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Anybody else have good memories of playing with Iron Man toys?
Picrel was my favorite. It looked great and had great posing and even had removable shoulder missiles.
Even now I still want a good Iron Monger toy or model or something, the design was so cool.
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Also had this one, great toy and great movie as well
what figure is this?
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The Iron Man 2 line was one of the best movie tie-in lines Hasbro ever did. Same goes for the Captain America one too.
It's the "Iron Man 2 Sea Assault Drone" from target
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Agreed. IM2 was peak Hasbro. I hope we get a retool of ML model 24 like picrel.

ps. I was happy that design briefly made an appearance in Iron Man 3.
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shit, i still have my Walmart ironman 2 war machine, one of my favorite figures still. I remember it being a bitch to find back then
holy shit i actually find a pic of it on my old drive.
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i had this one, the detatchable armor parts are fucking sick. battle damage on the fly.
There was only one I ever wanted, the Subterranean Armor. But that never showed up anywhere. Otherwise, I was always happy with my Toybiz Hulkbuster and Face-Off Iron Man
This line was GOAT. I wish they'd bring this back, but I know it would be a monkey paw of a wish. If they made them now they would be cheap 5poa with minimal paint.
Man, I missed this line, I don't know WHY they stopped! Would have loved an Infinity war Thanos in 4" scale!!
Definitely Hasbro's best during the Legends' 3rd return. I loved it until the Revoltech replaced it, because I realized how stiff it was
Me too. Would have loved a 4" version of Stealth Suit Cap and Winter Soldier.
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I remember.

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