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Will movie funko pops be worth anything in ten years? I have 80 of the fuckers and they've all gone down in value since purchasing them
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You’re going to be a millionaire in 10 years anon. My collection is also massive
i just realized Funko Pops are NFTs but for retards
Retarded post in multiple ways. I’d explain why but you’d not understand, call me a faggot, then post a frog. Which while funny would end up with the same result.
You're a gay frog
My Lego collection skyrocketed in value since covid. I used to pick up vintage 80s / 90s stuff on ebay cheap. Now sealed sets I bought for $100-$200 in the mid 2010's are worth a grand.
It's annoying there's a store dedicated to Funko pops in my town. Apparently the cornered the market on them, everytime I drive by I can't stand to see the artwork of the owners as funkos with those souless black eyes on the windows.
You should walk in and ball out my nigga
i was only pretending to be retarded
>I have 80 of the fuckers
I don't believe you
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Ball out?
I will never sell my amiibos
Ball. Out.
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I collect action figures and "artist" figures, which are far far better done than Funko slop. Yet even then I know it isn't worth it as an investment. Sure I can sell off a bunch of my collection to get some cash flow. I have been meaning to go through some boxes and set some aside lately.
Yet I know I am not buying these as a means of profit. I buy them because I liked collecting them.
And don't get me started on my amassed comic collection.
People that buy Pop!s as an investment are suckers. They really are modern Beanie Babies.
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Hell. I actually have a couple of Funko figures from before they started doing that Pop!s shit. They started doing actual bobble heads.
Technically that is what their Marvel and Star Wars ones are instead of figures as a technicality to not step on Hasbro's license.
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Believe me.
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Did you know Funko now makes Pop!s NFTs?
I also got a Maria
I liked the beanie babies film except all the feminist crap hamfisted to it. Guy did charity fuck off cunts.
>NFTs but for retards
It really doesn't matter what precedes this, YOU are fucking retarded
when's the last time you had sex? Only a real loser would you want to collect such such soulless shit
Currently the most valuable Funko pop is $100,000, only 10 were made. The second most valuable is $38,000, 10 were made. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth are all about $28,000 also about 10 ever made. Idk someone might make out but I don't think it's the guys who bought all The Avengers at GameStop, two of The Hulk cuz he's their favorite, ya know?
If everyone who's ever bought a funkopop died the world would be a much better place
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I moved to Everett and quickly learned it's where Funko headquarters is
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>think Funko can't make anything more soulless than Pop!s
>they come out with Dorbz
I was shopping for a present for my niece and went to check the Lego aisle. Most sets looked like they were specifically designed for collectors with black, minimalistic boxes, no Minifigures and elaborate, delicate details. They even had big "adults welcome" banner above one of the shelves. Everything seemed overpriced, compared to other toys. I've seen no kid paying attention to them. I think we are in the tulip bulbs craze stage of Lego collecting and there's no way they hold value, once millennials start cashing in.
>can't into NFTs
>calls someone else retarded
Why do you faggots keep collecting stuff that easily burns down in a house fire
>Will movie funko pops be worth anything in ten years?
Are they worth anything right now?
These look lazier and cheaper but also somehow less of an eyesore because they don't have the same creepy black eyes
>walking past the small Gamestop in the mall
>literally one whole wall of the store is just Funko shit
and they wonder why they're losing business.
>Funko pop

I dunno what that is?
No, the company literally sent millions of units of unsold inventory to a landfill a couple years ago.
same with a local comic / record chain store. A good like 1/6 of the store is Funko Pop!s. There was also a "toy" store a few shops over that was like 80% Pop!s. Tho they closed down and consolidated to a bigger store in a cheaper mall.
No to mention the wall of Pop!s at Walmart and Target.
I wish there was something I could obsess about with someone I love.
I hope when you die (and it's going to happen sooner than you think) it's in that room so the last thing you see is 80 pairs of soulless eyes staring down at you.
My last girlfriend was into mineral collecting and I have the world's largest collection of vintage police flashlights. We'd switch back and forth between the nerdy shit we were doing.
As with any stupid collection hobby (stamps, coins, fossils) there is bound to be some rich autist who is willing to pay top dollar to expand his collection.
I own zero dolls or bobbleheads. You'd have to PAY ME to handle or hoard your plastic trash
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>NFTs but for retards
there is nothing wrong with collecting as long as you arent going in to try to make a profit

Lego keeps posting record profits and sales to adult collectors are ~15% of totals. It has become a normal adult hobby, all the millennials that grew up with it use it as a fun hobby toy / model now.

