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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:

Previous: >>11127410
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Nexo spammer deserves death
I'd rather take nexo than star wars
suck my dick loser
This is basically Nexo Knights Generals at this point
Fake thread.
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That will be $300 plus tip
Just a reminder, investor bros - Lego is releasing a dark blue spaceman torso. There is no classic spaceman helmet in that color, BUT there is in the motorcycle style helmet. Given what happened with dark purple (still over $5 per piece on bricklink) you can pick up the helmet for under a $1 rn.
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Going to try and sell these to a
Bricks and minifigs store, how much do you think I should ask for them. Not an investor fag. Haunted mansion was given as a gift, I want to keep the starwars one, but I know it will bring some decent cash
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What are you building this week anon?

Also hoping F-Zero guy posts updates.
>Mini Disney The Haunted Mansion
No clue what this is and it's below minifig scale. 50 cents
>Jabba's Prize
Oh... My.... Hecking.... Gosh..... is that an ORIGINAL LEGO STAR WARS? Billions.
Why not just sell it to another person instead of some middleman reseller who has to undercut you to make a profit? What's the thinking here?
Just what I was thinking
I don’t know anyone personally that would want to buy these. Selling it there just seems the quickest way.
What happened to Just2Good? Did he die?
It's been over a week since his last video and he hasn't made any update since he went into hospital.
Will this question be asked every thread? Heroin, diabeetus, or some tranny drug overdose/disease. Troons have very low life expectancy due to the cocktail of drugs they take and bizarre mental problems.
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There's a post yesterday in J2G's Xitter with screenshot about of the Sanic 3 trailer, now shut up.
Post it on kijiji or Facebook or something and see if you get any bites
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Is Lego going to add more modern characters to Sonic next year? Because the only new Sonic characters this year was Shadow and Rouge, pretty cool though.
Lego should add more female characters to Lego Sonic for gender diversity, and not because I want furry waifu minifigures.
Cream, Blaze, Trip are likely, they could choose more obscure picks like Vanilla, Marine or Sticks, or go for the unlikely but not impossible characters from comics like Tangle, Whisper, Belle, Lanolin or Surge.
I pray we get zelda sets in 2025, atleast 10

I refuse to believe Zelda will be locked in +18 expensive sets.
god that castle is so based
Sucks to be missing on it
its not a real set
Fortrex is the most iconic set of the nu lego era

A walking castle is rad
I should try that. How much should I be asking for them though?
Lego 80s dark fantasy theme when?
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Thats only one set you silly

Call me ehen lego release a wave of dnd sets like they do wirh dreeamzzz
Drown in piss, faggot
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i lived through legomania of 90s and lions castle always was THE lego set i remembered when thinking of lego of that era (+MAYBE with a thought of yellow aqua zone)

And now when i think of a cool nu-lego themes i keep remembering "oh yeah THAT nexo castle!"
Dreamzzz shark is also kinda close to it. Also this minifigure
I have a feeling the Nexo and Dreamzzz spammer are the same person because she picked the most dogshit irredeemable themes to praise in order to annoy people
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Should I get it bros?
nope. imagine making a monstrosity of that size and there's not even space to put minifigures
Guys, be straight, is dreamzzz gonna get cancelled? Is it a flop?
Am I the only one feeling nostalgia for Hidden Side right now?
I think it's an underrated modern classic, so many great minifigures, shame it was handicapped by the AR app gimmick.
Lego should either:
>make a fairytale adventure action theme


>make a evergreen shrek theme

Only way to make people happy
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yes if you really want it.
I personally passed on it. Planning to get the junkyard dinosaur instead
lego has so many huge sets these days, I don't know how you people storing these.

Funny how lego's main problem is not price... it's space!
Monkie Kid is ending. Save money bros because dragon ball theme is coming.
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hidden side is such a strange theme.
I loved 95% of what i was seeing it but i never got any sets...

Honestly coolest school and school bus.
but it was during my dark ages and i never could care enough to buy

It has so many "just place but cool" sets. For example picrel can be used in a MOC about guys looting some abandoned diner through zombie apocalypse.
And some zombies chasing them
LOZ vs. DnD vs. Harry Potter
Which is the best licensed castle theme?
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I genuinely like dreamzzz
Nice variety so there's plenty of stuff to pick from
Especially the more robot-like designs
>have pic related since july
>got it on a good deal
>still didn't have time to build it
Ffs, being an adult sucks...sometimes...

Anyway, an anon said a good thing last thread

>buy sets now when you got a good deal because next time you might find it super expensive an then it retires.
Lego releases around 600 sets a year, and now they retire super fast.

