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Play well!
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Asked my brother to keep an eye on my collection while I went on vacation....

Can't find the hat
Thank you for fixing the links
Build this for DnD cmf. I hope we get more dns sets in 2025
>tags: mindbreak
Any rumors on the modular building for next year?
Found a sealed The Hobbit The Goblin King Battle 79010 for 160 on OfferUp. Is that a good deal? I don’t collect LOTR sets so I wouldn’t know
Pretty average price
Check Bricklink for real prices.
Is there a Jaws set?
yes, you retarded fuck.
Are there any Star Wars sets of the B-Wing?
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Went to the build a mini figure kiosk today
its behind the orange thing on the right
Cool. I dont like that helmet on the left though, and i think timmy's blaster(?) should have the stud on the other end
is that a fucking navy blue classic space suit? I'm sorta annoyed they don't have a matching helmet and oxygen tank.
They are really getting their mileage out of of those Nexo-Knight pieces.
my batmobile came i thought royal mail would delay it to tomorrow but i am pleasantly surprised. they did still crush the package a bit but its royal mail so expected. next time i will pay that extra £5 for premium delivery instead of a polybag.
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animal crossing polybag.
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whats that orange thing left of yowzer or whatever his name is? looks cool
Will Lego store employees look at me weird or make a fuss if I walk up to the CMF box at checkout and scan them?
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Now that DnD cmf and Ideas set are hits...what should we expect set wise for the theme? And when? I predict summer 2025
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>Incel polfag: uhh...people would look at me weird.... :( idk if i should scan minifigs at the store.... what if cute girl will see me doing that... :(

>liberal chads married, confident and having a good time with friends:
You people scan this cmf? Its probably the best series lego has ever done
Lego DnD theme, playsets with dungeons and dragons

Next up

It's not about them looking at me weird, retard. I don't want to get kicked out of the store because some wagie got uppity and thinks it's "illegal" to scan CMF boxes.
in a lego store its probably fine since they know what you are doing. other stores might be fussy
why don't lego just only put figures people want in cmf so we don't have to scan them? or just show them on the box so we dont have to scan them? are they stupid?
>incel polfag: uhhh im afraid to scan minifigures. :( What if wagie will kick me out...what would i tell in that situation?? :(

>liberal chad: Hello! Can i scan minifigures? Yes? Thanks!/No? Ok thanks!
Gacha mechanic attracts retarded kids but pushes away adults who just want the specific figure. Scannable figures secures both demographics.
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>aryan hyperborean polchud: i'm going to scan these minifigures to make sure there are no BLACKS in my cmf collection
>store clerk: ok sir.... please don't hurt me. i support hyperborea too

>libtarded cuck: erm... mr store employee sir... p-please could i use my little phone to scan this little toy with my little app?
>store clerk: no, fuck off cuck
kids don't like it, i know from experience that they cry and whine and stomp their feet if they get a duplicate fig.
Fact. I don’t think the scannable feature was intentional on legos part either. It was probably for in house purposes and people figured out how to do it.
That’s why I make sure kids won’t have that problem.
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Dragonborn army here we goooo
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LEGO updated the instructions app and Zelda has its own, dedicated section for any sets that may come in the future

We are in it for the long haul!!
link to the past confirmed yet? i want bunny link
Post all of them anon. I want a pic with shit ton of dragonborns
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Vote here:

Speculation, 2025 will have a full on medieval theme and it will be licensed, one of these 3 will get the full treatment:
>Dungeons and Dragons
>The Legend of Zelda
>The Lord of the Rings
I’ll vote here. Kys.
Lego Fortnite is a display-play theme.

This has now been confirmed by the LEGO Fortnite design team, including John Cuppage and Erik Jensen, in a recent roundtable interview featuring Brick Fanatics and other fan media. Specifically, the LEGO Fortnite sets have been designed for ‘display play’, different to most other LEGO models.

>“What we found is that there’s many different types of play and our research team sits in another area that we closely collaborate with,” shared Cuppage. “They have over 100 different play types and display play is one of them, even though you don’t necessarily think about it that way.

>“We know the kids have many different ways of playing, and we’ve found that as kids get a bit older, into the early teens, they stop that traditional play, but they still might want to have something to represent their passion points and the IPs that they really love.”

