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>toy is so dead we dont have Nendoroid Generals anymore

Preordered Lain maybe its cope but her eyes look better now?
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Who needs to even look at her eyes with this cool filter
We had a Nendoroid general like last week
Why didn’t you just name this nendoroid general anyways then?
Fuck sorry I forgot to type in the subject field
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>her eyes look better now?
nope, I still buying her because we'll never have anything better
I wonder why they decided to make one at all. Is there an anniversary thing going on?
There's a Lain toy in 2024? I'm pleasantly surprised, but what's the occasion?
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GSC works in mysterious ways

I don't think there is a reason it just happened.
Yeah, the pupils should be smaller and the irises darker.

Because I decided to watch the anime last year. Happens to me all the time.
Just seems like they've been revisiting a lot of older properties, like GITS and Nana.
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my brainrot ass first thought it was 9/11 today
Because of this?


They made some Samurai Champloo stuff out of the blue too. Not sure what the occasion was. Maybe they have a back log of designs that they bring to production whenever they feel like it?
Holy fuck I didn't know it was Lain at all lol

Yeah they fucked up
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>no creepy evil Lain face plate
the fuck is this shit?
aren't they just funkopos with arm movement?
>no Fuu and Jin
I don't want to buy Mugen without them
Aren't these just Asian Funko Pops?
what are the optional stuff in the description? we're getting it with the pre-order right?
>5+ points of articulation, completely modular, accessories and swappable parts
They are more like mr potato head than a funkopop.
don't feed the troll
What's your experience with amiami?
Preordered the Reimu nendo through them and my first order came missing the whole damn umbrella set. Then the replacement comes a month later and it has a scuff on the head.

Next time I'm just gonna order through goodsmile so I can just get the parts replaced directly.
You can ask replacements from GSC no matter where you bought the figure. I bought many figmas on Amiami that had defects and GSC sent me the pieces I needed.
Are you for real?
Bloody hell that would have saved me time the first go around.
Thanks mate!
Oh my goddess?
They will ask you for the store you used, maybe even the order number. If you bought it from a second hand store like Mandarake they can refuse to give support as there's no way to prove it was still sealed and brand new when you got it.
actually expected it to be the preorder bonus. They fucked up, they could have had people buy two of them
Wait should I have contacted Goodsmile through their main site instead of Goodsmile US?
I always use the global site, don't know if GSC US works the same.
I know there's a form on their site to request characters but I swear I saw something about how they would start making characters from older ips too
Fucking up faceplate selection is GSC's favourite passtime.
Can you watch Boogiepop so we can get him? I’ll take figma or nendo
based boogiepop anon
normalfag lain
They’re realising that older weebs are going to buy figures of stuff they’re nostalgic for. So we’ve gotten nice things lately like Ginko, Holo, and Medicine Seller etc.
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I'm running out of room for my Nendoroids.
they made her a bit more standar, but I guess they want to play safe
>edgeworth, maya, and wright
Pre ordered this lil guy.
>Nendoroid Lain
Why won't make it a figma ? nendo are boring
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Thirding this. We may have shitposted about it on figma general every now and then, but Boogie's perfect for present day Figma using cloths more frequently.
It's easier to make and easier to sell. They're like funkos but better to look at at the cost of almost always needing a stand.
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Because Max Watanabe is a fag who cares more about shitty bikes that his own company and Nendoron are a group of chads, that's why GSC>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MaxFagtory
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I never thought I'd buy a Nendo, but my desperation for Castlevania figures got me to shell out for one. I don't care if its Netflixvania, I'll take my boy Richter in any form.
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I'd rather have Richter and Alucard from the games rather than that show. (And Maria as well, if we're doing the Rondo/Symphony duology). And Simon, too.

And while we're at it, make Dracula as well! We barely get any villains to pose our hero Nendoroids fighting against, but that's probably because the villains sometimes wouldn't sell as much as the main characters. (I doubt an Ansem or Xemnas Nendoroid would sell as well as Sora and Riku do.) But Dracula should be popular enough.
Like I said, I'm not a fan of the show but I do like design as a nice middle ground between the original and DXC Richter. I would kill for game accurate merch though, I'll just take what I can get in the meantime.
I'm that one meme about the earthbound fan finally playing the game. I want figure from anime that only watched few episodes.
Speaking of earthbound I think Ness would be a really cool pick for a nendo. He’s got a lot of different options for accessories like the phone, the Franklin badge, or I bet they could find a way to put a mushroom on his head. Would be really charming. What would suck would be if they just did PSI effects on a plastic sheet though.
Nendroids were initially birthed because figmas were becoming too expensive to use niche IPs in. Now nendroids are becoming too expensive.

