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>The World of BIONICLE
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with BIONICLE
Sets: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=S&catString=273
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

>Archive: https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/%2Fbiog%2F

Previous: >>11105964
Damn, I was late. By the way, the last thread wasn't even archived yet.
It was autosaged and on page 9. It doesn't make sense to wait for the thread to be archived because then I can't link the new one. Plus I'm tired of your embarrassing coomerslop OPs.
>I'm tired of your embarrassing coomerslop OPs
Cry more
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how'd you type that with only one hand
matoran turning into bohrok was one of the dumbest things greg pulled
it's gay and retarded and makes 0 sense yeah
I was actually using both hands. I can appreciate a well built sexy MOC without touching myself.
It's something that was planned from the start. Though early versions of this idea probably made more sense, and would have been a more integral aspect of the whole Bionicle lore. In Maze of Shadows, Vakama even hints at the fact that sleeping Bohrok look very similar to the sleeping Matoran locked inside Makuta's spheres. But it was likely one of the things Greg retconned after Bob Thompson left.
>bionicle thread
>not starting it with a bionicle
yeah I will cry about it
it's kino. reminds me of alien
>not starting it with a bionicle
Well, to be fair, there isn't a universal consensus on what this thread should be about. Some people tie Constraction/CCBS to Bionicle. So for them this is a Bionicle AND Constraction thread, and they don't care if the MOCs posted are lore-accurate or if they fit into the world of Bionicle in any way. Also, people's ideas of what a Bionicle MOC is vary. For some people, a Constraction MOC on itself is "a Bionicle". They don't care if they use CCBS and System parts too. And they don't mind if they fit into Greg's canon or into the Bionicle universe in any way.
>inb4 "then start a constraction thread instead"
Having separate threads for Constraction and Bionicle most likely won't work, especially since they introduced the autosage rule. At this point, both are niche interests, and they are tied together closely enough. Separate Bionicle and Constraction threads wouldn't survive on their own.
(MOC on picrel is not mine btw)
Athenpedo brown
Funny a bionicle tranny calling others pedophile
Brown Pedo Evading
SLT rigged the poll and rapes children
Isn't Bionicle returning in 2025?
He'll yeah, this is what a Bionicle thread looks like in 2024
They have similar limbs & feet though
that's fair I suppose
don't take everything so seriously man
Like shit? You are correct.
I don't know how you interpreted my post, but I won't deny what you said.
Pedothena screaming in pain
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I guess I can bring this back up.
Does anyone clean used and heavily played with sets they get on Ebay?

Lego officially says on their website that it’s best to wash parts in water with a mild detergent, I’d assume dishwashing detergent, but what kind would be the best?

I’m thinking of disassembling this lot and soaking them in a big tote
I haven't done it before but I would hazard a guess that Dawn in some warm water would be fine. I don't think I would wash printed or stickered parts. Maybe by hand and be careful around said print/sticker.
I got a very similar lot from a charity store, and i cleaned mine with dish soap and a sponge. Soaking them works if they aren't caked on with dirt.
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I like the Miramax movie style but I find it funny how different these designs are for heads that’re the exact same piece in the actual sets.

Any good pics of the prototype Rahkshi heads?
Berix's helmet/mask might make for a decent one.
I loved the miramax rahkshi as a kid, I even tried (and failed) to make my own to replicate the face-opening thing
Teridax was based on a prototype, in all likelihood so were the rahkshi. It's not just artistic choice as people like to think for many of the designs.
>Teridax was based
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was greg involved at all in coming up with the names from 2001-2003

how did he drop the ball on "Teridax"
they were improving on the art direction for the actual parts, the nuva are highly stylized but the metru look like the metru
I think Tompson/Faber did the original names.
Not even Greg knew Lewa’s correct pronunciation
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Cutting Rahkshi heads to make them open up like they’re implied to from the part mold is SOVL
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Moar Pics pls
Use a natural dish soap or hand soap like Seventh Generation, EO, Everyone, or Alaffia
I used Google.
A lot of the Bionicle Heroes custom Rahkshi mod the head piece like that.