>“Also, because they’re gamers, they like being able to have a lot of cool things from the games that they love to just display on their desk as they’re playing LEGO Fortnite and things like that,” explained Jensen.

>“We’re hoping to get to engage with some of those older kids a bit more,” continued Cuppage. “I was at some of the lifestyle shoots for this line and say, 77073 Battle Bus, we had kids reflective of the age mark that we have on the box.
do kids over 12 play fortnite?
No, in b4 Fortnite Goku skin gets reposted for the thousandth time “sets when?!”.
>display play
Shelf warmer. Ftfy
Yes, and they'll go buy another one an try again.
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Dbz zets in 2025
>most popular game among young kids
>make an entire theme
>don't make any play sets
What the actual fuck are they thinking?
depends if mom or dad are buying them it.
Mom: Don't worry sweetie, i'll just buy another
Dad: That's why you dont gamble son. i'm off to vegas now
>They have over 100 different play types
I wish they'd elaborate on this?
What kind of play types are there really? Only ones I can think of are MOCing, tardbashing, dioramas and roleplaying. What are the other 96?
they mean shit like flick fire, stud shooting, wheels, etc
coomer mocs take that many sub categories
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>my recent 35422352 dollars haul :)
>44 000 fucking upvotes
god i fucking hate LEGO community AFOLS so fucking much holy shit
i thought starwars were terrible back in 2017 but those were nearly not as stupid as these.
How are the Sonic sets? I kinda just want the Rouge minifig...
There she is!
Barely made it. Phew.
There is one fucking scalper in my area who probably sleeps in front of the store to scalp all the paladins and flayers in the morning when normal people work. i check during midday and all of them are gone. same happened with previous series. I'm going to catch this faggot one day. Now i will just order a case, because i can't be bothered with this unfair hunt.
I got this the other day. Hate that I had to go into Target to get it.
This happened in the first wave. You could scan the barcodes to tell which one it was. Then in the next one they made all the barcodes the same but there was a dot pattern pressed into the top of the bag which corresponded to the minifig. Then they removed that in another wave.
Too soon to admit that. This will ruin their scheme of having people buy their big ugly tree and tree alternate build. (BUTT)
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>not just ordering 10 boxes from Amazon
i got 2 dragonborns by ordering 5 minifigures 2 times.
And now i have almost all with just witch and dragonborn being doubles.

Stores is cringe because it's being scalped by kids and investors.
Just buy from amazon with description "lego store" or something like that.

I'd say it's super safe to order from amazon before 5-10 september.
People still didnt got in with all the hype.
I ordered at September 2 and i got all different extept a fucking DOUBLE DRAGONBORN.

i was never be able to get that with cmf 25 when searching for basil.
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Does Zelda have autism?
>first 3 basils (turning their heads with a cracking sound):
>- Uh...my lord-these two knights won't let us in...
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Jim Spaceborn.
Man that gold plastic really shines like gold.
Is it different from other gold plastic? i dont remember other being this gold-ish
>just green plate without tiles or grass
>just grey blocks
based basic bro
Is this where LegoQuest got the inspiration for Jake Starcrash?
I only sort of wanted this. Who wants it this much? The set it comes with is at like $400 for some reason.
is there a place you can order the pallets of boxes?
reminds me of those shadow squid things from bionicle. i could imagine using it some sort of bionicle moc but i don't like to use system in my bionicle builds.
>is there a place you can order the pallets of boxes
i dont know but...
Palletes will probably have a set up number of characters

while ordering early on amazon will give you more chances to get cool stuff i think.
Just try with buying 5 at first. it's a solid cmf series so you won't burn with just 5 and maybe even get a dragoncock palabro
shouldn't pallets have at least 1 of each fig to be fair to stores?
>gamble gamble gamble diiiiiieeee
Just scan the boxes.
hmm i didnt know that. Anyways i was more than happy with my order but if pallets have at least 1 of each then go for it of course - it's the go to technic.
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what is this guys lore? he looks like he would be pretty cool if i swapped his afro for a roman helmet.
I can't since where I live they are always behind the counter for some reason.
Ia the hype for DnD cmf real? Or just a fad?
He's the representation of a constellation.
is £26 ($34) a good price for 6 of the space cmf + some ginger hair?
Dnd seems pretty popular so probably. I like the space cmf more though, only dnd minifigs i am interested in is the squid guy and dragon guy.
But is he based on a previous theme or anything? Is there any information about him beyond that?
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>Ia the hype for DnD cmf real? Or just a fad?
hmm let's see

