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The creators of The Simpsons released this toy of Bart Simpson (a 10 year old boy) completely naked in front of two 10 year old girls.
Not creepy or weird at all given the source material.
is that real? What the fuck
Bart didn't skate naked in front of sherri and terri in the movie, just naked in front of other people.

Also, this is a motorised toy for children featuring a completely naked 10 year old boy that spins around two 10 year old girls. It's weird.
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Yeah McFarlane released this in 2007.
You sound like a faggot puritan.
>Today, I'll remind them.
did you shove these up your ass anon?
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This scene being in the film is less weird because it's just a few seconds but they chose to turn that scene into a children's toy. Imagine buying this toy for a child.
You're a bitch faggot. Are you going to cry about dolls having clothes so you can undress them too? It's a toy of a cartoon you pussy.
>for children
>literally says "for ages 15 and up"
That toy of the articulated dog with a red rocket that went in the tied up preggo woman statue. Like in her cunt.
The fat ugly bastard toy.
Any loli shit of which there are millions but especially that Queens Blade one that came with piss.
Transformers Kiss Players but there was no dick tongue toy or vore toy like the manga at least.
McFarlanes Twisted land of oz from the 90s and some weirder stuff like the mpreg gore man who like implanted a fetus in himself and hung himself from hooks because he thought childbirth was the absolute worst pain in the world. (Did I have a fucking fever dream was this real?)
Modern sparkling rainbow shitting slime anthro dolls that they make for kids now.
Those lego tubes from the gungan sub but thats not legos fault.

Uhhh bart dong is really not even close
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>pedophilia is ok if it's just a cartoon
>you're a faggot puritan if you disagree
Reminder Simpsons was not meant for children when it was first conceived
You both are arguing over toys and a cartoon. Can we all just take a moment to laugh
Yea a satanic pedophile cartoon that celebrates drag time story hour.

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