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We winning dreamzzz bros.
Real OP text since the spammer broke the links trying to be funny.

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Play well!
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Bros...i love Klocki Minifigurki!

Why did Justin tank his YouTube channel?
>Is stopping making Lego reviews, leaving only news, which I can watch literally anywhere else
>Used to corner the market in Lego reviews, instead of fixing that subscribers dropping, tries to pivot in an a completely untested direction potentially bombing worse than his regular channel
>Is now forced to beg for money from sponsorships after years of not having any
>Tried to own the chuds by promising to make videos even if nobody would watch then, this has been working swimmingly since he's channel is nearly dead
>Lego have stopped giving him sets because he won't review them, and even when he reviewed sets, they barely crack 10 thousand views
Oh no! It can’t be! Is it? Good lord, someone’s vandalized a bunch of links that no one looks at, haven’t been updated, and get used as a way to track threads for monetization. Get fucked faggot and quit trying to gatekeep an anonymous Uzbekistani pottery forum.
I'm going to keep posting it since it makes you seethe.
Same shitcock.
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saving this tranny thread
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Man it's already visible that the thread will be hot garbage.

Abandon /lg/. Let zoomer polfags rot in here discussing youtubers and seething over wheelchairs.
I sure wont be posting any of my stuff
>you’re here forever
Need more horror waifigs.
Fucking Slavs are another species. Why’s this kid so skinny fat?
I hate yootoob ecelebs but this shit is great to watch for the lulz. How long before Justin transitions to his final form?
>Why’s this kid so skinny fat?
this amerimutt has mind blown
Is Monkie Kid the Chinese equivalent of shit like Gnomeo and Juliet? Kids media based off classic literature.
Kill yourself
I mean what body type is this even? He’s easily carrying an extra 65-75lbs and the further down you look the fatter he gets. Skinny head and face and neck and then bulges lol.
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>lego channel
>suddenly stops reviews and talks about himself and stuff other than lego
it's dead just like jangbricks and others 10s lego tubers.

time to move on
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>I mean what body type is this even?
calm down amerimutt
What’s it like being poorer than a chinaman? Fucking mongoloid. How can you afford legos when you make about half as much as a bugman?
>this guy in a foil
is the shark pirate ship worthless now?
where is that elvira fig from?
>average american income is $737
how does it feel being poorer than a russiaman...
>What’s it like being poorer than a chinaman? Fucking mongoloid.
don't get shot
>is the shark pirate ship worthless now?
worthess as your chance to have a girl LOL
What the fuck are you talking about
China has a higher average income than the USA. That's why monkie kid is more expensive
Chad duckbricks giving us what we actually care about. Also pretty sure the girl in his last video he said was just his "friend" likes him, she was touching him a lot.
Keep trying Ivan.
That was 3 years ago anon. It's much lower now.
I don’t think Russia can get much lower. What do Russian bootlegos look like? Surely one of you faggots had a dial up and can upload a pic tomorrow or something.
>likes his money
>look it up
>average income has actually dropped from 58k to 1k
What the fuck
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reminder that the sets you grew up with and are nostalgic for are objectively trash compared to modern sets
When are we getting 2025 leaks? I want to know if we're getting DBZ sets.
I think it's just some DBZ characters in the fortnite sets.
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man that last bin was was SCARY but I HURRRRRR- feel BURP-pretty good :))
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i want dc sets with characters that aren't batman or the joker but instead we just got a ucs set with no minfigs and the last 2 sets that were actually good got discontued. why do lego hate dc
the keepers from a $10 flea market bin
damn i miss technic figures. also there's a knex piece there
this is sooo fucking AFOL
it doesnt even looks like lego
Looks like just a metal car model
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yea it sucks. the minifig scale one is way better
>Only 1 minifigure
>Another Adam West minifigure we have had 3 times already
Fucking why? They could have brought Robin back at very least, or given us characters from the 60s show that don't have minifigures.
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Got some Lego coming in the mail, I'm excited. I'm gonna buy the other two to complete the interchangeable set next week.
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to the anon who suggested using this cape piece for the mind flayer months, ago, thank you
you guys are fucking delusional
yea i would love some 60s villains.
My nigga.
my lego batwing just came
Post that shit.
Yeah I still don't have a complete technic fig but I'm getting there. Sometimes I pull out bootleg or other construction toy pieces if they're cool enough or nostalgic. I mainly did knex as a kid so I'm slowly getting one copy of each piece back.
i gotta build it
i thought it had no stickers but theres stickers . killing myself
>1 mummy princess from cmf
>vampiress from the Monster fighters
>zombie bride from monster fighters
>zombie cheerleader from cmf
>green and black banshee from vidiyo
>vampire rocker chick from video
>2 expensive ass mermaids from the pirates of the carribean whitecap bay set
>harpy from cmf
>gorgon from cmf
>vampire spider lady from cmf
And those are just ones I can think of off the top of my head
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Sail Barge is suppose to come out in a month.

How are there still no pics of it?
Slave Leia is too problematic to be shown.
probably overpriced like the skiff and lacklustre so they don't want to show it out of shame
i hope they bring back her cleavage
if they dont give us slave leia we riot
Still a hard pass.
Why doesn't my Walmart ever have clearance Lego? This is bullshit
Walmartians LOVE dreamzzz
Can’t even give it away to the lowest common denominator. Grim.

