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Previous Thread >>11105795



HasLab Cobra Rattler - Campaign is now live! Funding period ends 11:59PM ET on September 9th

Now Shipping:
>Cobra Night Attack Stinger (FanCh)
>Sgt Slaughter Mad Marauder (FanCh)
>Lowlight & Spirit Mad Marauders 2pk (Pulse)
>Wreckage and Tiger Paw ATV (Target/Pulse)
>Retro Beach Head
>Retro Cobra Eel
>Retro Snow Serpent
>Night Force Shockwave and Night Pursuit Cycle (Pulse/Walmart)
>Gnawgahyde w/ Porkbelly & Yobbo
>Night Creeper
>Tiger Force Roadblock & Tripwire 2pk

>New/Render Reveals - Nemesis Immortal, Dial-Tone, Saw Viper, Cobra CLAW w/ pilot, Leatherneck, Zandar, Starduster (Pulse Con Exclusive)

>Pipeline Reveals - Blowtorch, Frag Viper, Footloose, Heavy Duty, Law & Order, Retro Rock ‘N’ Roll, Retro Dr. Mindbender, Retro Cobra Viper

>Cobra Rattler (HasLab)
>60th Anniversary Sniper
>60th Anniversary HALO Jumper
>Road Pig
>Steel Corps vs Twilight Guard
>Night Force Falcon and Quarrel (Walmart/Pulse)
>Iron Grenadier
>Iron Grenadier B.A.T.
>Storm Shadow v2
>Retro Stalker
>Retro Cobra Trooper
>Retro Cobra Commander

>Super7 O-ring figures revealed
>Mezco Commando Snake Eyes for pre-order. Expected to ship after 6-8 weeks after SDCC
>Hiya Toys: Zartan, Spirit Iron-Knife, Tomax & Xamot, Croc Master, Stalker, Dusty, Crimson Guard, Cobra Viper 4” figures

>Free Episodes of G.I. Joe ARAH:

>Free Episodes of Renegades and Sigma 6:

>G.I. Joe Spy Troops (PAL version, ripped and edited by a very kind Aussie Anon/Spy Troops anon):
HasLab Rattler campaign is currently at 14922 backers. Tier 2 Gunner figure was unlocked at 14,000. Next goal is Pilot Baroness at 18000!
Hiya Cobra Commander preview. It looks really good. Recently the Viper went up for preorder too.
I mean, yeah, ill say this looks cool. I guess.
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Not sure I like the chromed stripe, but otherwise he's pretty cool.

Not something I'd bother hunting down, but a good design overall.
woop woop
i started buying diecast too.

i wish theyd do more tacticool stuff like the spirit/low light two pack. that, to me, is the most exciting release this line has ever had.
raptor is cringe marvelshit. road pig is cool but they made him too young, i think his babyface is why everyone hates him. im gonna buy him anyway i love mad max shit, im the target audience for dreadnoks basically.

youre a shitskin and i hate you if you actually buy that anniversary sniper lady.
Yeah, I thought the sniper lady was bs too, but it looks like if you don't kit her out with the sniper stuff you can make her look like just some rear echelon motherfucker. And there is utility to that.

I wouldn't pay full price for that though.
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You drink cotton candy faygo bud, you cant call anyone some silly names.
>woop woop
Are people still juggalos in 2024?
No one bought the valaverse SUV?
you mean the soccer mom car? no it made me lol and cringe and hate valaverse more. go to valaverse.com, see 500 black women and lesbians figurines looking real tough and mean. whoa cool now you can put them in a Barbie car
Yeah, theyve got a large and loyal fan base. Never been my thing but plenty of others enjoy it.
From the reviews I've seen, it's not worth it. It's even more hollow than McFarlane's Batmobiles and the anti-aircraft turret can't even move up or down.
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Reposting because I just realized we were already on a new thread.

I saw some GI Joe page punchers at Wal-Mart the other day. They were the only GI Joe toys in the store because I fear they may just have dropped Classified Series completely after having to put a bunch of Lady Jays on clearance. Having actually seen them in person they do look kind of cool at least.

Think they're worth picking up? For only $15 it seems kind of hard to go wrong with two mini figures and two comics. They only had the Cobra Commander and Crimson Guard two pack, not the Duke and Snake Eyes one but I'm sure I could find that one if I look around.
I guess if they appeal to you then it is up to you. I have no interest in them, so they’re a hard pass for me personally.
if you have to ask permission to spend $15, i think you shouldn't. you clearly can't afford it.
Id just spend $15 on comics, ive seen a few page punchers and i thought they were pretty badly painted. Couldve been a bad batch so im not dogging the line, but id rather have the die cast figurines for $20.
I personally see no appeal to these figures as they're pretty much the exact opposite of everything I enjoyed about the original O-Ring Joes, not to mention how much I enjoy the more modern era 1:18 stuff.

Removing articulation from G.I. Joe figures will never not be a ridiculous idea to me.
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I have no idea what Todd is thinking with these. The market is already saturated. Super7 is doing 5 POAs of Joes that are bigger with better paint, Jada is doing diecast small joes comparable to the 1988 minijoes. Like what is the point of these? Their default poses are awful, they have little paint and you can get better figures seven different ways. That said looking at the funko market I would bat an eye if old farts get lost trying to buy these up thinking they will be an "investment"
They are, ironically, like less detailed Super7 Re-action figures..
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Yeah, i think McFarlane is going kinda boring with just 5PoA figures.
Something preposed, like their old Halo line would be far more interesting.

I can understand why he's doing those figures though, since they're trendy and he's trying to establish his own corner in that market.
While I also dislike the Reaction stuff, I will admit that it's impressive they can release so many different variations of the troop builders. So that alone gives those things value.

Page Punchers are more of the same in a worse package packed with comics new collectors won't read and old collectors already read.
>Id just spend $15 on comics

Fair enough. I have been kind of interested in Skybound's relaunch, too.
Its pretty good, im just now getting tpbs but the single issues ive grabbed were enjoyable. Its familiar stuff presented in a new way from what ive seen so far but im not up to date, clearly, on the energon universe and how void rivals ties into the whole thing yet. Ill say that just trying a random issue will be much much more enjoyable than trying an issue of gi joe a real american hero as it feels bogged down by its longer history.
These were the die casts i mentioned.
I know how you feel, I want to go back and read some early RAH although the newer stuff is a lot harder to get into because there's so few familiar faces around after 40 years of in-universe time.
That chrome on the top is fucking ugly stupid. Fucking hiya... why do these companies always do this shit, got me kit bashing all these fucking pieces of shit
>although the newer stuff is a lot harder to get into because there's so few familiar faces around after 40 years of in-universe time.
I don't know about IDW ARAH, but the Skybound ARAH has plenty of familiar faces. Granted, a lot of new ones too.
I'm just glad out of Duke and Cobra Commander there has been very little named character deaths
You can't blame Hiya for following Hasbro's Classified designs. IT's what Hiya licensed and it doesn't seem like Hiya can do their own thing.
>that droopy rifle
Droopy rifle is common in soldiers over 45.
I read one issue of the current arah and it wasnt a mess. It looked good, read ok blah blah but i had no clue what was happening. Serpentor and mindbender on a zombie island i think? Lots of joes talking about stuff. Id totally give it a shot if i got caught up to speed on the book, so maybe i just picked a bad issue to read.
Yeah some of the issues drag a bit. I guess it's Hama trying to figure out where he wants to take it next.

