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Let's have a good old Hasbro thread. The good, the bad, and the toyetic! Why is this company so contentious here?
how is your day and why u a gay?
No seriously, let's have a discussion about one of the biggest toy companies out there. Why does this company trigger people* like you?
Retards think expensive automatically = good and cheap = bad. So they waste money on overpriced and ugly imports or Hot Toys and then make fun of "poor" people for buying Hasbro. Then they pretend the overpriced garbage is far superior to Hasbro to cope with throwing away their money.
Because it's popular honestly.
I wonder if there are people in Japan that import Hasbro stuff and think it's a big deal. I hope there are.
Now that Hasbro has killed off the last toyline of theirs that I liked I am finally free. No more Hasbro, no more Mattel, no more Lego; I'm sticking to imports now.
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Because they fucking murdered MTG and D&D, skinned them and wore it around like a suit. And worse than that they sold out to D*sney. Bunch of fucking faggot queers I tell you what.
It's literally only good for transformers nowadays and it's shitting the bed hard even at that
Hasn't been good sine The Last Knight flopped
I used to be a hardcore Star Wars collector, and I will never forgive them for how they treated the 3 3/4" line back between 2012 and TFA in an attempt to lure collectors towards Black Series. Sail Barge and Cantina would have been instant purchases if they had been made back then. The big ass Millenium Falcon and AT-AT were some of my favourite toys ever.
Their apathy towards what collectors had been collecting (only for them to beg us to come back once they realised kids didn't give a fuck about Star Wars) killed most of my love for collecting Star Wars, and the Disney movies were the final nail in the coffin.
I bought a Classified Alley Viper for half price out of nostalgia for the original RAH figure. It's ok. Have a ML Frogman I got for half price sitting in my pile of loot. Might get a few more ML for half price, like Retroblasting and the big bad from that Eternals movie because I like tentacle monsters. Got some Power Rangers Lightning Collection critters for half price to use in my Berserk Eclipse display.
That's all Hasbro is good for. Half price background fodder.
Whenever the Doomposters make threads about 2 more weeks until Hasbro gets gutted by Bain Capital, I always hope it happens this time. Fuck Hasbro. They don't trigger me, but I don't feel inclined to support them.
The Transformers designers started kowtowing to the fucking twitter SJWs, they haven't made a female toy that actually looks like a girl since Siege
I have a billion reasons to hate hasbro but they're mostly related to /tg/ stuff, as far as /toy/ stuff goes my main gripe is how they completely dropped the ball with Beyblade Burst but I dunno they seemed to get their shit together with X so far (outside of wave 2 being a pain in the ass to find)
Wholesome 1/12 scale kino?
I can kinda empathizes, but while apathy for Star Wars toys started with Hasbro it continued because of how bad the second-hand market it is (the prices on Ebay are insane), and how it feels like you have to fight just for a chance to get a figure even though SW is at its “most unpopular”. Lego was also a contributing factor.

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