I think they're bringing her back, but I'm guessing the top is going to be changed to not show any "boob lines".
Lego Gateway Arch when?
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Its not gonna be as good as the og, and they will fund other ways to fuck it up like making the legs duel molded with the top half being dark red or something because god forbid she wears a loincloth normally
Boys might get the wrong idea that biological females are attractive.
>biological females
call them women faggot
You wouldn't know if he's referencing male women though.
yikes... a lot to unpack here...
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No stickers, some interesting piece's, and about .02 cents a piece. What’s your problem?
What cape piece is that?
>post a moc I'm proud of on instagram
>get 2 likes
Anyone remember x pods?
Biting the bullet. What "app" do you use to scan these cmfs?
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>cannot even reach 50k views on videos now

I thought you guys were meming but bro is genuinely cooked. I hope his wife has a super high paying job cause idk how he is affording to own property in San Francisco with the youtube failing this hard.
How many views do YOUR Lego videos reach, anon? Hmm?
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If he doesn´t like reviewing lego anymore, then he can just close the channel. His tranny movie isn´t going to make him money, people are tired of woke. Look at videogames; Concord (backed by Sony with 200 million ended up with less than 150 players a day. Imagine killing your only goose that lays golden eggs because you are chasing the tranny high while looking like a Mexican grandma under age 30.
You guys don't know how lucky you are in the USA. I can only dream (lol) of having those clearance prices over here. Lego never goes into clearance, only at most 45% (which is really rare, often it is more like 15,25 or 35%) off and then taken away to be destroyed.
Post on eurobricks.

Posting on social media is a deadzone unless you have a following.
Just wait until you see Just2Good's view count. He's just 2 cooked.
Honestly,the should end it on a high note. End with a big retirement video that all the old youtubers are doing.
But no, Justin had to put his ugly face in videos and talk with an annoying inconsistent voice. I'm gonna be honest, I've seen some pretty passible troons, Justin looks looks like a mexican granny while dressing like an anime loli.
And after his hospital visit (still unconfirmed why, probably something embarrassing or sexual) he's cutting off the main reason for viewing his channel, nobody wants to watch the news videos when you can watch many of the other news channels. Also converting to film content as a cope is bound to backfire, there's plenty of internet movie reviewers that came before him, and if he wants to be a director, there's plenty of other directors even some trans ones, like the guys that directed the Matrix.
The nail in the coffin is the sponsorships, he's lasted without them for over 10 years, now he's begging for advertiser money.
It's over for Justin.
his wife died of ass cancer
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Post your protag minifig. Don't act like you don't have one.
Jang is still getting 1-2 million views across all of his channels due to his massive video catalogue. He's doing fine. Depending on analytics, you need about 500k views a month to make about 40-50k a year. Jang makes a six figure income.

The OG lego youtubers with a decade of videos can kind of drift on with how many videos they have. At some point it's going to no longer be sustainable, but it takes a lot of years of decline or a sudden mass demonetization / their library getting deleted to do so.
God he's ugly
He is very good friends with Duckbricks. Maybe he can leech off of him trying to survive when the channel collapses. Giving blowjobs in return, idk.
Jang could be a great food reviewer. His Burger King ribs video is pretty good.

Was buying "Stephanie's Outdoor Bakery", the beginning of the end?
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>legolize it
I got this instead and a bunch of mindflayers.
The Friends theme was a tragic misstep in Lego evolution.
too bad about the helmet holes
>I’m a heterosexual male
>my hands were shaking eagerly with excitement
what a weird thing to say in a lego review
MandR posts here?
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Don't go down the rabbit hole
can we stop posting his face? I'm gonna hurl
Fuck off ryan, go make another video crying about tiny holes in a piece of plastic.
>I'm a heterosexual male
Ah, so that's how the trans pipeline goes.
only the best
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Batwing. I need more space lol. After I get the batmobile I will stop spending on lego and get some new furniture, hopefully none of the sets I want retire.
It's a good set, I should get another before it retires (no i shouldnt). wish captain vaughn came with a dark red visor though he looks the same as all the other clones.
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back in 2015 I sold over 50 Chrome stormtroopers for around $20 each. I thought I was making an absolute steal on them, they were all sealed in the package. I picked them all up at Toys R Us back when they had them for I think $2 each? I can't really remember how much they were. They might have been some kind of promotional item but they sold them all to me.

these fucking things are worth over $145 new each now. The sad thing is I did hold on to them for a few years before selling thinking they weren't ever gonna be worth all that much. Could have made over 5 grand on them now when I cleared maybe $1k total back then when I sold them.
Now I wish I just didn't sell them, I sold so much of my rare lego around that time to make some money and all of it went up so much in value since 2015. I'm a fucking idiot.
can i have one for £20? can you scrape the chrome off and show us what a clear stormtrooper looks like?
If I remember, they're just white underneath, you can actually see it inside their legs as the back of the legs aren't fully chromed.
Wow boring. Some of the chrome pieces are clear underneath and look cool.
You could’ve also invested in the right crypto or stocks and made 1000x. No point in the “what ifs”.
Thanks. Works as advertised. No store in town has the series that came out today, but I'll be able to find what I want when, if ever, they deign to stock products.
Crypto is a ridiculous gamble. Lego is a sure thing. A lock.
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it's from the lego ninjago movie cmf
why not just buy gold or silver which will always go up in price and always be valuable unless something insane happens like a gold meteor or a magical alchemist shows us how to transmute poop to gold?
many of those vidoes are marked for kids
COPA knee capped him
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that was really the end for jang
Deserved for shitting on Mario.
kek at least you didn't become a Lego inve$$tor
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It's such a dumb thing unless you actually just want to collect Lego and help pay for the hobby by buying an extra set or 2 that you know will be worth more in the future.
Otherwise who has the space to store a bunch of huge lego boxes for years? Also just running a bricklink store is a massive amount of time investment into organizing and storing everything not to mention the amount of time it takes just to fill one order, going through each piece, counting things up. I actually did it very briefly for a few months when I was selling my lego collection and I couldn't imagine doing that full time.
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$5 is the price of a CMF box, or a polybag, and that's a whole set! hard-to-pass-up is what you meant to say.

but to be fair, that hair piece is AWFUL!
it looks so cool in all the pictures, but when you see it, it's like super see-through transparent. the yellow head inside looks ridiculous.

it's the first time I was glad to have seen it on display in the Lego Store, before I spent any money on it. she looks bald, with a glass hat on.

