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Welcome to the 1:18th general. All 1:18th scale lines are welcome including larger scales that may work with 1:18th. Post pics of your latest purchases, dios, customs and whatever else you feel like posting. We encourage mixing lines. Let's keep this general fun and help each other out.

>1:18th lines
Acid Rain(post apocalyptic soldiers, mechs, robots, vehicles)
Boss Fight Studios(Fantasy, Zorro, Tarzan, Zombies, The Phantom, horses)
Dime Novel Legends(Western figures)
GI Joe
Hiya(Aliens, D.C., Predator, Robocop)
Indiana Jones
Jazwares(Halo, Fortnite)
Joy Toy(Warhammer 40k, Modern/futuristic military soldiers, mechs, dioramas, vehicles)
Jurassic Park
Marauder Gun Runners(Modern military, WWII)
Marvel Universe
Palisades: Army of the Dead
Planet Green Valley(Futuristic military females)
Schleich(Fantasy, civilians, playsets)
Shodo Kamen Rider
Star Wars TVC
The Corps
Beasts of the Mesozoic/Cyberzoic

>**Protip: Because of the slow nature of this thread it has been entering autosage prematurely due to the new implementation on the board. It is recommended to pin the thread in the catalog if you want to keep better track of it

Previous Thread: >>11091056
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1/18 Gomphotherium
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1:18th mogging the bigger scales again.
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I got the turtles preorded already and these 2 look fucking amazing. Can't wait for April, Shredder and Casey.
he's a good amount smaller than the Mammoth but still looks to be a pretty large figure.
crazy how much detail Joytoy can pack into these figures. I'm happy with Hiya having the license for GI Joe, but damn would it be nice to see Joytoy handle the franchise.
What's the articulation like on a Joytoy?
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depends on the figure. The normal humans have good range... but they're not exactly the most reliable figures. I recently picked up one of their generic figures and her knees fell off within a week of having her.
This is why 1/18 is my favorite scale. Humanoidsd can have as much detail and articulation as 1/12 figures and it also allows for big animals and vehicles that wouldn't be possible in larger scales
dead scale for babies, thought there was an age minimum on this board
Let's find out!
Ah One!
Ah Two!
Ah Three!
If your scale can't have a T. rex, why even collect it?
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I follow up to what I said here >>11123022
For their normal humans, Pretty good. Definitely better than anything Mattel, Hasbro, BFS, Dime Novel Legends, and Acid Rain World have up for offer, but their bulkier figures like the power armor clad ones I have here are much more limited. I cant say how they compare with Hiya because my walking dead figures dont ship for a while, but I'll be sure to compare them when they do. The issue I had with the female figure doing the jump kick with her handgun out was not a break in the joints it was just that the glue used to hold knees in place on their pegs did not hold up well so they popped off. After I glued them back on and made I didnt have any other issues like breaks of something along those lines.
The ability to have everything from tanks and Tyrannosaurs to motorbikes and Velociraptors is one of the big reasons I love the scale.
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I don't consider myself a scalefag. I have plenty 1/12 scale things but I don't enjoy playing with them as much. It feels like handling Duplo blocks as opposed to Lego bricks and beyond toy photography they don't really do much for me.


My 'tism is that I HATE it when the 1/12 crowd (especially those who are elitist about the scale) start yapping about how they want big things like buildings, vehicles, dinosaurs etc. It's especially frustrating how many more accessories (and characters, especially Star Wars) they have available to them. When they Haslab it like the Rancor it doesn't get funded. When they do make it like the Black Series TIE fighter or the 1/12 JP T-Rex its unwieldy and doesn't sell.

There's also a lot of world building Japanese shit for like Figmas that are good slice of life type things like a train platform or a classroom that I'd love for PGV figures but we can't have nice things anymore because ACBA convinced everyone that 1/12 was the better scale for a hobby that the IG algorithm all but killed.

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I’m trying to do some custom figures in this scale of the Russian Civil War, but I’ve never painted a figure before. The first I want to do is a White Army Officer (the one in black on the left). I’m thinking Marauder Soviet WWII body, though perhaps with different pants from DNL. I’m wondering if anyone has any guidance when it comes to painting figures and adding the little details like epaulette insignia and such.
This guy will make custom decals if you fill out the attached sheet. This way you can make epaulettes like Marauders does which is to say a sticker/decal. I don't have his email on hand:


As for the paints, all I know is that you want to use acrylics and avoid using enamel based paints.
Fortnite has never been better. Where did you get the green dinosaur!?
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>The ability to have everything from tanks and Tyrannosaurs to motorbikes and Velociraptors is one of the big reasons I love the scale.