Hopefully I can do it this september. Then gonna plan my next purchase, probably fortnite bus.
We only have one set, call me when we get more than 1, like 10 sets
Cmf is kino as fuck but ideas set is too much
I dont really consider it castle but it has a good range of sets price wise
You would be a fool to think they got the DnD(and Zelda) licenses to make a single set
I am surprised lego didnt try to make a zombie theme
Then where are the set lists for them? None for january and doubt they release the themes in june
DnD has the most potential. What I like about Harry Potter is that it focuses on buildings instead of vehicles(unlike lets say dragqueenzzz, nexo kikes and ninjagay) but they have already exhausted the entirety of the world so they are stuck rereleasing and repackaging the same shit over and over
If I was rich I would get three and make it a hammer head with more opposability. Can't decide if I would use the dot eyes or the bigger printed ones.
Well, we still dont have a drizzt minifig so I dont think they are done with dnd ....yet
Lego bricks were really weak and slimy in that time period.
Thats until hbo releases the remake show
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I found some Duplo blocks today. Also a 1 x 1 dark purple brick for my spooky house build. Always nice when I find stuff I have an immediate need for.
Only one set so far, it's meh, I can see my interest in this theme waning very fast unless we get some Zelda 1/2/3 sets that aren't just nostalgia bait mosaic crap
Boring as well but only a few sets. CMF is ok but wish they weren't fleshies
>Harry Potter
Really good even though I don't care about the books/movies
>What I like about Harry Potter is that it focuses on buildings instead of vehicles
Harry Potter still has plenty of vehicles: Ford Anglia, Knight Bus, Hogwarts Express, etc, but the buildings are sublime. Really wish I had the space in my Harry Potter display for more buildings.
>already exhausted the entirety of the world so they are stuck rereleasing and repackaging the same shit over and over
Honestly, that seems like that happens to every long running licensed themes. Star Wars is constant original trilogy and prequel remakes, Avengers caught that bug and is only remaking sets from old movies, Batman is constant Batmobiles and Harry Potter is also remakes of every iconic scene and vehicle.
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Hogwarts is still Hogwarts, it's not like it's a sequel with all new content. Only major difference will be more characters reskinned brown
Only part that interests me is the satalite piece being used for the shield
>Boring as well but only a few sets.
Bro it's just one(1), same as LoZ
They are still like that
Sorry I forgot because I didn't care enough about the set. Looks like it should be split up into multiple sets but i guess they want $40000 or whatever it costs
Best theme
Why tf are you mentioning the pieces when i only said that it's a fun huge robot
these are trans green non trans neon green. so they are all worthless pieces
It looks like sneakers made into a mech. Not my vibe but it's kinda cool still.
>The company is seeing strength across its portfolio, especially with Lego Icons and Lego Creator, and through its partnership with Epic Games’ Fortnite.
I kneel fortnite chads

>While consumers in China are spending less frequently and less on big-ticket items, Lego still sees “long-term potential” in the area.
Monkie bros...
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kek what. Even in games zelda is not that much about castles. Sure there is like 1-2 main castles but its not a castle theme.
what the fuck
literally "regular CREATOR/IDEAS" type of castles + skeletons
old lego fantasy themes is better
Plus dnd is not a series. Even that expensive set dont have a castle actually.
>Harry Potter
The best and the only castle theme right now.
variety of cool as fuck dungeons and stuff
And you don't have to sell your virginity to 60y/o guys from cracklist to obtain it.
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>Best theme
Hidden side had the best school bus
and it had a toilet build too!
Does it throw shit?
Castle doesn't mean theme about castles, it means classic fantasy/speculative medieval history. Is the blacksmith not "Castle" because hurr durr no castle? Is the castle town not Castle because hurr durr no castle?
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>glow in the dark ghost
okay that's epic
>>While consumers in China are spending less frequently and less on big-ticket items, Lego still sees “long-term potential” in the area.
Will this mean more cheaper monkie kid sets? I hope so
>Does it throw shit?
Actually yes. there is a throwing mechanism-it shoots brown discs
Of course
>Castle doesn't mean theme about castles, it means classic fantasy/speculative medieval history
well zelda for sure won't be "the" castle theme
It's an afol money bait for premium~lego~buyers.
>Castle doesn't mean castle
Also by your logic harry potter isn't a castle theme
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>tfw be a lego fan
>new thread created
>already 70+ posts
im so happy to be a fan of a cool popular toy...
It's borderline because it still borrows heavily from classic fantasy despite detouring significantly from it
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>completely missed cmf 25 line
>Basil the batlord is insanely expensive now
>so as that goat thing
>but wait! i got an idea
>order 10-20 boxes
>scan them all
>open only figures you want and leave unopened the unwanted ones
>order another 10-20 boxes
>scan them and exchange the good ones with unwanted ones you didn't open
>cancel order

Should i do it? Seems like a good idea and Amazon usually don't give a shit about cancelling orders.
And i will do it only once.
DnD set is honestly one of the best of all time, it's every kid's dream and I'm tired of /lg/ not acknowledging it when y'all were so quick to defend the even more expensive and and vastly inferior lion knights grey pile
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I personally will never use HP pieces outside of HP-theme. it's just too specific. HP-castle is literally hogwards and nothing else.

Only their basilisk/cerberus/centaur/spider/other monsters can be used in castle themes.
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If you were me, where would you go from here? I feel like I need a base for my guys more than anything, but I'm not sure the best way of making that happen.
>and I'm tired of /lg/ not acknowledging
we were literally sucking that set's dick last thread.

It's just too expensive and eats up a lot of space...so im not sure.
But yeah its one of the most fun lego sets
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Two options, this or the base and rocket launch(the big crane set)
i'd build them starting from smallest to largest. then i'd probably take apart the ones i don't like that much to use in mocs. I would beef up that police car if possible to an 8 wide. and maybe with that ninjago mech and the space mech you could make a bigger mech, same with the city space
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just saw horny human ice cream from vidiyo so now you guys have to see it too
Does anyone actually have any of those? I like the City Space theme a lot but I felt like all the more expensive sets seemed kinda... lame? Feels like they blew their load with the cheap little mech and the interstellar ship.
Everything is built, the boxes are empty. I don't wanna bash anything together yet until I have a better collection
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vidyo had so many unique characters
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If you are willing to shell out the big bucks, I would get the Ghost II before it shoots up in price, it's a great mothership type build even if it's starslop
That one in the pic is only $40 and good for what it is, if you surround it with the ship, mech and the little landscape from the 4+ set it should look like a pretty neat space operation as a whole

It's the crane set and the modular space station that are ridiculously overpriced for what they are
two browns
They can make a base on a faraway planet, but they can't fix that guy's legs?
Oh the horror, literally white genocide.

Kill yourself
He's not disabled, just a lazy cunt
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>monkey kid
>one of the best themes
>picrelated is a giant glow in the dark skeleton colossus
>literally nobody has it because its china exclusive
I have just animal sets and they fit castle themes perfectly. Their new Aragog build is basically perfect for a giant fantasy spider enemy.