Basically the first issue ended with Serpentor turning everyone on the Cobra Island (or whatever it was called) into zombies with a zombie virus nuke. Now they are in a quasi-alliance with the AI robot things (who are presumably from the IDW part of the run) and they are both trying to destroy Springfield. Joes are caught in the middle.
Hama's IDW run got aborted when they lost the license; he was lucky to get to issue #300 before the axe fell but everyone decided to end it there and pray that Hama's charity run (which only exists to fulfil the contractual requirement where IDW had to have one GI Joe book published every month or lose the master license to it and Transformers) would continue wherever the license ended up from there.

The Energon GI Joe books are the "new reader/lapsed reader" books, whereas the Hama ARAH continuation basically is for the die hard longtime fans and they've not bothered to hide that given that Hama's only concession to the lapsed reader is that he resurrected the original Snake Eyes in GI Joe #300 after killing him off and having a female Snake Eyes and Kamurka (crappy spelling) take over the role.
>he resurrected the original Snake Eyes in GI Joe #300
He did? About fucking time.

That reminds me, how was the IDW Saturday Morning Adventures run?
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I got a wired cape for my Storm Shadow. It should make for some fun poses.
Should note that Serpentor isn't Serpentor. Hama literally resurrected one of the real life people who's DNA Serpentor was created from (IIRC either Hannibal or Atilla the Hunn) and put them in the Serpentor armor.
Yep, thats the issue i read. Really felt like i just walked into the middle instead of the beginiing so idk, ill try the tpb when it comes out i guess.
Ive never heard of that series, it sounds like a fun idea.
thats somehow even more retarded
>Ive never heard of that series, it sounds like a fun idea.
It's literally all I wanted from every licensed comic. I've heard the TMNT one is good, and the Dungeons & Dragons one sucked. I think there was a mini for Transformers, too.
Can someone tell me what's the deal with Raptor? Is he some low rent wannabe Falcon?

He's a meme character. He's a goofy accountant who finds out that his best friend is a member of Cobra (Crimson Guard) and basically after the two take in an on the run Cobra Commander, begs CC to let him join Cobra in his homemade costume and his vehicle/weapon designs (he created the CC battle armor and a couple of Cobra vehicles, including the Pogo vehicle and IIRC the giant circle shape boaring wheel that travels underground. And after he gets made into a member of Cobra, he helps his BFF bury CC's body when he kills CC and take over Cobra proper.
To be fair, it was Hama ripping off the Devil's Due writers; the Devil's Due series revealed that Mindbender created about a dozen spare clones of Serpentor, of which one (Hannibal) was rapidly aged to young adulthood and fought Cover Girl and Spirit while the rest were sociopathic kids. And another one (who came out very old) ended up joining the US military as a super general until he went evil.
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Look at Cobra Commander's cute little feeties.
Small feet for a big man, he needs bigly feet.
Even without all the silly comic junk, he was always just a crazy dude in a bird costume who worked for Cobra and had a really fun toy. Not much more needed to know then that.

Batman looks very confused by this.
>Really felt like i just walked into the middle instead of the beginiing
Technically you did, pretty sure it just picks up right where the IDW ARAH left off.
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Guys, there's 7 days left and 3000 backers still to go. Get on your socials and spam the Haslab before it's too late. I barely see any influencers posting about time running out.
Hama's last issue of GI Joe at IDW ended on a massive cliffhanger, basically daring whoever got the comic license next to give him a book or just leave readers hanging forever.

Technically it's a clone of Snake Eyes with a copy of his mind uploaded from the Brainwave Scanner, but everyone's treating it like a resurrection. Due to this, he's not facially disfigured and can talk, for now at least.

It's Genghis Khan, he's literally calling himself Serpentor Khan. Hama apparently forgot Genghis was part of the original DNA mix for Serpentor, and had Mindbender try to create a new, improved version of Serpentor with Khan's DNA, but something went wrong and he got a Genghis Khan clone.

They ran full page ads in advance promoting the story as the return of the real Serpentor, and had him on covers too, then we got this weird swerve. The story has since added another twist of the Joes finding the original Serpentor's body on ice in Mindbender's lab, completely ignoring the previous time he was resurrected, in the story where Snake Eyes died.
>To be fair, it was Hama ripping off the Devil's Due writers; the Devil's Due series revealed that Mindbender created about a dozen spare clones of Serpentor,
It's possible Hama read that story with Serpentor's Primarchs, or it might just be a coincidence, it's not really clear how attention he was paying to what they were doing in those comics, the only stories he wrote for Devil's Due were prequel stories or one set immediately after the end of his Marvel run, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to anything else the other writers were doing if he didn't want to.

>And another one (who came out very old) ended up joining the US military as a super general until he went evil.
General Phillip Rey, he was at first implied to be the actual Serpentor disguised and brainwashed, as after his defeat he'd fallen into the hands of The Jugglers who were planning to use him for something. Rey didn't actually go evil of his own free will, he'd been given some kind of hypnotic suggestion to make him obey command words from Cobra, and was then put in charge of The Phoenix Guard, a squad sent to take the Joes down after they were framed for going rogue. The Phoenix Guard were disguised Cobras, who thought Rey was the real Serpentor, when he realized they were Cobra and the Joes had been framed, he broke his programming.
Please tell influencers to stop influencing those of unsound mind.
The toy actually worked to character's disadvantage as it's often one of the main figures to be name checked when people talk about how GI Joe jumped the shark.

Hama full on saved Raptor with his take on him, making him basically be Matthew Broderick from the Producers; an accountant who dreams of dressing up like Sam Wilson and fighting annoying goody goody types and getting rich doing bad things.
The filecard Hama wrote for Raptor made him an interesting oddball Cobra in a year where every new Cobra character was an interesting oddball, but the comic giving him a prominent role in the early stories with Battle Armor Cobra Commander, and having him be goofy looking and silly, but actually intelligent and competent at the same time, it really sold the guy. But he probably only got that much spotlight because he was in one of the animated ads for the comics, which were developed months in advance of the comics, whenever Hasbro paid for one to be made, Marvel got orders that they had to have that issue use those specific characters and vehicles in a battle similar to the one in the ad.
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If i wouldve known that i bet it wouldve altered my thoughts on the issue or just made me skip buying it. Being caught up in the hooplah over joe comics was the only reason i even went back to bull shit shop in the first place.
Well im sorry guys but i just can not allow myself to back this and it sucks but i want other things that are neccesary to my life more. Its like, yeah i can pay that much and itd be no big deal but i kinda want that money more. Im not gonna keep boo hooing, im sure youll get her and maybe i can trade my way into buying one later lol.

Oh and i think raptor is pretty cool too.
>Technically it's a clone of Snake Eyes with a copy of his mind uploaded from the Brainwave Scanner, but everyone's treating it like a resurrection.

