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>Motu 1:12
>Ghostbusters 1:12

Im especially excited for the motu. If they just scale down the Teela and Sher-Ra I'm begrudingly giving them my fast-devaluing dollhairs.

Imagine if they do x-men and batman? Fuuck....

Anyone else excited about this?

BTW whats up with these stupid capchas, they blocking me from posting even though Iv got the right characters. idiots.
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fucking finally goddammit. I just need him and nobody else. Now if they make the other 2002's like Teela, Fisto etc, ill be happy too
Any idea on the price point yet? 1/6th Mondo was way too much for my poor ass but I loved 200x designs so much
Meh, these will just be like Super& ultimates. All the looks but none of the playability of poseability.
Thanksfully Masterverse is 7in scale and can still make their own for half the price and full of the fun.
Yeah this is just gonna be like Super7 ultimates. Limited articulation, same QC issues as the 1/6 releases due to the company's inexperience in the scale, high price tags. Wait on reviews before you preorder, bros
What company?
I'm very excited for this, mondo makes great looking stuff just most collectors don't want 1/6 or more than a handful of them; this opens a whole new market for them.
Lol people bought those shitty 1/6 dolls
>In a new video from YouTuber and action figure connoisseur Pixel Dan, filmed earlier today at SDCC, Mondo has updated the display placards for the Peter Venkman/Samhain and Egon Spengler/Boogeyman bundles, with each now having a hand-written price point of $202.
Yeah, ive joked about having fuck you money to get the mondo disco skeletor as the center piece of my day dream toy display. It wouldnt take an execptionally long time to save up for one but then again do i really want a $400+ toy? And then every time you get into an arguement its brought up that you bought a $400 toy, even though its totally fucking bad ass and totally worth it?
Masterverse got way better once they got into new eternia i think. The early figures arent trash but imo the team got better over time.
They will apparently be 2-packs but $200 its still steep. Hopefully they look good.

Are the 200x babes feminine or are they masculanized like the recent series? I was hoping they would release their 1:6 motu figgs in1:12 :(
Will have to wait for dans interview to be sure, but someone said another Youtuber talked to mondo who said the 2packs were mondo store exclusive and single packs would be widely avail.
Oh he's doing an interview? Cool.

In regards to GB, do you anons think we'll get a fig of this hottie? Has there ever been a decent figure of her?
>Are the 200x babes feminine or are they masculanized
She's better, is what she is

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