>literally best Fantasy minifigures since....early 10s?
>literally best army builder knight since...i don't know
>literally best fantasy type accessories
Gee i dont know.
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it's literally an ancient greek/roman statue but a constellation you uncultured amerimutt
it doesn't look like that though it's way too big. it looks like an afro.
anyone know
can you stop posting that stupid image you fag
I had this set growing up, Agents was fucking amazing.
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>can you stop posting that stupid image you fag
Sorry, friend, this picture just perfectly conveys my state of confusion when I don’t understand what my opponent is talking about in a discussion.
do you know if this >>11138501 is a good deal?
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I don't know anon..
I can buy space cmf for 3.50 euros on amazon.
do you sell on bricklink? what's your shipping prices?
I don't sell lego.
Umm...are you serious? or shitposting (im not sure lol).

You can easily fin space cmfs still...check amazon
why would i be shitposting... there not on amazon for me
anyway i found 5 of the ones I want for £18 which seems like a good deal and the seller also has a bunch of other figs I want.
>3rd worlder
try digging in the trash like the other anon from a shithole country
Space rapist.
I feel like LEGO has two wildly different fanbases
>those who build their own MOCs and play with their sets
>those who just buy sets to put on their shelves
i do both. where else will i keep my lego when im not playing with them but my shelf?
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Batman saves the day!
Lego should stop playing Chinese games with Western society and open the fucking market. It would only make sense if the scanning app cost a subscriber's fee.
they will eventually. We'll probably see a dark grey classic space torso at some point too.
Toei realizing they can deify the dead creator and whore out his property to all takers for more dosh than they've seen in decades
I dont think so.
I did think that was a peculiar expression to go with. She doesn't really feel like Zelda; more like a cosplayer. That said, BOTW Zelda is definitely autistic, so I guess I can't say it's entirely wrong.
Ooga booga where all the white space alien women at? >>11138506
Totally an Afro.
The Greek myth of who? Orion? A rapist. The curly hair makes sense now doesn’t it.
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Building the set rn, love the figures and the fact that Hestu’s maracas actually shake. Gonna do the BOTW because it looks so much nicer, but I did see this alt build with the spare parts from the OOT build.

She’s my birthday twin so I obviously had to get the set.

Bramball, an enemy from NSMBU.
I hope its regular sets and not AFOL sets made by weird cavemen with vitiligo in post modern warehouse. Lego Zelda and DnD happening at the same time js pretty neat even if its jusf a cmf line.
Most soulless nintentoddler shit I’ve seen in a while. The Lego Group TM thanks you for your virginity.
What are you an 80s movie highschool bully lol
Sorry Steven… Or are you mark? Show us the bag with all the extra parts leftover you’ll never build.
>doesn’t even build ocarina of time version
How to properly display your Mario legos.
2 fantasy themes at the same time makes me think maybe they will do one as an adult collector line (dnd if they are sensible) and one as a regular set wave (probably zelda).
Why did you buy them if you don't like them
I didn’t say I didn’t like them it’s just huge to have all out all the time. They’re the kids’ legos, though, all the legos I buy actually get played with.
that little plane looks fun. what is it from? i love such chubby planes
Oh fuck off DBZ has been whoring out long before Toriyama died. DBZ going to Lego is way less offensive than other shit toy brands
The ~$90 Duffy Kong Mine set
oh i see. Was hoping for something smaller.
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You better buy best cmf now because dark times are ahead...
>choosing BOTW shit over real Zelda
This has to be fake
What about January?
Sadly...it isn't
What about that? The F1 cmf is for january...next is simpsons
Says April homie.
kino must be counteracted with slop to maintain cosmic balamce
I mean that's a lot more interesting than just a bunch of losers in racing uniforms
Petition your representatives. This is gambling for children.
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My birthday twins are kind of mid. Can I get a refund?
Say sike right now!
What's the point of minifigures if they don't come with a minifigure? I might as well collect polybag and magazines.
Those are old and killed racer sets for a while.
why would you want minifig racecar drivers anyways?
I will buy them if they come with printed helmets and wheels like those, can never have enough wheels and printed helmets
to go in my race car mocs? duh?
good point. In that case why make a fucking formula 1 cmf series? This has to be a troll. But part of me believes it's just retarded enough to be true.
post one
do u guys think they'll bring back balaclavas/ski masks?
rock raiders helmet maybe too, given the appearance in world racers
Yeah bro I love Autism Horse
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He would look cooler without the silly monkey head
in your ass
i love your unique character!
which set gives you a green chainsnaw?
ye pretty gay tbqh
why dont you put anything under that dome? a brain or green blank minifigure head
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Literally just this set. I think the minifig transparent green hook isnexclusive here too but I might be wrong.
trans neon greenhook isn't exclusive, iirc its in that fig, an aquashark and that weird hybrid fig
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aquazone was such a based theme
Do kids even play zelda nowadays?
I still wanna know how this F1 theme is gonna work cause this could be cool if it was based on real cars and drivers but kinda lame if it's just generic red, blue and green team.
I understand why the space cross theme because of the artemis project(delayed to late 2025/2026) to go back to the moon...but why F1 in 2025? What F1 event is happening next year?
Top 3 best selling nintendo games of 2024