Instead of separating - mix it.
Make your DnD minifigures figth giant spiders and fly on hippogriffs
It's over
You can find these all over the place. Just go to a toy store and pick it up there. I found some at a fucking office supply store just yesterday
It's not white genocide it's YELLOW GENOCIDE.
Soon yellow figs will be a thing of the past, every minifig will be black, indian, or some other shade of POOP BROWN. I noticed with Lego Star Wars even on white characters they will use darker skin tones on purpose.
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BAM has a sexy clown girl minifig head you guys might of missed
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>You can find these all over the place
No i can't (im in europe). I never seen them in the open since...forever.
Even space cmf is rare but thankfully i wasnt such a slowpoke and got everything i wanted from it.

Also i failed.
Amazon allows to buy just 3 of those (i guess it's an anti scalper thing?) and as soon as i ordered 3, they were completely sold out after couple of hours.
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>BAM has a sexy clown girl minifig head you guys might of missed
Oh, I guess I don’t know the situation in Europe. In Canada, these and the space figures are everywhere. There were something like twelve boxes at a toy store I visited recently, and they were doing a three for two discount. They can’t give these things away.
Of course I grabbed my bat lord, though.
fucking creatively bankrupt, and look at all that goldpuke spam
At least they're using colored canopies I guess
Yeah i think those are being scalped as fast as possible still. All because batlords and goats.
Im so happy i bought at least 3...let's see what i will get.
It's all sold out now again.
In the UK where I live lego is very rare in physical stores and when they do have it, it is almost always behind the counter like it's a controlled substance or something. No one wants to go up to the cashier and look like a complete autist asking for a lego set so they never get sold.
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Monkey is a Space theme
where are my duplo peppa pig bros
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in europe it's in toy stores freely.

Also we have "edicola" (a huge magazines kiosk) usually being hold by an old lady that will allow you to scan minifigures.
It's how i got everything i wanted for space CMF
Are these new? I might actually get these (if I can find them, trying to find a monkie kid set is like looking for bigfoot)
There are only 2 toy stores in my town and one just shut down after they also stopped selling lego last time I went there, the other is much further away and usually all the lego is out of stock.
>the giant skeleton is China exclusive instead of banned in China
What in the world is going on here?
I blame brexit personally.
Yea brexit and then they don't cut immigration which was the only reason anyone voted for brexit so now you just have all the downsides and not the upside. And all the bames are running around stealing anything that isn't nailed down so soon everything that shops sell will have to be behind the counter.
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nope-i had these monkey set jpgs in my PC forever.
Monkey Kid is a hell of a mystery theme...i still keep seeing old sets and it's always something wild and new that i never seen before.

Also pic is FUCKING WANT but it's rare
>that rabbit minifig
>that rabbit mech
No, gypsy anon hates troons too but I’m seriously he better not be ham fisting chocolate moose into his face hole like I suspect… at least he’s getting outside and getting some exercise.
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Just go visit a bigger town or capital and go on a wild autistic "lego hunt".
I do it sometimes.
Last time i got 4 of Darth Vader anniversary magazines for 5 euros each just travelling around Rome
Too busy. I'm autistic and hate it when it's too busy.
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Says the castle fag loyalist who only puts there sets on shelves, doesn't MOC. Loser, sad.
cool minifigs. do they have names and bios? I like that transparent red knight and the white hair girl next to her.
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See it as a sacrifice.
Go to London (if you are that UK-anon) and make a wild hunt type of adventure. Sure you can do it.

Think what would Johny Thunder do? Would he be sitting in an old english village without lego?
Nope. He would go on an adventure and won't stop until he'll get what he wants.
She's the one remaining Nexo Knight I haven't customized, Macy. The white hair blue dress one is my attempt an original Ice Queen. Or frost mage. She still doesn't have a name.
wtf where do you live in the uk? i'm in west london and here lego is plentiful. no european kiosks but about 1/2 of newsagents sell magazines, and most supermarkets have a small selection of lego. Even my closest sports direct (sports/clothing store) had a bunch of discounted sets
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Cool team, anon!
I will be preparing my team as well. Will post it.
btw this ninjago character has cool beat up old armor peice-it's so neat
I do not get the (alleged, I know it's just you spamming it over and over again, but let's accept your premise for a moment) hype over this fig. The only good parts are the head and scarf. That's it. The torso looks like some Hot Topic shit and the legs are ruined (as with so many nu-figs) by having a spillover print from the torso. The hat has the big stupid eye on it and thus gets mogged by basic witch hats.
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God the lion knights castle is so fucking ugly and dumb. Idgaf about fucking bedroom and flowermills and toilets, give me a goddamn wizard study, a horse stable and some damn catapults. And this is me overlooking the pozzed femruler and femknights. This set is an insult to the Castle legacy
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It's one of the most epic minifigures anon.
It's basically Shadow the Hedgehog (cool edgy character with tragic past) but fantasy.

In other words ---> kneel
It's the same type of people who drool over le epic lolrandom vidyo characters. Lego is at its best when thing are generic and can exist outside of it's context. Even if you mod it and make up some other story, that thing will never not be the dreamzzz villain because an eyehat and and a clawscarf is too damn specific
>Star Wars is constant original trilogy and prequel remakes
I miss when that was something I could actually complain about, now a big chunk of it is yidsney fanfiction slop. Made worse by the fact that they'll take something cool and preexisting like the E-Wing and bundle it with some literal what shitfighter and a load of yidsney figs to inflate the price.
They've made some bangers lately, at least. The Massassi temple base is a 10/10 playset and the recent X-Wing/Tie Fighter set is pretty cool for its Ugly gimmick.
Go to b and m no one is ever fucking thee you retard
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>I do not get the (alleged, I know it's just you spamming it over and over again, but let's accept your premise for a moment) hype over this fig
Also wtf lol.
The price of this figure keeps climbing.
Also kids drawing fanarts of him which shows that he's one of fan favorites.
It's a cool character many people love and want as a fig.