Prior to late 2000s, Lego wasn't really seen much as a collectable, so finding 80s, 90s, early 2000s stuff new in box or even complete has become a lot more difficult.
This. It's just a hobby. I collected these in middle and high school and sold off 95% of them when I realized I out grew the hobby. Just kept a few for memories but the ones I sold I I was given 50% of the market value because the local collectible shops always screw you over when you sell. But all hobbies are stupid. Sports fandom is the dumbest one, especially when you're old. My brother in law is le big NFL fan and spends a couple thousand every year to travel to watch "his" team.
what's your reasoning behind using the correct Pop!s instead of just "funko pops" like the rest of the people in the discussion?
NFTs are NFTs but for retards
Whats the best funko?
Why do these make you incels seethe? They are just fucking pieces of plastic you overdramatic cretins.
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I just like being specific and official with the name, eve tho I think it is trash. I gindnit hilarious that they had the nerve to copyright the term Pop!s with the exclaimation point. Just makes it all the more absurd.
They now have Funko Pop! NFTs: >>11141116
Ia! Ia!
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i would never buy funko pops but they had a collab with surprise eggs and i thought that was fun to scratch the consooom and lootbox itch for cheap
That's actually nice.
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For me its Hot Toys
The wife took the sealed in box amiibos in the divorce.
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Yeah haha these guys are so gay, unlike me and my super cool steelbooks I keep spending my few dollars on, right fellas?
Reminds me how a friend lost all his games and consoles in a messy divorce
funko pops are the biggest cancer ever
huh. never seen a thread get moved to /toy/.
holy fuck, i was wondering what was up with some of the posters and images in this thread

Makes /toy/ sound like forest gumps.
Would have been fine if there were only limited runs and rare exclusives, but this company is shitting these out en masse so they have little value.
Do these lose value? They seem really cool. I imagine some of them will be worth alot in like 10 or 20 years because the martial needs to be taken care of. More and more will get destoyed until there's a few mints left. The mints if there's demand should go for a decent price even these already go for like 300 retail.
If they're like, limited edition or something they might be worth some money.
Looks better than Funko Pops, but the style and facial expression seem inappropriate for Red Son Superman. That comic's story has a serious tone a little similar to Watchmen
damn, too bad this is /toy/ now, those are some repeated digits
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>future ancestors
Don't make fun of the Kotaku journalists. It's like beating up cripples.
I can see spending $30-$79 on a really nice set that would be an enjoyable weekend to put together as a group project while you are out with friends on a long holiday (4 day) weekend in a cabin or beach rental, that you spend an hour or two working on in the evening over weed and booze, after dinner. And if my friends group did stuff like that, versus watching a movie or playing traditional board games, cards, etc., I might.

And I can see couples and some kinds of roommates chipping on. But that's not enough of a market for continuing sales at those prices.

But that's

Which is why we have this: >>11141738
I bought one for my mom once but, also have also rescued animals, cleaned up my local parks, fed the poor and have been a generally upstanding member of society. I don’t think the world would be that much better if I died honestly, and I don’t even like myself that much.
I don't understand the appeal of collecting thousands of these little plastic statues, and somehow insisting they will be worth money. All the hobbyist toy shops in my area flat refuse to deal with them even before they became mainstream, because they had already dealt with this shit with the beany babys and the 90's hotwheels collector boom.
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I still remember what I promised you... For the people of this planet, I promise you... REVENGE!
wow, with the Premium Pack you can get three times as much nothing for only three times the price, what a deal
This guy cheated on his wife.
>Will movie funko pops be worth anything in ten years?

I only have the Smallville ones, which actually went up in value since I got them, but since I didn't save the boxes, we're talking minimal value.

Just don't buy more.
Why does Fortnite physical media seem to always shelf-warm despite the game being a success?
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>he fell for the steelbooks
Remember, don't drop them too hard, or put them on the shelf without padding, or open them, or breathe on them, or
The player base is already participating in consumerism by purchasing skins in Fortnite.
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Hey speaking of...
They are worth money, the problem is finding someone that will pay the price they are worth. But like, at most, you might get triple it's value. is that worth holding onto it for like 10 years?
It's not hard to find someone who is desperate to sell and has no choice. Someone on EB is selling a fairly new Mafex (2022 or 2023 release) out of the box in an auction and he's barely up to $40 plus shipping.

You can order one with free shipping (from Japan, not a Chinese KO), for $80 also from EB so he's unlikely to score more than $55 unless he has stupid idiots bidding.

