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black cat edition
I noticed there was no /stg/ in the Catalog, so I thought I'd start a new thread.
Heckin cute
god i wish these goofy ass things would out of style, especially when theres much better plush designs, even with the cheaply made mass produced shits
bastards always bothered me even as a braindead kid
Is it true that some people taking plushies with them both around the house and outside? I keep the few I have on my bed.
I listed my ‘practice moths’ today and actually sold two really quickly! The response has been really positive and I guess I wasn’t expecting it.
>feels good, man.

Tomorrow I’m going to prototype a doll, and the goal is to have a whole collection ready by the end of the month for an art market.
Practice face I ended up with.
I have some of mine as decorations for my cube. Nobody seemed bothered with them.
Yeah. Those some people are usually little kids.

For real I keep my dolls on my lap when working in my home office sometimes. Not always otherwise keep them on my bed.
these are super cute and made me aww even though I currently have a moth infestation in my house and hate the damn things
those are actually really good. forgive my stupidity but whats the size of them?
Yes I do, I go everywhere with Nanook. The shops, my appointments, walking my dog, etc. He really helps me with living my life.
There’s a schizophrenic YouTube channel I vaguely remember where the guy always had those little Velcro plushies on his arms and places like his steering wheel.
these are absolutely adorbs
holy crap, i remember this too
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th-thanks anons :3c

They're between 25/35cm. The irony of the whole situation is that I recently moved and now have to protect my fabric from a hoarde of moths.
CUTE CUTE ANON that face is adorable.
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I have a desire for two plush pokemon

One, is a sleeping sprigatito, close to kitten size.

Another is this. But I know I'd probably have to find a custom plush maker, so, does anyone here know of any that do it for less than $200+USD?
What do you want one like that for, to assist in finding a custom maker?
Orchynx was my first ever pokemon, I want a plush of it, but its unofficial, so I have no choice beyond custom built.

The others are just, to get an idea on what my options would be.
I was a very late bloomer and had to have a plushie to everywhere with me till I was like, 10 or 11. My mom forced me to stop, picked up the habit again (more furtively though) in high school when home life was absolute shit. These days, I carry one in my purse or backpack if I’m under a lot of stress. My oldest plush I’ve had since I was born I keep at home these days because he’s so precious to me that I cannot risk losing him, he’s very worn, has to wear old beanie baby clothes to keep him together.
Do you mean like this for the Sprigatito? (pic I found on eBay). I do believe it is a legitimate plush and not a bootleg, but I’d have to have a closer look at the tag.

Awww, thanks Anon, appreciate it. I’ll have to see if I can take a pic of him in a non-identifiable space in my apartment. He’s a cow (bull technically but whatever), and I have his “brother” too. I’ll have to take pics of them side by side to show how much that poor guy has put up with over the years!
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Fuck, I am dumb of brain, forgot attachment.>>11144992
yay!! i look forward to it. i love seeing plushies that mean a lot to people
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Ah! I found a pic of them together! Hopefully this attached.
how precious!! im assuming the brother on the top is the one that goes with you most places now?
I'd need to see the body of that plush, but probably, yes, I want a sleepy stonerkitty.
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>update nobody asked for
I advertised these on the local marketplace and people keep coming to pick them up irl but I'm too autistic to interact with any of them. it's scary
can i buy one>?
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Last month I got the BAB pumpkin kitty and this aurora hamster. Need to stop shopping for a while
Although I’m looking at making a pokemon plush from a pattern on etsy. I’m not good at sewing though so idk if it will be a waste to buy the supplies and try
I got the candy corn cinnamoroll from BAB, will go to pick it up tomorrow morning. thankfully i was able to order online for pickup so i don't have to do the heart ceremony nor pay for shipping.
what's a heart ceremony like? I've never got a baby before
Really depends on the bear builder, the ones at my store will have you kiss the little heart and rub it on your forehead/belly and make a wish on it. And as an alone adult I don’t feel like doing that just to buy a plush toy, even if that means I’m soulless.
How do you choose a name for your plushie?
mine are usually very simple and based off of what they are
holy crap telemonster is like totally forgotten i though
its the only Eerie in the united states i think. there's one in UK and one in USA, i got the us one. hes my husband.
glad for you. i wasnt super into telemonster but i think its cool they made some plushies
Cute, thanks for sharing anon. You should probably look into cleaning them and repairing them.
The fruit plushie dreadfuls probably aren't going to be restocked, so get them now on sale if you're interested
I'm doing some major cleaning in my room, with my plush collection included. What would you guys recommend for surface washing minky fabric and felt?
idk, after the recent controversy with plushie dreadfuls im not sure i want to support the company
What’s the controversy? Idk anything about those I always just thought they were weird
Hey, oh my goodness, forgot to check here, lol. Yup! That’s his brother, much more full of fluff and less threadbare. And yes! He comes with me or a small Pokemon plush, because I collect them and I’m only half joking when I say Pokemon is the love of my life.