(they need to re-release that hair piece in solid colors already, I don't think they've done that yet)

but a lot of pieces for only $5? it's got the black knight helmet and the cool evil eyes head piece, yeah I'd probably have gotten it...
I would not get it even if it's cheap. Tons of pieces I don't want that will just take up space - not worth it.
Remember when DC and Marvel were good?
I'm pissed that there's so many superheroes and villains that were in video games that still don't have minifigures. Now DC is endless Batman remakes and Marvel is just MCU schlock.
Yea sad. We are getting a superman and lex luthor set next year at least.
It's Boba Fett's Starship Leia, chud.
Guess the next Lego Icons car.
Lego Panzer IV
Mercedes Benz 770
yo where'd you find this pic of me?
Seems to be in a competition with Jang to see who can crash their channel faster
but you ain't got no legs lieutenant dan
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>King Kahuka is still one of the greatest minifigs ever made
were these mf's part of pirate theme or explorers / adventures theme?
Cheers Man shame my country don't get this wave till next month.
Might as well be the case here, too. Nobody told any store here they were due out today, apparently.
what store u find these new figgies at?
The Lego Store sure as shit didn't have them. Your locale may vary. My LGS didn't, either, just the usual, separate D&D and Lego stuff. Didn't see any at CVS, which tracks with every other time I've been told a small toy I want was found at a CVS by people who evidently live in an alternate reality.
>The Lego Store sure as shit didn't have them
Is that allowed? They have one job.
I have another plan for the mindflayer but I won't give details until I can try it. But I will buy a box of the cmf once they arrive.
but how did all the lego instagrammers I am following get their following?

Collectibles are never a sure thing. Hobbyist stuff always crashes first in a recession since it's the easiest stuff to liquidate before defaulting on auto and home loans.

Right now, we're in an inflationary spending period which makes it look like parking money in any asset is a good idea. For the first time since lego was created, people at large are actually treating it like a collectible rather than a toy. Collectors are also justifying high prices due to the fact "it only goes up".

This all started with news articles following the rise in value of the 10179 Falcon. And videos like this;

Saying the 10179 was worth 5-10k. Then it kicked into hyper-drive during covid when a bunch of people re-entered the hobby and it was realized how little vintage was on the aftermarket and how easy it was to buy up everything of something and reset it's price.

So it's not a sure-thing, it's a relatively recent change. It also makes me sad to think I can no longer buy bulk vintage fig and piece lots for cheap on ebay. Getting a big bag of classic castle figs for $3 a piece was amazing. And I'm not even talking far back, just pre-covid.
>Hobbyist stuff always crashes first in a recession
I don't think TLG is aware of this, looking at the prices they're charging right now.
Based comic book in the 90s appreciator.
>tfw Monkie Kid is already almost 5 years old
damn, time truly flies, monkie kid is one of those lines that I really missed out on, hope the aftermarket is cheap
Anyone seen them in Canada? Like does Walmart carry them?
I sold mine late 2015. I sold it for almost 4 grand, without the box but with all parts and the instructions.
I had no idea a new version was coming out, idk when it was even announced but man I'm fucking lucky I sold it when I did because now used ones are only a couple hundred dollars over MSRP.
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Could lego get away with this now?
Really disappointed with Lady Pain’s head. It’s just a rubbery molded helmet and not hard plastic with a plain black headpiece.
The first wave is pretty affordable outside of Demon Bull King, and some of wave 2 outside of The Bone Demon and the Horse Jet are, but beyond that it's a bit rough. Wave 3 you either got when it was around (or the hefty clearance at end of last year) or listings are pretty pricy in the states, at least on ebay. I am hoping, and saving for, another big clearance this year so I can grab all the sets that are retiring, like the Elephant or Azure Lion. One thing to note, is that the Journey to the West set (Heavenly Realm) didn't go on that clearance, so I don't expect the current JTTW set (Dragon of the East Palace) to go on clearance this year. If it does I'll be pleasantly surprised, but I had to buy Heavenly Realm at full price last year.
Forgot pic. I feel like this could have been a solid head they just went the lazy route.
My store had tons. You must go to a shitty one.
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Man, I wish this set had an actual nice box and not jet black Adults Welcome garbage.
Skimming the wiki pages, it seems like the whole thing is supposed to be a helm/mask, and the face under it is never seen in any setting, so I guess the black head makes sense as lame as it is for a CMF.
Bad Dragon, huh
looks like ass
I really really really miss the landscape paintings.
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Even the boxes in "vintage style" lack the soul of the 90s ones;
Yeah what you say checks out but it still feels cheap and like I got cheated out of a proper head.
Again, people are going to shit on the 3-1, but it’s so fucking versatile.
>some 3 in 1 pleb shit with shitty colors
Get ya money up not ya funny up. We AFOL up in this bitch. Lion knight, barracuda bay, eldorado, and still got money left for club bottle service
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I have four of them. I’ll probably get one more before it retires. It’s not a money issue… it’s a playability, customization, and nostalgia grab seflwarmer garbage that I have an issues with. It’s a fun castle set for a reasonable price and I’d rather have multiple 31120s than any of these honesty.>>11136601
To each their own.
Kill yourself
>I'm gay
wow anon congrats I guess
Sorry shelf warmer garbage. I play with my legos so I’m in the minority though… you’d think the Lego community would be more accepting.
Hilarious I got all the cmfs before justin2sarah.
Based. I bought 3 of the lion knight's castles when they went on sale, sold all of their figs on bricklink and want to build a gigantic castle in a classic lego style with colour slopped roofs.
kek this meme gets me every time
Shit taste confirmed
it's great how rattled it makes you 3in1 fags
Based. I thought about something like this fucker with the 3-1s.
It's a shit picture
Funny I was thinking the same. Funny how the 3-1 rattles so many of you faggots.
The fact that this is your proudest moment should drive you to suicide.
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That looks really neat. Having an actual castle for figs to walk around and live in has always been a dream of mine. Official ones are mostly walls and don't have a lot of interior space. And the Lion Knight's castle just seemed kind of bland on it's own. I don't like the lack of colour and the look of the Tudor sections on it.