And so far they aren't bidding it into nosebleed prices.
Plastic beanie babies with less charm.
Anticipating a WW3 rubber shortage.
As long as they arrive with no dents, that's how they stay. I don't have children running around touching my shit, they're fine. Worst damage that'll be done may be scratching on their bottom from a shelf, but I doubt it.
If I drop it like a dunce, it may get dings like your pic, but you're obviously exaggerating and being disingenuous. I'm proud of my collection and happy that it only gets more valuable among my fellow autists as it ages.
I never had sex but I don't collect funkos.
Where was it made?
/tv/, hence my steelbooks.
NFTs are funko pops & beanie babies for retards.
Beanie Babies at least had 'something' about them; Funkos are just horrific.
>world's largest collection of vintage police flashlights.
how does one get interested in that?
I just had a look online and maybe found you on a forum (ABTOMAT? if not you might have a contender) and they are pretty cool
It was just a happy little accident
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the only acceptable looking funkos are the ones of characters that are chibi to begin with
Daily reminder you can get banned by posting this on >>>/biz/
NFTs are NFTs for retards
i talk to the gamestop employees around here and they always talk about how they constantly get in merch like funkos that they don't want and know won't sell. They have done multiple buy one get two free Funko Pop deals here pretty recently
kids that play fortnight dont buy toys, particularly because fortnight is already a spendy hobby
That kind of sports fandom is fine though since it's an experiential thing. You're not just watching sports you're travelling around going to restaurants hanging out with people and seeing a game. I hate sports but I go to events with my dad when they have them. Eating a burger or something and hanging out is fun, just like going to see a movie.

The bad part about sports fandom is that it's become hugely centered around betting and gambling which is fucking a lot of people's lives up when they get suckered in. Lots of people aren't actually enjoying sports anymore they're just addicts
I've seen videos of some of these that are a couple years old and all the fabric is crumbling and the rubber body is cracking. I'd never spend that kind of money on something that's going to degrade so fast.
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Not really they are overproduced to hell. The ULTRA GLOWING FAGGOT CHASE FIGURE MEGA LIMITED PRINT 1 in 10 million might hold their value or go up but the rest is worthless plastic trash.
It’s usually the use of pleather, a material guaranteed to degrade. As soon as it’s printed onto the (also plastic) fabric a timer is ticking for when it will inevitably peel and crumble.
what >>11144624 and >>11151106 said coupled with the fact that the toys are all based on original fn characters when 90% of the fanbase only plays the game for coomer skins and licensed characters. nobody gives a shit about jonesy or the """lore""" and don't want to buy shitty toys representing them.
similarly lines like overwatch failed because nobody actually gives a shit about the basic skins and don't want to own the toys if they can't have the fancy skins they use in the game itself.
murder all speculation market investment scheme propagators
they're only 'worth' anything if you actually sell it to someone who wants it
sitting on it forever means you get $0
I was very tempted to get the naked gun 4k but there's absolutely no benefit to watching it on a better format
This is why you only buy shit of characters you like. There's no guarantee anything will be worth anything in the future. Everyone who hoarded Star Wars and Spawn toys in the 90's is probably borderline suicidal due to the fact none it is worth more than retail after all this time.
Still preferable to a flimsy blu-ray case with recycling logos cut into the plastic, defeating the entire point of its purpose to protect the disc.
Star Trek is also a really bad one because it was one of the first lines to go hog wild with collector's variants and limited editions and shit. They went so hard on it they burned out their audience and made people stop collecting, so the toys people were hoarding tanked in value.
Yeah! You tell 'em!
And funko pops are FUNKO POPS for retards!
>He bought NFTs
Huh, a "classic" Shadow? I like how he looks
Someday a nuclear apocalypse will wipe out human civilization, and we'll all be using Funko Pops as currency in the dusty wastelands.
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Keep them, I never thought a common as fuck Pokemon card might be worth something 25 years later either
>get told for the last 20 years I need to cut down on plastics and recycle
>funko gets to make these disgusting things for over a decade
Well Boco should probably shut up but he is right that were in an extinction phase that will be FAR SHORTER than normal and while not as quickly devastating as a meteor impact, will be just as deadly.

In a thousand years, when aliens wonder by due to radio waves, they will find some precious metals, evidence of bones and shit tonnes of plastic refuse.

This is are legacy, people.
Be proud.
Everytime i buy something i assume ill never get the money back unless its like triple digits and then i figure i can get a chunk of that back.

Never consider buying anything you collect an investment of anykind, you can basically only lose money. To sell stuff for a profit you need a profit margin, and you gotta sell fast enough to make it worth it and to do that you have to have a store either digital or irl.
I do not like funkos but I think in general people on here are way too pessimistic regarding their future and their beanie baby comparisons. Funko has been a big thing for like triple the amount of time beanie babies were at this point. Yes, there is going to be thousands of them that are worthless junk, but there will also be a collectors market for them forever now and there will probably be a big wave of zoomer nostalgia wanting to rebuy them once they hit their 30s.

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