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Are any of you anons doing wendys happy meal runs for these? I kinda want one but I just started my carnivore diet. Last time I did happy meal runs was for adventure time toys at mcdonalds.
Wendy's is expensive. But maybe ill grab two.
i will be. I need that franken-frosty
I’m still mad I missed out on the McDonald’s cups, only got one and then they were sold out
I don't even try for McD's any more because it's always a shitshow
Mcdonalds doing anything this year? Surpised they haven't done mcnugget buddies. Their classic buckets were really cool last year.
Wendy's is not in my country (not even continent) so no. Sucks, because they look kinda cute, would be perfect for my Monster High dolls.
Yeah, id eat the food if i got cool stuff but otherwise ill just brown bag my meals. Its all gone as soon as it happpens, like walmart exclusives.
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Does anyone have the template for these?
>Funko levels of boring
No Wendy's around here. I'd get the purple one because, purple.
...these look like the citizens in Adventure Time.
I think they're pretty cute, and the few in hands pics I've seen of them seem like they're pretty decently sized too for a kids meal-ish toys.

Its nice to see fast food places embrace mascots. McDonalds all but abandoned theirs except for trotting them out for special promos (like the Grimace Shake or that random rapper guy's Nugget Buddies)
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They just released a preview pic of the buckets. No release date yet.
Update: These are actually a different country's designs. USA's haven't been finalized yet.
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>Last time I did happy meal runs was for adventure time toys at mcdonalds.
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NO U are levels boring
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Just got these. I like 'em, will probably get more.
Gimme those
Not very good
ive gotten the ghost fella on the right. went back today in the hopes of getting ahold of franken-frosty and got stuck with junior instead.
Isn’t junior the rarest?
Those suck
They’re a little TOO cutesy. Not that the older ones weren’t at all, but I don’t know. I don’t like the little furry creatures thing they got going on here.
No, the toys don't look appealing to me.
is he? I have no idea I just want the franken frosty
I went today for the first time and got Junior. I was very pissed off. At least you can put skeleton stickers on him.
A coworker went to Wendy's today to grab one so I asked her to get me one too. Ended up getting all 6 of them in their normal variants since the location she went to was selling them on their own for $1.
i envy you anon. atleast share pics of your haul!
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Here you go. Definitely ask the cashier if you can buy them on their own.
Don't most places sell the toys if you ask them?
Not who you were responding to, but in my experience usually yes, but how much has varied. Some McDonalds have tried to charge me full happy meal prices in the past for just a toy. But I’ve also had people throw in extras for me in the bags for free ( like when McDonalds did the minions mini figures years ago, there was a guy who’d always throw in an extra one or two for my boys on their meals).
Yeah but some don't. In this case, there are people saying their local Wendy's aren't selling them on their own. Mcdonald's does the same with certain toys too. Guess it depends how popular the toy is. They'd rather have you pay for the whole meal.
Are they all blind bagged or is there a way to know who's in them?
They each have their picture on the bag. But there is a chance at a variant of the figure. So if you get the Frankenstein Frosty bag there’s a small chance it’ll be the greyscale variant.
I just want the ghost. Maybe the witch.
every single one is amazing but junior. even with the stickers he's just such a bore
Right? He's the booby prize of the lot.
Just got them all, and their alt colors, the other day. Found a Wendy's where they sold them to me for $1 a piece.
McDonalds advertising is hyper-scrutinized by the feds. Hence why their happy meals and mascots are featured less and less prominently over the years.
Their mascots and McDonaldsLand are also embroiled in legal issues with the Kroft Brothers who designed them in the early 70s.
Ghost and Frank are the best design. Werewolf has the best stickers
The older boo buckets were meant to resemble jack o lanterns.
These resemble lumps of fur glued to plastic
Is the witch usually purple? I got one and it's pink. Ended up throwing it out.
Yeah. The pink one is the "chase" variant.
Been trying to get a few of these for my kid but our location keeps saying they're out of them whenever I go so they end up just giving us extra frosties instead.
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ah yuzzz ill be buying them too ahahaha
>there are people saying their local Wendy's aren't selling them on their own
Mine definitely won't
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They come with "boo books" that get you a kids meal for only $2 anyway, so it's a good deal unless you really hate the food.

He's a classic, hdu
They should have given him a yellow alt color version
Why didn't Junior have an alt color?
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Bad news...

>There are four styles currently rumored for this year: a curious blue monster, a joyful green monster, a doe-eyed orange monster and a suspicious white monster.

