit of putty, green stuff, plasticard and love, most of the figs posted can be nakey.

That garbage wish.com gi joe would require so much work to be nakey, you may as well just make a fig from scratch in a program and 3d print it like a couple of the more talented degens in these threads do.
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I found anon's plane.
Don't you coomers have toys to play with or do you get hard trolling each other as well
looks pretty bad

because its pretty easy to get a (you) from posters who spend hundreds of dollars on a figure so they justify their buters remorse.
>3d print trash
opinion irrelevant
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Bandai, for no reason at all, changed his shoulders to be flatter and shorter than the previous release with 90% the same sculpt. I own Denji and to this still wonder to this day why I had to swap his shoulders with one of my CSM figures. Pic isn't mine btw.
Here is the reply you wanted anon.
Well, lets see the toys YOU like, then.
Not a furry, but... Ima get it.
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The proportions and overall aesthetics make this one not a coomer figure, but she does have nips and the faintest of slits. Plus I think figma Styles outfits will fit on her.
They can always make the Blue Archives or Nikke Bunnies, but I doubt it.
While everyone else was making Bunny Haruhis, MF wasn't. It's clear they have no interest.
To be fair, Styles girlsare boring as fuck, the only one with hips is Makoto and all of them have mediocre boobs
Its like they try extremely hard to not be seen as a coomer line but then only make schoolgirls for horny Japanese and are the most well known by otaku for their thicc Sonico and Miku figures.
The size comparisons great! Figma compatible confirmed.
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>Figma compatible confirmed.
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Girls with horns make me...
Looks pretty good
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For those that might be curious, here is what's left of the base Miku figma.

The duality of man.
>muh duality
yeah sure buddy
>my mom used to make clothes for my Action Man toys.
You had a good mom.
What is this picture trying to convey anon?
Not bad!
Even better!
what figure is this?

I just really dislike bunnysuits with all kinds of crap glued to them. The classic bunnysuit already has the perfect amount of seperate attributes that create a larger whole than the sum of their parts without being distracting.

So recent permutations of the formula in popular media that get toys all feel severely monkeypaw'd for me with tons of extra straps and lights and gold or techy bits everywhere.
not my favourite colours, but seeing any update on this made me preorder this because i'll be kicking myself if I miss out on a non-moe stylish monstergirl
>I just really dislike bunnysuits with all kinds of crap glued to them. The classic bunnysuit already has the perfect amount of seperate attributes that create a larger whole than the sum of their parts without being distracting.
I agree, I mean just look at picrel, it's like too much, those outfits are so saturated that I'm dying for real, man, it's like something absolutely different from a bunnygirl, just look at those leotards and those bunny ears they just destroyed the idea of a bunny suit, oh, the humanity!
>tons of extra straps and lights and gold or techy bits everywhere
I thought that's gachashit games censoring them or something, same with swimsuits. At least Arknights and Genshin were doing this. Anyway, I also like inverse bunnies.
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>you will never own this
New Madhands garage kit? He should mass produce some action figures.
Also is she as big as her cheerleader version that he made?
With how many bunny girls Freeing pops out with their b-style scales, it's surprising they didn't make at least one figma.
>what figure is this?
Mostly Damtoys Canyon Sisters Mrs. L.
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>Meanwhile, WF Garagekitchads

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