Thank you! I’ll see if the local grocery store offers one of those
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What’s the best way to attach a Toa head/brainstalk to a 2003 matoran body without compromise?

I’ve been seeing methods that remove the gear function, make the figure taller, or replace the torso entirely, but not just a basic head swap with all the same proportions.

There has to be a way that just involves using a single piece, even if it’s a modern one
There is two options. One way is to use piece number 22961. But there is a way to add articulation with a tow ball piece, but it’s a bootleg.
Just use a 3 long axle??
I’ve been looking for the number on that piece. Thank you
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Second worst Bionicle set from G1 (first one is Stars Skrall).
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Still not as offensive as butch lesbian Gali and lithe femboy Onua, but sometimes being boring is worse.

Honestly I’m not surprised Bionicle ended when they started rolling out the cracking angleshit on the same torso construction that let you build every canister set without reading the instructions. 2006 was the start of the decline with the Piraka
No, both Mistika Gali and Onua are good sets, though the fragile ball sockets still suck.
The one silver lining of the piraka were the uncommon secondary colors.
I have no idea what the general community consensus is because I just started buying bionicles again after like 20 years, but were the Gladitorians well received? I liked a couple of the titan sets and the scorpion guys were kind of cool but otherwise none of them felt like to me they fit into the Bionicle theme and it's really when I lost interest as a kid..The Mistika year is kind of a blur to me and I barely remember any of the sets but I remember the year after that being okay
I wasn't really a part of the community, just enjoyed Bionicle for the sets, but I can say for certain that I thought the Glatorian were extremely cool. Unfortunately I didn't follow the story, just the blurbs of info, so I knew they weren't Toa but I'm pretty sure I still thought they were elemental in nature (especially cause of of them clearly have their elements present like the fire Glatorian, the ice ones, etc.
I stay far away from the community but even as a 9 y/o kid, I asked my parents for Bohrok on Ebay instead of these.

I got into Bionicle when I was 5 as the Piraka were being released and I still prefered the play features and gears over basic action figures with a blaster gimmick and was sick of it by the time I was 10 and it ended. I’m sure kids just getting into the line enjoyed them fine and the new pieces were fun.

I’ve just been buying secondhand >2003 sets lately. 2004 was great too but I wasn’t as big on the Metru Nui matoran
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anyone have a good way of cleaning the masks of the inika specifically? I just tried the dishsoap and water but his mask is still kind of smudgy
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Take the bootleg pill, anon. I will never look back.
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Wholesome little bionicle dream certified kino?
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Does anyone here make MoCs and and characters with the lore in mind?
Like do you pick a mask just for looking cool or do you consider a character’s mask power?
(Never thought the Ruru looked very useful)
I haven't made all that many MOCs cause I'd always just buy one of each set and keep them that way, and only had the privilege of one parts pack (that was 90% Vahki). I did have an extra Iruini because of Norik, so I did use his mask for a 4-armed character, but since it wasn't a Toa, it wouldn't have been wearing a noble mask anyways, so mask powers were not considered. If I was making a Toa I'd probably keep the mask's lore power in mind (or maybe make up my own) because mask powers were a big part of how I played with them when I was younger. I always loved the powers that could be 'played' with, like shielding, or telekinesis.
Terry Ducks
I had the dream again. Similar to the plot in my other dreams, it was a random store like a Walgreens or some grocery store in an old town that had leftovers from back in the day still. I was heading to a job and just there to use the restroom so I didn't have time to pick any up.
I wake up and the transition from "holy shit I'm gonna go drive there and pick up some bionicles" to "oh....................." was so fast.
Thanks for reading.
>Does anyone here make MoCs and and characters with the lore in mind?
Of course. I've got my own headcanon version based on the story bible and I like to make MOCs that fit into that.
um just use an axle retard
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Is it true they cut pieces out of the barraki sets to cut costs? I really like the Mahri Nui toa and titan sets but these guys all look weirdly bare and unfinished to me. Is there any images of what they looked like before the cuts assuming it's true? The only one that looks like it isn't missing armor is Carapar
What's the best shelf for displaying sets? I've gotten into collecting sets and have been running out of space to put them
Personally I didn't really like the Glatorian as a kid. They were too different from what I was used to Bionicle being while also not being different enough to be interesting. Instead of Matoran, they're Agori. Instead of Toa, they're Glatorian, and so on.
I always liked how they had actual faces and hands though
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Yes, Pridak’s designer mentioned it himself: https://youtu.be/6yV9T0AO-WA

