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>The new Total Anime line features favorites from some of the most popular anime. Each 6.5-inch scale figure includes 20+ points of articulation, faceplates, and accessories.

Thoughts? They’re $20 each and up for presale on Amazon if you wanna see more.
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Why would you buy this crappy poorfag american shit when you could buy figma and revoltech?
Americans cannot make good toys.
I wanna bang anya
I think these are the store brand versions of these figures. But none moreso then Anya.
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They’re also selling a 1/1000 Eren at SDCC with the cape
I mean they’re $20 and don’t look super bad. If you’re on a budget it’s not a bad option.
Don't reply to the ban evader
The tv is neat, maybe if I ever see Anya on sale I'll get her for that to go with my figuarts family
The top right guy looks better than the Anime Heroes one from Bandai for the same price. It also has ab crunch. Has it been said what other IP they have access to?
Im happy to see more domestic lines finally copying imports but why the hell is it 6.5 inch? such a retarded move to make.
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Tut-tut for not showing the Bandai Anime Heroes version of Itadori for comparison. I guess Ill pick up your slack.

There's no doubt that the Jazzwares figures feature more accessories than the Bandai AH line. But the head sculpts are slightly "off." Midoriya is the most notable with his undersized green 'fro. Also, all the figures are posed very stiffly in the promo pics. See >>11083437 for an example. What's that all about? Do they have stiff articulation or is the camera guy really bad at posing?
Most of those characters are kinda short. How much difference will it make?
you should get a better job and save for better toys than waste space with this toyslop.
>All of these western companies doing MHA
>SHF, Figma, and Yamaguchi all did MHA
>Still no Toga or frog girl
The Anime Heroes line is also advertised as 6.5 and people put that Usopp with the figuarts crew. There's basically no difference but you'll have to see these figures in hand to know for sure.
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To be fair, here's the Bandai Anime Heroes version of Midoriya. He's got three extra hand sets, but no alt faces or lighting.
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And for more comparison, here's the last Midoriya figure that McFarlane did before they dropped the MHA line.
Not really interested unless they do Cowboy Bebop.
I'm definitely not buying these over more expensive imports but these certainly still blow the shit out of most other figures in their price range.
The pins on these really bring them down. As for the faces/heads I feel like both Bandai and Jazwares sort of look off.
Yeah, as someone who pretty much sticks to imports at all times when it comes to anime figures these are actually...pretty good? Obviously, we've got better versions available for all these characters already and there's room for improvement on the faces, but multiple hands, face plates, and effects for $20? Might be tempted if they made some more obscure characters. Looks like Chainsaw Man will either be part of the same wave or was pushed back to the next.

I mean, a lot of domestic 6" lines like Legends are actually 6.5" so they may just be intended to scale with those figures rather than imports.
>Chainsaw Man
Wow, Jazzwares is really going after Bandai's lunch. Even with just that headshot, you can tell it's better than the Anime Heroes version that just pooped up in Wal-Mart store.

Still, I wonder why Jazzwares is not making figures of waifu tier anime girls. (Anya doesn't count as she's more of meme figure.) Maybe make girl figures of big name waifus like:
>Rei & Auska from Eva
>Ryuko & Satsuki from Kill la Kill
>Miku and the rest of the Vocaloids
You know those girls would sell well and Jazzwares wouldn't be in direct competition with Bandai of America.
Agreed about the imports. These first figures have better versions but if they ever did something that didn't then it could a treat. Anime heroes was basically just Jump series, this line has the potential to be more with it being "Crunchyroll stuff".
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>Even with just that headshot, you can tell it's better than the Anime Heroes version that just pooped up in Wal-Mart store.
>doesn't post a pic to prove his point

Coward. It looks almost like the same sculpt just with an open mouth. Look at the neck.
>It looks almost like the same sculpt just with an open mouth.

No it doesn't. Just from looking a the Jazzwares headshot...
>The tie is askew.
>There's more teeth to the chainsaw.
>The collar is more rustled.
>The neck is a different color from the dark part of the head.
>There's not a HUGE gap where the arm meets the shoulder.
>Completely different angle of the arm saws to coincide with the different set of elbow joints.
...And that's just what there is to be seen from the headshot. Why are you such a BOA fanboy?
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>Meanwhile McFartlame...
Cowboy bebop fans do not buy toys
the fuck with that pic of Anya?
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I hope this means theyre dipping their hands in making Pokemon Trainers. Anya could lead to Poppy. Also why is Eren there? He's not a Shonen Jump character. Or is he?
Her retarded clone, it's from the manga
McFarlane needs to shell out for a necafag level shill to autistically defend his shit. These posts being allowed without an equivalent retard leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It won’t be me, of course. Maybe necajanny could find it in his clogged arteries to spare some of his autism for a small Indie company like McFarlane.
I think they want to concentrate on all the currently popular anime for now to appeal to kids/younger collectors so stuff like Evangelion's unlikely. Kill la Kill, I could only see them doing the school uniforms since I think they'll be in toy aisles. Mothers would be seething over picrelated.