I'd essentially like to make a castle version of the original blacksmith shop.

I've been collecting red slope pieces. I really want to do the roof in actual slopes rather than plates / tiles. I think it looks a lot more charming.
I don't get what's controversial about the 3-1 but the colors are kind of shit.
The main drawback on the 3-1 is the size and lack of figures. If you get two or three even you’re getting into some cool castle mocing territory for the same price as a Zelda bonzai shelfwarmer where 1/3 of the set will sit in the dumb black box.
Any other sets you would add for parts?

Designer program sets seem to have excellent price per piece ratios and another castle is coming out soon. The tree house is always on sale too, getting that many leaves / brown pieces to do a castle interior / outside trees seems pretty appealing.
Unironically, the Harry Potter sets aren’t bad for a castle fix if you don’t mind the color palette. I plan to get a few of these when I can find a deal.
What color is her masks face? Olive green?
I can’t keep track of legos every changing naming of colors it looks like ass though. Baby puke green?
That looks like a decent parts pack, I kind of wrote off HP since I thought it was almost all tan.
I love this minifig so much I started playing Planescape Torment because of it
Got two 6 packs of dnd cmfs and they were identicle packs :(
get wrecked cuck, I use the app
I dont have a car so I ordered off amazon
Blind boxes are terrible. Lego doesn't even get money from app use. There's no reason to keep doing this barbaric Chinese shit.
Not quite as bad, but I was donating a bunch of Lego to my local kid's hospital and ended up sending away a Commander Fox. Had no idea how much he was worth until like a year later.
I like to think some kid recognized it and got a kick out of having one of the rarer clones, but still sucks I just gave away the tiny little dude.
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is there a knock-off version of bricklink? i want to build either the charmander or bulbasaur but they're too expensive to build them with real lego
how do you decide what set to get? I'm at a point where I start running out of display space and I don't want to become a horder. But there are so many new releases now that there is too much stuff I find neat.
>KO trash
>Licensed slop
>Brick built animals
>Display garbage

You have all around entirely shit taste with absolutely no redeeming qualities
There is sort of, called Webrick. It's not exactly the same, but you can get stuff in bulk and upload part lists from what I hear. However, unless I am grossly overestimating the size of these, even with knockoff pieces it's still going to be extremely expensive. They're like the statues they have in the lego stores, and those are north of 10,000 pieces.
I'm at this point too, I simply stopped buying stuff unless I'm 100% stoked about it.

I kinda want City of Lanterns and the big DnD set but I have nowhere to display them so will pass.

Last real set I bought was the forestmen GWP.
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They should be available at most places in Canada now, Walmart was actually selling them like a week early.
I just bought a whole case from Toys'R'Us with my buddy to split, the cashier had to call her manager to ask if that was okay to do lol.
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ifuck off, ever since i was a kid 've always dreamed of stealing those cool statues from the lego stores
Man that other anon didn't go far enough lmao
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i can post more cool statue images but you'll just keep throwing out buzzwords, that was just one of the many many examples
No, that one is genuinely cool
>monkey isn’t modeled after the classic lego monkey
I think the genie is a worse offender in this
I agree, just the monkey stood out to me more as a “really missed that one” deal
whats your guys favourite lego game
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Im literally shaking from flashbacks of never getting Basil the Batlord from pre-previous cmf-line.
And this time i want Dragonborn paladin so much.
But my only option is to buy cmf from Amazon. And on Ebay prices for this guy start from 9-10dollars and im sure he will be 15 later on and even 20 a year later.

Fuuuuuck im literally shaking.
how i obtain a whole squad of those? I need tat least 4 of these to make a cool little army/squadron...
Im not from us so we dont have walmarts stuffed with these. I have one store in a neigbour town but they fly fast-sometimes i was finding Space CMF and sometimes the whole town was cleared from those (i ended up buying Beetlezoid from ebay because i NEVER FOUND THEM IN REAL LIFE!)
>im literally shaking
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>whats your guys favourite lego game
i had the most fun with Indiana Jones trilogy on PSP
unlocking all treasures were so much fun. the best part was that those actually looked like you can build these classic treasures from Lego using bricks you have

ive been thinking of buying PSP and picrelated many times
yes i posted le epic maymay. Society is collapsing.............
That's reminds me of my mother and her doom saying from watching to much YouTube shit
>fat fuck on youtube said when shit hits the fan all your comics, cards, and stuff will be worthless
>you need to stop buying and sale now
>but it'll be worthless
>so I buy shit because I like it, not to get rich from later
>stop watching doom and gloom YouTube telling you to horde $1000s in food you're gonna be nothing but an easy target because everyone know you do it
>insert retard inaudible yelling here and she's a boomer intent on surviving WW3 and the fall of the US
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>lego will be worthless
lmao retards
Lego is an undead entity right now like Disney or Nintendo.