Ah yes, not sure where to start though. The oldest one is so threadbare that he would fall apart if put into the laundry, and even if soaked in water in a bowl/basin, I’m not sure if his fragile body could take it. He’s been patched together so many times by my Mom over the years that she’s had to sew over old sewing patch jobs. Still, his brother might be able to be preserved which would be wonderful!
From a bit of googling it seems like a company trying to profit off disableds/minorities while getting pissy when said people find issue in the way they portray them in the plushies. I saw a post of the creator banning someone from their discord for some level-headed criticism. Overall seems like kind of petty stuff, not really anything that's seriously scammy so whether it's enough to stop you from buying one is up to you.
what happened was basically the creator said being pan is just a tiktok trend and then doubled down on it when called out on it. theres also a bit about the plushies not always potraying illnesses right. like i know the ocd one in particular upset a lot of people because of the sh scars.
Vacuum first with a wand, using a piece of plastic window screen from the hardware store between the wand and the plush, to remove dust, bugs, loose stuff. Then clean with Folex. It's a pH neutral surfactant that doesn't need rinsing.
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You certainly can, anon! I'm in Australia though, so it may be prohibitively expensive. I'm going to have to sort something out long-term to get outside of the Oceanic market.

>mfw the cam shaft on my 65-year-old sewing machine cracked and it spontaneously died.
Had a full-blown 48 hour meltdown and then a very nice old couple sold me a beautiful old machine for $10. Crisis averted, I guess.

This shit is wild. I try to keep my personal bullshit as far apart from anything professional as I can.
im aus, how much are you selling for with shipping?
That's nice, anon.
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I’m always looking for a moth that looks like this. My hunter pet from WoW
How much is the size of a plush a factor for Anon? I like holding and cuddling mine, so I tend to err toward larger plushies.
i like all different sizes of plushies, i think going out its best to have small plushies but at home having big plushies is great, even if they take up half the bed
>creator thinks being bibutwithextrabrowniepointssexual is a fad
lol, who cares?
>the company profiting off of the mental illness trend doesn't actually know mental illness
Thanks! I'll check that out.
I'm surprised that this took so long to come in to existence...
>what happened was basically the creator said being pan is just a tiktok trend and then doubled down on it when called out on it.
yeah that's just not true
it's been a trend a few years before tiktok
>ocd sh scars
ok that actually is stupid
even as someone with OCD and sh scars I think it was a silly inclusion
This bottom fabric could be cool for the wings. It’s matte blue and metallic lamé red that changes colour depending on the angle you’re viewing it from.

One fiddy and I sandwich them safely in an Auspost satchel for $11.
Dropped my pic.
I'm pretty happy with how the prototype doll turned out - Definitely going to adjust some stuff with the finished products. Might try one with an entirely painted face and see how that goes.
I want to order some shades of green and make some little 6" gobbos and goblins before halloween, but it's unlikely.
>I ordered an equal volume of pale and brown skin fabrics.
>Probably a little bit silly in Australia? Idk, man.
>gobbos and goblinas
polite sage for a silly fuckin' correction
Thread's sinkin' Capn'.
Still, glad to see more of your work!

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