While he doesn’t have photos of the original, he shows a mockup of what he remembers it roughly looking like before having to downsize
so how are these coomer mocs making their tiddies? are those parts from other sets?
Cheating with system parts
what parts specifically? I guess its cool that its not using fucking 3d printing. As cool as that stuff is its just such a money sink
>biotroons think using system parts is "cheating"
seconding this
Those boobs are not even lego lmao and neither is the hair rubberband holding them nor the Dblue friction extenders, most of the toes etc.

let's not forget all the modified parts. Obviously, the head and cloak for first, the painted tire on the neck, the modified sockets on the hands, and the forcibly disassembled minifig bicycle tires around them,
I missed out on the last two years, how do they fit into the usual wave of six? Or are they from two different ones? I guess the dark blue one is their stand in for black. but what's with the extra red, green and white ones?
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there were still 6 in each wave, that image just combines sets from 2 different ones
Check this out.

so cool
Most autistic shit I've seen lately.
looks cute but doesn't really give me bionicle vibes at all
Looks like dog shit, where are the toys?
any of you guys got experience dying or painting pieces? I want to make a 2003 matoran version of Kongu a d Nuparu but it seems like they never made lime green versions of both torso pieces, and didn't make a black pieces for the bottom torso piece. Unfortunately my favorite style of matoran build also seems to have the least color variety for some reason.