Just because you are souless being who don't watch cartoon/don't like cool characters doesnt mean it's just hype.
You are outside of the community/can't keep up and don't see what is happening.
You’re wrong. Kids don’t like it. Source my kid.
Also doing some well it didn’t even break the top five.>>11130785
I have the whole line. Honestly they're all pretty good if you have them together, my biggest complaint is with the space station, which in practice is really just a module pack for basebuilding. The central portion if is just boring; you can still have fun using it as a booster engine thing for your ships, but it does not live up to any hype at all. The command rover is pretty cool and has a good amount of interior space (plus its module), but the crane on the back is shitty, wobbly, and doesn't reach the ground. Thankfully it's not built into the frams so it's easy to take off so you can just have a sick flatbed. The tower base is sick aside from the gay launch ramp, would've preferred a landing pad.
>outside of the community
Thank fucking christ, I've seen what the "community" looks like.
I don't know how you can be alive in 1012 x 2 and not understand that edgelord characters will always have a certain appeal
See, even there at least he doesn't look like he has a long t-shirt stuffed through his belt but outside his pants. The fuck is that leg print? I swear they do this shit on purpose nowadays to make sure nobody can use minifig legs for anything but their original purpose.
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E-wing set is worth it for the waifufig
She's disassembled in the spare parts ziplock for the set with all the rest.
How could you do that to her
What? This is totally normal.
>daddy this is weird can we watch something else
>yes it is and yes we can
if kid me saw these sonic sets his nervous system would reset
>the community
Post a cooler minifig. Oh, right. You can’t.
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An overweight transgender AFOL was baiting in a Lego thread on a Moldovan town rapists message board

"Before the new thread begins, you must all get on your knees and worship NEXO Knights and accept that blue and trans (owo) orange was the greatest color scheme in all Castle themes, even greater than Black Falcons!"

At this moment, a brave, nostalgic, MOCchad who had built Lego castles hundreds of times and understood the necessity of keeping medieval and technofantasy themes separate and fully supported all GWP decisions made by TLG replied.

"Is NEXO Knights a Castle theme, tranny?"

The arrogant AFOL smirked quite dilatedly and smugly replied "Yes, you stupid boomer."

"Wrong. NEXO is not a Castle theme. If it were as you say... then why is it categorized separately on BrickLink even after TLG took over?"

The AFOL was visibly shaken, and dropped his Fortrex and copy of a noncanon sticker sheet. He stormed out of the thread crying those söy-flavored crocodile tears. The same tears AFOLs cried when TLG supported their CastleCHAD brothers by giving them two real castles in the same year. There is no doubt that at this point our AFOL wished xey had pulled xerself up by xer bootstraps and become more than a MOClet hack. He wished so much he could 41% himself by stepping on a brick due to the shame but all his bricks had already disintegrated in the box!

The anons applauded and became MOCchads sworn to defend the integrity of Lego Castle themes and accepted King Leo as their rightful ruler and overlord. An angel named Mercy flew into the new thread and posted the first reply and shed a tear down her badly printed face. SOVLful '90s catalogs were read several times, and Cedric the Bull himself showed up and restored chrome-plated pieces to TLG's active parts production.

The AFOL lost his janny fwb and was rangebanned the next day. He tried to keep passing NEXO as Castle and himself as a woman but soon after made it 42%.