Fucking doom grifters i swear.
Sure it will die...60-70 years later. Maybe.
>you're gonna be nothing but an easy target because everyone know you do it
This is true, though
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I want to start getting into collecting and building castle-themed stuff. Should I get 3 of the Medevil Castle Creator 3 in 1 or the Lion Knights' Castle. I don't really have a collection right now aside from the Sonic Ideas set and a few Lego Star Wars ships I've collected over the years.
yes you should.
That 3 in 1 Castle retiring this year. Which means it's your last chance. It still can be found on shelves and one of the best creator sets lego did.
Just with 3 of it you can build all kinds of castles using online instructions
That was before Biden took the wheel and drove the economy into the dirt. The value of the dollar has dropped, the prices of everything else have gone through the roof, and we're in arguably the worst position financially that we've ever been in over the entire history of the country. Depending on what happens with the next election, shit's only going to get worse.
I now have 20 storage drawers to sort my lego should I go by colour or part type but then what 20 part types should I sort into?
part , you can sort by color later if you get more storage or bigger collection.

brinklink categories are a good place to start


just group and reduce them until you get to 20.
The 3-1 is one of the best sets around and a great castle for the price. I’d get a couple while they’re still available and I’ve seen them around for less than retail if you can find a deal or stack some coupons. You can get two 31120s, a Viking village, and still have $70 to PAB a nice collection of knights and townspeople for the same price as the Lion Knights Castle.
For example.
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>Castle Creator 3 in 1
im the other anon - i cant buy lego around 100 right now because i already spent on lego lately.

But i see just this part with drawbridge being sold separately for around $45
Is this a good deal? it kinda looks like a cool display piece too
Nah, I got an entire set for $35 off fb marketplace. You can get by with the main gate… definitely if you’re just displaying it but that’s too much for 1/3 of the set. I built the 3-1 with my four year old and it’s still mostly together but the main gate gets the most play and the drawbridge is a fun play feature.
>Nah, I got an entire set for $35 off fb marketplace
the fuck
I think it's impossible to get this set for cheap at this point. and it retires this year
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Just be diligent and check often. I got this in may and it was only $30 not $35 my bad. Already open, looked like the kid started bag one and gave up. Missing one grey piece I had a million of. Housewives in the burbs with more money than sense who did this >>11136448
I’m seeing a lot of listings for “whole collections” and even a couple of entire bricklink stores lately. “Will not part out!” Kek! I bet they do in a few months.
Forgot pic.
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Not much of a meal there.
Went to a toy store today to get the whole set, and after spending like half an hour scanning various boxes I was told at checkout that there was a maximum of three per customer for some bloody reason, God forbid someone gets themselves a full set in one purchase. I did fortunately have a couple of people with me so I ended up being able to get 9 of 12, but still a bit annoyed. Will have to get the Dwarf Barbarian, Strahd, and Szass Tam another day.

As for the figures I did get, solid impressions overall. I'd say my favourites are the Elf Bard, Dragonborn Paladin, and Tasha, but I don't think I could truthfully tell you that there's a single bad figure in the set. This is the first time in my lifetime of buying Lego that I'm completing a CMF, and that's saying something (although sets only having 12 rather than 20 minifigs compared to when I was last properly invested in CMFs probably helps).
i was going to buy these eyes too
but im in the middle of making my own beholder with dreamzzz eyes as well
6 DnD sets coming in March!!!
that's just 1 time thing. nobody is retarded enough to sell a 100 set for 30.
Personally, I’m less than impressed. Only interested in the mindflayer from here on out.
>favourites are the Elf Bard
(Sic) literally the worst one dude.
>Dragonborn Paladin
Not impressed, stupid staff and furry head but the armor is cool.
Generic Harry potter witch.
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>This is the first time in my lifetime of buying Lego that I'm completing a CMF, and that's saying something (although sets only having 12 rather than 20 minifigs compared to when I was last properly invested in CMFs probably helps).
im in the same boat
ive been into cmf since that series with bat-man and pirate but this Space and DnD is the first time i want to actually collect them all (we will because there arent that many minifigures and we getting tons of those) and put on one of those displays behind the glass.

I wonder how expensive these boxes will be in the future.
Might as well get 1 sealed case just in case of selling one 5 years later.
the only part i absolutely HATE is ice planet minifigure, they dropped the ball for not making the most iconic ice planet minifig. And they went for the waifu nobody cares about
No but you can still find a deal my fren if you weren’t such a homo.
of course a pretentious 50y/o faggot is "not impressed"
Seethe castlefag
>Seethe castlefag
I don’t think you understood my post. Why would I seethe over getting two castles for the price of one?
This is seething.
Nobody cares,
DnD cmf is the best and most popular.
You are some rando loser from chinese board people making fun of.
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With the success of the DnD cmf and Zelda and LotR +18 sets.

What does this mean for castle fantasy? Will lego commit to a full theme for any of them? When we should expect the first waves?
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Lego Warcraft was always possible
I’m saying your opinions suck and you suck. It’s a fair to middling lineup at best and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Are some of the figures good? Sure! Mindflayer, necromancer, and I don’t dislike the paladin just not cumming over it like everyone else. The rest are just meh.
where is the helmet from?
A kino theme...
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>where is the helmet from?
A best Castle Theme.
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>I’m saying your opinions suck and you suck.
that's like seeing a little goblink whining while you laugh and continue enjoying best CMF series.

Haha loser.
>superman and lex luthor set
Nexo Knights was a Arthurian legend theme
>sorry bro - mom's calling. Gotta transform my horse into a cyberbike and go home
>haha loser
>posts my picture
I mean I’m flattered but you’re still wrong. Source: I literally got them before all you niggers.
I think it makes sense to do doctor kelvin instead of commander cold because she's the hardest to get a hold of.
Poor fella died of hungry
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>castle this
>dnd that
>meanwhile I'm over here building sweet Ninjago mechs
Look at how cool this fucking thing is, and it's not even the main mech of the set. If they'd had stuff like this when I was a kid I'd have creamed myself.
I'm slowly coming around to the fig, the helmet looks good with the original orange chainsaw.