I'm also not totally loyal to this build though do if there's some for of moc that looks similar but way easier to get correctly colored pieces i'm up for that. I really don't like the original matoran head and how it sticks out from behind the mask so I'd love a solution to just swapping them with the regular toa mata head while keeping the same proportions
I found this
The seller says they ship worldwide, but if you're not in North America, it'll probably cost quite a bit more to ship.
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Why even post these? Is this your first time seeing AI generated images? Even by AI slop standards they look like ass. Also, they don't look like Bionicle at all.
all of this ai slop is too mecha. bionicle is maori aesthetically, not japanese
I liked it better when AI results looked like CCBS shit rather than System constraction slop.
I really fucking hate projects like this where they refuse to stick to either miramax or toy aesthetics and they opt for these shitty designs that have toy builds at the core, but then they use overdetailed greeble armor and dogshit OCdonutsteel takes on classic masks and/or tools. Like, those random character animations of the Mata that look like the original commercials but with the Spiderverse style low framerate and 2d effects looks leagues better than this shit. If you don't know what I'm referring to, I saw it briefly on social media, can't think of the artist. Someone who does, feel free to post a link.
>Comparing what looks like a noobie with a guy who worked in the industry to make the point that it looks bad.
Besides your argument makes no sense for this one. Literally every one of the mocs is something you can build on Stud with custom packs. He likely did the animations, environments and effects.That's it.
Btw the guy you are talking about with the Spiderverse-esque animations is Notherobot
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Now that's it been confirmed Lego is making Dragon Ball Z sets what are the chances of Bioncle like figures of our heroes?
>custom packs
That's my point. They suck. They clash with the regular toys they're beig slapped onto. I'm not even complaining about the quality of animation, I'm complaining about the aesthetic. Even Vrahno's work is leagues above this because it's not using Studio builds with shitty parts packs. If this was just standard Studio models, or they were custom models trying to go for the mirimax look, it'd be fine. Overgreebled mocs like those models look like shit and are not a good middleground.
>muh industry guy
Again, didn't know the maker, but they stuck to the regular toys for their animations so they immediately look better because at least they're recognizable. Don't bastardize core characters with your shitty armor packs then expect people to recognize them in your animation.
This is just Bayverse Tenkai Knights. Do better.
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>they were custom models trying to go for the mirimax look
In no moment the customs that appear try to go for the Miramax look wtf are you talking about. Closest thing are the hands but the similarities are that both are hands and that's it.
>Overgreebled mocs like those models look like shit and are not a good middleground.
You wouldn't know an overgreebeled moc even if someone carefully pointed them to you. You could complain these were overly simple Inikabuild tier mocs and you'd have a point.You want an overgreebled moc? Just look at that one entry from Helryx contest that was extremelly overdetailed.
Then again it has no customs so maybe you'll give it a pass.
>Don't bastardize core characters with your shitty armor packs then expect people to recognize them in your animation.
>Implying any of the characters shown are even from canon
You seem to be trying real hard to show me that you have a damn malfunction
Keep dreaming buddy. They will never make DB Lego.
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He's already confirmed for Fornite. Leak also says they are coming in June. Dragon Ball is about to save Lego.
DBZ mini figures and brick built locations can have their own unique appeal but constraction seems pointless when you can just buy figuarts or model kits.
The model kits aren't very good. I could see a bionics like line being pretty cool with Dragon Ball characters. They can even swap pieces to "fuse".
I personally don't care about custom parts and all that, and I don't care if they look like Miramax models or official sets or whatever. My main problem with the visuals is that shitty exaggerrated dramatic lighting many other creators are guilty of (this is the same reason I dislike the work of iconicstills) along with those ugly bright and flashy effects. And also the poor rendering, poorly made custom models and the awkward animation, but I understand that this is a fan project, so there are technical limitations and a lack of skills/experience.
Actually, my main problem isn't the visuals, it's the content itself. It looks like some autistic dude's action fantasy, which it probably is. Even the first 10 seconds were too much for me. That shitty "viking" metal or whatever it's called playing while the characters are falling from the sky made me cringe so hard. I had to pause the video there before watching the rest of the thing.
I said IF they were designs emulating the miramax stlye, they'd be better. Reread my post you fucking illiterate. They look like shit as is.
Also this.
>I said IF
Aight my bad on that part. Still except the masks chosen, which in general custom masks in general are kind of a mixed bag anyways, the customs in here could fit with normal pieces on irl mocs. Maybe the only exception are the Galva shoulders, and they are not that bad.
Where did this come MOC from? There's a couple of custom parts on this but they integrate really well. I don't think those dark blue Glatorian guards exist either.
Anythings better than r/bioniclelego's obsession with you-know what
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>Signed by a fan

Imagine paying more than a penny for this

Sounds like names for Santa’s elves
I wouldn't know because I don't go to Reddit.
It's way more expensive than the mask acrylic display Duckbricks is selling with his own signature as if he was an actual celebrity and that is saying something
Do you think Eljay's interested in guys?
I will concede upon rewatching that they could, minus some parts. It's just the quality I saw the vid at made the masks, armor, and hands look way more jarring. Also, unnecessary fluff like the back armor and dumb shit like that. Just have them be what could be seen as set accurate like TLR or go full bore in the other direction and do Miramax.
he seems like a guy who claims to be bisexual but ends up marrying a fat woman
>bionicle is maori aesthetically
Based "I stopped perceiving anything after the first movie" anon
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It took me a while as a kid to realize the Piraka are based on Tiki
has anyone actually bought any
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God I hope not.

The fact that a signature from a “number #1 fan” can fetch a higher asking price than an autograph from the artists who officially worked on this franchise is insane
>can fetch a higher asking price
It only can if it actually sells, until then it's just someone's pipe dream.
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looks nothing like bonkle but I dig whatever art style it's aping
Turn on your flash I cant see shit
AI posting is akin to some retarded kid feeling the need to show you his new little toy and it never stops
I recently went through my Bionicle stuff that was in storage at my parents place, and when I was putting Ehlek back together, I felt like I was missing pieces because he felt so bare
looks nothing like a literal ruler of the universe
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Ever notice how Kalmah’s Exo Force hands for storing squid ammo are plugged into his arms on the boxart?