So I say yes
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Managed to fix the Dwarf Barbarian from the DnD series.
Can't it be just cause they want to do a F1 theme?
And this year's space theme didn't really have anything to do with artemis since it was mostly "near future" stuff.
It needs a beard piece really. Also he still has girl hair.
F1 World Championship next year
>still a fleshie
>still a fleshie
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Every male/female interchangeable figure in this set has a man bun or short hair. I wanted to try and put obi wans long hair on but I have to take the fur collar off.
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Don't have a yellow head with a red beard. Maybe from a pirate set?
Lol it looks like obi wan is in dnd.
Yeah, if anything they cut the "cOnCePtUaL" NASAslop horseshit for this wave.
>captcha: G0YX
Replace the fur collar with a big beard piece, the beard is too small for a dwarf. Also aren't there shorter legs?
>f1 cmf references previous themes and has unique new minifigs instead of just being random racers from irl
Guess the next GWP
its lego friends set sadly
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I think the LG probably gets all their good ideas from LQ at this point
Am I the only one old enough to remember these actual sets? This has to be a joke.
Bionicle TECHNIC Onua Vs Pohatu BATTLE!
but its a gwp for the $400+ technic sets
>starring Ewan McGregor
You VILL buy the random ninjagoslop set for the Onua sticker sloped hidden out of view.
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Damn he looks so much sexier now
Also give him normal legs and he will look like your average homoerotic viking that fucks like beast
I don't buy CCBS or System bionicle sets. ONLY technic.
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Lego will always be GOATed for releasing the Michael Keaton Batman minfig as it's own separate set in the form of a poly bag as opposed to locking it behind the giant $400 Batcave.
This guy is the crown jewel of my collection
Hope the legend of Zelda minfigs from that giant ass tree set gets the same treatment. Wanna get my hands on Link but not blow half of my paycheck on him
>This guy is the crown jewel of my collection
must be a pretty shit collection anon
Don't worry, our voices don't matter. Any new Bionicle will be mixelmech brickbuilt faggotronics because the overwhelming majority of people don't care what the set is as long as they can consoom something with Bionicle branding.
Why tf is there a separate toa for earth and rock
And didn't they learn before that no one wants to buy the brown one
Don't use nigger acronyms.
Because it's thematic rather than reddit ackchually science. Earth is an underground mole people motif, whereas stone is desert brazilians. Same reason why fire and ice are separate rather than a "toa of temperature".
>And didn't they learn before that no one wants to buy the brown one
I dunno, that may have been true initially, but as soon as they dropped brown for shitorange and regular orange everyone wanted it back.
IDK, they are also swapped, you'd think earth would be brown and stone black, but Pohatu(brown) is actually the rock one and Onua(black) is the earth one. >>11139027
Pohatu was always my favourite cause he had a cool mask and a different body. But I also prefer the orange, it was my favourite colour as a kid and I was really happy when I saw a orange bionicle, even more when I found out it was Pohatu.
My name is MOC, thanks a lot
Same, I just got him from the magazine. They also provided 1966 Joker which was pretty cool.
Lego should make a Gamer Legends magazine with minifigures based on video games.
This is the worst shade of brown/orange they could pick, and combining it with transparent yellow?
What were they thinking
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yes they will absolutely release Link and Zelda minifigs later in much less expensive sets

the seethe of all the $300 tree-buyers will be felt by the Jedi like millions of voices crying out and then silenced.