My extras all have the OG helmet though
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I ended up with 2, they fit in really well when you give them the right coloured chainsaw! Penguins are cute too.
>you’re still wrong
How so?

1 vote from faggot loser from4chan
literally everybody thinking this is the best CMF series

Pretty sure he mentioned in a recent video that somethings happened there and certain restrictions have been lifted or something. Comments on all his old videos are back, but "paused", so I don't know
> literally everybody thinking this is the best CMF series
I don’t think so Tim. It’s okay you’re probably too young to remember a world before CMFs. Don’t worry champ you’ll get those short and curlys someday and then you can stop broccoling your hair.
Meanwhile I've been in this thread for fucking years showing off my $10-30 Facebook deals with absolute piles of pieces, whole sets, and vintage parts. Leave it to 4chan to be incapable of refreshing a search term twice a day and swapping messages with some kid's mom when they sell their collection.
i dont really like it. also those wedge-plate things for the legs are awful. what a terrible piece
nope. you can expect more +18 slop for other sets of giant things that don't fit anywhere in your house and cost a few hundred
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Just a superman mech like these lame sets. it comes with Superman and Lex Luthor minifigs though which is more than we can expect from lego dc usually.
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i literally got all minifigures i wanted (chtulhu and witch - the others too. + i got 2 Druid hobbits - are they the most common?)
is the space cmf going away? i still need those and i like space more than dnd
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damn he even has side prints on both-hands and legs.
This is a top tier premium feel minifigure. This is peak lego.
you have to be a moron not to like these
>brown hands
>terrible opinion
big surprise
>brown hands
Who poked your eyes out, polfag?
Calm down moron.
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I love how this thread keeps roasting that one boomer that hates the new best minifigure series.
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>tfw i get all the dnd figures in a bundle, without the stupid price inflation on the dragon and mindflayer, with free shipping, and with zero autistic scanning for the same price as getting 12 normal boxes
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Hell yeah I do, I've still got my two favorite ones.
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Is that baby cole titan mech?
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>tfw i get all the dnd figures in a bundle, without the stupid price inflation on the dragon and mindflayer
That's cool.
I got 3 dragons and 2 mindflayers for 3.50 - i just got them from boxes.
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Hard to pick just one without narrowing it down
LEGO Battles
Crystalien Conflict
World Builder 1 and 2
LEGO Star Wars 1
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i bought the new Lego product!!!!!
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No, it's the Halloween variant of the Robo Pod, which first came with the X-Pod Playoff Kit and later on its own.
I'm not fond of the big dragon-head (though that is accurate how Dragonborn look, but I don't really like how most official art does Dragonborn), but the body and the armor piece look very nice.
My favorite from the set is the lich, though.
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i bought the old Lego product!!!!!
Im so nostalGAY!!!
>I'm not fond of the big dragon-head
I like it quite a bit.
Don't give a shit about dnd and hate those original chars like lady of pain or random vampire dude (his rat is great though, the witch looks generic enough to be just a cool wizard female).
I just like fantasy and castle.
Poorfag or a 3rd worlder? Do they even sell lego in vladivoctock?
I don't like how the helmet looks without the armor, which is bit of a shame since the armor covers most of the torso print. With the armor it does look fine as a more heavily armored variant of the Ice Planet guys (I do appreciate it when new designs complement rather than replace old ones).
I wish the space CMF line would have had more such reimaginings of classic space themes. We got M:Tron, Ice Planet, and Blacktron II, and previous CMF series have included a Space Police I minifig and the Space Villain, whose torso print is based on Blacktron I minifigs though he has the Blacktron II logo, and a bunch of minifigs with the Blacktron I logo, but I'd like to see them do Space Police II, Spyrius, and Unitron as well, or make something based on the unreleased Seatron alien.
Rando vampire dudes legs are retarded too. Red print on brown and black dual molded legs. Basil is 1000 times better imo but the rat is badass with its beastly red eyes.
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>better imo but the rat is badass with its beastly red eyes.
yeah it's amazing - one of the best animal variants i think.
I hope to get a lot of those to make a Dishonored MOC.
(i like the torso print of vampire-can be use dot make Basil's gang more diverse)
The accessories and animals in this wave of cmfs are more interesting to me than most of the figures. Tiefling dragon, vampire rat, the eyeball staff, the devourer, the clear red skull. Maybe you lorefags can help me out why’s the chima bird guy have a dog?
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>Not sharing the lit up version
>why’s the chima bird guy have a dog
he's a ranger with a dog. Come on. It's pretty stereotypical.
the only weird thing is his dog is a puppy. It's cute i guess.
I think it's also a wolf pup
DND has a Ranger class, and some subclasses have an animal companion. That's it.
It's a bit weird when animal people have pet animals. Imagine if you had a pet tiny human.
Like Tinkerbell? She could stroke me off, that would be fucking awesome.
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>Imagine if you had a pet tiny human.
Haha that would be pretty weird lol! haha... :D
how do i get into the girls bathroom in lego harry potter?
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>how do i get into the girls bathroom in lego harry potter?
shoot the painting and the wizard turns you into a girl. it's a fetish game
Just don't tell rowling
Right that is stereotypical… why’s it a bird guy with a dog? >>11137282 is right it’s weird. And that I wouldn’t know it was a ranger if you didn’t tell me because why would a bird with wings be lurking stealthily through the forest? What’s the dog do when it flys away? Does he carry it?
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>is right it’s weird. And that I wouldn’t know it was a ranger if you didn’t tell me because why would a bird with wings be lurking stealthily through the forest? What’s the dog do when it flys away? Does he carry it?
Anon you might be a literal brainlet.