Yeah, it'll definitely be interesting if they don't fall into the trap of just focusing on a handful of popular series. Would be funny if this is how we get our first Black Clover and Fairy Tail figures since they're both on crunchyroll.

>Also why is Eren there? He's not a Shonen Jump character.
Apparently any popular anime that's streaming on crunchyroll at the moment could potentially be part of this line.
They need to do better poses for their promo shots. This makes the articulation, especially the torso, look wonky.

>streaming on Crunchyroll
I'd love to finally get an articulated Toriko figure. Saiki would be amusing too.
And I thought mcfarlane's anime figures looked bad. These all have something extremely off about them, mainly the faces.
>tfw these toys will probably be at 60USDs in my country like the Anime Heroes line
Anya looks fine, I'll probably get her just for fun photos. Maybe Deku too.
The thought of trainers crossed my mind too but doesn't seem likely in this line specifically. The pokemon show is on Netflix and tpci probably wouldn't want pokemon mixed in with other properties like this. I feel like trainers could happen eventually especially if people start asking for it after this, they'd probably be their own sub line under Pokemon and not here.
All this characters are already have figmas/figuarts. Also all of them already have bootlegs of those which is cheaper and more qualitative than any shit Jazzwares will ever produce.
But they implemented changing faces I give them that.
>But they implemented changing faces I give them that.
Yeah, while I have no interest in these myself it is neat seeing them bring that over to their western figures.
Fairy Tail would be a good pick for them as its airing again and no other company does them. Unlike all of the figures revealed so far it would be something unique to this line.

With the anime crowd the face changing is just common practice with the import lines they probably felt like they had to do it. And that's a good call cause at a glance for $20 it looks like you're getting a budget figuarts worth of stuff in the box.
jazwares sucks cock with all their limited edition figures, they look nice though, I'll just stick with my anime heroes and ultimate legends for basic bitch anime toyz
Yeah it's flopped. Figmas and even statueshit were constantly rerelised and still in high demand. Retard.
>all normie shit
Color me surprised. Waiting for Highschool DxD and Mirai Nikki figures
Ughh I bought her all the way back in 2016 and she was one of my favorite figures, had to sell her off to pay for studies, miss her a lot. Though mine had the stand peg broken into her back she was still pretty poseable
Oh shit, idk if they'd make Rias but if they made this guy I'd get it instantly. Really toyetic even for people that know nothing about the series. And they might be in for a surprise when they seek it out on Crunchyroll.
All Kill la Kill crap were bootlegged to death and still selling. That's something.
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From the announcement last year the 5 bolded series made the first wave. They mention 18 series so they have 13 others. Presumably the other series are "lesser" in their eyes that they didn't make the headlines over any of the first 5..
You know what? These don't look half bad for the price. I'll have to wait and see what the quality is like before I jump on any (assuming they make any properties I actually care for) but at least from the promo pics they look pretty aight!
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I don't know any of these faggots. where's Goku, Kirika and Ed?
Never gonna happen. Bandai has got the DBZ merch rights lock, stock, & barrel. It's one of the very few anime IPs that is consistent for decades and not a flavor of the month. They would never give up such a popular license to a toy company that is in direct competition with them.
Who? So far Jazzwares is going with normie tier anime IPs. Symphogear ain't normie.
Okay, this one is plausible for Jazzwares to do. It's an older anime, but it was popular on Cartoon Network back in the day. I can see Ed & Al as figures.
Please be aware you're replying to a shitposter who gets very assmad whenever KLK is brought up for some reason, watch, he'll probably reply to this post with some inane bs

It's likely closer to the license-holders wanting to cash-in on the anime boom even though GSC and other import companies won't lower prices.
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>These posts being allowed without an equivalent retard leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm so sorry ):
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>And I thought mcfarlane's anime figures looked bad.
Are you crazy?
This figure won a local award for biggest action figure diaper ever
Given the era he mentioned I think he means this Kirika
In a few years the aoomers will be saying the same thing about your favorites, zoomer.
I totally forgot about that show.
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no. jizzwares should give me tittymonsters
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>Just the same few characters that already have releases from other lines again
>Some of them even have competing western figures
I like Anya's accessories and they don't look too bad for the price but I am not sure what niche these are filling. Wish they would at least throw is something without a shit ton of other options to better justify their existence.
Anon, I am old as fuck and even I don't care. Noir wasn't even a big thing when it was airing let alone now.
Don't look at me, I ain't the one that wants a Kirika figure. But I still 'member.
0/10 no pico no Boku, no urotsukidoji, no mad bull 34, no abunai sister's, no geimosetto machi pichu, no pet shop of horrors
Fuck that
The line's niche is the poor. These are 19.99. Is it not ok for the poor to have some action figures of these characters they can afford, anon? Does every line have to cater to the high end collector that buys 10 import figures a month? Just a little bowl of gruel for the poor?
That is part of what I was getting at though, Most if not all of these already have Wal-Mart alternatives. Granted these do look better than those but still.
So now that we know at least 13 more series that are on Crunchyroll have already been chosen, what are you guys speculating they are?

