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I always defend Thew but seeing his new review 272 of concept art Megatron go up for members only was really unpleasant he should not do that again outside of Patreon a separate website I don’t have to interact with
don't trust any toy reviewer that shoves his face in the camera.
I really havent cared for Thew ever since he started using his degenerate dick sucking as a shield from criticism about beating his girlfriend.
>pay for my toy c̶̶o̶̶l̶̶l̶̶e̶̶c̶̶t̶̶i̶̶o̶̶n̶ review, anon. The free review samples I get sent, payment for shilling BBTS, and monetization of my channel aren't enough to keep my h̶̶o̶̶b̶̶b̶̶y̶ service to you going.
Toy reviewers that lock reviews behind Patreon or member bullshit deserve the rope.
What the FUCK are you talking about? And why do you care?
Yeah seriously he’s in a band too and he’s a hearing loss therapist like how much money does he need? It’s not like he has kids
>it's not like he has kids
Every Skywarp he buys is a gap filler for his heart.
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He's been doing that for years.
Modern Thew does reviews more as a job and he has admitted it too. He lacks the enthusiasm he had in his older videos. In most of his newer videos he mentions about being burned out with transformers or whatever but keeps chugging on and making content so he can pay the bills.

Being full time youtube usually isn't enough so being on twitch or patreon or kofi or whatever is used to stay afloat.

wait what he's a hearing loss therapist? WTF
how much does that even pay?
It's on Patreon first, then uploaded to YouTube. Wait a few days.
>Modern Thew does reviews more as a job and he has admitted it too
I mean every toy reviewer wants to do that, because once it becomes your main income you can get toys for free by writing them off on your taxes
Just sounds like he rather be doing something else but at least he's not as complaining as MMPRToys yet
He became an ambassador for hasbro, and decided to come out as bisexual to try and shield himself from the fact hes a woman beater.

Sort of how like Mr. Beasts friend came out as trans and then poof! turns out hes a pedo.

Why do I care? Reading comprehension faggot, I already said I didnt care and havent watched any of his videos since all this came to light. But please, keep sucking his cock, maybe one day he'll acknowledge you on a youtube video.

Why are you so quick to defend a a e-celeb woman beater?
Its not even that, the majority of his collection comes from autistic simps who literally just send him boxes upon boxes of figures in hopes he might say their name on a video.

>inb4 y-you're just jealous
>at least he's not as complaining as MMPRToys yet
Now that's an insufferable cuck, I stopped watching him around the time Hasbro took over and he was complaining about not getting special treatment from them like he did from Bandai. And the endless videos complaining about how his youtube views were dropping off.
Source for girlfriend beating?
Can't believe TokuChris still posts here
Thew is a giant fag and is disgusting.
>Source: Trust me, anon!

Some autistic anon with a hate boner for a youtuber trying to force a meme.
I feel bad for purple Boba Fett. :(
Insane that you know this do you know any optibotimus lore? I’ve been watching that guy for 15 year and I don’t even know if he has a wife
I notice the post that speaks the truth is often ignored
Yeah like, he complains that nobody watches his TMNT videos... but he only makes one before giving up when it doesn't perform well
It's never gonna find an audience for TMNT if it's just one video surrounded by 40 Power Ranger ones
It’s up for member only on youtube
He was a lot better pre-WfC Trilogy. He was snappier and had a lot more to say about general QC. The CHUG flood has pretty much knocked the wind out of his sails. There's nothing really unique he grew up with to talk about anymore, and his opinions on the latest release are a dime a dozen.
>The national average salary for a Audiologist is £39,661 in United Kingdom.
about 20% less than the average audiologist in the states makes, its likely his major form of income
>Get sent free stuff
>Complain like a fat spoilt bitch
I hate fat people so fucking much. Every single one of them is like this. Fucking have a heart attack and die already.
his Unicron video SCREAMS "I've wasted my life"
poor bastard
I still can't forgive him for what he did to Freddery.

I hope he chokes on his "girl"friend's cock.
I liked Thew when his videos were about toys, not about Thew.
I only hate him cuz he bitched about sexy robots once 6 years ago
What's wrong with beating women?
Television licenses don't pay for themselves
I think historical context is relevant; he represented a flicker of personality in the total dearth that was the reviewing scene at the time.
Nowadays, though? I’ve had enough of him:
>getting presents then shitting on them
>griping about 3P
>moaning about Japan despite his every opinion being totally uninformed
>boasting about how much he knows and then failing to identify anything vaguely niche
>bitching about Hasbro not giving him a free Deathsaurus or advance screening of TF:ONE
Aside from all of that, he’s just not very good at what he does, despite bizarrely celebrated by creators I respect much more.
That said, I do actually quite like his album.
I’m low maintenance when it comes to reviews as long as there’s HD footage of the toy and it’s not a boring one take *ahem* shartimus prime, amazing D, peaugh etc etc. then I’m happy Thew’s always been better then average hopefully he didn’t beat his ex lol
>bitching about Hasbro not giving him a free Deathsaurus or advance screening of TF:ONE
why do you even care about the opinions of these attention whoring beggars when you can just watch a transformation vid and see for yourself if you like the toy or not?
want more details on possible defects? browse some forum
>think historical context is relevant;

The major one being the majority of you watched him when you were children
His review of the Haslab
“Why did I have to buy one, Hasbro???”
Start of his latest self-indulgent presentfest (Missing Link Optimus thumbnail)
“The Triple Takeover guys got to go, where was my ticket??”
>bitching about Hasbro
he sold out his integrity and sucks off every dogshit release and they still only reward him with more children's toys that don't fill the void

he's on the world's saddest treadmill
>another YouTuber thread
I swear you homos care more about the mouth breathing retards that finger fuck a toy in front of a camera more than the toy itself. I don't get this, is it a zoomer thing?
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Best TF reviewer by a wide mile, even if patriotism is gay as hell.
>woman beater
he gives me 15% off toy hax labels every month and I like him for that.
At least he still has passion for collecting and playing with TFs.
Why does the guy in ops pic look like an obvious pedophile
Eh, I still like Emgo the most, his autism is the most relatable (even though I don't fully understand why does he use a Stronius as a mascot)
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>getting presents then shitting on them
Main reason I hate that Jobby faggot or all those people with a PO Box where they get dozens of figurines I want only to break them, laugh, and have 0 knowledge or love about the character they're hamhanding.
Why don't you lot go digging into his past and make sure, eh?

Fun Fact: According to one of his former purple-haired reddit whores, who was quite vocal about his sexual inadequacy on public forums, he has a little tiny baby dick. There's a screenshot or 2 floating around about it somewhere.
It's earnest. Doesn't feel like a job for him so much as a hobby he's got down to a science.
Stopped watching him when 99% of his content was him opening fan mail for freebees and bitching about it.
is this why he was beating her?
I've never seen anyone prove any of the violence stuff and I honestly strongly doubt he even has it in him.
Why would I care about some dude's dick?Chances are if you're bringing it up that you're unhappy about your own size or performance and it's nothing to do with his videos.
I think his content is terrible and frankly find it unreasonably irritating that he's consistently rewarded/validated for it, but at least I have enough self-awareness to know that's half on me.
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Unless you provide proof I'm really doubting this. Haters would double down and it would be more well known if he actually did do that. Otherwise, big deal. It's as if you have never met a musician before. All of those motherfuckers are bisexual.

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