Why are the heads of the lil mushroom guys a different color than the bodies? This triggers my 'tism
nexo knights is a castle theme because it has castles
just2good is a woman because he has boobs
theres a darth vader castle set for star wars. does this mean star wars is a castle theme?
false equivalence
1 castle set. nexo has more than just the 1
It's most of the old castle factions, but in the future. and guns
Plenty of castles on the Disney princesses theme. Castle theme confirmed
That ghost dog breaks my brick shaped heart
>but in the future. and guns
So it's sci-fi, not medieval fantasy, which means it's a sci-fi futuristic theme like ultra agents, but with a mild medieval aesthetic to it?
The Harry Potter sets have castles too, so you could consider that a castle theme
Bit like nexo knights
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I'm so glad brickbuilt lives on instead of standardising everything into minifigures.
Best normal brick line Lego has done in forever.
You expect me to read all of that drivel?
That todd is adorable
I can't wait to pay again for Skyrim: Lego Edition.
>wow bro how can you not like him he's such a cool character
Okay, your opinions have been noted. Now please explain how the minifigure itself is any good for anything other than "minifig of [character]" like the man asked. Even the nexotrannies' Krakenskull shilling makes more sense because that fig is actually useful for making something else.
This but unironically
I mean, they learned with speed champions that 8 wide is peak detail/playability ratio. Although I feel the interactive characters will look a bit weird
Why kneel to a flop? Chinkie Kang exists solely to appease China. A literal DEI writeoff.
and by that logic ninjago is a mech theme, because they do anything but ninja stuff anymore.
It really isn't. One of the anons that makes OPs too early likes nexo and then there is one other guy.
>I refuse to believe Zelda will be locked in +18 expensive sets.
Almost all licensed themes are exactly that.
>I'm so glad brickbuilt lives on instead of standardising everything into minifigures.
>Best normal brick line Lego has done in forever.
No. Most of them look like shit and the electronic mario/luigi/peach figures are just soulless. The only ones that translated well are Funky Kong and the blue Penguins.
If you read the thread no one claimed that, they just didn't waste a paragraph being unnecessarily precise. Or at least it shouldn't be necessary but we live in a society.
The investors/subsidizers in question are not just pushing woke products to feel good, and they do not expect a financial return. These are the extremely wealthy people who have already made/inherited their money and are spending it on what their care about the way we do with lego. Unfortunately what the problem ones are spending it on is making sure there is never another holocaust, by removing the concept of race so there are no "others". Easy to see their point of view huh? The problem I have is their approach includes population replacement, in which I and the people I care most about are in the population to replace. Look at the black Aragorn card and tell me that is not what is going on.
>20-40% of movies flop). It's not enough to point at half a dozen examples
Ok yes using movies as examples is too much work to for me to prove right now. You need receipts though, for which the wikipedia page for George Soros combined with the motive I describe above and the absurdity of some of these products like pic related should be enough. Now you provide receipts for the claim that woke products increase _consumer_sales_ or state you do not know with certainty why they are doing it.
Nearby Walmart put their shippers out.
Anon what phone it is? the photo is so crisp
Shut up. Night Hunter is cute as hell and I want to make him a father.
Spooning Night Hunter in bed (carefully) and wrapping my arms around him, playing with the strands of puffy white fur on his soft but broad chest, then slowly moving my hand down his taut stomach and under the covers.
I'd pay attention to his reactions, a little shudder but no objection.
Running my hands along his sides, along his hips, rubbing my thumb over his hip bone, feeling the inside of his thighs and how warm he is...
I want to kiss his head and squeeze him gently against my chest while my other hand explores every part of his body. I wonder if I could feel him purring. He's so lonely but tries so much to cover that up, I don't want him to have to feel lonely or sad or angry anymore.
He's so adorable and lovely, I think I'd appreciate spending hours just pampering his little body, getting quite close to where it feels best but never all the way.
I wonder how long it would take for him to stop me and finally force out words, that I need to stop teasing him like that. I can imagine the way his fangs would show a bit as he grimaces slightly in frustration and embarrassment.
Cute, he's so cute. I want to be his human wife who is twice his size. I wish he could get me pregnant with hoglets.
You are a faggot
I thought about getting this but $300 is retarded. I paid $300 for the Daily Bugle with like 20 minifigs.
Then if you simply ignore the fear and accept the wagie will see you as an autist, you should be able to scan them and get the goats and batlords that lesser autists were too cowardly to find.
>The price of this figure keeps climbing.
Not really. It was averaging $8 on BL but now the market is flooded with $5 sales. It is available in its entirety on Pick a Brick on Lego.com. For $4.33
>Mini Head, No. 4029 --------------$0.27
>Mini Upper Part, No. 6614 -------$1.07
>Mini Lower Part, No. 2482--------$0.51
>Mini Hat, No. 202--------------------$2.48
Total --------------------------------------$4.33
>they don't have two eyes on each side of their heads
>Daddy pig is athletic, looks like he could be a jungle explorer
For broker price take the bricklink 6 month average and divide it by 3. They'll probably sell it for 1.5 to 2x the bricklink value. See if they take 10 for the mansion to sell for 40, and 60 for jabbas prize to sell for 180-200. If you want any more than that sell to a buyer, not a broker.
Is there a way to tell which figure is which without scanning the barcode in an "app?"
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>filter by "sold"
>loot at the dates these been sold
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im the other anon and i liked NIght Hunter because he looks like lego version of hunters from Bloodborne.
But corrupted. It's cool as fuck.
I'm planning to get more of him because im that type of autist that can't force himself to play with "mint condition minifigure" so i need to buy another one to play with it and carry it around.
You're lucky scalping shitlords are so lazy. Walmarts and Lego stores will be sold out instantly, meanwhile my CVS and best buy have multiple series of CMF on the shelf at any given time. Just check other stores. Only pull a switcheroo if you'd be satisfied with a box of dupes too, or else you're just a scalping loser like the rest of them.
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It's actually unreal how retarded Europeans are.
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Town is a castle theme.
Why are they British?
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>literally says from united states

nobody cares about your bricklink. the major profit comes from ebay. And those prices are literally around current dates which means that price is normal one to pay for n.h.
All but one of the sellers in your image are European, all the ones in the other image are US. Do you think the currency the website displays the price in tells you who's buying the item?
Maybe its top 10. Dunno why they font show top 10 themes
It was a Weetabix promotional set released in the UK, they later made a Dutch and German version.
I would watch the adventures of Scrooge McDuck, Indiana Jones, and their little alien bro.
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>no one
332 sales in the last 6 months. How many sales does ebay show for the last 6 months? Genuine question.
>All but one of the sellers in your image are European, all the ones in the other image are US
Yes. I'm showing that retard euro anon where people should buy the figure without directly supporting the theme. Only retards would buy him for that price.
>Do you think
No. I'm calling euro anon a retard.
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>Indiana Jones

Cool plot otherwise
Based euros selling minifigs what they're worth instead of scalping like greedy americans
I compare prices with ebay on most items and it's just total shit 90% of the time. The only thing ebay is consistently better at is CMF. Only thing I don't like about BL is that lego owns it right now. Lego employees actually encourage you to buy from there. The other day I was phone ordering on PaB like the autist I am and one of the items was out of stock. The lady told me to try bricklink. I checked and the item was 4x as expensive there (just waited the extra month for it to restock because fuck that). And I can pretty much guarantee the bricklink seller had bought from PaB based on the quantity. That is some hardcore double dipping lego is enjoying. Scalpers cleaning PaB out and lego enjoys emptying their stock and a percentage of scalper sales. It's the perfect crime.

