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these guys can't put stuff on shelves anymore
all the SDCC reveals are online exclusives, retailers only wanted Deadpool figures like DP& Wolverine and Colossus
and on top of that they'll start making big figs as made to order exclusives, something that Hasbro has never done before because their braindead decisions killed any chances of more big figs like Surtur released at retail
the line will be dead in two years and Todd will get the license, the Marvel rights holders want their shit on shelves, not just as online exclusives for nerds but Hasbro can't afford it anymore
I'm not going to be that dramatic but it sucks that the only stuff I want so far is in two-packs.
blame Dwight and Ryan
if I was a suit for Walmart and they showed me that Punisher 2 pack I would believe that they're bullshitting me or something, same with that Dr. Strange 2 pack, how I'm expected to sell shit that 10 people between 1000 know or care about? at least with the waves the BAF pieces saved my ass and I still sold them at the end, yeah at discount but they sold, nowadays they expect Walmart or Target to carry shit like Lockjaw and Crystal, two characters that nobody knows about besides comic nerds, where's my Spider-Man? my Venom? my Captain Americas etc, nowhere to be found, don't expect retailers to carry your gayass nerd picks Dwight
>Guy who got butt mad in the Marvel thread because he's getting filtered out of Legends and can't resort to stalking his local Ollie's for characters he doesn't even actually want made his own thread
El Oh El. Personally, I think the new made to order strategy is the logical next step. Sorry that you can't wait for sales anymore poor boy.
I also find it funny how it's the secondary losers who don't even read comics and don't even have surface level knowledge of these characters that are the most vocal about their bitching. Can't wait to weed out you casual scum.
I know all the characters revealed yesterday even sausage fingers, but when 90% of your releases are online exclusives it screams disaster, ignoring it makes you look like a moron
>Marvel Legends are the only Marvel products on shelves
It's like you guys don't even know to these stores you claim to prefer over online retail. There are plenty of non Legends Marvel figures on the shelf. And it's not like it's JUST movie shit that hits stores. Your argument kind of falls apart considering we just got the retro carded Iron Man wave and the 85th anniversary stuff at retail and that stuff is exclusively comic book stuff.
>There are plenty of non Legends Marvel figures on the shelf. And it's not like it's JUST movie shit that hits stores. Your argument kind of falls apart considering we just got the retro carded Iron Man wave and the 85th anniversary stuff at retail and that stuff is exclusively comic book stuff.
Wow, 2 waves got released at retail in 7 months, compared to a wave being released per month just two years ago even after Covid, retard.
And OP said "end of Marvel Legends" not end of Hasbro, and you're validating it saying "GUYS THERE ARE TONS OF MARVEL HASBRO TOYS BESIDES ML!"
What happens once Hasbro can't pay the 1/12 domestic exclusivity license? Because before they used to release 6 waves at retail in 7 months, nowadays they released two and the others where online Fan Channel exclusives that I'm sure made enough to cover the production price and a sandwich for each ML team guy.
The anti Ollie's faggots are the butt hurt ones since they can't stand people getting figures for a fraction of the rape dollar prices they had to pay online or are pissy that their beloved TJ Max and Ross no longer gets Hasbro surplus and there are no Ollie's around where they live. Hence sour grapes and claiming they never wanted anything that ends up at Ollie's, since if they can't get it no one should be allowed to buy them
Are you actually retarded? Out of the six waves released thus far this year, only two were fan channel exclusives. Stop clutching those pearls Karen. The entire toy industry is in a slump right now. All companies across the board have decreased production numbers. I've said it elsewhere, but it's a pendulum effect. When these companies produce tons of products they end up clogging shelves and ending up at clearance stores. This, I'm turn causes stores to reorder less product since the over abundance of stuff barely moves. Then in response. Toy companies respond to the fewer orders numbered by lowering production numbers. Then, when these lower orders do start selling out at retail, stores think the item is popular and therefore start reordering more. This in turn, causes the toy companies to increase their production runs. You can observe this by looking at the amount of product places like Ollie's got the past two years. This is the response to that. This isn't even the first time this has happened in the toy industry. It's a cycle that occurs every few years.

