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First disappointment of SDCC
Fuck you, that's kawaii.
Even mega man looks like he's thinking "this is it?"
I'm sure this wave is going to just be an entire case of this figure, and not 3 like every other wave has been so far. How awful.
looks neat!

i dont understand why every company does this. Is there a culture that demands a collection of one character in different colors? One day there will be antique stores and LCS's with walls of Mega Man and it won't be his regular colors
Go to cry at McFarlane for making multiple Batmans and Supermans and/or Hasbro for making multiple Spider-Mans, Wolverines and Deadpools too
Excuse me?
I thought that was beat first but now I'm a lil disappointed. Who are his wave mates?
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At least they make different Batmans and Supermans. It's not like BTASman but now he's orange. They DO do that with Spawn and Mortal Kombat though. Shame on those. What happened to just the one Mega Man with different busters like what RS and FC did?
Holy Shit fuck off with these bad takes, McFarlane is the worst
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>At least they make different Batmans and Supermans. It's not like BTASman but now he's orange.
Damn, that looks a lot better than anything Jada ever put out.
Damn, that looks like a lot of turds, glad Jada can make superior toys.
I stand corrected. FucMarlane.
It's mold re-use and low risk. Ninja turtles and power rangers are whole franchises based on this concept.
You'll never guess what Megaman does when he uses a boss power
True but at least show us Proto Man, or Wily, or something else too.
So we got a Mega Man repaint yet SF gets like 20 different characters? WTF
>Gemini Laser Megaman instead of Gemini Man

So far... they either don't exist or we haven't seen them.
Deductively, it will be two Mega Man 3 bosses (excluding Gemini Man)
>Wave 2 he was equipped with Hyper Bomb, wave mates both from MM1 (bomb man not made at all)
>Wave 3 he was helmetless like in the intro of MM2, both wave mates from that game
>This one has Gemini Laser, so they'll skip the boss that weapon comes from but do two other bosses from that game

Fingers crossed it's Snake Man and Top Man
[spoiler] ss [/spoiler]
>That will be $300 plus tip.
I need Snakeman to join my Snake Men of MOTU. Let's hope you're right. Except we've had 2 waves of mm1 and 1 wave of mm2, so who fucking knows what they'll do. The only guarantee is we'll have more Mega recolors.
Didn't they already show helmetless megaman bubbleman and woodman? or are you guys talking about wave 4?
I prefer the concept where his busters are switchable. I don't need a green Mega Man when I already have the blue one
Well too fucking bad because that's not how Mega Man works.
this is incredibly high-tier bait
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God dman it, why didn't they make face plates so that I can swap his expression around the different alt colors. That would have made it much more bearable.
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line is saved boys
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Don't know why they're making MOTU characters in this line
If it had been fully articulated and came with effects for each head then I might have bought her.
I like the center one. The left one looks like Catman.

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