heed this warning: buy that set if you want the giant $300 TREE only.

they didn't even make special specific Link and Zelda, they are the most common iconic versions of them. any other set, polybags included, WILL have those minifigures in them

how is this not the most obvious thing.

the grand lesson they are trying to teach you is patience, it might cost you $300, it might not. either way, you're learning the lesson
All minifigs are fleshies. Most are just Simpsons characters.
Lego 57 Chevy when?
Yea that wave sucked. Hero factory pieces instead of technic and Pohatu looks like pee and poo. Also he has boomerangs for some reason which are kind of cool but would make more sense for someone like Lewa, makes no sense on Pohatu
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>same excact coloration as shit and piss rock
Ummm... based?
When you build one yourself
where are people getting the CMF's? lego stores?

Walmart, target don't have them. Walgreens is still selling space ones
I'm pretty sure shit and piss rock is actually transyellow, whereas Pohatu uses translime.
walmart had them on the little end-cap thing at the end of the aisle, the big cardboard rectangle full of 'em

you're completely reliant on the lazy store employees, they'll put them out when the get to them. they have no connection to customer urgency. (management says the Halloween decorations go up first, etc.)

if you have a Lego store near you, well... you shoulda been there when they opened on the 1st, they sell out quick. they'll restock tho, usually on Friday it's one of the best/worst parts of the actual Lego Store over the others
I'm not. Same boat. Will try again at this renegade, AWOL "Lego Store" this weekend.
for some reason the walmart like 15 miles away has them and not the close ones. Idk if they actually do though or if its worth the gamble.

Ill wait
They are all named after nigger culture so in reality are all brown ones
I believe they prefer "island beaner".
Nah I live near them they call each other niggers
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>minifig heads on a system build
that means we're getting a source for these bad boys or another piece with a neck sized bar.
Stores in nigger and spic neighborhoods are goldmines for discounted and discontinued lego. Is there a Walmart you wouldn’t normally shop at for obvious reasons? Go during the middle of the month in the middle of the week in the middle of the day. It’ll be a nightmare of poor stock and toys carelessly strewn about but you might find a hidden gem.
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2025 Ninjago villains are dragon men
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Ninjago rules!

Bionicle is dead!
Is lego the last haven for autistic white men?
dragonbros are eating good
Bionicle's spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know it was the best theme.
Bionicle is for trannies
Fuck Bionicle. This is a Galidor board.
Trannies' fragile minds can't begin to
comprehend bionicle's greatness.
Bionicle is Galidor's succesor.
What actually happened to Bionicle, anyway? I've only ever seen how beloved it is by everyone.
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When you're trying to recruit younger minions.
started using shitty plastic that broke easily, people stopped buying, then they juniorized it and no one liked it and stopped buying. then they replaced it with hero facrory which sucked and used ccbs which no one liked and didnt buy.
That's basically Astarion. It'll work.
They've got geniuses over there in Denmark or wherever I'm not looking it up.
both of these are so hot...
>the fucking flowers
Honestly, considering how massively successful the DnD stuff has been, I can see WotC doing maybe a CMF for the prominent MTG characters.
I cant unsee him as hugh hefner

You don't wanna know.

Seriously. You don't. You thought Lego was bad with the the faggot posturing NOW? You will all hate, and I mean, HATE, the next modular.

