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Found this today while at the thrift store for $6.

I bought it to open and to play with as i know Star Trek: TNG toys aren't really worth anything so its not really worth keeping on card, but then I noticed the card backing is not the right one for the packaged toy.

Anyone know if this would affect the value of the toy? or should I say fuck it and open it anyway?

honestly, I want to play with it, but id feel bad fucking up something someone might want. I thought about trying to make a deal with someone to see if they have a loose one I can have so they can have this.
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Fuck it, open it and have fun. The interior of the Borg cube is cool as hell and they're less than $10 on ebay so if you think you need one mint they aren't hard to find.
You should also pick up the other sets.
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...it would be pretty weird if they didn't
I would personally keep it on the card since it's a weird error. How many times are you going to play with a toy like that? At any rate, you would know best OP!
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Forgot my image
Errors aren't worth shit to anyone but error collectors and full blown completionists, so you would really have to find the right buyer, and even then, it probably wouldn't be worth much more than a regular one, but it definitely depends on the toy.

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