>Most if not all of these already have Wal-Mart alternatives.
NTA, but Spy x Family and Attack on Titan don't. I agree with you that I wish they'd choose figures that don't have superior options, though.
I like them, they're very solid. Some expressions and faces aren't great but they can improve as the line goes on. Yuji having that weird long cursed effect instead of a black flash is dumb, but again these are things that will improve. I'm not sure if i'll get anything from this first assortment but I'll keep an eye on this line for sure.
>less expensive and not as fragile as an import
the normie IPs are the problem.
>Spy x Family and Attack on Titan don't
Those were the two I wasn't so sure about. I thought I might have seen them in one of those Wal-Mart lines before. Either way three out of the five having other poorfag options and all of them having higher quality import options is a bit of a bummer.
Goddamn i'm gonna be able to make a whole team of different branded Dekus at this point.
Argentinian, things never get their prices lower here and they always raise them every 2 weeks
Budget figures brands cost almost the same as collector's stuff
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Why are we getting so many toylines for these series? Anime Heroes, McF, Bandai Ultimates...
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That's not fair, I just like cute things. I want other trainers too, like Brock and Larry. That screenshot was real, by the way
I agree with the logic but even blacks are willing to shell out import prices for Goku and Demon Slayer.
>SHF stopped after Spike and Vicious
>BST AXN stopped after Spike and Vicious
Accept that it's ogre unless you want Figzeros
Bee Train was one of the most hype studios back then, but the girls with guns novelty wore off real quick.
I will weigh in as an Australian.
Average retail price for a "domestic" is 40-60 australian. I paid 65 aud for black series Mara Jade. Nobody buys this stuff so it often gets clearanced to 20 aud. Pretty sure stores match ebay prices here.
In contrast I can order two older figma off mandarake or a Snail Shell for 70 aud with shipping. A Figuarts or Mafex for 90 aud and a new Figma or Chinese soft goods 3rd party for 120.
One import for the price of two domestics is the clear choice for me.
If they make articulated Kobayashi's Dragon Maid figures, I will adopt Jazwares as my personal god

Noir was all over the place in the U.S around like 2005. But anime was super niche in general back then.
NTA, but...sounds like they ought to just skip Vicious for Faye, no?
Itadori’s faces look pretty bad, but if it’s cheap I’ll snag it for the effect piece, which looks great.
Almost like…nobody wants Vicious and only cares about the Bebop crew…hmmm.
bros...i dont know any of these (except the attack of titan one - it's impossible not to know thos "flying stringshot heroes")
What are the chances of us getting Alucard??
Close to zero unless we get a new anime.
Because anime became popular at the same time that it generally became bad. Funny how that always happens
I hope they get HxH. I want a Gon and Killua.
>So now that we know at least 13 more series that are on Crunchyroll have already been chosen, what are you guys speculating they are?
Just went on Crunchyroll and scrolled down the Most Popular Anime page. Lot of these don't look toyetic or mainstream popular but admittedly I'm not too familiar with many of them. Many look like generic isekais. At a quick glance some that I think could have a shot:
Demon Slayer
Kaiju 8
Fairy Tail
Black Clover
Sword Art

I think they're going to sway towards things that are more recent. And obviously stuff like DB and One Piece are gona be off the table cause of Bandai.
I want Zest and the nurse
It is weird how lines keep doing Vicious when he is such a minor character. He is technically the main antagonist but in a series with barely any overarching plot that really doesn't mean much. Any member of the crew would do better.
Low. Alucard had the bad fortune of only being popular when the toy market was sort of janky before falling into the territory where his series is just fondly remembered enough to get the occasional Nendo or statue. Besides this line is only going for the safest normalfag series possible so don't expect anything that has ended more than five years ago.

>Waiting for Highschool DxD

And people say I have shit taste...
I guess if we are being comically unrealistic here I'll throw in my knoe.
I can see SAO, Fairy Tail and Black Clover working out as lines in this series, could use a Ezra and Asuna. I feel like Demon Slayer is just a no brainer for companies now
See you in the next /a/ thread.

I'm assuming he means That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime.
Shut the FUCK up, Boco.

Yes sir...
Maybe Demon Slayer isn't in the cards. It probably would've taken the AoT slot in the opening wave if they had it. There's enough companies doing it I personally hope they don't.
That’s true we need something different, the last thing we need is another demon slayer line. I’m open for anything desu, what’s the most popular anime on Crunchyroll?
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I don't think they weighted these by pure view count so not sure what goes in to it. There's some big older series if you keep scrolling down that I'm sure would have more views than some of these newer shows.
That’s interesting to say the least, I wonder if konosuba is even possible that’s one of the more raunchier series but immediately comes to mind for me when I think of Crunchyroll. I feel like windbreaker could be another, but hopefully we’ll get something tomorrow about the news

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