Reply with "U" to unsubscribe to my blog.
Well it's a Spielberg guy with a hat!
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fucking kek this is literally like that meme
>she even added the huge second photo of herself awkwardly building it
Someone bought almost all the worlds supply of neon transparent chainsaws there's just a few on Europe that dont ship out of there

They were like brothers to the orange transparent chainsaws fucking scalpers

Fuck scalpers and fuck corporations
fucking kek you're literally the meme of a friendless autist zoomer who has no life outside of parasocial relationships with youtubers and gossiping about them like a bitchy catty woman
hit a nerve huh?
Hi Serena, show tits please.
This seems like a bit of an overreaction to anon recognizing a harmless pattern.
No you struck all my nerves
>knowing youtubers names
You know what's not a harmless pattern? Putting youtubers in my eyes. Fucking kill yourself
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anon check this out!
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>You know what's not a harmless pattern? Putting youtubers in my eyes.
Night Hunter could kick your ass, bro.
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this looks so fucking kino
the only problem is that im not a kid anymore and I dont have that much of free time.
I cant imagine how fun it is to have mario lego and mariokart and build and play it WHOLE DAY WITHOUT STOP until grandma calls you to eat.

Holy shit bros...i want to go back...
Imagine all those cool new carts kids can build.
I sure will. Gonna buy the whole line and hope there will be more characters in the future.
>he doesn't take days off specifically to play with Lego
okay zoomer
I hope they do a Biddy Buggy
I love Biddy Buggy
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I know normies hate lego Mario because its childish but im praying for them to make WARIO. isnt wario super popuar or something?
i will totally snap and start buying mario klocki if they will
Only popular with adults, kids fucking HATE Wario. He'll never get a set.
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Im really should take a week off just to play with toys.
Yeah only adults like ugly bastards. You have to have exposure to Japanese doujin
Why is it so dusty? Did you find it in your parents attic or something?
Replace 4chan with Lego for fucks sakes. There's something really stupid about people complaining they have no free time for hobbies when they're on the internet. I see it all the time with old videogames and it drives me nuts lol
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this is the second cursed lego image from /lg/ i see.
The previou one is from around 2018...

Really makes you think. step up guys.
>plastic wheels
I dunno about this
that's such a fun looking lego castle set.
It looks like it will be a great set for display.

Anybody has it? how is it?
im beating myself over to buy or not to buy thoughts....it's around 100eur so idk. I could buy that Creator castle instead but this is just so iconic and great and it has a Bowser skeleton
NTA, but I'm shitposting from work about how I want to go home and play with my figgies.
I snapped this in an antique store in some working class port town. They also had some kind of store display piece for Ninjago and vintage 90s warhammer 40k models.

>Trump klocki hoarder
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Yeah I think I prefer minidolls to this
That looks fine though...
That’s the best way to leave any you don’t buy. Make Lego bag again.
if that was a lego set it's be atleast $30
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Crocodile car bros - if you want to play with your car but crocodile version is not that swooshable and car version is boring - just do this.

And it will double the fun time. It's so much fun to drive this literal monster around
Best theme
Dreamzzz is so fucking cringe its unreal. No wonder it lost to Technic, lol.
Not even on clearance. I’m gonna give you props for actually playing with it though. Funny how it’s specifically “for kids” but the sets are “unplayable”. I wonder who could the target community be then?>>11130982
Zelda should use the animal crossing system

Or dnd should, imqgine a dnd theme with dungeon sets that connect, small sets to build a big dungeon and castles, boats, dragons, etc.
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I want to go back
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LEGO® DREAMZzz™ has been available for over half a year now as a series on streaming platforms with accompanying toys.

I'm 39 without kids so I'm not the targeted demographic but I really do like the theme and its originality. With new sets releasing soon I'm curious how this new IP is doing (financially for LEGO®) and if others (and their kids) like it and support it.

Do you think LEGO® DREAMZzz™ will continue on for years to come or will it only last for another year or so? Is it something you (and your kids) like or dislike?
>lego dreamzzz
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Calm down sw-slop zoomer.
Be nice and i will let you play with it as well.
Man that shar is PEAK AESTHETIC
i love dreamzzz and got some but still didnt buy it. I should.
i really want that spacebus too
nintentoddlers are the most insufferable
I’ll level with you Joel, it’s bad. My kid hates it. I’m 100 percent. The sets don’t play well, the show is weird and off putting to kids, it’s like they tried to listen to kids then said “nah fuck it we gotta make this suck!” Will it continue? Maybe? Lego does some fucked up shit and people seem to still buy it.
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No, I just like to derail tranny threads before they get out of hand.
Those ice cream tubs I use for storage are found outside on my adventures. I stick with that brand so they stack nice and they hold a reasonable amount of lego.
>My kid hates it
You dont have a kid, pedo.
My. Fuckin. Nigga. You just don’t disappoint my dude. One of, if not the best fucking poster and appreciator of the toy on here.
Sure… uh okay. Projecting is an art and you’ve mastered it. Stay away from my kid. And keep your queer shit to yourself.