They’re on his back in the instructions and the set doesn’t include additional pieces to attach them to the arms
Bionicle is alive with the sound of music
How well did your dudes survive your childhood? I found mine and they ain't pretty. One's face doesn't have mandibles to attach the mask to, bohrok's head only sorta works with a rubber strap, also the hip joint is a bust, the third guy's arm is completely snapped. I know I was a pretty shitty kid but I wasn't trying to disintegrate them.
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Was just demonstrating the glow.
rlly creative use of brick separators! was the colour scheme inspired by nexo knights?
>remove a couple of studs to keep the overall piece count lower
>make specialty molds for his feet that use more plastic than the commonplace studs use anyway
Is Lego retarded?
Looks like something that Faber would post on his Instagram with a schizoid description about Rebel Nature
Boxart also uses Hordika feet instead of the new molds
>Is Lego retarded?
they try to pretend Bionicle doesn't exist
As coomshit goes this is low key enough to be tolerable. The feet are garbage though.
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What was with 2007 sets and false advertising?
Well they were probably starting to rearrange the budget towards new molds and had to cut pieces out of the sets. This was also about the time the team was told the line was getting cancelled.
>This was also about the time the team was told the line was getting cancelled
Are you talking about how the Glatorian were originally meant to be a reboot or an entirely different theme? If not, I don't think they planned to axe the entire theme around that time. The Piraka and the Inika were much more popular than anything that came out in the Metru era, and they even released a movie in 2009.
They plan waves like two or three years in advance. Meaning they planned for 09 to be a soft reboot back in 06 or 07 or so, but decided to cut it short to preserve the brand by 2008. I do think that anon is a little off though. I don't think they decided to pull the plug already by 07.
Even if it does work like that, the toy designers clearly didn't know about it, or at least weren't clued in until the last minute
Yeah they weren't told it was ending until 2008, but generally executive decision like that are planned a little bit in advance. Plus what the other anon said, the waves were planned at least two years in advance. I think Glatorian was being concepted around this time as well by Brian Ellis
>They plan waves like two or three years in advance
TLR was supposed to be the first part of a trilogy, so the cancellation itself probably came during 09 rather than before that.
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The Spreadsheet has borne fruit, and I even managed to fit almost half of it into the filesize limit. Glad all that's finally done.
>Rahi Nui

Why isn’t it a beast-type? Most of them should be.
Is “illusion” even a real monster type?
>Why isn’t it a beast-type?
Excellent question! The Rahi Nui has elements of Muaka, Kane-Ra (both obviously Beast), Tarakava (explicitly a lizard, so Reptile), Nui-Rama, and Nui-Jaga (both Insect). So logically it should have those 3 Types, but since you can't have multiple natively, that is instead handled by the effect that makes it gain the Types of its materials. It does also need a native Type, which gameplay-wise should NOT be any of the ones listed previously, because if it was, using the "proper" materials would work against the goal of stacking as many Types as possible. So instead I had to pick a more neutral Type that doesn't overlap with much else, and as it turns out there aren't any Rahi with a strong claim to being considered Dinosaurs. Meanwhile, the general trend with Type assignments in the game is that you don't need more than some vague association to justify it if you really want to, so I could perfectly well make the Rahi Nui a Dinosaur on account of it being a huge monstrosity from ancient times (Metru Nui). Similarly, the Subterranean Worm gets to be a Dinosaur due to some cryptic comment Whenua makes about its age, and this overlap doubles as a penalty for being an Extra Deck DARK Rahi that can be used to go into a Rahi Nui without any Main Deck investment.
>Most of them should be.
Well, except the ones that have wings, the ones that live underwater, the amphibians, the snakes, the lizards, and the bugs - which is pretty much how they've been divided up. However I won't defend the Ranama being a Reptile when every other frog and toad is Aqua, that one's bullshit to force it into the strategy I wanted to have it in.
>Is “illusion” even a real monster type?
It was introduced last year, before that it was also in the original manga and some old video games. They (almost) all have that "nothing gets destroyed by battle" effect.
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>Win a parts lot in an auction
>Has a movie Kraahkan
>Accidentally drops it on the dirty carpet
>Neurotic OCD retard
>Washes it in the sink with Dawn platinum foam
>Now paranoid that the soap might leave an invisible residue

