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what's /toy/'s pick for the best overall figure ever made, that everyone on this board should get? best aesthetics, paint, engineering, poseability?
You’re never going to get a straight answer to this sort of question, as people value different things at different scales.

I’ll go through a couple of recent favorites:

-Revoltech Harley Quinn has great articulation, sculpt, and accessories and is probably the best female sculpt of the Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi line.
-Real Grade Nu Gundam is arguably the pinnacle of 1/144 construction. As a longtime follower of the RG line it’s had its ups and downs, but articulation, included accessories, and overall build are really excellent and probably my favorite RG. That said, I’ve picked up a number of more recent RGs/anniversary kits, and I don’t own the entire RG line.
-Astrobots Apollo is just a great sculpt with strong articulation. Some people have issues with Astrobots, so ymmv on this one.
-Several of figma’s best works have really good sculpt, articulation, and paint. My personal favorite is Metroid Prime 3 Samus Aran, which is a huge step up from the Other M mold and an extremely solid figure in general.
-The Synthetic Humans (1000Toys, or at least, closely related) are fabulous sculpts with great articulation, if you can get your hands on them. Maybe a bit light on accessories, but they do have articulated eyes.
-The recent Namek Saga Super Saiyan Goku is really just a perfect representation of the character and Toriyama’s art style at the time. Articulation makes some specific choices that accentuate the musculature and sculpt. Figuarts is often formulaic in their approach to things so this one feels special, but that might just be recency bias/sentimentality.
-I think it’s too difficult to claim one particular entry in the Transformers franchise as perfect, because there’s a lot of nostalgia and loyalty towards specific iterations, characters, etc. But I think you’d be hard pressed to find a lot of complaints about RiD Megatron (10 silly modes) or maybe Commander Armada Prime. Happy to be proven wrong, though.
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This question is silly.
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back when I started using /toy/ the go-to Revoltech was Raiden. He can still pull of great poses but maybe there's better ones recently
for gundam other than kits the A.N.I.M.E line seems well liked, sturdy with crazy range
figma kinda fell off raising prices while quality stayed the same and accessories became GSC shop exclusives, but still I liked their Alice Gear line with cool weapons and armor, and some can be had for less than retail, that's basically two figures in one for the price of your avg FOTM schoolgirl
Speaking of two in one Snail Shell became better than GSC in my eyes with their Hotaru release, great shit and posable eyes should be more common
While I don't own him Earthrise prime is praised by basically everyone that likes their Prime blocky. I recommend third party ROTB optimus too, same or better than Studio Series for much cheaper.
Armada Prime I really liked but he's ridden with problem that my generation will overlook because of nostalgia. I say wait for 3P to fix him
people seem to really like their harley fig, im just not a fan of that look. classic harley like in the animated series is my jam.

i was gonna post the synthetic human as op pic but ive never owned one

youre talking about this goku?

or this

they look completely different muscle wise. either one is too buff or the other is too scrawny but i dont like that discrepancy
I can't pick just one but anything Revoltech to me just blows everything else out of the water. They are the toppest tier ACTION figures. People hate them because they're shitheads that can't pose worth a damn or poorfags that got priced out. My second choice would be Snail Shell stuff.
what is an action, posing? push button actions? electronic features? it's very subjective, I'd say that autotransformer optimus prime
This piece of crap is a crime against action figures
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AY Deadpool 2.0 (or 2.5) probably ticks off every checkbox. He looks fine, poses really well, comes with tons of stuff, and you can pick between two color schemes.
snail shell gets shilled a lot but any shf mogs their figures. They all look cheap. Just look at the butts on your picture and I heared that they tend to be loose as fuck too.
i aint gonna buy western capeshit even if japs make it
I don't care about capeshit and they're still fantastic figures that have me looking forward to the next release even if it's some literal who, that's how good yamaguchi is
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Uhhh based? I got a bootleg revoltech Arkham Knight to use as a cyborg soldier but thats about it. Its a shame some decent headsculpts are going onto thoese garish capeshit figures and nothing else.
What if you don't like Deadpool? This kinda question is really subjective.
Kicked myself for skipping the 2.0. But it ended up being a blessing when they announced the 2.5. Can't wait for that.
2.5 really does imply a 3.0. Should have waited.
It's mostly arbitrary, but I also doubt there's a 3.0 any time soon. 2.5 could surely be reissued a time or two before any new version 'needs' to be made.
I assume the OP question ignores such trivial problem. For any action figure based on anything an anon can just say "i don't like the design". With AY DP you can pick the grey one which looks more generic paramilitary man. How many actually have strong impressions of the X-Force comics or the 20 sec he was grey in the movie.
3.0 you mean a full retooled body? The latest AY has the same body engineering as DP 2.0 as that one was where it started. So what you expect to change Tthere will be a 3.0 but will just be additional accessories to the 2.5 to match the inflation. Woody did the same thing with its 2.0. The number really don't mean anything, just to indicate a difference. Any difference.
Is the peak action figure hiding behind that zombie Spider-Man?
>They all look cheap
that's your opinion, they look as good as many japanese brands (that are made in china anyways)
>look at the butts
No one figure has gotten asses right, they all compromise
>I heared that they tend to be loose as fuck too
Nope, they're pretty solid. The voices in your head don't count

I know you're a troll but just wanted to clarify for anyone reading, I'm not gonna devolve into shitting on SHF
I've been wondering about those Snail toys and i thought they were those models like the ones posted in the shinki threads, but these posts imply that they're actually real action figures?