What is the solution?
A third, more chibi and even less articulated option with pretty much no accessories, like Figuarts mini.
There is no solution. Nendos have no serious competition, people like the format and have no desire to switch to anything else because the alternative is worse. You basically need to discontinue nendoroid line as a whole so people would switch to something else and I guarantee that a good chunk of nendo audience will just buy old nendos they missed.
>Nendroids were initially birthed because figmas were becoming too expensive to use niche IPs in

>First Nendoroid release date (Neco Arc):10/2/2007
>First figma release date (Brave Haruhi): 2/31/2008

Anons nowadays have no fucking clue what they're talking about, I swear. I guess they started collecting not that long ago and eat every single piece of misinformation that retards say online, or just create new ones due to their ignorance.
People got that idea because they started releasing a lot more nendroids when they slowed figma production to a crawl since nendroids are more financially attainable for the average consumer, even if they typically offer less in articulation, sculpt and accessories than a figma.
The main problem is that people can't be bothered to do research and get their facts straight. Nothing wrong if you start to collect a line when it's already ten years old, but at the very least do your own homework before talking about the origins of the line that you didn't see for yourself.
Where do I learn about Nendoroids and release schedules and stuff?

Will muh Wreck it Ralph Vanellope Nendoroid ever return?
Nendos vary wildly in price. They still release some at the original price point. It's mostly licensor fees and such.
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Hey, Hello Good Smile are cute. Too bad the character selection is kind of lacking since it's just mostly main characters from popular things and 98% of them also have nendos.
I mean, people here think Figma and Nedoroid are made by the same company
So is Max Factory nearing collapse since they see none of the huge nendoroid money rolling in now and they barely make any figmas now?
Culturally, Figma's on a decline compared to its success between 2010-2019. There's just too many ways to get merch for a fave character and lots of competition here and there.
I have watched anime because the toys looked cool and I wanted an excuse to buy them before.
Typo I guess. It's 1/31.
I was thinking of getting him, but netflixvania is so aids, I couldnt do it.
But most of the merchandise isn't 1/12 posable figures. Surely people want such a thing....right?
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If they made Figma of some characters the Nendo line gets then there wouldn't be such of an issue. Instead Figma are now mostly "literally who" vtubers, artist OCs, and high school girls with guns even more generic than their previous ones.
I think the issue is if they paid the high licensing fees for vidya and anime characters now, the price for the figure would start hitting the 140 dollar range and the sales wouldn't justify the costs.
did the show get bad later on? i've only watched the first season but i thought it was good
kek at the photo
Felt like a fanfic written by an edgy teenager from the very beginning.
Seems fitting given the Castlevania games are already edgy fanfics of the Dracula books.
When you say "first season", do you mean the actual first season? Or like, the first show? Because the first animated show on Netflix had 4 seasons, and I've seen people referring to that collectively as the "first season" for some reason. And only the first 2 seasons from that were good, because they stuck to CV3. After that, it felt like they very loosely went into Curse of Darkness for Hector and Issac, when that's what they should have focused on. We didn't need any made-up stories for Trevor and Sypha. Their story was done. And we absolutely didn't need the shit with St. Germain and Death being treated like the next big bad for the series like this was some battle shounen. Them fucking up so hard during season 3 and 4 made me not want to watch Nocturne at all.
i didn't even know they made another show. i meant the very first season. i don't watch a lot of shows so i didn't keep watching past that.
Not everyone's a scale slut, I'm afraid. There's also the fact that when it comes to group characters, Figma is hit or miss in completing them.
Thumbnail looked like the last supper.
figmas are on life support and basically replaced by pop up parade statues.
nendos still have the chibi audience and a wide range of ips.
I remembers wanting to buy the Dai no Daiboken figmas but went for the Nendoroids when the figma has weird ass crotch things that looked like diapers
Also Figma Dai only have angry faces and that shitty ditch effect is dump, oh and the exclusive GSC Papunika Knife, what a bunch of retards
I think I burned myself out on Nendoroids. It was fun at first but then after a while it gets to the point where I am basically just taking them out of the box, putting them on the shelf and never touching them again. It makes sense if you have like one or two characters you really like and want to play around with using all the parts but when you have too many it feels like a waste and storing all the parts is a burden.