I hate myself. Should I just leave it in some warm water overnight?
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This looks like an album cover of a mashup
You're fine anon. Washing parts with soap and water does nothing but clean them, I've done it a dozen times over. The mask will be okay.
It's rather a mash up of an album cover. You know what that is referencing right?
On the Barraki topic, I didn’t fully understand but they all had weird Beast Taming powers or something? I don’t properly understand but I’m pretty sure Matoro straight uo ruined Pridak’s army with necromancy, yet Pridak amassed a new one next fight. And when they were hired by the Order of Mata Nui to fight as Teridax took over, they all had to recruit new land armies anew, though Pridak had his worries of rebellions when The Shadowed One botched the virus plan and he couldn’t back down.
And how powerful were they? The group refused to wear masks seeing them as crutches and I’m pretty sure it’s noted (at least in their prime) they made Toas look like animals.
I still don’t comprehend this. Why did they just end BIONICLE twice? I mean I get the first tine, and I can accept it with the loose threads since Mata Nui achieved his Destiny and all, happy ebding for nearly everyone.
But it’s like LEGO had no idea what they were doing. Greg was continuing the plotlines with the Vorox of Bota Magna, then they launched a Reboot and buried said Reboot. The hell was that?
Alright, cool.
I did feel kind of antsy using hand sanitizer with it on my desk below the pump but that’s on me. Don’t think anything got on it.

It’s my favorite mask, even moreso than the gold Ignika (that I painted like a dumbass as a kid), and not a scratch on it.
Not sure if I should use it in the movie Makuta MoC or wrap it up as a collectible and use the 3D-printed Miramax Kraahkan instead for it.

I wish this thing wasn’t so rare, I’d buy a handful of them
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Post gayest bonkle pieces
For how much shit the 2008 sockets get for snapping, I hate these connectors just as much for always breaking at the axel hole at the top.
2001 - 2003 Toa and bohrok are a nightmare to keep together with these. Most of these, along with 03 & 04 matoran, usually have those parts ruined
I've dug a few sets out and the axle holes will just disintegrate
Tohunga: Japs
Turaga: Jap elders
Toa: Whites
Toa Nuva: Whites after Nazi science
Piraka: Blacks
Dark Hunters: Arabs
Bohrok: Chinks
Kal: Chink elders
Makuta: Jews
Glatorian: Aztecs/central and south Americans
Agori: native North Americans
You cannot prove me wrong
Go back to redd*t, tranny
In the future (not just for Lego but for hands and anything else) dont use that Dawn shit. Use something natural like Seventh Generation, EO, Alaffia, etc. For hand soap, dish soap, shampoo
But anyway the soap shouldnt hurt it, just hold it under water for a minute or two to be safe
Many cracked pieces :( They were all in perfect condition before going into plastic storage tubs and sitting for years
I only pulled like 1/3 out and there's somehow minimal damage, few cracked joints, some older pieces just fell apart at the axels, but overall hopeful for when I can get to getting the rest out of storage. Just gotta figure out how to make the Piraka spines and Inika masks not sticky and replace the batteries in the 2006 sets. Tried getting Piraka eyes opened but might need a smaller screwdriver.
Dead batteries = okay
Replaced batteries = no longer official Lego, no longer canon! If you put non LEGO batteries in your LEGO you might as well use Mega Bloks and paint!
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What’s the risk?
You can’t give me a warning like that and say “it’ll probably be fine”.