This. Love how versatile the scale is.
>easier to create dioramas at this scale
>tons of playsets available
>army building is viable at this scale
>vehicles galore
>you can mix in 1/12 scale figures and have them as monsters/giants to battle your 1/18th figures.
Love the pics tomcat.

super collossal rex is 1/12, in fact most of the super collossal dinos are. next.
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Which green one? The olive green Giga, I got at Target. The more vibrent green Buck Rex is my customized HC Rex
>you can mix in 1/12 scale figures and have them as monsters/giants to battle your 1/18th figures.
I do this all the time with my Star Wars droids.
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Thanks, here's. few more
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I was doing skimpy PGV gun girls and intended to do beefcake male stripper mewing man-bimbos to match and they just ended up dancing.
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>you can mix in 1/12 scale figures and have them as monsters/giants to battle your 1/18th figures.
I like LoL's Blitzcrank for this. I know nothing about the game but it's a versatile figure.
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Dime Novel Legends Cav Stetson for a 1st Cav look, but Marauder's berets for that generic "Army Strong" look
I use this dude for that. In 1/12 he's about 9 feet tall, but in 1/18 he's about the same height as the HC rex
>captcha: JGAYX
what figure is that?
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Sometimes I swat parts between figures. The base body is :


The face and feet are from this:


The hands come from this:


Which is also where I got pic related's body.
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PGV figures are soo photogenic.
That would make a great monster against 1:18th figures. very nice.
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>>1/12 as monstrous creatures.
Can you take the heads off of Joytoy figures?
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Yes, they are. They can be easily popped off. If you put the figures in hot water you can easily disassemble the entire figure.
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hooker came in
What is that creature?
So bad news for anyone still waiting on the Marauders Vietnam stuff.

They just sent out an email stating that they're going to give out full refunds to all backers due to the current and potential future delays the wave is facing. Apparently everything that could have gone wrong with this project has just gone wrong and they still don't have a clear timeframe of when it'll ship out. So they're just gonna eat over $500k to refund everyone who supported the project. They're still going to continue to work on the figures, and they'll be for sale on their website once they're done. But nothing will be shipped out to any of the backers directly and if you want the figures you'll have to buy em yourself.

People will have two options:
A direct full refund to your original payment method or Store credit on the MTF site at 125% of your pledged payment. Considering how many previously successful projects they've run, this development is kind of surprising and sad. The fact they're so upfront about everything and actually willing to offer these refunds is also very impressive.

I honestly don't even remember what I pledged for at this point, but I'll probably go with the Store Credit option. These guys have always been one of the better indy companies running out there so I have no problem buying more of their product, even after this whole situation.
Yeah it sucks to hear that. I too will be going with the 125% credit. I'm pretty sure they will get most of the figures released at some point just going to have to wait a little longer.
Fuck. That sucks for both Marauder and the customers. Factory fuckery, I s'pect?
There wasn't one single issue, but a string of em that they just weren't expecting or prepared for. Though the biggest factor seems to be the size and variety of the project itself, as all that new tooling just compounds any other problems that cropped up.

I been seeing more Kickstarters offer smaller or broken up waves instead of the massive and varied releases of the old Mythic Legions line and such, and I feel this makes them move much faster.

And after rechecking my backer kit, I had almost $300 invested in this project. I hope they give backers a heads up or maybe even early access to their 'Nam figures when they eventually drop because there were a lot of fun characters I'd still love to pick up.
IT's one of those limited edition Acid Rain figures. I forget the name, but the first ones were pretty hard to get. Maybe the other version weren't limited, since they didn't seem to sell out.

sucks to hear.
I'm surprised they even have the money to give out a refund.

I should buy some shit just to help them out.
Well that sucks but as someone who didn't back it, I'm glad they'll still be available to buy on the website at some point.
sucks ass that the vietnam stuff ended up being a disaster, but it's good that they're doing a refund and offering store credit, it means they can survive the hit and probably had a good amount of money on hand to cushion the blow. I know plenty of smaller companies haven't had the money on hand so people lose what ever they put in.
what figure is the lady of the night?
I know Ragingspoons is in that boat, his Base Building kickstarter is in limbo because of engineering issues and people are getting rabid. But the dude don't have the funds to start refunding everyone at this point. It's awful when this happens cause people instantly forget that nothing is guaranteed in Kickstarter and instantly start tossing around the "scam" accusations.