Brace yourselves, spoilers ahead:

It's a 'disco' but in reality it's a gay club. One figure reuses a recolor of that drag queen CMF, there's rainbow tiling on the floor. There's a DJ figure and a guy in a unicorn costume (among other costumes, but you know what they're doing with the unicorn one). Corner module. The first floor is a kind cramped dancefloor with the DJ booth, a bathroom (of course), and a counter for rollerskaes. On the left there's a staircase leading up to a small patio (think of the boutqiue hotel or parisian restaurant) with a taco shop with an admittedly fun/cool brick built pepper sign. There's a little taco cart, too. Brick built disco ball that's also clever. Only the two stories.

~2800 pieces
what set is this
Screenshot and saved.
Not the poster, but I think its a small part of a custom MOC IIRC.
>ominous as fuck warning about a disco with a unicorn in it
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Better have a Xalaxian
is the blacktron cruiser worth it? Iv'e been looking at them on ebay and wondering if it's worth picking it up.

love your defender too! and the star destroyer is also pretty cool
Best Evil Minifigs?
got this one for 20 and I think it's worth it but I wouldn't pay much more than that.
Flatfoot Thompson
just checked ebay and to get one i'd have to pay around 70aud .. never mind
what is MOC IIRC? some kind of star wars thing?
fuckin' wiseguy over here
The same thing that killed other themes in that era. Swamp biome wave.
What do the people have against swamps?
That's the wotjus modular. It was a GWP before you were born.
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>new Classic UCS Batmobile
>includes 1 Batman with new rubber cape
>same generic Lego Batman mask
>no Robin
I wish we could get what was in the game.
who cares it's a licensed set.
>batcuck crying about x specific variation of his exact same bullshit not being all he dreamed of
Do we really need this three times a thread?
Do you think Batman maintains the Batman voice when he cums, or does he lose the affectation in his pleasure? Does he growl and snarl, or keen and whine?
Even flaccid Bruce is packing. I bet he cums like a horse.
Is there a minifig with this outline painted on the legs?
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Besides the fallout boy torso is there one that's like this but in light blue and not dark azure? I wanted to make a blue shirt Bart.
Just get one of those pair of arms and stick it on the plain torso you like best
We already got the best version which is the sand blue one
hey guys anyone with this piece "Tire 30.4 x 14 Solid" can you check if there is a dent on it? I had a dent on one of mine and I was confused how that had happened but I checked another and there's also a dent in the same place, but I only have 2. Is there some sort of problem with the mold? No one is talking about this.
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picture of the dents.
Could be a production error that only affect a few pieces, send the picture to lego and they'll probably send you some replacements if they still have them.
Lol no, the videogame cowl looks like ass.
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I think it is just a part of the mould, but I want to check if anyone else has them or not just in case.
why minidolls instead of minifigs? and why are they so brown, aren't they supposed to be really pale?
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They are all Latinex in the new version of the show you bigot.
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>Captcha: PP GG+++
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>Hey it's me, Goku!
Where's the skibidi bop yes yes guy???
This is actually kino
do people really like these things?
>is that all you've got FAGGOT?!
Mickey looks like some sort of demonic idol here. All the little disney minifigs have to worship him or they will be sacrificed.
Funko slops for people with 5% more dignity
What's the bottom right scene?
There is no way lego allows the dragon ball license and it doesnt lead to sets
Bruno from Encanto
Gulliver's travels? But brown?
Dem wee gargoyles
>Molochey Mouse
Been addressed.
>being this broken you have to cope so much for a plastic toy
Just go get one and build your own mocs and stop trying to convince yourself and everyone else that a video game skin that may or may not even get released in the game somehow translates to “Lego is going to be making dbz sets omg guys!”
It’s just sad and annoying at this point.
whats wrong with dragon ball?
Dude no one here has or plays with legos.
Why are 4+ sets so expensive with the reasoning being "big juniorized pieces" when animal crossing sets have pieces like this but are priced normally?
Nothing as far as I know. My problem is the copium and the spamming the same pic and the same “sets when?” bullshit.
I have creator vespa with same wheels so i'll check it in about 2 hours
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>Why are 4+ sets so expensive with the reasoning being "big juniorized pieces" when animal crossing sets have pieces like this but are priced normally?
big parts and molds cost a lot
big prints cost a lot
licenses cost a lot

combining this - bigger price.
Animal crossing has normal parts type. It just looks like toddler 4+ set due to stylization.
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It does have big pieces though, go look at the sets. this 8x8 special plate for example. Seems like 4+ is just a scam.
Those aren’t the same as a big Dino mold or animal. Those are readily available and relatively cheap.
So are the 4+ pieces? It's fucking plastic.
>Those aren’t the same as a big Dino mold or animal.
junior sets usually have HUGE block-type molds like those car-base plates, helicoptar bases that is 1 solid mold or those thiccc-ass cage parts from that JP-set. (the big grey one with blue roof on top - it has two of these)
>So are the 4+ pieces? It's fucking plastic.
It has more than that
also yes that jp-set is expensive simply because dinosaur is half of that price