It's ok though...most of people are not smart and DnD is usually a "geeks/nerds" game with IQ higher than average.
i mean...i dont even play DnD but even i know that bird-ranger-with-bow is one of famous representations of this race.
>It's ok though...most of people are not smart and DnD is usually a "geeks/nerds" game with IQ higher than average.
dnd is for low iq normies. we need lego gurps
>not seeing an obvious advantages of being a bird and a fucking ranger witha bow
maybe if you are a furry.
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>dnd is for low iq normies
So you agree you are dumber than a normie?
>wings get stuck in bow
>cant fire arrow
also its cringe for anyone who isnt a furry when people use the animal races. dont do it
i play gurps and watch rick and morty.... i'm at least 300 iq.
Says on the wiki they are from the air and mountains and hate the ground. Mostly fighters. I don’t see how that translates to rangers class but I guess I’m also not a furry like you guys.
>I don’t see how
May be quitting be so autistic can help, anon.
at least we aren't moody like you guys.
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workin yourself up for a chunky lil goon sesh brother?
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anon dust your lego
>Post your protag minifig. Don't act like you don't have one.
i was doing it back then. Even posting my sigfigs.
Think of it...a lot of anons were posting their sigfigs or main figures.
We were so free and openminded.

Now 80% of this thread is swarmed by dickhead assholes so i'd rather don't post anything personal that i might post on IG or other places.
Why not instead of being another dickhead asshole who just whines about everything, post what you want to see in the thread so it can improve?
>i'd rather don't post anything personal that i might post on IG or other places.
do you really think anyone here cares that much about you?
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I'd rather make fun of you and make you seethe faggot.
Isn't this what you like?

Open up.
royal mail delayed my lego -_-
Bricks n pieces already made him very easy to get.
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>brown hair
>on a head with visible black fringe
The man who sold the world...
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>I'd rather make fun of you and make you seethe faggot.
Childrapist Athena, Pedothena lost.
I can't tell if they gave the lich a bare skull because it's less icky than the corpse look the character actually has, or if that's just that a simplified corpse head is indistinguishable from a stylized skull.
whats the best speed champion out at the moment? thinking of getting the ferrari 512 m
Is that ai or is that a muffintop torso
i think its real
I assume the latter. The head does have eyebrows, and lines on the cheeks and lips which make it look to me like it's supposed to be a stylized representation of a desiccated/mummified head, as opposed to a bare skull (compare to the transparent red skull he's holding, which has the standard Lego skeleton face).
You're probably right, plus his Thayan tattoos are still depicted. Again, I do wish we could have had a generic, fleshless lich, but there's plenty of ways to build your own with a different head, even the cool ruby skull, I presume.
Ninjaleaks when...
Ninjago Leaks:
4+ Ninja Battle Car - $60
Cole's Mech - $20
Zane's Mech - $20
UCS Destiny's Bounty - $300
18+ Ninja Dojo - $400
Sorry I triggered your autism
So what stores have the figs already in USA
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Actually considering building my own beholder using all the eye pieces I got from Dreamzzz sets.
Nexo Knights really did get far more flack than it deserved, huh?
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hey /lg/
>Overdesigned tileslop is better... Because it just is, Okay?!
I like that athena minifig behind him. no offense but your sigfig kind of looks like a faggot with those earmuffs and scarf and baby seal.
>only good set is a star wars set
bizarro world...
I wanted to disagree then I looked again and you’re right. It’s clearly bait but damn the state of things.
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>a bunch of fucking FLOWERS
what's wrong with fucking normies

at least dnd set is in here but im VERY sure he just bought it because it's le-~expensive le~premium VIP set with black box.
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>I like that athena minifig behind him
Hell yeah.
There is something soulless and NPC like about people who take pictures like these with all the sets placed like that together. It's like they aren't really that happy with what they bought and maybe never build most of it, but crave positive and jealous commentary from other people online as fuel to embrace their own hollow existence.
>It's like they aren't really that happy with what they bought and maybe never build most of it
I wrote it a few threads ago and will write again.

For normies it's a status item. like Rolex or lambo.
This guy is a doctor and he needs to show society how rich and successful he is so he bought that lego to show off.
He's a bit of a loser so instead of a cool car/rollex he shows some toys on Reddit unlike his much more richer successful colleagues.

And again - I swear there has to be some NPCs that don't want to build these so they pay other people to build lego for them after they take a photo of black boxes.
>Used to corner the market in Lego reviews

LOL. Not at all. He played second or third fiddle to Jang.
I'm freakazoid and mainly care about new parts outside minifigs, mainly mech joints. just names don't do much.
I think there's a much larger problem in Lego now being so expensive it's seen as a Rolex for losers.
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>a Rolex for losers.
Lol that's a really funny term. I like it.
It's rolex for poor people too. Because every poor person can stretch out and buy a $300-400 thing and those black boxes do look like they are for wealthy and epic VIP adults.
So owning those and making a photo of it for reddit kinda strokes your ego.

Also other NPCs will be swarming your comments and sucking your dick.
>tfw actual MOCs or fun photos-nobody gives a shit
>a normie posted a black box: WOOOO YOU ARE AWESOME CAN WE BE FRIENDS??? ... 1000+ likes
>1000+ likes
>shows downvoted comments
Only 18+ collector set I want is the concorde one because I really love the concorde. And maybe the nasa launch site one because it be a great build to play with minifigs on
The new mech parts suck, you can make way better mechs with older technic pieces from around bionicle times.
>like Rolex or lambo.
>This guy is a doctor and he needs to show society how rich and successful he is so he bought that lego to show off.