Like the molds were made, things are being produced, but sometimes crap goes wrong and stuff goes under despite your best efforts.

Funny enough, I believe Marauders, Ragingspoon and even the Skeletron guys are all using the same factory, so issues with one project can negatively affect all of em.
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Mattel just keeps upping their game man.
Looks nice
Oh dang, what is this and where can I buy it?
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The Hammond Collection Allosaurus. Pre-orders on target dot com sold out basocally instantly, but I'll be available in a month or 2 in storea
I always feel bad fore people who lose money in kickstarters, but you gotta be prepared to never see a dime. These are not preorders, there's plenty of time for random happenstance to fuck shit up. I remember the pandemic annihilated more than a few kickstarters because the factories got shut down for so long.
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Speaking of kickstarters, new elephant for the PBS Eons kickstarter dropped.
>Funny enough, I believe Marauders, Ragingspoon and even the Skeletron guys are all using the same factory, so issues with one project can negatively affect all of em.
Supposedly Action Force is made by in the same factory. There haven't been any issues with those, so....
I think the combination of nearly 40 SKUs and one person handling modeling them is the likely major issue. They really should have broken them up into waves, but that ship's sailed.
Thanks anon!
Looking good
looks like it's a good bit smaller than the previous elephants
Do want. Always loved old scoop'n'snoot
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Is that female figure an Abbex 2179 figure? I dont recognize it
yeah its an acid rain annex Aid Angel, one of their convention/limited figures that came out recently.
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One of The Luggans by Acid Rain World
I swear, Acid Rain comes out with some of the most out of left field concepts for figures. I love the line as a whole, but they are certainly smoking something with some of the crazy characters they pump out.
They're not even that crazy, you're probably just used to the same 3 companies shitting out figures of the same 6 properties for the past 40 years so anything that's even a little bit different is a breath of fresh air.
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>making puffy cloth suited figures in 1:18 isn't crazy

Maybe everything else they make isn't crazy, but those certainly are.

And what would you even consider to be crazy?
I'll admit, I conflate the Annex stuff, which is where they really get wild, with the Acid Rain stuff. I guess I should've said "Toys Alliance makes some crazy stuff" and not Acid Rain specifically.

I certainly didn't mean it as an insult to the line though, I love when they pump out crazy colored trucks and dudes in ghille suits and giant antlers. But no matter how you slice it, a buncha guys in space creature fur suits packing rocket launchers and miniguns running around a post apocalyptic warzone is certainly up there on the crazy factor.
Are Acid Rain figures actually worth the price? It's hard for me to imagine the quality is twice as good as most other companies to justify paying twice as much for their stuff.
As someone who has bought, sold off, and rebought large amounts of acid rain stuff 3 times over, yes.

They are my current favorite line of 1/18 and they have more or less stayed in this position since their inception. They have the best pose-ability, good paint apps, and all accessories work well without any finnicky bullshit. Hands hold everything well, from large guns to tiny knives. Vests stay on, helmets stay on, etc. Plastic quality on everything made since the switch to Toys Alliance is fantastic- and at this point this is the vast majority of all figures produced. (Acid Rain was originally produced by Oritoy, these older figures while having even better paint apps imo had bad plastic quality that crumbled over time).

No other company can compete. The stuff mass produced at retail is a joke. Hiya and Joytoy I like, but they have more issues for me- for example warhammer, I have about 2 dozen figures from, and I like, but I'd say only 3 or 4 of them are flawless, there's usually something like a piece thats always falling off, or a loose joint, or an accessory that doesn't function the way it's supposed to, etc.

