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Its him.. its DDP
oh good, monday night wars, the Walmart exclusive set that never gets stocked, amd there's a variant, what a joke collecting has become
Ah. The pain a Canadian feels knowing most wrestling figures don’t make it up here.

And I don’t particularly like AEW which for some reason is everywhere here in Canada
I've asked this before, but how many fat wrestling toys are there? Otis, Yokozuna, Big Show, etc.
Depends if you count Wrestling Anime as “Wrestling toys” cuz kinnikuman has some big boy toys
Superstars has earthquake, elite has atleast polka dot dusty and if you count big show then there are several elite andre the giants but ive got a superstar andre and the bigfoot andre both arent rotund, id saysuperstar andre has belly if thats what youre after.
Probably decades of Mark Henrys.
No one likes aew
Speaking of good news, the latest email for upcoming releases from Ringside that I get announced that Mattel's reissuing one of the rarest early 10s/Cody Rhodes figures, the famed Undashing Cody Rhodes Elite figure in the next round of reissue figures.

Looking forward to that, as Undashing had REALLY REALLY shitty distribution and goes for $100+ loose even.

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