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Looks pretty cool and weird. Is it based on a music video or something?
Movie coming in theaters
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I personally don't want niggers in my Legos, unless they are basketball players
Why do the black minifig heads outnumber the white options 3:1? Shouldn't it be more like white to black 8:1?
Lego has made lots of police sets and lots of bicycles, so it's good that they have made more accessories to police sets and new bicycle owners.
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*Sight* What has happened to high-trust yellow societies?
Neat, I’ll watch it.
i dont like legos but that plane with boost and steam separated from heads looks fucking cool
Might get it just to display at home somewhere
>lego sets that make polfags seethe

Post more.
>being racist to your fucking Legos of all things
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This is the future that awaits Lego if Kamala wins...
Is this for kids? Why not make another movie where little lego figures go on adventures, who gives a shit about a lego Pharrell movie?
Don’t forget a big transcock.
I think it’s like a musical documentary animated with legos? So it’s not really a movie for babies. I really hope they make the Lego people curse, I like weird film ideas like this.
whole thing reeks of vanity project
I don't know who the fuck would pay $110 for that set (where you can tell the price is heavily jacked up because of all the minifig heads) or who wanted a pharrell biopic made in fucking lego.
won't a black spaceship absorb all the space radiation?
No u
What exactly was the problem with only yellow Lego people? Is this an ego thing?
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new ESG shit unlocked
https://youtu.be/zlxQO_rRTr0?t=187 lol
So which one of these niggers is Kanye???
Cleft lip from failed abortion
There was no racism when everyone was yellow.
Because they're based on Pharrell's friends. You think he hangs around a bunch of white people?
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I'm most concerned about the wall of heads
Pharrell is famously a huge fan of Futurama, so he’s been decapitating his friends and storing their heads in a wall of specially made made jars.
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>red hat
keep wearing your mask and gettign boosters faggot.
Do you think the one white guy is tony hawk and they do a scene where they force naked women to serve celebs water as some sort of weird fetishized flex?
19 min in.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this the first set ever released with non-yellow skin tones? I used to get the Lego Club magazine and remember them making a big deal of that when it was released.
He has a lot of friends, how many friends do you have?
Nice digits, but I don't think real DnD players would ever stoop to lego for their sets. They would sooner make their own figurines with a block of plastic and a soldering iron.
Nu dnd is online and full of fags dude they’ve never even rolled a d20.
I'm really hoping this movie gets more than just this one set. I want an actual Lego Snoop Dogg.
Someone post the Robot Chicken Lego serial killer
>whole thing reeks of vanity project
>Biopic about Pharrell made by Pharrell
>He flat out said he wanted his own biopic to be animated in Lego because he just wants that
In other breaking news, water is wet and fire is hot, more at 11.
lando in cloud city
>had to make the stupid 18+ box white because otherwise it’s just eyes.
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The bearded white head could be an excellent base for a Night Rider minifigure though.
i am most concerned with the misspelling of friends
who is he tho?
he's famous for being black
The spaceship is pretty basic but fine aside from the rainbow vomit trail. It's the wall of severed heads labeled "my phriends" that's really weird.
That's Walkin' Fenix, show some respect
Literally who is the audience for this?
Why does some has been like pharrel williams warrant an entire lego movie about his life?
The one with the red trump hat duh
Wait so we are not going to get the rounded head piece? I was actually excited for that it would’ve been a great new head piece for black hair styles or fades it would’ve been good for a starkiller figure
Nah, Asians have hated other Asians for quite a while.
Minority groups like to memoryhole it, but white people fucking HATED the Irish, none more than the British, who were, by simple geography, directly related to them, and had the same skin tone. Hate doesn't go away no matter how similar your skin is.
I've seen more blacks paranoid about boosters and refusing to wear masks than white people by a ratio of like 3 to 1. Mexicans, too. Dunno why you'd think blacks of all groups wouldn't refuse to do what the government tells them, but then again I'd wager good money on you having a room temp IQ.
That's it. I knew I saw this before.
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Fuck me... I'm really gonna jack it to a LEGO right now.
she's got me bricked up fr fr
Joggers never invented the wheel nor the sail let alone the spaceship
All black men are homosexuals
>Pharrel Williams

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I stopped collecting Lego the moment the sports themes came out with this bullshit. That's when the riff raff was in. I got a few more bionicle but that was it.
Don’t forget chairs and “the second story” were all introduced to Africa relatively recently.
Nigeria got stairs about the same time vulcanized rubber tires were invented and 20 years after steam locomotives become a thing.
The first multistory building in central Africa was completed a year after ww2 ended.
>used in ancient Egypt
>2 countries down they’ve never bothered with chairs
Maybe they just didn’t like them for some reason? The wooden pillows etc used in Ancient Egypt are popular through Africa and there was plenty of trade through the continent, so it’s not like the idea of chairs couldn’t spread. I think they also just never usually bothered with extra stories on buildings due to the heat, so multiple stories would be kinda interesting but gimmicky in Africa before aircon.
(You) got gentrified.
>Were shall we eat? Chaz Albert or Pets?
Yeah, it was probably too hot for those pesky wheels

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