If you like the design of an acid rain or annex figure, get it. You won't be disappointed. And shit, even if you are, the figures either hold their values or go up, so you can unload it easily.
What's a good place to order them from? I usually just see them on BBTS but I know they usually upcharge a little bit. There's a few figures I've definitely wanted to buy but hesitate because it's just a lot to swallow for a 4" figure.
Pia club is their dedicated store and it ships worldwide, they have the best prices even with the international shipping. BBTS sometimes has sales though that make them worthwhile.
>(Acid Rain was originally produced by Oritoy, these older figures while having even better paint apps imo had bad plastic quality that crumbled over time).
Yeah, I had one where the foot broke of fairly without explanation.
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>Are Acid Rain figures actually worth the price?
It's tough. Part of me wants to immediately say yes, because I love the aesthetic style of both Acid Rain World and Annex 2179. The closest you get to it is JoyToy's Battle for the Stars line, which have the trade-off of being cheaper, but also feeling cheaper (the human figures not the Mechs, the JoyToy mechs are amazing). For me, I think they're worth the extra 30 to 40 bucks per figure, but if you aren't super into the style then your mileage may vary.
>What's a good place to order them from
if you're deal-hunting BBTS and occasionally Mercari. If you're buying in bulk then Pia Club, because the savings counters the enormous cost of shipping.
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ARW is one of the all time greatest in this scale. The playability alone is near peerless. While I thought they had more charm a decade ago everything new is still impressive. The first generation OriToy ones haven't aged well though. People say they're deteriorating but I found the ones handled most last the longest, otherwise they get like a weird "lot rot"
Most of my old Acid Rain figures are still in tip top shape, but I think it's a matter of time before they start to crumble away. Too many people have reported their stuff is rotting, so there's no way it doesn't affect everyone.
I keep my stuff in a climate controlled house, so it's probably why my shit is still intact. It helps they're in non-sun facing closets, since a wall that faces the sun could unevenly warm a closet up, especially since it's enclosed 99.99% of the time.

Shit like this is why I stopped buying Acid Rain stuff. I don't actively avoid it, but they're no longer that high on my list and I just buy other stuff instead. I mean, it did take years and years before someone started reporting their Ori made figures started breaking, so who knows if or when the new ones will start breaking too.

When did they switch from Ori Toys to Toy Alliance? 2020?
I am beyond pissed about the cancelation of Marauder Vietnam. I had so many customs planned that were all hinging on that line from GI Joe pilots to Kong Skull Island characters to the cast of Tropic Thunder. All of that is now up in smoke and I have no alternatives.
No, it was way before that. I believe the last figure that was Oritoy was the Space Prisoner, or right around then, which came out at the end of 2017. Oritoy was producing for about 4 years before that, but that was a big gap between the first launch figures and everything that followed. Toys Alliance ramped up in 2018 and started releasing way more figures at a faster pace. I think the TA figures outnumber the oritoy ones by more than 5:1 at this point, and none of them have any signs of breakdown the way the oritoy ones did.
I am bummed that it got shitcanned too. I love Vietnam-era military stuff. Sounds like they are still planning on releasing some of it down the line though. The campaign was just too good to be true.
Grow up anon, you're getting A)money back or B) store credit.

They'll still make them, just won't be all at once. They bit off way too much
>Grow up anon, you're getting A)money back or B) store credit.

I'm not getting any money back because I didn't back the KS. I was just starting my hobby around the time the KS completed. This isn't about money.
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>See a new wave of HACKS posted
>Really like what I'm seeing
>Only realize later it's for the 6" line
God damnit. I just wanted to army build some of these guys and the cool Mongol guy. I hope they make them in the normal scale.
They're still making them, but because it's taken so long, they're refunding everyone.
People can keep a credit at their store for when they finally release them.

So everything is still coming out, but i guess MGR got tired of everyone asking when it's coming out.
That still sucks, but that's not quite as bad. Maybe it's not a total loss, but I feel really bad for all the people who didn't get what they wanted and now they have to wait for the opportunity to spend money a second time for the parts and bucks that they funded.
You'll just have to wait longer senpai
I've had to wait two years longer than expected with some Kickstarters, but that's because of fucking stretch goals. Every extra new thing needs to be prototyped and also produced, extending the amount of time it takes to complete a project.

And that's exactly what happened here, or at least so says >>11129871

The fact that MGR is giving everyone a refund is above and beyond what 115% of other Kickstarters generally do. In fact, if something goes wrong, a lot of KS just fail and nothing is ever produced. Most companies don't have the capital to continue on with a product if it doesn't go exactly right and we must be living in Bizarro World for MGR to even give a refund, muchless continuing on with the project.
Maybe MGR is hoping most people take a store credit instead of opting for the full refund.
>Maybe MGR is hoping most people take a store credit instead of opting for the full refund.