Guess it's just another of those cases in comics where your choices are either ignoring what came before or just stay mad forever.
I'm kinda in the same boat in terms of the Rattler. I would LOVE to back it, but right now is just not a good time for me. Got too many other things I need to save for that aren't toys that I can't justify dropping $350 for something I'll probably keep in it's box for the next few years. It kills me a little to miss out on this beast, but real life budget stuff take priority.
I know Hama wasn't writing Cobra Commander's dialogue with Chris Latta's voice in mind, but this is one of those scenes where it just fits so well.
I'm not mad, I'm genuinely not sure where this is going, whether we are supposed to take it at face value as this is the real Snake Eyes reborn or if there's going to be some twist. I've read comics long enough to know if there is a twist coming they wouldn't tell us, and would pretend it's all for real.
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Oh I didn't mean "you" exactly, just readers in general. Writers can be incredibly tone deaf.
no. im tired of the cobra dick riding, im really pissed about the african sniper anniversary figure, im tired of their gummy guns, im cringing hard at some of the leaks like le football lacrosse grenade catapalt man xd, and their female figures are awful quality anyway.
Yeah, its burned into my brain at this point.
Don't worry bro - don't pander to these faggots - we will blow past the 18k and these shit sippers saying "no" in these comments will be S.O.L. trying to buy one on ebay for 499.99 lol. Just relax. Buy 2 and sell your second baron-ass for $199.99 on ebay. We'll be fine
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so we don't need to buy the rattler?
Rattler will hit 20k backers and later in the year they will announce a cartoon Baroness that's literally the same figure with a new color scheme and no flight gear, mark my words.
cool, I canceled my order just now
that should be a surprise to no one, they did the same thing with coco and scarlett
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This Baroness is the best looking female figure in the line so far. Retro Scarlett is nice, really hope they release improved versions of Lady Jaye and Cover Girl too
Ive spent a few hours staring at retro scarletts hiney, its pretty nice.
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Sunbow Lady Jaye is one of my top wants for the line. Wouldn't mind a Cover Girl redo, but I imagine it'll be a variant like NF Falcon.
I'm happy they're getting less afraid to make female bodies actually look female in form
Not bad. Nice thigh, too.
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WIP Cesspool head from Donman collectibles. Needs a lot more work but pretty hyped about the first pass
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This Baroness pin-up nose art would be cool on a t-shirt
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>Not using her flame bikini design.
Fucking woke ass Hasbro.
damn these are awful
I want a two pack of Cobra Commander with that horse and lance.
>Baroness unlocked
Rattlerbros, >we did it.
Tits for everyone
I'm just really stoke for the patches.
Yeah, they look pretty nice. Hopefully they offer up some stand alone patches one day.
This outfit is better.
One day left, are you getting the plane?
I wish. Sadly out of my current budget.
I've always thought a lot of the character designs were badass but the show was kind of lame, are the comics any better?
They are! The Marvel run was specially cool during the first 90 issues or so. A lot of cool lore and background.
Yeah, the comics are pretty solid. Id follow>>11146961 advice and try the marvel stuff before reading anything else since the marvel stuff is the backbone everyone works from.

Yo joe! My doc and creeper could be here today! Friggin love me some doc, hopefully the repack series gives us a field medic one day. I really do find these support roles to be quite interesting.
Skystriker and HISS looks like the first sets for MEGA GI Joe. Really wished they'd gone 90's with hyper neon instead. Im getting tired of drabbed joes.
I’m excited for these. And I wouldn’t worry about getting some neon joes, mega reuses the shit out of bodies, they gave us like 10 different recolors of skeletor and he-man, we got everything short of disco skeletor.
Yeah, people who only know GI Joe from the cartoon are missing out on some of absolute best parts of GI Joe. The Marvel run is what really made me love GI Joe
Can't wait for this dogshit to flop
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Imagine seeing this in 2020
i don't want the rattler either but you should calm down shitposter kun, it already was successful
Would have quit sooner
Thank you for giving your you to someone who so desperately needed it
Can't wait for that mega shit to finally fucking flop once it shelf warms like all the other trash no one wants.
It's wild how many vehicles this line has had in 4 years, while Black Series has almost nothing. With how that line went I was sure Gi Joe was never going to get anything more than motorcycles.
That's depressing. In 4 years, they only managed to release half of what we got in a down year during the 25th-Retaliation era.

In 2020, we were actually expecting a full revival of the GI Joe line and hoping it would be a full blown toyline like what happened with the 25th line. And that was LOW expectations, because we realistically werent thinking it to be the 2009 movie height that had like 20 vehicles just for the movies (they still released non-movie figures and vehicles that year).

What we ended up getting was worse, with expectations so much lowered, that you actually think in 2020 your image would have been viewed as anything but bad. Shit, and i view most of your pic as a waste, because I'd rather have seen them as 1:18 vehicles. That Rattler is a badly needed update for the aged 3.75" one that kept getting reissued over and over.

Pic is only the Cobra side of vehicles they would release for half of 2010.
>That's depressing. In 4 years, they only managed to release half of what we got in a down year during the 25th-Retaliation era.

Not really, if you actually bother to think about the context. For one, that pic doesn't show all the vehicles we've gotten. No Stinger, no Trubble Bubble, etc. And pretty much all the vehicles in the line have come out in the last year, save for a few of the motorcycles, like the coil and the first Ramcycle.

What's more, it actually somewhat of a shock the line didn't just implode in on itself within the first year and a half considering: the Covid fiasco, shitloads of shipping delays, logistical issues, and distribution problems. People whining about the first couple of waves, so Hasbro had to slowly steer the ship back toward the vintage look for the figures. Snake Eyes Origins movie being mostly a flop, and about, zero interest from anyone in any of those figures, so they rotted on shelves for nearly a year (seriously, retailers practically couldn't even GIVE those figures away).
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>Not really, if you actually bother to think about the context.
In context, I said "in 4 years," so two of the vehicles in pic aren't even out yet and in 2010 (a down year) there were 17 vehicles released (not counting Club shit). I'm obviously not referring to those five Classified vehicles in picture as being HALF of 17.

> it actually somewhat of a shock the line didn't just implode in on itself
We didn't know that in 2020, hence being hopeful it'd be more than the trickle of releases we've been getting. No one knew COVID lockdowns would last as long as they did and the shipping/supply chain bullshit didn't happen until a year later.
Were you never part of the GI Joe threads until after the Classified line was established or something? Because we used to be real hopeful when Hasbro started showing shit off, with people hoping they could have military vehicles they could use against their Marvel Legend figures even. What a pipedream that ended up mostly being mostly recreational vehicles like bikes, atvs, and half sized cars.

So yeah, it's depressing that we've lowered our expectations so much that the little we've recieved in four years is supposed to be impressive.

pic is another down year during the 25th era, but wow!, look at all we got. The GI Joe General used to really move back in the day and there were so many photos from so many anons... some of whom still post on /toy/ but in other threads, because there's not much going on with GI Joe anymore.
The ass hat even replied to a post about comic books. These troll jobs friggin suck. Anyway, back to enjoying gi joe with good company while i watch some show about helicopters.
One of the main concerns with doing GI Joe at this scale was the prices of vehicles and playsets, and where the fuck you're going to put all this. Who gives a shit about how much stuff we got back then? A single figure cost like, $7 back in 2011, and a vehicle was maybe $25.

My whole point was that early on with Classified, Hasbro was obviously a bit worried about if people would actually be buying all these high-priced, huge vehicles, so they were unsure about just dumping tons of them all over the place, plus, once again, retailers don't even always want to carry all this stuff and dedicate shelf real estate to it. The point is that in the last year they've been doing more vehicles. Could they be doing more? Absolutely. But the GI Joe fandom is so schizophrenic that no one can seem to agree on what they actually want anyway. Some people bitch because Hasbro is releasing things too fast. Some bitch because they are releasing things too slow. Some people bitch when things don't strictly adhere to ARAH. Some people bitch when things are too modernized. Some people bitch when we're not getting this, or not getting that, or there's to many ninjas, or wah, wah, wah.

