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What do you do when you think you should get rid of a chunk of your collection?
I have some stuff I want to get rid of, but honestly it isn't worth the hassle of putting it up online and local stores will just rip you off. I've thought about donating it, but then at the same time I think to myself, why not just save it for when my brother has kids and give them a bunch of stuff or something like that?
I think you should try selling one thing, just anything, to see how easy it is, like mentally break the ice. Once I realized how easy it was selling stuff online I've been doing it more often whereas I was just putting it off for ages before. But yeah overall saving stuff you think your nephew/nieces would enjoy is cute, I like that more. If it isn't an expensive or fragile thing I donate old stuff to charity shops
I've sold stuff before, but it's rarely worth it to actually go out, get packaging, pay for shipping, ect. Only a handful of times was it actually worth going out of my way to sell something I didn't want. I'd prefer just to give it to a friend tbqh.
Fair enough, idk what delivery services you have availible to you but with mine I can get all the postage stuff paid for online in advance and for packaging I just reuse from whatever new boxes I have, its just dropping off a box down the road for me. Mind you, if I do have a shitty experience selling dealing with a buyer that'd be enough to put me off, I might just be lucky that all the people I've dealt with so far are fine
I have a box reserved for donations, and i will often sell what may be valuable
This >>11084869 if something isn't worth the effort of listing on ebay I'll donate it to a local children's charity
Why would you throw a perfectly fine tomato into the trash? What a waste.
What should you do when you think youd rather just leave toy collecting behind?
Where do you find those? I have checked some local charities and hospitals but they just want Lego or stuffed animals and don't want toys that don't have weapons (guns, knives, etc.).
I'm whittling down my live action Marvel & DC figures right now to make more space for comic figures since I find they pop more on the shelf and I'm just going to wait until I have a decent amount, then start listing them on ebay.

I'd do what I do when I'm considering getting rid of a figure but not sure and put it away for a while to see if I miss it. Just start with your least favorite figures and work your way up. If you miss them at any point then you know it's certain figures and not the entire hobby you're not passionate about.
thinking of getting rid of all my neca figures
especially the 1/4 big chap alien. takes up too much space. i dont know anyone who collects so i may trash them literally
I’ll take them anon :)
Sell stuff if it doesn't spark joy anymore. I have a bunch of figma and nendoroid shit that nobody seems to want.
Guess it depends where you live, "charity shops" are a pretty common thing here dumbing off stuff you don't want is easy af (we have like 3 in my area)
East coast
I try to remember where drop-off bins are. Sometimes it'll say clothes only, but I'm not always near a Goodwill/Salvation. Also Out of the Closet ironically doesnt accept toys. I know how hilarious that sounds, but that policy doesn't make it right

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