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“Hasbronies felted” edition
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Probably then put in his affiliated BBTS link to it.
I think if Anthony saw this he’d instantly die of hyper tension
Lockjaw isnt articulated? Hasbro has done fairly decent with the few animal pals that gi joe classified has.
You have two different swappable rear legs for "sit" and "stand". Hasbro seems to be banking on roster completing things.
I don't think anyone would say MonsterArts are a great value proposition, especially with the BBTS tax.
What the fuck is a HasBro
Anthony's Cumstains.
Slang for middle aged soicels pay pigs
Whip your mouth
Based antdawg making the hasgoys seethe
>Anthony spammer is making twitter screenshot threads now
You are pure AIDS. Stop reply,ing to yourself.
This could've been a normal Twitter thread
Is it just me, or has Disney's Marvel been using the "Star Wars mascot" approach since? Did we even care about Jeff the Shark decades ago?
They are Hasbro's equivalent to Necanon. They are very vocal and defensive if anyone directs criticism towards the company, their business methods, or their products.
It’s a YouTube community post directly from Anthony’s channel. Keep crying, Hasbitch.
To be fair, I can't think of a single product Hasbro has produced in the past 12 months that has been worth any amount of money.
Same thing you hobbit
I look forward to the 7/10 when bbts sends him one.
Oh, so more like SH does it then? So what's the problem here?
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Hasbro makes some weird choices once in a while.
Tony has the same energy as those hate channels like Geeks and Gamers where they only complain about the company that keeps them in business.
A thread died for this.
I’m so thick right now!
Cabal 3-pack
What's the etymology of "felted" as a synonym for "p0wned"?
kino casino. it’s a podcast where they make fun of lolcows. the word itself originated in poker as slang for when somebody loses all their chips.
Fascinating, thanks. I'm seeing the phrase everywhere these days and it just makes me think of hats.
Whatever happened to his indie toyline
Ha ha yes, CHADtony Customs once again squatting over the hasfags and letting it rain, chocolate rain.
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Can we talk about how based anthony is? Destroying trannies on his business account?
what a fucking king
More like Spamthony Cumstains.
says the fag who keeps samefagging his shitty tired pun in every thread
Keep seething Spammy Pammy Cumstains
Not his account
oh my god how did I not notice Lockjaw has non-articulated legs? FUCK ME.
>invested in threads about youtubers
>calls others gay
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It is his account. The profile pic is misaligned because of a instagram mobile bug (im a filthy phoneposter)
Is this English?
Buy an ad
>Anthony is reviewing a Dick Grayson Batman figure
>A Joker movie is coming out
>people are panicking about climate change
Are we in 2024 or 2019?
His newfound positivity around bad figures is disgusting and frankly I'm eventually going to stop watching if this continues.
anthony cumstains
>I'm eventually going to stop watching
Just skipped the videos this week. Anything that looks outside his wheel house I assume is just a BBTS send over like that Monster Force shit.
You should assume anything with a high score is something he received for free, because he is a giant fucking shill.

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