I left the HISSTank forums like 10 years ago because I got sick of all the ARAH purist manbabies who whined about everything. And yes, I've been buying Joes for a long ass time, I had the old O-rings as a kid, and the 25th Anniversary line back in 2007 or whatever was what got me back into collecting toys "as an adult."

If you can't see that the lack of vehicles is Hasbro being cautious because of the price point/scale, and trying to gauge if people would buy any of it, or if anyone would even carry any of it then that falls on your critical thinking skills. Classified was a complete slate-wipe, after literal decades of 1/18 lines. You don't just go all-in on something without even knowing if there's a big enough market for it, and then be left holding the bag if it all ends of failing.
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>One of the main concerns with doing GI Joe at this scale was the prices of vehicles and playsets
So what?
I wasn't part of the hype for people wanting shit in 1:12 scale, but there were a lot of people in these threads back then expecting much more.
>Hasbro was obviously a bit worried about if people would actually be buying all these high-priced, huge vehicles
Fuck Hasbro. We've seen McFarlane release a bunch of oversized toys and vehicles year after year, without any problem, despite stores supposedly not wanting to carry them AND despite McFarlane's stuff being even bigger than 1:12 scale.
>Some people bitch because Hasbro is releasing things too fast.
And you take these people seriously? They're making a joke about having to spend so much money regularly. Fact is, we're getting a trickle of releases compared to what we were used to
>your critical thinking skills
Says the guy who criticizes others about context and not even understanding context himself.
>You don't just go all-in on something...
It's been FOUR years. IT didn't even take Hasbro 1/10th of that time to decide the 25th line would be a full blown toyline that could support itself without any media all the way until the movie would come out. IT didn't take Hasbro a THIRD of that time to decide that Sigma 6 was a mistake.

>no one can seem to agree on what they actually want anyway
It doesn't matter what you want to pretend what the fandom wants. It's been pretty clear what people were putting in a ton of money into and still invest heavily into.
Fact is, Hasbro has positioned itself where it can't sell lower priced goods and has been preventing their fans from getting what they want.
>Fuck Hasbro. We've seen McFarlane release a bunch of oversized toys and vehicles year after year, without any problem
The vehicles that everyone complains about being hollow plastic shells? I don't think I've seen a single genuine opinion that McFarlane's vehicles are better than any of the Joe vehicles. Or are even good, for that matter.
Anyway, there are easier ways that Hasbro could get their shit on retail shelves for cheaper, or just offer cheaper options. I get that they want to go for the "vehicles and playsets almost always came with figures back in the day" but just strip the figure and some accessories away, and it would reduce the price and footprint of some of those vehicles on retail shelves. They could also do without some of the gimmicks that bloat the prices of some of the haslabs, like the lights and sounds, and whatever.

>And you take these people seriously? They're making a joke about having to spend so much money regularly. Fact is, we're getting a trickle of releases compared to what we were used to
Uh, yeah. I'm sure people are "joking" when a bunch of figures that were supposed to be spread across like 3 months all end up dropping in two weeks or whatever. I got an email a day or two ago that the retro carded Cobra Troopers would be in stock soon. They weren't supposed to be out until November or December. There's no rhyme or reason to when figures just materialize out of the ether, and you have tons of shit to pay for all at once that unexpectedly comes into stock, and that's amid exclusives, and deluxe Pulse releases, and Haslabs and shit. No one is "joking" about having to pay for all this shit at once, and then like you said, the next 3 months suddenly have nothing at all.

>It's been FOUR years. IT didn't even take Hasbro 1/10th of that time to decide the 25th line would be a full blown toyline
Uh, yeah. Not hard to decide to continue on selling the line at basically the same size that you already have been for....25 years.
The comic post was mine. I was confused by that reply at first, but then I remembered the internet is full of blind hate from people that don't even look to see who they're aiming it at. Anyway, GI Joe is awesome and happy we still get to enjoy it even in 2024
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>The vehicles that everyone complains about being hollow plastic shells?
I don't get this complaint. They're no more hollow shells than most Hasbro vehicles and they don't even have the negative undersides like so many Hasbro vehicles.
Even that monster truck that McFarlane made wasn't a hollowshell, because it has the same interior that real life monster trucks have.

NEVERMIND the fact that most people wouldn't really give a shit anyway if they are hollow or not. Quality scaled vehicles are always welcomed, hence all those GI Joes with negative undersides still being loved.

>Anyway, there are easier ways that Hasbro could get their shit on retail shelves for cheaper
Point of the matter is that they haven't. 4 years into the toyline and it's still a trickle.

>I'm sure people are "joking" when a bunch of figures that were supposed to be spread across like 3 months all end up dropping in two weeks or whatever
The posts I'm thinking about were clearly joking, but how many figures are we talking about? We used to get 6-8 figures per wave back in the day. A new wave every 2-3 months, and with more popular lines getting half waves during busier months (summer and holidays). See pic as example for how a line was formated every year.

I'm getting sad just remembering how fucking good we used to have it and the fact I have more disposable money now but less to spend it on.

>Not hard to decide to continue on selling the line at basically the same size that you already have been for....25 years.
Don't be dumb. The 25th line came AFTER Hasbro decided to kill their 1:18 line for Sigma 6 to gain sales and AFTER Sigma 6 FAILED to gain an audience. By all conventional wisdom, the 25th line shouldn't have been as successful as it was, which Hasbro was prepared for, hence planning only two boxed sets.... yet, it was a gigantic hit.
Anyway, point of the matter is that Hasbro is ignoring what makes GI Joe a gigantic hit and is struggling with Classified.
....that things an absolute beast. I'm kinda sad I missed out on it, but I have no where to put it and it would be highly irresponsible of me to drop that much for something just to keep it in a box.

I was always under the impression Classified wasn't expected to survive long and only got made because of the hype from an upcoming movie. It's almost a similar situation to the 25th stuff, it only popped up because there was a movie coming a few years out, but the line caught fire and Hasbro milked the cow dry.

That said, I would love to see more vehicles though. Cobra has a ton of smaller and mid sized stuff they could put out at retail, so there's still plenty of places to go with the line. I would love to see more "in-between" sized vehicles, ones that are bigger then bikes and jet packs, but smaller then Vamps and other trucks. And I actually prefer the trickle out pace of vehicles, it's better they take their time and make them good then rush out cheap junk at high prices. I never understood the "I need everything released right now" types, I always felt it better to do something right then do something quick.
Was VAMP retail? I actually don't remember because I bought it online so I didn't pay attention.

Like I can see why retailers would take a chance on the fucking Batmobile or the Jokercar, but something from GI Joe won't get the same favor
The VAMP was Pulse exclusive. The Stinger is Fan Channel. I don't see why they couldn't put the VAMP at retail again later on or at least to Amazon and Fan Channel. It was a strong seller.
>I was always under the impression Classified wasn't expected to survive long
The other poster is correct, in that Classified was ill receieved and Hasbro had to react in changing up the designs to just basically be 25th but in 6"
I think this just shows that Hasbro is just propping the line up, with underwhelming sales, as a placeholder til the next GI Joe media comes out. It keeps interest for the franchise steady. This isn't saying that sales are poor, because otherwise stores wouldn't be carrying it, but it has very minimal support all around.

Obviously, Hasbro's expectations were set higher, but given how almost nothing went right and so much was changed, it's hard to actually see what they were going for after the movie came out.