Lmao holy shit what a clown world and what fucking clowns
They don't suck, there just isn't much. And no I don't cout those abomination limb pieces as mech parts.
I mean the system to bionicle pieces, you can get bricks that have bionicle ball joints and sockets on the end that are way more posable than the newer mech pieces.
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>Lmao holy shit what a clown world and what fucking clowns
that's like $1000+ on that photo

>"hey plebbit look - i just bought a 1000 toy. pretty cool huh?"
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Hero factory mech cockpit still clears
>hero factory
clears my collection and goes straight to the garbage bin you mean
What is the LEGO MOC general called again?
i cannot find it
>There is something magical about the Wolfpack
I started lego bit before the mata even came, I know.
There are still certain pieces that just don't exist.and are needed for more ideal shaping, else builds stay larger than I see them reason to or lack in articulation or turn into blocky fridges. While it has nothing to do with the buildable superheroes themselves, that's close to my ideal scale.
Why not just build bionicles then? Same scale as buildable heroes but looks a million times better. I don't understand this general's hate boner for bionicle
most overrated faction
Hate? I've done that for the past 20 years. I like mixing systems but that creates compromises when it comes to articulation. My style is coomer lite.
If you sort by controversial sometimes people who post boxes get shit on and don't show up in the main page. But its like a 50/50 chance
I just found another one for $30. Fucking children man.
$30 is insane. Pick that up.
Yeah, she's my favorite CMF ever. >>11137548
And I guess he kinda does. I just liked the scarf piece.
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got these dudes at a local con for pretty cheap
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what are the absolute best 3-in-1s and why are they pirate ship, castle, and super robot?
>what's wrong with fucking normies
>at least dnd set is in here
I don't imagine she's cheap anywhere? Bricklink has fairly steep prices for her as far as minifigs go. One of them wants 65 Hong Kong dollars. Hell of a currency they must have.
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Chicago style
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I definitely feel like the cyber drone wass a great low price 3 in one. Good fig, good colors, and decent builds, all for about 10 USD. Still have mine on the shelf.
Is that the fucking BTS set on the horizon?
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Fucking kek, made my day.
So can they make Korean minifigs yellow or is that racist?
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its a good set because it has a lot of fleshies and its a nice plaza.
that one always look interesting, i guess i just wanted it in different colors, the gray and orange weren't doing much for me
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“Thanks Robin I know! How can I be racist or homophobic when I employ a gay nigger from outer space?”
I liked the Mr. Burns minifig. Mine disappeared during a move and now he's pricey as shit. I will hunt down the evil sprites who steal things during moves.
I don’t disagree with the pirate ship and castle but this robot was better.
I love this guy too but he's really a different class of robit than the mecha.
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It's one of my favorites. I actually keep it in its second flying form. That skiff just looks really cool. Growing up with He-Man and Thundercats, these one-man vehicles just have a big appeal to me. I mean I even managed to get this vehicle with any minifigs because I liked it all on it's own.
What about the underwater robot?
Here I am
I am lost in your land
And I hope you will be
Creeping in my soul
Shadows fall, let me out
Hear my call
And I'll always believe
Creeping in my soul
Old school Jabba is really neat. One of the first big-fig type molds.
I'm a bit broke now. How long do you think the lego Zelda set will be produced for? Will it still be available to buy on the lego site in 3 months?
I don't think they're stupid enough to withdraw it before Christmas.
Nintendo are such kikes. Should've included more figs like epona and malon and that bird dude from botw
Nintendo is the Nose of the East but no shit there aren't any Lon Lon Ranch chracters in the Great Deku Tree set.

Sets have a 1-3 year shelf-life and Ideas sets usually push that timeline to it's max or longer.

You're probably fine waiting 2 years or least until it starts popping up on amazon for -25% off in a few months.
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they will certainly make more Zelda sets

the hair molds for Link, the Master Sword, the iconic shield, etc. are all done. no way they "waste" all that front-end setup (design, molds) on just the one set.

nobody should be thinking they needed to spend $300 to get Link and Zelda, by next summer they will each be in a polybag or $25 set.

the only reason they haven't "announced" it yet, is that... duh, they want to sell $300 sets right now. to people who are not sure, and don't want to risk it.

they don't care if those people are mad later, they'll already have the $300 and those people will still buy red Link fire suit set because it's got the Goron dude and dungeon monster (or whatever)
Newest addition: The Black Falcon King.
Should be flesh toned I don't take him seriously.
>Imagine if you had a pet tiny human.
That's just called being a parent.
the sword is very nice TBQCH
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Here's me and my girl on the roof. She just blew me, shit was so cash
>its a good set because it has a lot of fleshies
I still respect your city but you're making it harder
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ok but I did this
Yeah, I like that train and your devil-may-care robber gang
it's clearly Wrong side of the tracks not Devil GAY cry
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Your zoomie buzzwords cut no ice with me, son
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it's was from San Andreas you fucking zoomie
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Never heard of her.
you win the thread
Its from Arealight. They produce curved lego torsos, often with skimpy outfits or star wars themed printing.
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>my ancestor

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you have to be 18 to post here
Thoughts on this month's Build a Minifig parts?
Why would you enter a thread about children's toys to proclaim that you're too smart for penis jokes?
mite as well go gay 4 dicks
I cant bring myself to do those. Theres often children making figures when I’m there so I feel like a complete faggot doing it
> BAD boays what cha want , wha cah going dooo
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What is this?

they're called poc now
I’m trolling people about Lego goku now. It’s me. It’s always me. God damn it’s too easy >>11141161 was right. And no one replied. No one even stopped.
Jang stopped on that September morning on that dark killing ground of Highway 237 west, and thats all that matters
The 22nd is approaching how do you think he’ll celebrate the anniversary?
Only someone who was walked in Jangs shoes can answer that.
I chuckled audibly! I love you anon. People around here take this all so seriously. How cold has the world gotten? How disconnected from each other? He had places to be but he stopped! And that’s what makes all the difference.

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