Everything will be fine, stop worrying and clutching your pearls.
I've seen all the stuff at Ollie's get discounted online as well. You Olliepops aren't special and it's absolutely hilarious you've decided yourselves into thinking as much. The reason all those Quantumania and Eternals toys are sitting at Ollie's is because no one wanted them. You're lucky you're getting the Avengers 60th stuff.
Faggots pissy he can't get sweet Marvel Legends figures for ten bucks and deluxe sets for $20.

Hence his screeching that Thor, Rogue, Destroyer, Ant Man, Black Panther, etc are lame and how fucking dare people get them cheaper than he did paying rape dollar prices online
Quantumania wasn't a bad wave. Same with the Controller and Disney+ wave. You are again a sour grapes faggot who never saw said waves at retail and don't have an Ollie's so you now screech no one should be allowed to own those figures, let alone cheap since couldn't even pay scalper prices for them.
Eric Masterson Thor who isn't the iconic version
Outback version mom one cares about, her iconic costume regularly sells out every time.
There was a guy in the Marvel thread asking who this even was lol
>Ant Man
Either a super niche version of the character that's appeared in exactly one story or one of the most universally panned MCU films yet.
>Black Panther
If you're actually buying Wakamds forever product, you're a part of the problem.
Just buy the MCU Eternals. They seem to be in your wheelhouse.
Spoken like a faggot who doesn't even have one Rogue let alone Rogue in her two iconic outfits

Bet you are the same faggot who tried the same exact shit to bully people into not buying the retro card and 97 version of Rogue br abuse you never could get the regular release of her and vowed if you couldn't have her then no one should
>You are again a sour grapes faggot who never saw said waves at retail and don't have an Ollie's
My Walmart has the controller wave shelf warming for like half a year. My local Target has literal piles of the What If stuff. No one wanted it. Same for the Quantumania wave. But if you need to make up some random shit about me not being able to get these toys at discount to help make yourself feel better, I won't stop you. Just realized you're coping hard.

All these figures have hit discount at some point or another online. Olliepops aren't special. You're lapping up the turds that everyone already passed over.
Get a job.
You might actually have a mental illness and I encourage you to speak to a professional because it isn't healthy to get this worked up over toys on an anonymous basket weaving forum.
You are coming off as a raging faggot buddy spewing this horse shit.

We get it. You don't live near an Ollie's so you harass anyone who can take up these deals because you are butthurt you can't partake. Be a fucking man and not a hysterical cunt complaining about being left of the physical retail bargain hunting...
>The anti Ollie's faggots are the butt hurt ones since they can't stand people getting figures for a fraction of the rape dollar prices they had to pay online or are pissy that their beloved TJ Max and Ross no longer gets Hasbro surplus and there are no Ollie's around where they live
have you seen the discounts of the Fan Channel shit on Pulse and BBTS? oh you didn't, go see your Fan Channel shit that no retailer wanted end up with 50% of discount on BBTS
Calling bullshit on this crap. Most places never saw the controller wave or the Ant Man 3 wave.

Admit it faggot face, you never saw any of these waves yourself and now people with an Ollie's nearby can get them and get them dirt fucking cheap. AND. YOU. CAN'T.

Stop being a hysterical cunt and accept you have to either pay scalper mark up or go without because you do t live near an Ollie's.
and why I'm seeing the Fan Channel shit get discount on BBTS right now? not even spics want that shit anymore
>Quantumania wasn't a bad wave. Same with the Controller and Disney+ wave. You are again a sour grapes faggot who never saw said waves at retail and don't have an Ollie's so you now screech no one should be allowed to own those figures, let alone cheap since couldn't even pay scalper prices for them.
Quantumania? the wave with a shittier Ultron, a shittier Ant-Man that not even Ant-Man fans know, a conehead guy that not even comic fans care about and 3 turds from the worst MCU movie ever made? if you're defending the quantumania wave you're boiling man not even hardcore HasBitches dare to defend that pos
Actually make alot of sense when most of their new figures are deep cut characters only attracted to adult collectors, there is no point of sell these products to the general audiance and let major retailers take the profit margin, and having a clear idea of who are their real customers means they can and should start listen to and care about what the fans want.
You are making shit up again