>I never understood the "I need everything released right now" types, I always felt it better to do something right then do something quick.
These are toys we're talking about, not video games.
It only takes about a year to release the best you can and it's only limited by the budget. So you can give it however many features you want, but you're going to be paying up. So all those negative sided gI Joe vehicles from the 80s and 90s were only that way because they wanted to make them as cheaply as possible. There were other lines that weren't, with fully detailed undersided and interiors, and those obviously cost more. They didn't take longer to produce, hence companies like 21st Century and BBI making dozens of very well detailed 1:18 vehicles every year. Unparalleled to this day, despite 20 years passing. Just shows the sad state of the industry now.

The post has a lot of things wrong.

Classified was created as both an experiment (note that we still had 3.75 figures coming out during the launch of the line) and to basically call the bluff of the incredibly vocal portion of the Joe fanbase who've been wanting six inch figures for ages.

Design-wise, it was decided Classified would also tie into the GI Joe video game that Hasbro had greenlit at the time, as the game was going to be the big thing to basically keep the franchise afloat while they wait for the steaming pile of shit that was the Snake Eyes film to come out.

Even with complaints about how Classified initially used the video game's Fortnite-esque designs, the line sold way better than what Hasbro expected, which is why they pivoted to more traditional designs almost immediately. Covid also helped in so far as it gave Hasbro breathing room to cancel planned figures (Sci-Fi, Alley Viper, and Storm Shadow both were supposed to be early wave releases using new designs) and shift the design team towards making traditional looking figures.

Another major blowback/sign the line was way more popular than Hasbro expected was the whole Cobra Island debacle. The Cobra Island figures were supposed to be part of the Snake Eyes movie line and be Target exclusive. When Covid forced the movie to be delayed, they were rebranded Cobra island and sold out instantly and Hasbro had to up the production run for future waves to compensate for the high demand; along with placating fans that future Cobra Island waves would be repaints of figures who would get mass retail figures down the line.

While the Snake Eyes movie waves were huge fucking flops, even Hasbro tacitly admits that the film sucked balls and gave some leeway on it meaning the line was dead.

TL;DR Classified is a huge success and Hasbro's gone all in on it largely due to the fact that it's the first time in quite a while GI Joe has been a heavily in demand toy line.
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>Words words words words

Imagine writing this much on an IMAGEboard
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Yeah its kinda cool to get to do it again, only now i can get what i like instead of gifts or just getting lucky and mom bought me a joe.
raptor fag btw
Classified is going to implode. How many collectors can keep dropping thousands a year?
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>Classified was created as both an experiment
Yeah, no.
Classified was the reboot Hasbro was going all in for to relaunch the GI Joe brand for the modern age. This is why they had a full year and a half worth of rebooted designs (it takes about 14 months to produce a toyline) that they released to the public. You can tell that Classified design was THE definitive theme going forward, since that's what Hasbro's partners were using to make their toys from too. The dollar store shit and Hiya's line.

Only the the 1:18 line was supposed to use the 1980s designs, but due to customers basically rejecting the Classified designs, Hasbro did a 180 and just started doing 1:12 figures of the 1980s designs. They really had no choice, since the Snake Eyes movie was delayed and bombed, so they had to give into fan demands to have GI Joe anything on the shelves.

You clearly have no idea how businesses work or how products are made.

>the line sold way better than what Hasbro expected
Yeah, no.
GI Joe's support went from reserved expectations media tie-in toyline, with a walmart exclusive retro line (exclusive deals being used to ensure retailers will carry other products, because no wide support), a dollar store line, and the Classified line that would switch to a movie-line when the SE movie would come out because stores have little confidence. By the time the SE movie actually came out, all the sublines were dead and the 1:12 line never expanded beyond its original launch shelf space.
'better than expected" in this case means: we're surprised retailers didn't outright drop support for all things GI Joe after they clearanced out the SE movie figures.

I don't know why you're trying to spin a toyline that is obviously on life support as some major success. Are you really that huge of GI Joe fanboy that just having SOMETHING new is the greatest thing ever?
Or are you just some zoomer who has no memory of what a media tie-in toyline used to look before COVID?
>I don't know why you're trying to spin a toyline that is obviously on life support as some major success.
What's your metric for life support, exactly? You'd maybe have something if they were putting out like, one or two waves per year, and they were nothing more than repaints with no new parts at all, or if we were having this discussion in 2021, or something. There's zero precedence for this claim as of right now. In the first two years of this line's life, they put out maybe 50 numbered releases, and in the last two years, they've put out nearly another 100, and that's not even counting unnumbered releases like all the carded figures and the 60th anniversary figures, and they were doing zero vehicles back then, aside from one or two motorcycles.

You seem desperate to convince not only yourself, but everyone else that the line is one misstep away from being cancelled, when anyone with eyeballs can see the contrary. They even had like a half-dozen different scapegoats they could have blamed if they had shitcanned the line in 2020-2021, but instead, this line is outputting twice as much as it was back then.

Nothing you say makes any sense, but maybe you just live in some ass-backwards bizarro reality that the rest of us aren't privy to.
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>There's zero precedence for this claim as of right now.
Wow, a zoomer who's never stepped outside of his basement?
There's tons and tons of toylines where you can see what a toyline on life support looks like. So many unpopular shits that I really can't name 99% of them, but there's one that actually looked interesting to me: snapships.
It receieved the same amount of shelf presence as the GI Joe Classified line did/does and it's a fucking literal who toy maker. It never garnered more than like 4 pegs and the big ticket item space.

See also McFarlane's Halo line after the initial boom years, which used to have a good chunk of the normal toy aisle and then had 4 pegs by the time Halo 4 or 5, or whatever that piece of shit game was that wasn't by Bungie anymore. Franchise was no longer popular, but McFarlane was still releasing brand new figures to fulfill its licensing agreement, which is how most toylines operate until death.
That's life support, which Classified is clearly on.

Click on MU Checklist.jpg to see what a normal toyline looks like and how it should look if it's actually healthy: >>11148850
Do you see how they INCREASED the amount of toys they made after the first year? Same shit happened with the 25th toyline. Even during years of retraction, they were still releasing more than 50 figures every year. Shit, after Target and Walmart dropped support of the Retaliation line when the movie was delayed, Hasbro still released 50 figures, including vehicle drivers and exclusives. TWO of the biggest retailers dropped support, ordering NOTHING for 2013 (and never ordered anything again until 2020) and they STILL released 50+ figures in a single year.

>anyone with eyeballs can see the contrary
.... having next to no shelf presense is literally one misstep away from being cancelled. There's a guy in this thread he even wonders if Walmart is supporting the line anymore, because all he could find at his local store was comic pack by McFarlane
Hasbro has gone DTC before. Its clear they want people to buy stuff through Pulse. Much of the stuff is exclusive to Pulse anyway, and the rest is shared with specialty online retailers like Amazon, BBTS, Entertainment Earth, etc.

Again, anyone with eyeballs and a modicum of internet literacy can find this stuff. Target and Walmart can scarcely give a shit about Toys 9 out of 12 months of the year anyway. The last two years Targets have had tons of Classified figures in November and December. Stock also varies greatly from one store to another.