That'd be my guess. They probably figured most people that backed it are probably also customers they already have, so they know they can afford to keep production going since they'll make the money back pretty easily.
Fuck them they used the money to make the molds and told everyone to fuck off and by the way the product is still coming later as a first come first serve on the website which means my money from the all in 1st is going to let these none funding fuckers getting a chance at them before me. What is this Commiefornia tactics ?
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Given MGR's reputation and generous extra store credit, i can imagine a lot of people are going to just stick it out.

I mean, i didn't back it and since i like MGR's product and hope they continue making more, I'm actually putting in an order, just to prop them up. ... and in case shit does go wrong, because where else am i gonna get such awesome customizable figures and gear like this?
I don't want them to disappear.
Yea, no, you're an asshole.

If you did go with the initial all in, they offering DOUBLE of what you paid in store credit. They don't have to offer you anything, but here they are, eating all these costs and offering full refunds or bonus store credits because they feel their production is taking too long. Every other KS would just clam up and tell you "Sorry not sorry" but these dudes be bending over backwards to try and appease their fans.

Combined with their two decades of fantastic service and multiple previously fantastically run KS, they certainly earned the benefit of the doubt for this mess. The true measure of someone isn't whether or not they make mistakes, but how they resolve mistakes that they made. And MGR is out there putting everyone else to shame with how well they're handling this so this backer will have no problems waiting till they get their figures in stock to rebuy em all, and then some.
I don't think there's anything to worry about when it comes to having enough product to go around. They always have plenty of stock.
Even when they do run out of a specific body, variant, redeco, or whatever, MGR routinely restarts production on weapons, figures, and accessories for when something does run out.

This is why most people like MGR, because they'll always have what you want.
They're a trust worthy company, hence this refund despite the products still coming out. They understand people don't like waiting around forever and even give an option for people who are willing to wait around by giving store credit PLUS extra for the delay.
Nevermind the bonus stuff they give out with every order.

They really do put their all into making their customers happy and this is why people like them so much.
That's how I feel. And I want them to keep expanding into more themes. My hope is they'll eventually break into more space/sci-fi stuff. The cyborg arms they just did are a good addition. I'd love to see full robotic bodies and aliens.
I'm pretty sure they're slowly trying to move away from 1/18. More money in 1/12 in the West who are their primary consumers. 1/18 is big in China so Hiya, Toy Alliance, and Joytoy so they'll continue to be strong supporters of the scale.
>So everything is still coming out
>but these dudes be bending over backwards to try and appease their fans
Because it's been years
How are the Hiya Alien and Predator figures?
Boss Fight just seems to be making toys in every scale at this point. Their Dino line and a few other series are 5" figures, they're still doing classic 1:18 HACKS but now they're pushing into the 1:12 scale stuff too.

It's a smart move to cover more bases, but I would hope they start doing more themes in their 1:18 line. If they start pumping out sci-fi/space themed 1:18 figures while pushing out more fantasy 1:12 stuff, I'll be dropping a lot more money their way.
The mammoth backerkit is up
the Backerkit exclusive version is $225 and comes with
> ×1 1/18th Scale Wooly Mammoth - Exclusive Snowy Variant
>×1 1/18th Scale Baby Mammoth - Exclusive Snowy Variant
> three sets of interchangeable tusks, Adult Male, Adult Female, Adult Male - Damaged
>Mammoth Dimensions:
>11 inches long (14" with tusks)
>9 inches tall
>24 points of articulation
>Baby Mammoth Dimensions:
>3.5 inches long
>2.5 inches tall
>18 points of articulation
the adult is an absolute unit
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They feel a little small honestly. Preds are supposed to be 7-8 feet tall, and they don't really feel like it next to other 1/18" figures. Articulation is mostly pretty good, except the ankles are very limited on all the Preds I have. Sculpt is pretty crisp and finely detailed. The paintjobs are insane, they're near NECA quality and quantity at 1/18 scale. It's probably the most impressive part of Hiya. Especially stuff like the Predator skin patterns are very intricate at this size.

I really think you should at least try one, cause they are really impressive little things in hand.
Rocksteady looks great, but something looks off about Bebop. His sideburns and mohawk shape look bad somehow, it's throwing me off. His glasses also look kinda bad with the actual see through holes, they should have filled those in. Dunno if I will pick him up, a headsculpt is a pretty hard thing to fix.
wait, where did those clear clothes come from?
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haven't been too impressed with Hiya's paint apps for their Godzilla line because they're pretty overzealous with the paint it it can looked caked on in places, but it doesn't look like a problem with their Predator figures. It sucks they're a bit on the smaller side than they should be, but I'll pre-order their unmasked Wolf based on your recommendation.
those are the clothes she comes with, looks like she's sold out though so good luck with scalper prices on Ebay.
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My only complaint about Jungle Hunter V2 is limited ankles (I would much rather have a tilt than the universal setup they currently have). I remember their earlier Xeno releases being somewhat fragile but I think I heard that that got fixed.
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Not fragile.
I abused mine pretty good trying to take everything apart.

