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Wonder Festival is coming up tomorrow!

What are your wildest knoes? What do you actually expect? Post it all here!
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Ghost in the Shell merchandise:
>Motoko (1995 ver.) figma
>new GitS SAC mech. Kotobukiya model kits
>generally any new GitS merch. would be nice
Kaiju merchandise:
>Gamera the Brave Movie Monster Series figures for Toto/Gamera and Zedus
>new Godzilla MMS figures we haven't seen yet
>new Harryhousen Deforeal of some sort
Pipedream/Hail Mary calls:
>something Haibane Renmei related
>something Serial Experiments Lain related
>Outlaw Star ship model kit
>Madotsuki from Yume Nikki Nendoroid figure
Give me Revoltechs of EVERYTHING.
>Any video game related Figma
>More Ace Attorney nendoroids hopefully with the investigations game coming out later this year (or if Figma wants to rerelease Phoenix and announce a Miles that’d be cool too)
>More Omori nendoroids, Omori and Basil were great, maybe they could do another headspace character
>anything resident evil
SHF is dead so I don't care
Anon...Bandai doesn't do Wonfest.
I don't need to repeat myself
You didn't need to mention SHF at all because Wonfest isn't about them.
Are you mentally ill? Did I trigger some bot?
>still checking the thread and replying
I guess you do care. You sure you're not mentally ill?
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Interested to see what the SMP Union stuff brings us, they've already shown off a new Dancouga and teased more SRW kits.
>no u
top kek take your meds faggot
year, like, six of waiting for MiA Ozen anything
year six of getting more nanachis instead
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i just want a figure of travis. preferably not a nendoroid.
But anon your kind do not buy toys. Suda doesn't even give a shit. Have you emailed him already you lazy fuck instead of crying about it here everyday?
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i think you have me confused with another anon
No anon it's every goddamn time you idiots talk a big game about how big a fan you are for a breath taking legacy franchise loved by millions yet there's no wholesome six inch kino action figures to be seen in plain sight isn't it weird how there's funko pops for the dumb video games you enjoy yet so articulated goodness to be seen?
I don't remember any good reveals from this show at all.
>SiMP Union
Here are what I expect for AY.

Wolverine 1.5
Iron Spider 1.2 (2 more spider legs)
Wonder Woman 1.15 times bigger
Mephisto 666
Frieza 530000
Hulk 0.5 (half the AY, legs sold separately)
Black Panther XX (chromosomes)
Harley Quinn XXX
Iron Man LXXXV

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