Its funny how you feebly lambast people for being zoomers and not going outside, yet anyone who has an experience in a retail setting knows your claims don't mean shit. I worked at Target, coincidentally, back when 25th Anniversary was still around, and even worked at a distribution center for a while. Stores may get one case, or six cases, or nothing at all. You can pick any given toyline anyway, and find a retail store that has nothing on the pegs for that given line, and then go 10 miles down the road to another location of the same retailer, and their pegs are full. Some of the Targets near me right now all have the Gnawgahyde set, the Roadblock/Tripwire TF two pack, the 60th Anni Action Soldier/Diver, the carded retro Duke/Scarlett/Recondo wave, etc. If you have any comic or specialty shops they almost always have the stuff too, or you can get them to order it for you.

There are places to buy this shit, I can't do anything about you ignoring all those places, though.
I assume Gamestops also would have them
I feel like we always have someone saying the brand is dying right after a successful Haslab, and they'll always have a different way of saying how it being successful proves the brand is dying
Oh, is it the gi joe is dead dance routine? Seems fairly popular but whadda i know? Oh, i know im enjpying this line. I may not enjoy the way hasbro just dumps everything at once and its a bummer i cant afford to catch em all but im getting the stuff i truly want so whatever. The line has come a long way since the start and has maintained its quality, the guns and hands are still an issue so their consistant atleast.
Im thinking since i passed on rattler i may get the stinger, but maybe i just wait till christmas. Anyone getting starduster? Itd be cool to give the pack and helmet to retro duke.
50% of GI Joe fans would say "lol keep dreaming retard."
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I grabbed this Hulk figure at Target because he was on clearance for $16. No butterfly shoulders on him, sadly, but I thought the guitar accessory was rad and I think I know how I can GI-Joe-ify him, and I am not going to just slap his head onto a Gung Ho buck and call it a day (that would look out of proportion anyway). I need to think about what kind of weapons would be a good fit for him.
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Give him armor and a sci-fi gun to make him Shep Ramsey from Suburban Commando.
That would be awesome and hilarious although a it beyond the scope of this project. If I was better at 3D modeling and had the time I could see that being a 3D printed part kit.
Not every figure in the line is has been a hit at every store but I think it'll be a toy aisle staple for a pretty good while, especially with the GI Joe X Transformers movie coming out, and the potential for the Skybound comics to introduce new character designs that might make their way into toy form (the IDW Ninja Turtles comics are getting toys that seem to be doing surprisingly well).

There's also been rumors for years that Hasbro has a AAA GI Joe game in the works which would keep the brand in the public eye and come with new opportunities to make more toys. Granted those rumors have been around for years and the game has still not materialized. I can only speculate that it might be something along the lines of a Battlefield game revolving around hero characters like R6 Siege, which would mean both heroes and vehicle gameplay and hopefully singleplayer / co-op campaigns for the Joes and Cobras. Of course, that's what I would want, I have no idea if that's what Hasbro's capable of delivering on, if we get the game at all.

My local store collection has been okay, although I think my nearest Wal-Mart dropped the line after having too many Lady Jays warming pegs. The others in the area are still stocking it though. My Target has been pretty good although I think they got too many of the Tigerforce 2 pack, and they already have Gnawgahyde on clearance even though that figure is excellent.

Personally, I think the Tigerforce 2 pack was a mistake and they should have just made a retro carded Roadblock, but then again I think that the previous Roadblock was a mistake because they didn't give him an M2 and backpack like he should have had. I expect that 2 pack to be on clearance soon.
>I feel like we always have someone saying the brand is dying right after a successful Haslab
Is it just the valaverse guy pissed off no one bought his mom mini vans?
The Valaverse Soccermombile got upstaged by the Vamp and the Valaverse fanboys have been pissed ever since.
Turbo-Racist: The Race Eliminator see him this fall, at a clan rally near you
Butterflies are overrated!
Cool find, show us your work in progress!
As soon as the legs I need come in I'll be sure to update you all. We might be onto a new thread by then depending on how fast the mail goes. I've been waiting almost a month for the hands for my Rambo custom which is why I didn't finish him yet.
>Hasbro has gone DTC before.
A misnomer. DTC used to mean online only, available at their webshop, when that was a death sentence, because online shopping was still mostly undeveloped. Yeah, you could make money but from your OWN store? Death sentence. There's a reason why Borders and TRU partnered with amazon to sell stuff online back then.
Anyway, the DTC waves weren't really DTC because TRU carried them and put them in their stores. This is probably why Hasbro realized there was still a market for their 3.75" figures after the death of Sigma 6.

>ts funny how you feebly lambast people
And I'll still lambaste you, because you're twisting what people have said and ignoring the facts because they don't suit your lalaland viewpoint that just existing is super amazing selling.
Again, I'm saying that the GI Joe line is on life support. Not that it's dead, so of course it's still found at TArget and Walmarts, but they're obviously not carrying them in good quantity. They're apparently given the same support as the Snap Ships line by Playmonster. A literal who toy company and toyline. Obviously, TArget and WAlmart dropped that toyline, while GI Joe hasn't gained any more support since 2021. Something that sells well GAINS more pegs.
>b-b-b-but shelf space doesn't mean anything
Retard. It shows how much of something a store expects to sell at any given day/week/month. It's why Star Wars went from having AISLES worth of toys during movies, to having 1/3rd of an aisle after Lucas said they wouldn't make anymore movies, to having 1/12th of an aisle for Han Solo and Skywalker. It's pretty clear Star Wars went on a steep decline since Disney took over. Whereas stuff like DC and Marvel toys still have a major prescient on the shelves. In fact, DC went from having 4 pegs during the MAttel era to having at least 1/5th of the aisle now, including 1:12 vehicles (1/10) that failed to take off for Star Wars since McFarlane took over the license
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>I feel like we always have someone saying the brand is dying right after a successful Haslab
I hate to repeat myself, but that's depressing.
We're at such a low point that selling to tens of thousands of people is amazing or even good, when the line used to sell in the millions.

Shit like the USS Flagg sold over a hundred thousand and people considered that rare.

I'm just a long time fan that's amused people are pretending it's an unexpected success or ignorantly saying the line is a hit... or rather, need to create a new definition for the word "hit"
All this arguing, just because we rightfully would have been disheartened in 2020 that only 5 vehicles would get released in 4 years. We'd even be angry that the bigger ones are preorder only and the medium sized ones wouldn't even be carried by major retailers.
I mean, yeah, something is better than nothing, but it's literally one of the lowest points the line has been without being dead
... and we have Hasbro actively working against fans by ignoring the pent up 1:18 demand, because they fear 1:12 would sell even worse if that alternative existed.
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Since we're in the topic of vehicles, are there any toys of helicopters like pic related that Classified Joes can ride?
If you look long enough, you'll find an RC vehicle. You MIGHT find a model, since models in every scale exist, even if it's a garage kit.

I think it's funny that there was more money in 1/6 scale vehicles than there is in 1:12.
And they're not really 1/6 scale vehicles. They fudged up the details to make them fit in Walmart shelves, but it's close enough.
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Yeah, I've seen that but didn't consider that they might actually be smaller than 6th scale. I wonder if 1/12 figures wouldn't look undersized next to one.
1/12 being a standard scale for different lines and brands is a relatively recent trend. There used to be a market for 1/6 scale soliders, it was either that or 1/18.
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>1/12 being a standard scale for different lines and brands is a relatively recent trend.
I take it you mean 1/12 wasn't popular? Because it sure as hell was a hundred million times more popular than 1/6 since starting in the 1980s, when 1/12 wasn't even popular back then either. Hence finding it funny there was more of a market for 1/6 stuff back in the day.
By 2000, when doll shit was gaining traction, 1/12 had become the defacto action figure scale. It won over 5" that were huge in the 80s and 90s. 1:18 lost relevance in the 90s and only started becoming popular again by 2003.