>lesbo jewyork moms

No wonder you guys love it so much.
Holy shit, you are romanian

De unde dracu gasesti lego pe jos omule, stai in Ferentari? Au furat tiganii lego?
Okay diddlo
Seriously what is wrong with you anon, are you actually retarded?
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Whats the consensus?
He keeps posting the same shit in every thread. I’m starting to worry at this point.
The mindflayer is cool. Otherwise, meh.
2nding the where the fuck do you live, Asda, Game, B&M, The Entertainer all have lego out on the shelves near me. And I found the Space CMFs out on the shelves at B&M and Asda and got the exact ones I wanted with the scanning app.
The barbarian is meh. Otherwise cool.
If they have the small barcodes, you can check if there's a spreadsheet on reddit to get an idea of what they are.
Alternatively if you find a fresh box you can tell by what position they're in. An Anon posted a guide to the positions of the CMFs and I used that to get a goat herder.
I like Shin Hati but her minifig looks too clean or something.
I want the witch and the paladin, but I'm not really interested in the others, it's a shame there's no monk or minotaur.
Didn't you buy your crotch goblin one of the poverty sets and were annoyed at the fact lego comes apart when you chuck it in a toybox.
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if this didnt have this yellow orange-i would buy it
everything else is super cool
Monk is in the set
which set, the big castle?
lego literally had a minotaur minifigure
Not quite, shit came apart got chucked in the box after it wasn’t played with for several weeks. I got the cheap sets because I’m not blowing money on sets my kid doesn’t like. It’s fun letting the kid pick because I get to explore new shit I wouldn’t have bought myself. I don’t like any of them but I’ve been impressed by the friends sets for how playable they actually are with fun features, Harry Potter sets are fuckin rad (that was a happy surprise), some of the cheap o marvel sets are pretty fun and so is the xjet, the super Mario sets are a huge hit with kid, just picked up a ninjago Polybag and it was fucking badass so probably going to explore that more. Just doesn’t like dreamzzz, the shows or the sets.
Yep it's the dragon guy from memory
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This area is an open air flea market in best Macedonia and mostly the sellers are gypsies who find things being thrown away and sell them. While it is not Romania it is not uncommon to find old torn money from neighboring countries. I would bet Romania would have a similar thing there. Go to the area during the days they are not working and just look on the ground. Expect to see a lot of fakes as well. Romani don’t know the value of real Lego so you might find some good deals as well when they are open.
No. That's just the Town equivalent to "Medieval Times."
Love Clussy.
Shut up pedophile.
no it's not

the big set as a fighter, mage, rogue, cleric, bard(the "dragon guy") plus the evil wizard villain
I didn't think it was. Does no-one play monks anymore, are they racist or something now?
looks like ass
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>looks like ass
Calm down Serena and try not to alienate your target audience. Also show more belly and armpits please.
>this kills the /lg/
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Your mom’s hot. Anymore?
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And knights!
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sir, this is just nexo knights but with some 90's consoomer autism
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It kinda is. But i would say that the designers who came up with Nexo Knight were a fan of Visionaries or used that as imspiration.
paladin will be on mass farmed from any store, otherwise overall a really good series. Kind of wish they did a monk instead of lady of pain, because if you include the big set, we only have 11 of the 12 base classes, excluding monk specifically...
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I wish I could say I didn't have to google it, and didn't think it was some not so original idea again. but then again people can hardly pinpoint Exo-Force's source as Exosquad without google.
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Anyone own this? Looks based as fuck but some reviews say it doesn't stay together well, hoping that's just retards being retarded.
It has no problem standing up, but I'm used to figures with knees so maybe I'm the wrong person to ask. What I find bit iffy is how the arms can't be pushed inwards much
That's weird right? Why wouldn't they do a monk?
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exo squad was so cool.
Sometimes i let my top tier minifigures fly their mechs
Any DC news?
is that what you looked like after I insulted your little toy anon?
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>zoomers hating on Dreamzzz and missing the hidden gem of literal life size raven set
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In case this anon is still here. Didn’t see any good responses in last thread.
After washing add a cup of white wine vinegar to the rinse and let soak. Let dry thoroughly but not in direct sunlight. This gets rid of most pet and smoke smells.
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2024: I am forgotten
I'd be happy to randomly get any of these, but I absolutely need a mind flayer and will get annoyed quickly if I don't pull one early.
i will be happy to get multiples of those. those look like weird cult of Chtulhu monsters.