Seriously eat the end of a shotgun since you are butt hurt you don't have an Ollie's and got forced to overpay getting them online. You don't contribute to ML discussions, just screech like a faggot by because you dont have an Ollies and have to badmouth the bargains because you paid over retail price for your figures.
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You can easily verify these things. Holy shit. Here, you can get lady Loki for $8 at Walmart right now.
Someone pissy he can't afford worthless basic bitch kap shit of the same three four characters japs make figures of. Either that or daddy beat the shit out of you for stealing his credit card to buy shit online.
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Outback Rogue, $16 on Amazon
Most of them are third party scams and charge and arm and leg for shipping. Not to mention you got banned from actual retail for calling people ******* and groping women, so you don't understand retail shopping>online shopping because youve been banned from every store in town.
Now check 97 Rogue.
Ollie's has it for 10 and no rape dollar shipping fee.

Admit it, you are just fucking jealous you don't have an Ollies blow your brains out like the worthless faggot you are since not even your parents love you.
Lmao you're an actual fucking child. You spazzed out in the Marvel thread last night and you're sperging here. All those items have free shipping. I encourage you to talk to your mom or someone about your extreme anger issues. You need help little boy.
She has free shipping and I'm sorry but I don't get my panties wadded over six fucking dollars. Stop being such a loser little Timmy
>hey let's produce 100000 outback Rogues and 1000 97 Rogues trust me it's the way!
Dwight has autism, just like the bitch boiling here having a stroke >>11088648
This dude is really mad 97 Rogue didn't bin.
Outback was a single release exclusive and 97 Rogue was a mass market release in a wave that hit all major retailers. I seriously doubt Has to produced more Outback figures, she just isn't anywhere near as popular as the Jim Lee costume.
Kid's having an actual fuckin meltdown right now. Wow.
Are you the same guy who posted the Hasbro bankruptcy thread a while back? Whatever happened to that? I thought they only had two weeks to live?
sup Ryan Chang
Sup brokie.
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I've seen it for closer to $20 at times too. You just can't stop losing can you?

>B-B-But Ollie's has it for $4 less
If you're really stressing over $4-$6 in a price difference, you probably shouldn't be collecting toys until you're in a better financial situation.
most Amazon exclusives end up at 50% sometimes cheaper than Ollie's, you're boiling hard
good, the end of marvel legends means the beginning of the end for 1/12 braindead faggot scale
I legitimately think it's an actual underage kid on here who doesn't have regular access to a bank account. Between this and his melty last night in the the Marvel thread, I have to assume as much with the literal temper tantrum he's having.
This retard is still raging about 1/12 figures for some reason. Shut the fuck up already.
this, can't wait for big figs to be the norm again, 1/12 fags need to die
Stop replying to your own posts, retard.
>Todd will get the license
Funny dream.
aw poor baby big mad that we will start to see more toys in a heckin different scale!
Shut up, retard.

Who still wastes their time driving all over cities looking through moldy aisles at Walmarts and Targets looking for toys?
>You're a sexual assaulting racist if you buy your toys online
Lol wut? Bitch, I buy my toys online because my local stores have dogshit distribution and I never see anything.
Listen here bucko. Come Friday Night you better believe I'm cruising round down town for those chunky deals I find up and down main street for that premo 1/12 toy hunt.
kys Athena
>the Marvel rights holders want their shit on shelves, not just as online
Disney doesn't give a shit. See Star Wars.
The death of current marvel legends began with the Dormammu wave. This is when they started packing waves full of D list characters on old bucks. They threw this into overdrive pushing tons and tons of brand new female characters that absolutely no one on earth will buy at any price. Who is responsible for this? They killed Marvel Legends by themselves.
>ive pushing tons and tons of brand new female characters

Don't know bout your faggot ass but sounds like coomer heaven to me.
Calling bullshit on this. 2024 produced almost a dozen Wolverine variants, a half dozen Iron Men suits, updated Cap, updated Spidey, updated Hulk, updated Cyclops, updated Jean, updated Rogue, updated Storm, etc.