Pretty chintzy if they are.
the chinese have been making leaps in kit and figure tech in the past years, Snail Shell is like the top brand for girl figures at the moment
And the shinki thread is weird they post mostly kits but also anything that's semi-related, also shinkis were toys so there's that
You sound retarded, what else would they be
Based. SHF is 1000% better than this chink shit.
I hate the weird assplates on these. The pumpkin girl is probably one of their best. Their bunny girl was horseshit. I do like their use of plastic though. The bee hive pattern on their bee girls with the clear plastic over it looks really cool. They should also just ditch the thigh cuts.
it's the best overall spidey, deal wif it
Shf ones are better.
Best one I own.
lol, lmao even
those look box-ish
nah revos look ass. SHF Deadpool is better too. Just look how much it sold.
In what jurisdiction?
That’s fair. I grew up on X-Men and Cable and Deadpool personally, so they’re personal favs.

Snail Shell does give Figma a run for their money in terms of sculpt and particularly pricing, and I do like the original characters. Honestly, I’ve been erring towards original characters and sculpts more often as of late, as I appreciate a toy-exclusive licenses.

I do like RotB Prime a lot, but that vehicle mode is ass.
They sold because normies slurp up moviepool not because SHF is better. You actually sound retarded implying that and saying that revoltechs are worse action figures when they are in fact better. Just say you are a poselet who can't into action and stop shitposting. The revoltech deadpools are on a level above SHF in terms of dynamic range which give you way more action in your action figures. Not only that but they are way more bang for your buck with the amount of accessories you get for him and most other releases. If you're a SHF fanboy just admit you can't pose or you get priced out. We don't need your shitposting.
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They have some of the best ass cuts out there retard. There's a reason they are one of the top coomer figures. Keep coping though.
Why don’t they make cooler figs of regular characters. Imagine a grandma tsunade coomer fig haha
they already pander to feetfags, hag chads and architects hopefully soon
... but are they model kits or are they actually real figures?

Because the way the Snail figures look is unpainted and cheap looking like the model kits from the shinki threads. They don't look like finished figures, aka action figures, like a Figuarts or Figma.
so.much.this. I'm tired of pretending otherwise. SHF is king babyyyyyyyy
god those assplates are ugly. Just cheap chink shit
>shf mogging anything

Based, same.
>t. Retarded & blind
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You are fucking delusional of you think Shf mogs anything let alone Snail Shell. Nice projection btw. Hows the ass on Shf 2B? Is Shf Guts shoulder still attached?
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I actually second this. More sexy bikini babes, a normal cop, a gaijin or a tomboy would be cool.
Her ass is pretty bad. Figma has way better looking bikini girls.
Oh man, sh shills are in full force.
>Some of the best
>Looks worse than a 40$ Figma styles
SHF Bulma mogs both of these btw.
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No lies detected
kek, that looks awful.
those knee joints look disgusting
So? Most figures has weird knees. The ass is better and that's all that really matters.
which figure has PEAK ass? that bulma isn't it
Didn't say it was peak. Just mogs most Snail Shells including these >>11139158
>pic unrelated
figma butts mog both of them
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Your just blind, here have a (you). Now scram.
so what IS peak figure ass, then?
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Stop buying from BBTS.
Bunny Girl is super dissapointing. Ugly ass plate and floating tits just arnt a good combo. The floating tits also makes the outfit look weird in most poses.
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Yeah Figma is based

She has a flat trannys ass youre mentally ill

Literally the most affordable 1/12 anime line right now unlike Bandai jacking their trash to Figma prices but being only 20% the quality of Figma.
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Seconding Ay Harley, she is an absolutely amazing figure. Figma Touka is one of the most poseable figures of her size and parts density ever, everything that Saver 2.0 did great taken up to 11. Kurumi mot so much. On the model kit front Megami Device Susanowo is a damn near perfect kit, as is MS General's Zhuge Liang. The figurize Avatar Fumina is also fantastic although missing out on a little flexibility. Recent transformers Magmatron is way better than I could have imagined, and Deathsaurus is practically perfect.
I've never seen such a delusional fanboy post before. You're coping as hard as you can and sadly it's not working. Keep it up though, the board needs more comedic posts like this.
>"im too poor to afford good figures so shf is better!!!!"
if you've actually held a snail shell you would realize they feel sooooo much better.
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It's definitely missing some definition but I appreciate the effort to avoid ugly ass plates. What figure is this?
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it's top secret
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Sculpt looks fantastic besides the ass looking like 2 ballons and not really an ass and the floating piece above the hips looks kinda weird. I think just adding some definition to the ass cheeks could do alot. The way it goes into the thigh looks really fucking good.
not him but i got him from gamestop for half off and had store credit which then lowered it to 58 bucks
I'm him. Pre-ordered him for 120 bucks. Don't regret it one bit.

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