I think it's weird that 1/12 was never actually gained much traction in getting vehicles at all. PEople had been clamoring for Toy Biz to make a 1/12 Blackbird for like a decade, yet everytime Toy Biz said that the market conditions were never right to make it or Wolverine's jeep (etc).
Yes, I'm that old, which means I also remember how popular vehicles were for action figures in the 80s and 90s. 5" and 3.75" action figures line got a boat load of vehicles every single year
So i wonder, why 1/12 scale action figures never get that many vehicles? Because it really consumers rejecting higher priced stuff, because 1/6 got a bunch of vehicles in the 00s and 1:18 has never stopped getting a billion vehicles every year even when 1:18 action figures declined in popularity. Since toy companies do hundreds of surveys and research every year, i can only believe that consumers don't have the space for it. This is why we only really see motorcycles being made for 1:12 at stores.

And yeah, we're seeing pulselab and other really niche stuff TODAY, because the internet made it possible to directly support a niche vehicle, but this shit isn't being sold in the hundreds of thousands at Walmarts.
>I take it you mean 1/12 wasn't popular?
No, I meant toy makers weren't rushing to have a flagship 1/12 or 6 inch figure line that scales with Marvel Legends or whatever, like how Star Wars was all 3.75 inches before BS.
That's a different market condition though, as the internet is what allowed people to make it easy to just fund an entire line before it's even produced.
So that didn't start happening until like 2012.

Stuff like Ultimate Soldier isn't there to be some addendum to GI Joes or Star Wars dolls. IT existed because a toy maker saw the market for generic soldiers and a retailer agreed that the market existed, hence ordering a hundred thousand dollies and accessories without said market even knowing it would exist.

... or are you trying to say something else? Because Marvel Legends was 1/12 scale and was Toy Biz's flapship toyline for like 7 years. Previous flagship was the XMen line that was ~5" scale, but they clearly saw that 1/12 scale was more popular, hence bumping up the scale. I mean, even ML wasn't their first 1:12 scale line. IT as Spiderman and LotR. And 1/12 scale started to trend thanks to McFarlane.
So companies were "rushing" all of a sudden in the early 00s to make 1:12 lines. Mattel had He-Man and their DC figures. I think MAYBE Hasbro tried to do 1:12 DC figures, but my memory is hazy and i might be mixing Mattel's crap with Hasbro's crap, because DC's figures back then were so crappy.

Anyway, despite all these brand new 1:12 lines popping up everywhere, you really didn't see a push for vehicles like we saw with 1/6, 5" and 1:18.

pic of 1/6 vehicles shrunk down to 1:18 scale
I wanted to only collect the more "classic" designed characters in this line but man, every time I pass this thread I'm tempted to pre-order that Raptor. He just looks too badass. Wasn't he sort of a joke character in this past? He looks like a serious menace now.
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HE wasn't a joke character, but the comic made fun of him, so it's what everyone remembers.

Here's another character that was supposed to be taken seriously, but Larry Hama thought him too silly to even be in the comic.
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cobra raper man
He looks bad ass because he is a cpa during the day and cool ass mufugger by night. I was bummed at the wings since its a copy paste of marvels vulture but what can you do?
Dude is gonna be sweet in classified. Better come with a hypno ring.
I have a weird desire to put a Doctor Strange cape on him.
Quick stream recap. They showed off Xandar, Saw Viper, Leatherneck, and dialtone figures (that all go up on sale this afternoon too).
They forgot to do the render reveals and they'll put them online later.
The name reveal was "Hunt for the MASS device" only
Most of the segment was spent on non toy nonsense.
Glad lenny mentioned Saw Viper able to remove all the armor. Suck there was no render reveals.
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>They forgot to do the render reveals and they'll put them online later.

This was so retarded, they would rather show the shitty game than toys.

The SAW viper looks sick, though.
>Most of the segment was spent on non toy nonsense.
what kind of nonsense? comics? It's never comics, huh? I don't get why they ignore such an important media tie in
They did talk about the comics. It just was too short to show renders. A bit lackluster but it was a fine reveal. Plus, I don't have any more money for more figures this year lol. Thank God they're coming in 2025.
Lenny was the one who had to remind BMAC about the render reveals at the end of the stream. He whispered into his ear and BMAC said "oh yeah I forgot render reveals" wtf lol. He said "oh well I can't go backwards" we'll show em on social media, and no name reveals either. No information on when the dragonfly is gonna ship. No info on nemesis enforcer. No info if the Dragonfly will get companion pieces like the HISS. I feel like I just got a drive through burger with only a meat and a bun because they forgot to put all the toppings on.
>Anyone getting starduster? Itd be cool to give the pack and helmet to retro duke.

I'm hoping to grab him, he looks cool despite being so simple. He'll be a good squad leader for the Steel Brigade two pack, just need one more Jetpack trooper for a full fire team.

Speaking of Retro Duke, I got him recently but I've been debating whether or not I should even open him. I have the OG Classified Duke and he's fantastic and I enjoy him as Duke, so I really don't need a second in my ranks. And that Retro packaging looks really nice, and he'd go well with my Mickey Mouse CC who I also don't plan to open. I normally don't leave stuff misb, but it's hard to dig into these guys when their boxes look so nice.

Yea, that was a kinda pathetic stream, don't even care to watch the others if they're gonna be that worthless. The whole point of these is to build hype for what's coming next, and they didn't even talk about what's coming next.

They should just go back to revealing things at Cons. It may be more expensive, but it gets way more hype and excitement for upcoming products.
First online render reveal.
>everything else sucked
Pretty much except for Star Wars. I'm not into Star Wars toys they had a pretty good lineup for showing off new toys. ML and Transformers was full of reissues and recolors.
>don't have money for 4 more figures
I know we're in another shitty economic crisis, but come on.
Hey, this is better than id have imagined. >>11153315
Idk, secret wars looked ok. But yeah nothing too wild really
Does he come with the cereal box or not? All the pictures show him holding one.
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Couple of renders dropped. Never cared about heavy duty, but they made his weapon even more silly so I think I have to get him.
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Law and Order was always one of my favorites. This one feels too simple though, definitely lacking something to make it feel like the character.
Heck yes.
He does have a relaxed face, but it looks good otherwise.
Buagh god, this is fantastic. One of my favorit figs as a kid and they did him justice.
Is he going to be a deluxe release?
What do they mean... October 2025?