How fucking stupid you are. think Timmy.

We are getting DBZ sets
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Uh oh... $300 bros
thar hair in green without the green cap would be good for some zeldor characters
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>all these heads
>only 2 bodies
>no snoop dogg head
>no daft punk
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How many sets will this get?

A Minecraft Movie teaser trailer:
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it's worth it all for her
Looks like total slop. Hopefully none
If Lego would make an Elesh Norn CMF I'd get one in a heartbeat. The other Phyrexian praetors as well, but Elly is the only one who's humanoid enough to work as a minifig (Sheoldred could have a minifig upper torso but would need a big parts-built lower body).
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Can confirm, my tires also have those dents
Building methods of a toddler
Local Walmart is fucking gay, really wonder what the total loss is for my 96% white county. Even the city Walmarts put out the shippers like they are supposed to be displayed.
Source? Other than you hope and cope? Fuck off faggot it’s just a digital skin. It was announced 10 months ago. It ain’t gonna happen.
Thanks anon
Big transcock and a bunch of useless niggers. Oh and I hear they definitely BLM it in the movie.
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they are so fucking ugly

I wish they went more of a nendoroid route with more rounded heads and a bit more detail.
nice, can you do tracer but just with a huge ass ? and maybe widowmaker
kys frieza. goku is COMING.
Anyone know what this technic piece is called? Only part I need to finish a build and I cannot find it anywhere
The fuck you mean, learn to draw an arrow.
which piece? it might not exist, they use a lot of nonexistent pieces in lego games
Yep that's it, figured it was obvious what I was talking since you figured it out
Any chance for Minecraft movie sets next year? It would be pretty funny to see a Jack Black minifigure.
do you think he will get a special fat torso mold like eggman?
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Thanks! Do you want me to send you the .io file for Mei?
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I thought of some weird origin for this guy. I thought what if he is the purple crystals from City Space come to life. Like some experiment caused him to come into existence. Not much past that.
I came in your mom last night and now I’m scared I have monkey pox… it burns anon. Please help! What’s wrong with your moms snatch?
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Meh, just won't buy it. Sounds like a "one and done" kind of thing. I doubt it will sell well anyway.
Nah he’s ooga booga space nigger extreme.
Oh no wait that’s this guy >>11139837
Post a pic of the build
>it has Pharrell Williams dumb face on the side
jesus christ this is gonna fucking bomb so hard
Also is it me or does his name have far too many Ls and Rs in it?
rat god
>new Adam West Batmobile on the site
>not minifigure scale
>but still comes with an Adam West Batman minifigure
That’s a shame, would be guaranteed buy if it was minifigure scale, now just a hard maybe.
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they can't keep getting away with it
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The DnD figures make for decent Lego Space aliens. I may try to get a vampire dude for my Blacktron 1 army.
That looks awesome but probably costs something ridiculous
Maybe he was a historian who loved ancient rome... but one day the weird lego city space purple goo crystals got all over him and MUTATED him into a space guy .... now he wants to bring back ancient rome in space!!! The founder of space rome.
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Will fit good with Dragonlance D&D armybuilding. Before the dragonborn there were Draconians. I know because I played D&D in high school, and one kid was obsessed with the draconians. He even started his own gaming company, Sivak Games.
No one is in a wheelchair! I find this offensive!
Must be very complicated.
>No black coded minifigures
>No crippled minifigures
>Only 2 female minifigures
Uh based Lego?
poop factory
It's not 100% done buts its close, I'll post when I get home
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I'm always confused about this promotional image
They had to edit the colours or use different pieces because the green is way darker in shade in-person
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Lego Dragon Ball Z is going to be beyond kino.
woke, gtfo
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Do you have buyer's remorse?
This will sell like crazy