Getting everything back in was a bitch though. I was afraid of breaking it, so i heated up the pieces.
Never had a problem with Hiya's stuff, even their old Our War mushy shit.

I wish i was a bigger alien fan to army build them better, since they've gone up in price.
I think it looks great. Going to nab both. I'm assuming we are for sure getting at least 2 more bad guys. Shredder would be one but who would be the 4th?
I also hope we get a good looking curvy April and a badass Casey.
I grabbed 4 as soon as they showed up on Pia club. 44 bucks for an exclusive figure was a steal. I can sell 2 and that pays for the 2 im keeping and make a $100.
Do you have any of the queen Aliens?
Another Hiya Star Trek figure coming.
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I don't think I've taken a picture of it, but any review will tell you the jist of it: amazingly detailed figure but the spikes are a bitch and a half to put on. They're rubbery, so they aren't going to break on you. Almost nothing will, given mine actually fell a couple of feet onto tile floor

There's a couple of queens, but i believe mine is the Alien 2 one, which is pic.
I was gonna ask if I could buy one off you but then realized you meant you were gonna charge $100 each. Damn.
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prices skyrocketed on that figure.
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Durable but oddly flimsy at the same time. Maybe I loosened up my joints too much but it won't stand on it's own weight and while I haven't had an issue I'm scared it'll snap a joint because they're so thin.


Acid Rain has one of the biggest aftermarket markups of any line save for Planet Green Valley. Speaking of which, BBTS has some right now:


Regarding Acid Rain, I recall a few years back that individual OriToy era Marines were going for like $300 a piece at one point and I saw a dude at the BST on FB (Nuclear Storm) buy a few then literally a week later the reissue was announced.
Shit, why would anyone not just buy them direct from China? They are 40-45 bucks shipped from China.

I would honestly be okay for holding on till they actually got the figures in or there was some way to "lock-in" first dibs on the figures you were Kickstarting.
I only got 3. (Nurse and 2 NVA's) And I'm still interested but now that I've seen stuff like the grenade launcher I want that and some of the weapons as well.
They have always done me well.
- unlike fucking Hellz Screamerz.

At one point BBTS was clearence-ing Space Prisoners and I got two.
I do wish I had grabbed an Engeneer as well.
They were clearancing those because the Space Prisoner is a flawed figure, prone to easy breakage. That kept me away many times when it was cheap, even if the design is cool.
What does "from China" mean? They're not on Aliexpress as far as I know, so are you somehow getting these from Taobao or Tmall or something with a forwarder at THOSE prices? The owner was selling them directly via email as well, but the shipping costs were ridiculous so I declined. So I'm pretty sure that's not what you mean. Give up your secrets man, PGV is cool but it's not $65 cool.
It's a shame that PGV stuff is so expensive to get, when it first launched they were 30ish like most other import 1:18 stuff. But I don't think the dude can keep up with the demands of full retail or something because his second wave of stuff just doubled in price. I agree they're great figures, but at $40 max.
>What does "from China" mean?

...it...it means, ali. Ali Express:

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Forgot the goddamn picture
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Does anyone have the beastbox radioheadar? Or any BB close to its size? I just wonder how does it scale with 1:18.
weird, it never returned any results for me when I looked. thanks anyhow.
My 'tism is that I love diorama but there is so little diorama parts and pieces available for 1/18, Im talking about huge buildings and sets. You have to scratch build everything yourself.

The only useable stuff we have are maybe the TVC sets and haslabs (thank god for that).

Whereas its easily available for lego, everyday I think about switching scales. The lego DND is amazing! beautiful set plus amazing blind bag characters.

All we have is BFS and they have amazing hits but also A LOT that have left much to be desired.

For example a bard and they choose to go with that design? It looks more like a fantasy take on zorro than a bard.
what about the mecha depot stuff? I believe Acid Rain also includes random worldbuilding stuff in certain releases, like props and items you can use in-world.

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