It's too bad because I really like the look of the Nendoroids but I feel like if you don't pose them and swap the pieces often enough you are just paying way too much for features you don't use.
i only saw the first series with trevor. i did not watch the second series with richter. I only saw clips on youtube and i really like the 2 villians Olrox and Drolta. They have style. they were cooler then the main characters. I also liked Lenore from the first series. i want to be her pet. She is very manipulative.
Do you think they will ever make more fighting game character nendoroid's? They only made chun-li, Ramlethal and Xiaoyu
I think it's fine to pick your favorite pose for long term display. As long as you like how they look they're no worse than other statues. That being said, maybe you can try some toy photography?
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Not him, but Nendos just suck ass with standing up so toy photography requires extra effort to a point of possibly needing invisible wires. The only nendo I have that can stand with minimal effort is Alphonse. Shame too because I do love their general chibi aesthetic.
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And there's at least one Nendoroid that is an absolute pain in the ass to stand upright even with her stand. But I assumed most photography for Nendoroids without a stand did Photoshop trickery to remove the stand. Like taking two pictures: one with the Nendoroid on an easel stand or a standard stand with them touching the ground, and a second photo without the nendoroid, and just used the second picture to erase the stand.
I call bullshit. There's several massively popular characters that get zero merch and Max Factory is just sitting on their hands. Where are the Faerie Knights from FGO? Literally leaving money on the table.
NOOOO Her name is Isabel not Ishval!
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Just got some mail from HLJ, super late cause I cheaped out and chose the boat post.
Yes. Except for Ginko.
Why 2?
One for me and one for a Christmas gift. I’m glad I did cause they’re locally 100+ already on the aftermarket.
>got the fastest shipping available for my nendoroids
>check UPS tracking yesterday
>scheduled to arrive tomorrow/today
>check UPS tracking yesterday
>says "Delay" with them being in fucking Ontario, CA for some reason
Did someone at UPS make a mistake and accidentally toss my nendoroids onto a wrong cargo plane or something?
Action figures aren't all that popular compared statues, even in Japan. And there's a shitton of popular characters in FGO so the chances of a specific one getting something are not guaranteed.
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there is also valentine from skullgirls
you could also count characters from marvel vs capcom, like dante, monster hunter and phoenix wright, i guess
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>sold separately
Shame, and it does limit the posing to only front poses, not side poses. The money would be better spent on more expensive nendo-sized furniture.
Does anyone know the size/dimensions of the nendoroid playsets?
I'm going with the official stuff just for the sake of it, but out of curiosity, what furniture and stuff is appropriately nendoroid-sized?
You know, maybe Nendoroid Light is not a bad idea for characters who already have one standard nendo.
I thought it wouldn’t bother me but 7 months after buying it’s bothering me
Why doesn’t he have his hat?
It’s a cute accessory the entire point of nendos is to be cute and have accessories
I only bought the damn thing to encourage a figma (because that worked for promare) so I thought I wouldn’t mind…
But I mind
Studio Trigger is under Ultra Super Pictures which GSC is the parents company. it's only fair for them to go extra on original IP like Promare. Not to mention the relationship between Gainax and Masaki Aspy pre Max Factory I bet they have everything figured out before the anime production is finished.
Oh I see
I still want his hat tho anyone know how to turn a clay sculpture into a mould for PVC?
You coule just print it instead go full retard
keep praying, anon
shf, buzzmod or revoltech 2.0 alucard maybe... some day
Nah that’s alright imma gatekeep my hat
If the Amazon prime adaptation ever happens we might get a new wave of merch also we’re off topic let’s go to the want thread
Use silicone to make a mold. You could also 3D model a hat and get it printed in resin, which will be the best quality. If you can’t do it yourself, look for local companies, plenty of people print to order.
Which design of Simon?
Have they made a Panty and Stocking yet? I thought these were based on how they look in the end credits but I’m probably wrong.
Anybody else getting the bulborb?
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1/12 scale. Most would tell you to look out for dollhouse sets since Nendos don't follow a strict scale being the chibis that they are.
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Wonder why people get so nitpicky when they finallt get merch of their oscure anime series that almost nobody in Japan watched.
Yes. I'm getting two as well.
Wow I didn't know they made Nendoroids of a kaiju!
I'm pretty sure the guy who was responsible for Hello Good Smile look was also the one who worked on that ending animation.
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how are Figuarts mini things?
it looks like it supposed to be bandai's answer to nendoroids right?
kinda thinking of getting one, but not sure
It's about time for them to release Kaede
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I'm giving this a try for storing Nendoroid parts.

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