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somehow, despite being walmart exclusive & coming from one of the most bottom barrel toy companies of all time- they actually put out a decent figure at a great $12 price point.
>bottom barrel toy companie

No that's hasblow making ugly woke capeshit
Rent free
I said "one of" you dense headed NECA ass kisser. Get the fuck out of my thread you boring shit.
Show me the ugly woke crap playmates made
Go outside you fuckin retard
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it just feels right compared to anything else
>Fucking knee cuts
>Ugly-ass skin texture
Maybe but as of now nah.
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That pitting looks way worse irl. The turtles have NEVER looked like that.
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I don't agree, its way less bad in person because these figures are so small. These blown up pics make it look way worse.
Mean while hasblow make a thousand niggers that still clog Ollie's and Walmart target. Kek
It's honestly pretty bad but I'm still enjoying it. I wont be getting the other turtles.
lol, rent free indeed
When did their weapon wraps start matching the color of their masks?
why did they make him look diseased?
he looks like the same texture as cheap chocolate from the dollar store, that shit that tastes like raisins and probably has not actual chocolate in it
Why are you complaining? You do realize companies intentionally do this just to get you tmnt fanboys to buy them again when they're updated
Ankles could be better and I don't like the hips, but I regret just getting Donnie now that my Walmart is out of them.
Has he EVER used a tonfa type thing like that before?
It's a reference to the dark turtles weapon from fast forward
i appreciate them as much as you do but I still think they fell a little short of expectation. the weird mix up of donnie and leo's heads irks me more than the skin texture really. Raph's head looks strange too. But the basic build of them is perfect. I hope they consider retooling them or atleast re-release them with accurate heads down the road. If it brought the cost down I could have done without the backdrop and extra accessories.
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Knee cuts?
Its actually hilarious to me how it seems like Playmates self-sabotages their own figures. These honestly could have been some of the best TMNT figures they've put out in years, if not decades, and they had to give them those ugly, stupid, nonsensical pockmarks all over. Honestly, what the fuck were they going for with that?
Mattel showed them the plan and Playmates still hopscotched into dog shit.
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Is it a callback to those old movie star versions? No one liked those either.
Even those weren't nearly as bad, and you could kinda, sorta, maybe say they were going for a "realistic" look, since those figures were based on the movie versions. Putting it on the versions that are just updates based on the old, vintage figures from the cartoon just doesn't even make sense, AND looks terrible.
I loved them because the arms and feet could move to the sides and you could get them in more poses, they were my main play turtles for years.
These seem so worthless anymore. They added texture it never needed, and there are much better articulated TMNT's already. Why did it take them this long to make these?
Pretty sure Playmates just shovels out crap for licensing reasons.
just because he's a teen doesn't mean he should come with full-body acne
The annoying this is these probably woulda been like 10 bucks without the dumb bases.
These are almost good. But the shitty ankles and unneeded texture kills it.
I was 100% on board for these figures until I saw that skin texture. I'm genuinely disappointed.
I actually like the idea of the pockmarks but they needed to be smaller, like the moviestar turtles
As is though, they feel very mid 90's TMNT which hits a nostalgic vibe for me.
Dudes! I turned myself into a pickle! I'm pickle Leooooo!
It doesn't look nearly as bad on these for some reason.
I think those were matte rubbery plastic rather than hard shiny. They might look better if you matte sprayed them.
This looks fine, though. Just because both have textured skin doesn't make them the same. The movie star ones were subtle and look more like pores, while these new ones look like they got stabbed by a thousand metal needles repeatedly.

The 2003 show.
Which these clearly are not figures of.

Indeed. Its sort of the norm now, though.
The toys have always done that.

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