Those ARE the final designs!
McDicks really shit the pumpkin patch this year with those awfulboo buckets
Weird, they should just stick to the retro Halloween look with these. These don't feel very Halloween to me.
Absolute garbage
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>currently rumored
Nothing's set in stone until it comes from the company. And even if they are final, I may end up getting the blue one. Either way, McDonald's is getting that Crocs Happy Meal in the next few days. The US gets everything except designs 3 and 4.
Toy shoes! Literally what every kid wants.
Went to a local Wendys today and the lady acted like I was retarded for even asking if they would sell the little mini figures separately. "Uhm... no, sir. You have to ACTUALLY buy the WHOLE kids meal." Then she tried to sell me those "booo books" so I could get one kids meal for $1.99 and seemed frazzled when I said no thanks.
They had it right for two years in a row, wtf.
>autist gets shown his place
Wow. Those are lame. McDonalds is failing at every turn
>The US gets everything except designs 3 and 4

Why? Are burgers and McNuggets offensive to nogs now?
Designs aside I fucking hated getting one of these stupid buckets instead of a toy when I was a kid
At least it’s a bucket, and not some stupid paper folding “toy”.
I agree these are pretty shot, but again, still better than the coloring pages and other paper trash they have been handing out.
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>Is the witch usually purple? I got one and it's pink. Ended up throwing it out.
>selling them on their own for $1
6 bucks for the whole set? Not bad.
I just got the ghost frosty so far. Pretty good for what it is.
Those are the exact two I just got today also.
My wendy's says they don't even have kids meals
are you in san francisco or a college campus or something?
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It varies.

I wanted this Bugs Bunny from Burger King last summer, and a few others and I didn't mind having to order the kids meal, for one but I didn't want to order food I wouldn't eat, etc. so I asked about just buying and the counter person said no.

When I was in a different one, getting coffee, I just made conversation and asked, because they weren't busy and that person said that if they had them to spare, she would have sold them but some managers don't allow (she happened to be that store's manager, coincidentally).
I have the Daffy from this set. I like the indirect homage to the original Happy Meal toys.
Mcdonalds caught between trying to be adult and trying to be nostalgic. Kids should get a second factory job to pay for their happy meals. Bonus they can swipe a toy off the assembly line.
Asked for six of em, one of each but they were out of BRRR Beast (I'll check another time), and they asked me if I only wanted five, but I figured if they gave me a double it could be an alternate color. Ended up with all the normal colors, but it's all good still love these little guys. How rare are the alternate color ones?
Did you pay full kids meal price?
They charge you a dollar each. Basically, the price of the books.
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I'm done anons... went to three Wendy's, couldn't find any variants and no one has fucking BRRR Beast....
The furfags got there first.
I bought out every Brrr Beast at my local stores.

#25 was the charm to get the Blue Moon variant

There was a picture floating around that apparently there's an "Adult Meal" coming out in October that has a variant of him in black with the skeleton pattern.

The stickers/lore seems to imply the other monsters are "real" and Junior is just dressing up as a skeleton

It varies from store to store, probably depends on the managers/owners.
If you ask its usually a yes or no, but the other downside seems to be that they can ask whatever they want for it. For McDonalds, some may charge you a buck, the next one might charge you the full price of the kids meal, etc.

Wendys seems a little more lenient especially if you have someone who's nice - I was able to get the whole set by asking and the lady actually picked out each one I needed and only charged me a dollar for them. The other wendys i tried said they didn't sell them separately.
>there's an "Adult Meal" coming out in October that has a variant of him in black with the skeleton pattern.

Franken and Coolie have the only good alt colors imo
>The furfags got there first.
Probably to hot glue.

>I bought out every Brrr Beast at my local stores.
>#25 was the charm to get the Blue Moon variant
You Monster...

I still need a BRRR Beast...
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>Today is my birthday.
>Feeling less shitty than normal.
>Maybe I'll try again today...
>Fuck it.
>Head to Wendys.
>Open door, place is almost empty. Only two tables taken up with old people. The floor is sticky, there's a random unopened honey BBQ dip sitting on a table alone.
>Walk over to counter.
>Hello anon kun, welcome to Wendy's, what can I get you?
>Um hi, can I get two orders of the six piece nuggz one normal and one spicy?
>Sure, sauce?
>Sweet & Sour and Ranch. And a large Iced Tea. They're unsweetened right?
>Yea. Anything else.
>Errm, do you have any of those Frosty Frights Kids meal toys? I'm looking for BRRR Beast, the little werewolf one?
>Looks at me for a second.
>Uh yeah let me look.
>Oh, here you go, I think this is the one you mean?
>And there sitting before me is this little devil, who eludes me no more.
>My team is complete
>And thus, this tale comes to an end. Though there are still the rare color versions...
Until next time anons.
I wanted that brown guy with the red vest, but the toy in the bag was all blue! I was so missed it threw it away in the trash!

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