I fucking wish it was full of "d-listers," then I might have something to spend my money on. For every Whiplash or Nefaria there was 5 Iron Man variants.

What's wrong with obscure characters? I only need 1 Captain America or Wolverine. I've been waiting on completing a Squadron Supreme team for like 3 years now
>What's wrong with obscure teams they're wholesome.
>Overproduced figures that were distributed when no one was actually going in stores
Nice straw man you faggot.
>Hasbroke needs to start adopting 4horsemen scam preorders and actually force you to pay upfront while interest accumulates for an item they haven't even started making yet

Fuck off shill
two more weeks
>living in a digital age where everyone is online
>since covid millions of people now work from home
>high streets being levelled around the world and replaced with condos
>thinking moving figures online somehow stops them from being "retail"
bricks and mortar is dying man. This is only natural. I haven't bought a toy from a physical shop since the last one near me closed down over 10 years ago. Legends is going so where.
Do you know what "obscure" means?

The Eternals was a shitty film but it was still a worldwide Disney big budget film. It is not some unknown or undiscovered product, it was just rejected.

I'm talking about comic characters from the 60s, 70s, and 80s that mean something to diehard fans but are virtually unknown to normies. You posted figures from a normie film that everybody on earth knows of... and despises.

It's not the same thing, not even sure what your point is. Are you saying we just need wave after wave of slightly different variants on Wolverine and Iron Man? How many Hulk figures do you really need?
>Eternals was just a wholesome little bit release block buster much like guardians of the galaxy was bubby

Kek, that movie was also a gamble yet it paid off. Eternals is still a nobody obscure team that no one watched.
>dr strange
>shang chi
>she hulk
>ms marvel
This is why your toyline is dead.
I'll ask again:

1. Do you know what obscure means?
2. What is your goal? What do you want to see in future waves?

My goal is to collect comic-accurate figures from the well known to the obscure. I already own all the Cap, Spidey, Wolverine, Hulk figures I could ever want. So it's preferable to see figures based on comic characters that haven't been made in toy form yet. I don't give a shit about movies. I don't give a shit about tv shows. I don't give a shit about cartoons. I don't give a shit about video games.

Try to answer without sperging out and being a retard. No buzz words, or green text. Be a big boy and convey your point.
>imagine getting a job at Marvel and making a female black spider man and earnestly believing its a good idea
Imagine the smell associated with this thought. Im getting cat litter and wet towels and dry blood in a full trash can
>Female black & pregnant*
I almost forgot pregant lmao she was gon go to the spider slayer for an abortion?
>dr strange
>shang chi
>she hulk
TV Show
>ms marvel
TV Show

>This is why your toyline is dead.
Agreed. Legends collectors don't care about the MCU. We want comic-accurate characters.
>Comic fans

What fans? Manga outsells your dead boomer crap
>we're witnessing the end of Marvel Legends
Fine by me. All of the good spider-man shit has been made into toy form by now so no reason to care about anything else.
you forgot
>Bonebreaker wave
>all the shit in 2 packs that nobody cares or wants
>>imagine getting a job at Marvel and making a female black spider man and earnestly believing its a good idea
do you think that's bad?
>imagine working at the ML team, seeing that turd of character from a turd of a movie and believing that making an all new figure of that character is a good idea, investing millions on steel molds for a pregnant black spider woman that probably sold less than 500 units WORLDWIDE
Pointless statement to make there, buddy. Manga dominates comics but we're talking about a toyline based on comics. Are you suggesting Hasbro make Berserk figures or something?
>What's wrong with obscure characters?
they're killing the toyline that you shill for, retard
Shut up, retard.
the death of Marvel Legends began with the yummy wummy heckin epic retro shit, Hasbro convinced fags that a cardboard was worth $5 + a BAF because it reminds them of toys from 30 years ago
kek ya bubblin'?
No, devoting waves to MCU-based toys and 90s figures that nobody buys or has any nostalgia for is killing the brand.