we got 1 year to get multiples of our favorites bros...LET THE CARNAGE BEGIN
I probably will go for multiples. I personally would have chosen more generics over stablished characters for the batch, but I get why those greedy curs did it; they can't trademark Lich, but they can trademark Szass Tam, after all. I would have preferred a clean skull to the desiccated corpse they referenced.
You don't need extra parts to combine them like this, right?
Doubt it stays together well, the sytem-ccbs-bionicle thing pieces are not very good. I wish they would just use technic when it's obviously needed instead of trying to make everything system
How come you guys never post Lego? You aren't just buying sets and keeping them unopened, are you?
I bought four 3-1 instead. Fuck that overpriced nostalgia grab.
Got one second pull thank jebus the fomo is gone but I do plan to get several and make a cultist moc >>11131971 this little bastard is great!
Well done. Hope to join you soon. Digging the Devourer. Are you the same anon who got the Paladins from a Walmart that broke street date or are multiple places selling them now?
No, they use the same little bases as the mario sets. It won't look as good as that picture though as they've used some big baseplates to put everything on.
Have you seen how much these fucking sets cost? I don't know who (((The Lego Group))) think they are or what economy they think they're operating in.
nta but multiple places have broken street date, people have been posting what they got for a week or 2 now (which fucking sucks as I know places around me won't get them until a few weeks into september for some stupid reason.
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Pic is my most missed opportunity.
>$160 for everything
This was up for 1 day and idk what the hell i was thinking not buying it instantly.
The amount of minifigs and buildings in this lot...holy shit...
I’m the guy that got them from a grocery store but like a week ago. I wasn’t a nigger and only got one of each of the six I wanted. There was only one fucking mind flayer or I would have been a nigger and got them all though no lie.
I'm in the same boat. Might crack and go to Bricklink if I don't start seeing any.
That's going to be the one nobody can get naturally, isn't it. God damn it. Went to the mall last week and none of the stores had them out yet. Maybe the LGS will have them.
Thankfully I got the space ones I wanted eventually, it just sucks having to wait for places near me to stock them or put them out on the shelves or whatever stupid reason they have for not putting them out on the street date.
It's really something when even a fucking Lego store doesn't have them out.
Just be vigilant the app does work so just be sure to take your time. I think it and the paladin will be the biggest wins. There were a shitload of bards and Druid’s and barbarians just a heads up the box I found was fucking terrible.
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Looking forward to it.
Yeah I noticed that myself when I went in last, I just figured they didn't stock cmfs at official stores for some stupid reason.
>There were a shitload of bards and Druid’s and barbarians
Yeah that doesn't surprise me as they look like the worse ones. I would have thought the tiefling would have been left behind too but I guess people want the little dragon it comes with.
How do you like electronic mario sets? I want to buy the new one with baby bowser. Is it fun?
Someone's already selling D&D cmfs on Bricklink and the photos are correct but they're listed as "Custom Item" and I don't know what to make of it
I'm not a bricklink expert but I think it takes them awhile to add things as I remember looking for the space cmfs on there a few weeks after they came out but there was no categories for them.
So they have to call them customs? Makes sense. Still skeptical of the idea I could order a batch of four of one for the price of two.
>most of them around 10eur
you have to be retarded to buy them right now.
You will be able to buy boxes for 3.50eur on Amazon just like space theme.
the dwarf looks so generic compared to the rest.
Very geNeric indeed. I didn't even notice she was meant to be a dwarf. Why did they foul up such a classic combination by making it female and removing the most recognizable dwarf aspect as a result?
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>fir coat (instead of armor)
>no beard piece
>that terrible hair
easily the most awful one
picrelated is dwarf. Idk what idiot made it look like that.
dei, there MUST be a black womxyn in every cmf line from now on
>>fir coat (instead of armor)
Not wearing armor is the class's whole thing. They're too tough to need it.
Yeah, but why the dwarf? Do they realize they made the black one the Violent, Angry one? That could get multiple people fired.
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>Not wearing armor is the class's whole thing.
a dwarf without armor?
the heck?
there are already a lot of dwarf minifigs, I think they did it because it was the least unique (in lego), if they thought about it at all
Barbarians. Class.
Fair enough. She's definitely going to be the "black" sheep of the box either way.
Mininig. Is this anything?
>Barbarians. Class.
oh i see
Still absolutely stupid that fantasy cmf don't have an archetype of "angry bearded guy with big weapon".
Not surprising literally everybody just want paladin (+ waifufags want a witch + chtulhu monster is nice as a figure) to make their own "fantasy armor guy"
New thread?
>there are already a lot of dwarf minifigs
Most of them are in unabtainable Hobbit/LotR sets or very very old CMF sets.
Nobody is going to track that. most of people dont go to bricklink.
A bad overlap of specific, branded characters from lore and tokenized generics that couldn't even get the right generic for the dwarf. I still like most of them. The witch is actually like three different fucking D&D characters they decided were all aliases of one witch but she still works as a stock witch.
I didn't even realise the witch is meant to be a named character, I thought she was just a cool generic witch.
I'm still mad they couldn't do Mario minifigs because fucking Nintendo made them do those mechanized monstrosities instead.
The main flaw with the DnD minifigures is that most of them of named characters, just generic player characters. And unlike Minecraft, DnD doesn't have any iconic default PCs (though Minecraft has plenty of minifigures not based on real skins) and I'm doubt they're actually interesting to DnD players because they can't be customised to their OCs, just changed from male to female.
Yeah, they wanted to sell trademarks they own, not concepts anyone can play with.
Wtf is this. I want it so bad.
most of them are from 2008 castle. and we already got 2 dwarfs in cmf.they are all quite good and also not fleshies like the dnd figures so if you want a dwarf fig definitely get these. they are pretty cheap apart from the older cmf one
Lego Movie 3: Finn definitely got raped by this fuckin “guy”
>most of them are from 2008 castle. and we already got 2 dwarfs in cmf.
they not worth getting right now in 2024 if you not making a specific fantasy moc.
And they are expensive by minifigure standarts.

We need a new dwarf for newbies and people who just want a dwarf from current sets.
The look in eyes.
why? looks like some 8yos garbage moc
>shortest legs
>beard (from fantasy era ideally)
>helmet (from fantasy era ideally)
>shield (from fantasy era ideally)
There you go.
sorry. dwarfs are diverse black women now. no more WHITE BEARDED MEN.
You've just reinvented pygmies. They communicate through the clicking sounds bricks make when you attach and separate them.
Why is there one yellow among the fleshies?
So...you don't even need to buy DnD cmf because you can frankenstein it from random city parts?

got it. lego should close CMF series.
Only fags play monk, and it shouldn't be a base class. Why people feel the need to shit up a medieval fantasy context with their weeb horseshit is beyond me.
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Sets coming
you mean lego?
He's supposed to be asian
no shit
looks pretty ass
Prove it. i dont see people talking about lego jw rebirth
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Animal crossing is chad theme
Fabuland 2
>lego sent me…
Ok. I see where this is going.
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How long do I have to wait for it? I wish LotR got the Harry Potter treatment
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Brickbuild Isabelle when?
human size brickbuilt isabelle when . so i can sleep with it
reminder that lego is customizable and you can simply make your own (ideally yellow) version of all these DnD archetypes
yellow figs are exceedingly rare in 2024
I hope by the end of the decade all themes are fleshies
What's more medieval than a monk?
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just finished the ghost and the 2 speeders i made from pieces from the microfighter sets. what do you guys think
Star Wass is a disease. It spreads till it kills everything.
new thread

so you dont have a proof, faggot
New thread.
just take one of the several thousand extant yellow heads and put it on the DnD character of your choosing, and you've got a yellow fig
Have you ever just had a normal conversation with another human being?
Listen, if you want to make a paunchy guy with a bald pate in a brown robe who exclusively hits enemies with a frying pan or a rolling pin, I'm the first to get on board with that. Just don't bring your fucking Shaolin OC donut steel to the table, Friar Fuck.
Shit Hatty's fighter looks like one of those cheese and jerky stick packs you'd find at a 7-11.
I think what killed the line was changing the colors of the knight's vehicles. The lime green clashed so hard with everything else. They should have kept the knight's colors the same with each season and only change the bad guys.
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ShipTember is here !!

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