If this is rare the figure can probably be sold for another 300$
I saw other people post their figures and they had problems like misprints and damaged printing.
Sets off the original Dragon Ball would be pretty neat with all of Bulma’s inventions.
>I know because I played D&D in high school
i personally know because i played this awesome game.
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New thread when???
I don’t know what ethnicity you thought “Gomez” Addams, played by Raul Julia, was supposed to be
will make one soon
that will hit next summer when the exact same Link & Zelda minifigs will be in polybags and/or $50 sets

(the $50 set has the cool Gerudo chick you'd want anyway, and now you have doubles of the Link. as you look over at the tree on your shelf... was it really worth $300? you think to yourself...)



Fuck this company. I can't even say fuck you Im buying old Lego only because those Danish bastards bought Bricklink and Bricklink has bullshit scalping for some minifigs
They're selling it to women obviously
I like how they had to make him some colossal edifice instead of just letting you have a dopey little sorcerer Mickey minifig to slack off in a chair while the brooms go haywire. Yen Sid should have been the imposingly large buildable.
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what the FUCK
this legit looks like Satanic altar for making sacrifices or some shit

Chernobog set when
They're seriously making a mininig movie?
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New Just2good pic
Rope yourself tranny obsessed faggot you're not even trying to pretend this is lego related anymore
Go back to google or /pol/to find out you stupid fucking nigger because it sure as shit isnt lego
Lego Annatar when?
Not profitable. No one watches this shit.
looks like ass
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>Want Dreamzz Nightmare King Pegasus set, the C-Rex, as well as the Super Mario Peach Castle and Haunted Mansion for use in Dungeons & Dragons character miniatures. Additionally, I seek inspiration for Dungeons & Dragons sets, a Zelda set, a Wednesday set, Animal Crossing and Sonic...and Fortnite sets.
Too much and even more... and don't have the budget for all

So, why would you fools say we aren't living in the best era of Lego?
Fluoridated water?
For licensed themes it's the best era but for unlicensed it is the apocalypse
Unlicensed themes are dead. Bury it. It will be fast and merciful.
buy DnD minis and Haunted Mansion.
it's the best you can do.
dreamzzz is cool but it will be around for longer

Id say focus on DnD cmf. I spent a 100 on those already - it ate 60% of my lego budget for this month basically and its just September 4.
>dreamzzz is cool but it will be around for longer


Lol even

Dreamzzz is cancelled
I've seen someone say that at the end of last year yet here we are
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Kino Ball Z is about to save Lego.
Dragon's balls is not seen cringe now only cause it's creator died, same effect as Linkin park's.
Its cancelled bro
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>dragon ball z sets get announced in april
>/lg/ in shambles
Can't wait






superman mech is confirmed doe
The only reason Dreamzzz is still around is sadly because the new designers have no good ideas for a unlicensed theme for western audiences
No one is expecting those retard, lego HATE any dc that isn't batman
Thats bullshit, if it loses money lego would axe it
Probably not.
No it's not, it's confirmed for next year.
Also confirmed.
Not announced, but likely.
Probably not, Mario or Sonic movie didn't get sets.
There's a Superman set next year.
Fortnite is the current thing right now.
Make me, bitch.
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>Blacktron Mindflayer

This makes sense to me for some reason. Also, the orange chick looks cool. What torso is that?
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This kino will make 1 billion dollars for Lego.
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New thread?
But what was the point of that weird Lego Goku thing if they really aren't doing sets?

New Thread!


abacus niggas
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SS-03 science survey Lab module
>96% white county

Assume you mean canadia
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In other Lego City news, the Fart of Chocolate has been shut down for health code violations.
Why is the police officer not arresting those criminals?
Average Spaniard according to Americans.
>he doesn't know about FB Marketplace
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>1 nigger, ah ah ah
>2 niggers, ah ah ah
It has as many as Will Ferrell and his name seems fine. Unless you're Japanese.
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Look forward to gay bar anon adding his own details to it.
>golliwog figure
Kek’ing loudly. Would buy
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Needs a remake
>gifs you can hear
Where is this from?

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