How am I shilling? I've stated that most of what Hasbro is focusing on is garbage that doesn't sell. That's shilling?
Shut up, retard.
>No, devoting waves to MCU-based toys and 90s figures that nobody buys or has any nostalgia for is killing the brand.
That includes your obscure characters
gonna cry troon? hahaha
Not really. The MCU shitting itself is far more detrimental than a random D-Lisrer getting a figure. Just because you're a stinking casual doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Shut up, retard.
The only characters I've mentioned so far were Squadron Supreme. Do you have any pictures of them shelf-warming?
>The MCU shitting itself
Farding and shidding while dilating neo vag on a bare mattress with no sheets >>11088856
Heckin le triggered
Shut up, retard.
I pointed it out in the Marvel thread and it caused a shit storm but I'm willing to bring it up here too.

It seems there is quite the divide amongst collectors around these parts. You have the collector that enjoys the source material, reads comics, watches the movies and shows, really gives a damn about the lore of the framchise. These are the die hards that know and collect these more obscure D-List characters, recreate comic panels, and finish off teams.

On the flip side, you have the collector that only has a surface level knowledge of the franchise. He's seen a movie or two, maybe watched one of the cartoons as a kid, but otherwise doesn't really care about the actual franchise itself. He's in it for the toy itself. He doesn't care what the character is, just that it looks cool and it fits his subjective view of what is a "good toy". He doesn't care about teams, can't be bothered to look up the soruce material, and don't give a shit about characters beyond the big names that everyone knows.

These two types of collector are polar opposites, and will never come to an agreement or understanding. Which way is the "right" way to collect? Who's even to say if there is a right way to collect? Not I. I just thought the disparity between the two types of collector to be interesting.

If you cater to the diehard fan they'll buy every wave, every figure, for decades.

If you cater to casual fans they will buy 3 or 4 figures, and then stop forever.

There are FAR more casual fans out there than the diehard, so the short term benefit of catering to casuals is massive... but then it drops off a cliff.

Hasbro and Disney chose the casual fan a few years ago. Now the casuals have moved on, and profits are in the toilet.

FYI - Diehards don't watch the movies anymore because they're shit films.
Casual Olliepops need just know their place. They need to realize they get scraps and that's all they're going to get. Their opinions just don't matter compared to the die hard who's been collecting these toys for over a decade.
The premise is flawed, it's not a choice between two types but five.

Smallest group, but the ones that will support your product for life. They will buy everything you produce because the product must be consumed. Zero standards, they will buy bedsheets, pop vinyl, toys, keychains, cereal, movies, hats, etc. Unfortunately, they don't want to share that love with others. More fans might mean they would have trouble obtaining things, so they will not advertise for you.
>Conclusion: Ignore these braindead Morons, they'll support you regardless.

Larger segment of people but trickier to keep happy. They will buy your product as long as it meets their standards. They will research your product and seek it out, so you'll have a steady stream of support regardless of how short your reach. Will provide free marketing, as they will happily introduce it to friends and family... but if your quality slips beware, they will skewer you to anyone that will listen.
>Conclusion: Do your best to keep them happy, their support will go a long way.

Bigger than the aforementioned, this is a wide swath of people now. Their support is limited though, they will likely only enjoy one version of your product. If they like your movies they might consider buying a toy to show their support. Maybe display a pop vinyl... but don't expect much more. They'll preach to others about how amazing you are are, but they won't take anyone to a comic or toy store. They have very low standards, so you can keep churning it out.
>Conclusion: Steady stream of support but they don't really need to be catered to.

Very big group. They will enjoy one version of your product for as long as the cultural zeitgeist is featuring it. When the moods change, they're gone forever.
>Conclusion: good luck.

The vast majority of humanity that will NEVER care about your product.
>Conclusion: We must crack the code! We must cater to them at all costs!!!
you're shitting your pants lmao
I didn't have a meltdown in the Marvel thread last night and now this one too.
You're literally having a meltdown bitch.
Pointing out that casuals don't get an opinion isn't a meltdown sweaty.

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