Uncertainty of if it’s chemically affected in any way is just going to drive up paranoia until I buy like 5 of them and overdraft my bank account
uhhh gen 3 bros?
where are the leaks?
Wow! Imagine Reddit being wrong!
Lego has a how-to for cleaning your pieces: https://www.lego.com/en-us/service/help/brick_facts/cleaning-your-lego-bricks-kA009000001dbldCAA

>Why did they just end BIONICLE twice?
The second time was straight up a lack of sales, almost zero budget, and spending what I assume to be a decent chunk of said middling budget on seven solid fucking gold masks as contest giveaways.
I’m aware of that page.
Just confused why Dawn is suddenly bad

While I personally don’t believe the sabotage theory, the idea of Star Wars and Marvel cutting into it’s budget during some of their biggest years probably contributed.
From a marketing standpoint, why would you give a risky Bionicle revival a bigger budget than The Force Awakens?
Sure it wasn’t a good movie in retrospect but nobody knew that yet.

I’m not even sure when would be a good time to revive Bionicle now. Star Wars isn’t as high-profile anymore and capeshit is dying down unless it’s Spiderman. Are they really just banking on videogame licenses now?
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i've been going on a spending spree recently and building up an entire Bionicle collection. I've weirdly found myself disappointed by the 2004 and 2005 even though those were my first omes as a kid. Roodaka is cool and the Visorak are almost as neat as the Bohrok but otherwise I don't think I like any of them. There's 6 Toa Metru canisters out of sight of this image but desu I wish I just bought some Mahri Nui stuff instead
I only had older sets so my joints never broke. Stepped on a bunch of masks as a kid though and bent them.
are you the fag who's been outbidding me on ebay
i've only been doin bricklink
thank fuck
>remembering all the lost and damaged boxes I no longer have
keep seeing the guy with all the sealed shit and store displays and wishing I had put in the effort and cleaned up the insect damaged boxes from that time my cousins brought bedbugs to my house years ago
Ebay user here,
I’ve only been bidding on parts lots and used sets since Bricklink shipping prices are complete ass

I just got fucked over by a seller who had an Avohkii and a Vorahk canister in the listing photo that didn’t come with it.

When I contacted him about it, he claimed “that wasn’t supposed to be there” and that it was supposed to be for another listing.
I already left positive feedback. Should I get on his case?
I wonder if a house could contract bed bugs through Ebay.
That’s a scary thought
If he took the picture and the description did not mention the lack of canister, then yeah, you can get some money back.

Otherwise bricklink "used" condition implies no canister.
It was on Ebay.

The thing is that it was an auction, thus had no set price.
The seller even decided to sell the mask separately in another listing instead of trying to ship it to me, so now I don’t know what the mask’s condition was or anything to ask for a specific value

Idunno. I’m terrified of going upstairs to my room now with my sets on display.
I was working on building a PVC fence out in the shed with my dad and was around a ton of heavy duty glue that probably contained acetone. I’m horrified of the fumes sticking to me and somehow getting on my shit
yeah you can probably get some recompence for that
Opinions on this fellow based autist?
The fact that you linked the entire channel instead of a specific video to highlight is a little suspicious
I don’t have a problem with his takes but good god he talks slowly enough that increasing the playback speed still sounds normal.

It’s not as bad as LavaPasta in that regard but it’s still awkward
How do we convince lego to do literally anything fun or interesting with Technic again? I don't necessarily want action figures I just want fucking anything.
I don't know, I still like those pull-back racecars and the smaller sets current Technic has.
Probably would take a more dignified and less crappy looking image if I weren't currently away from home, but I do. Sorta.
My IRL MOCs don't exist within the mainline Bionicle continuity, they're basically the remnants of a posthuman society where the whole of mankind had practiced mind-uploading basically became all metal, fibers, and silicon.
But I don't have enough pieces to make enough characters for an actual story to happen, so unless I learn how to export shit on stud(.)io 2.0 to Blender or something, my donut steels are just sorta in creative limbo.
check the boxes for signs, for me it was so bad most of my boxes had to be tossed, luckily they didn't get in my manuals, so I still saved those
what was the listing for? if it was something like "bionicle lot" then it's reasonable to assume that it comes with everything in the photo. if it was listed as whatever set you were sold though then that would be on you
It was just listed as a lot. You get everything in the photo

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