>>11153395 #
He definitely looks badass. Nobody's talking about that being a new big guy mold.
is the bull necklace supposed to be a reference to The Rock?
No, it's a reference to him fucking your wife.
look at those flames, is he going to h ave the same problem Metal Head had where the missiles won't fit in there without the flames attached?
They just copied Pulse's dates which are clearly wrong. Amazon has it for April of 2025
Starduster? Id think so but im not certain, ive seen the pics of him with one and they were pretty funny.
I've had that figure for four months and wasn't aware that was an issue
Its part of the packaging. You have to cut it out and tape it together yourself.
>Starduster with the cereal
>Slaughter with toy Slaughter
All my Joes are the ones who come with meta shilling accessories
when is Hiya going to finally start doing vehicles?
The missiles might actually fit, look at the fins and the cuts on the diamond shaped tubes.
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heres your exclusive Monkey Wrench Deluxe release sneek peek.
>Doc's glasses underneath his foot
I clapped
So what the hell is with the October 2025 release date for the revealed wave? Is it really gonna take that long? I can understand if it was just a pulse error but every other retailer has the same date.
How is this a Monkey Wrench sneak peek? I need it now, it was my favorite figure back the .
Idk, i think monkey wrench had brown gloves. The bike is something he would work on. Idk, im just catching up on the news from today but monkey wrench is getting another dreadnok so its ok.
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Bro that's the back of Zandar's box.
I'm guessing the bike in the back is a model and we're not getting a classic Harley style bike in the line?
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Slightly annoyed that Order looks like he was probably modeled after an overbred german shepherd suffering from genetic back problems. Maybe it's just the way they posed it for the render, though.
You can't say this is because of scale. EVERY toyline got vehicles. He-Man had them, TMNT had them, Kenners' Lines (Terminators, Ghostbusters, Batman, etc.)had them. Everyone had them, regardless of scale. The reason you don't see it now its because Target and Walmart don't want them, and there is not TRU will shelves to fill. This whole argument of yours is disingenuous.
Losing Toys R Us was a devastating loss that we have yet to fully understand the consequences of. Thanks for nothing, Mitt Romney.

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Was hoping Nemesis Enforcer would finally be available on Pulse during this 'event', but still nothing. Did they just sell out of him completely at SDCC?
It might just be the gear/vest on him that is making him look like he has a more sloped back.
What happend with the gi joe classified Baroness? Why does she look so much worse than all the other toys? I thought she is one of the more iconic characters. She looks like a frog hybrid.
Well aint i a dope. You think we might get a bike though? The joes have one so maybe thats how we get monkey wrench, boxed with a dreadnok cycle?
Well, we're down to Monkeywrench, Zanzibar and the Ninja Force version of Zartan as the only Dreadnoks characters left to make from the original line, though there are a few 2000s characters like Zanya and Burnout as well. Packaging some of them with bikes might be a better idea than making up random new pets for them like Road Pig is getting.

Ideally we'd want a generic Dreadnok bike on it's own, so you could buy enough for all of them.
They're most likely reserving him for NYCC along Retro Mindbender and Retro Vipers.
Generic Nok enforcers with bikes would be so great. I'd buy just as many as my named Noks to give them the bikes.
Holy shit, you're right. Those are also Doc's legs sticking out. Great nod and quite interesting seeing how much leeway Hasbro gives to Classified Series.
>They're most likely reserving him for NYCC along Retro Mindbender and Retro Vipers.
I hope you're right.

>Generic Nok enforcers with bikes would be so great. I'd buy just as many as my named Noks to give them the bikes.
I think I'd end up wanting at least 6 for Zartan and his siblings plus the main 3 Dreadnoks. I forgot to mention Thrasher above, but by this point I think we're all expecting him to be packed with the Thunder Machine anyway.

>Those are also Doc's legs sticking out.
Jesus, Hasbro. Too soon.
You're ignoring the point.

EVERYTHING had vehicles yes, but that didn't stop in the 00s.

Again, 1/6th scale in the 00s had vehicles. 12" sized figures were getting vehicles in 2000-2003. 1:18 scale was getting vehicles (GI Joe, STar Wars, etc). 5" figure lines were getting vehicles. Justice League, Teen Titans, TMNT, Codename Kids Next Door, and who knows what other toylines i'm skipping because they were kiddy trash.
Stores were still carrying vehicles all the way into the 10s, EXCEPT for 6"

Nevermind shit like McFarlane's 7" figures are getting vehicles, large ones at retail, and it's 2024. Nevermind their oversized figures, which take up the shelf space vehicles used to get in the 00s, 90s, 80s, etc.

The only person who is being disingenous is you, but you're probably just a zoomer and are just ignorant.

pic of how even playsets were still being made into the 00s. McFarlane was releasing them all the time too (fancy dioramas!), like with Predator. Playmates had the Simpsons playsets. sAme with TMNT. They weren't even big ticket items, just normal shit that could be found outside of Christmas time.
>Ideally we'd want a generic Dreadnok bike on it's own, so you could buy enough for all of them.
The best scenario would be just the bike itself, no figure included. Instead it comes with interchangeable parts in different designs and colors. Like different colored gas tanks, seat, wheels, fenders.
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Just pack the bike with KAOS CREW
I see what's going on. You're a sour old man who's having a melty over 6 inch. Carry on.
You're the one pretending 6" only got popular when vehicles were being phased out, yet we were getting a shit ton of vehicles for every scale all the way into the 2010s.

Stop making shit up just because no one really wanted 6" vehicles and they're still niche.

Pic of how Halo got a 1/6 Warthog and 1/12 still doesn't.
They could do monkey wrench on a bike, then maybe a 2 pack online only bike set with a few bits and pieces? The animals have been decent, its the tattoos that bother me. Specufically the big anarchy A on gnawgahyde, yeah bikers have tattoos but theyd get a corny one covered up. So lets ask for generic prison ink hoing forward, it makes sense and fits both the theme and matches what youll see in person. Also im curious for zanzibar, he better come with a swamp skiff since zartan is stoll waiting on his swamp skier. >>11154822
Hasbro really has upped the game for promo pics with classified. I doubt id ever notice the glasses unless you pointed them out.
I used to use him as either Dr. Strange or Sabretooth.
i'll say to you the same thing i say every time. i don't care and i don't feel like i'm missing out at all by not having vehicles. The Ultimate Soldier catalog >>11150833 is an exception to the rule. i've never seen vehicles that nice in my entire life and we'll never get them ever again unless its a kickstarter for $500,000.

What we'll get, and what we are getting, is mario kart banana peel launchers and clown tricycles and other assorted baby toddler stuff. the ugly soccer mom car valaverse shitted out lmao.
whenever you write this elaborate scale argumentation, i always instantly know you don't have The Ultimate Soldier in mind. you have more pic attached in mind. it's what it's always been, it's always been shit. you told on yourself with the ugly as fuck wolverine jeep.
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You have no idea what has been said at all, do you? You're just making contrarian noises.

All I've been saying is that 1/12 scale has been left out, ignored or unwanted by consumers. There's never been much of a market for it, despite a large market existing for 40-50 years, because consumers have wanted vehicles for other scales.

And by what consumers "want", i mean enough that retailer and toy companies are going to make money off of it. Retailers carry who carry this stuff are ordering a hundred thousand units MINIMUM, like the USS Flag and whatever 21st Century produced. Mass market sales.
No doubt, stuff like 5' He Man, 3.75" GI Joes, 4.5" Halo, 5' XMen, 4.5" TMNT etc, were all getting a million orders per for the most popular vehicles in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s.

Check out how Mattel sold ANOTHER 1/6 Warthog, because the first one sold well enough. This was when Hasbro killed off most of their 1/18 lines, so Hasbro had next to zero vehicles out there for their action figures. Only Star Wars stuff were getting vehicles, but we all know how poorly the SW line was doing during this time (for ignorant zoomers: the sequel movie toylines were getting1/10th of what the prequels had). During this time, 1/12 was basically the defacto scale, hence Mattel making their main Halo line (almost) 1/12 scale. One vehicle was made for the (not quite) 1/12 line, btw... vs two for their 1/6 line.
I should also note that this was when Halo was more popular too, yet Mattel seemingly struggled and killed their Halo line faster than Jazwares did (who released way more action figures (in two scales) and vehicles (for 1/18)).

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