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Are there any sets that look like the Lego Harry Potter sets? My kid build them but the lego ones are too flimsy to play with, and this one pictured doesn't even look like the actual castle.
maybe don't get your kid into gay shit like harry potter in the first place you fucking idiot. if you'd been showing them archecore or something this whole time you'd be able to buy cool toys.
This. Get your kid a cool castle, not Harry Potter trash.
She likes Harry Potter and so do I
get her a gun and hopefully she'll use it on you and then herself
Is the cool castle behind the pizza sauce kingdom from SHITmobil?
How old is your kid that she can't handle Legos without them breaking apart?
play mobile sell rock solid castles
Make it out of cardboard, it's free and can be battle damaged, burnt to the ground, etc. Also I've spent extensive time teaching my children about siege engines and I strongly suggest you do the same, prepping is for faggots, marauding is gonna be much more fun in the post apocalyptic wasteland.
You're trying way too hard to fit in.
That set is crap.

You should get the deluxe version instead. It comes with all three of the main kids and two more rooms then this one, and it costs the same on Amazon. I don't even like Harry Potter, but as far as playsets go, this one is pretty nice. I'm curious to see how it scales with traditional 1:18 figures, though seeing how the minis are 3" it may be too small for what I'm after.

Kinda lame you're hamstringing your kids fun because you have a weird hang up about things being "lore accurate" though. My kid loves Paw Patrol stuff, but I'm not going not buy her the toys just because they're not accurate to the show models. That's just being dumb.

This is also a pretty badass looking castle. Never got into Playmobil, even as a kid, but I will never deny that they put out some fantastic toys.
Forgot pic. But you can see all the extra stuff you get with this set compared to the OP one. All for the same price!

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