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Previous Thread: >>11142298


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:

Play well!
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Rank them!

>God Tier

>High Tier
5, 10, 12

>Mid Tier
2, 3, 4, 11

>Low Tier
6, 8, 9

>Shit Tier
7(even if they were white)
G8 b8 m8 I rate 8/8
what's bait about it?
the bird is underrated
That fucker deserves at least High tier for his awesome metallic gold plastic alone, plus the mace is neat. Certainly cooler than half of these generics.
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>building a new set
>seeing what extra pieces you have at the end
it's so fucking satisfying bros
Her shield is the highlight imo. We have plenty fucking random medieval warrior armor already
>realizing one of the leftover pieces is from a step you missed
Xhe's fully printed desu
the sissy elfboy with the lute is so fucking sexy
this isnt fantasy, its a disgusting licensed mess, im sick of you bad faith posters
post minifigures that get you bricked up
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there he is. HE SAID IT!
Brave little contrarian Timmy! Good job!!!
yes and no

modern fantasy pulls directly from DnD and DnD pulls from folklore and old literature so its generic enough to be whatever you want

moreover DnD is a choose your own adventure roleplaying game. While with let's say the Star Wars license you get Luke Skywalker doing the Luke Skywalker things you saw in the movies, the DnD license gives you a character class(that you can even pick the gender of) and you use it as a template to go on whatever adventures you so desire.
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why the color mismatch between head and body?
They're wearing pyjamas
You never seen a mushroom before?
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Man fuck the dnd figures I should have just bought more Ninjago, this thing is sweet. Looks way better without the weapons it came with.
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EPIC TIER (i will cum rainbows getting one of these):

- dragonborn
- quid-dad
- tasha the bimbo witch
- bird person

NORMAL TIER (i will be glad getting these because these are super useful anyways):

- vampire dude
- dragon baby
- druid
- dwarf
- skeleton man
- eyeball


- the jungle shaman king
- gay bard

Yeah this cmf series is THAT good
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I made a MOC Spyrius attack saucer
Cringe, doesn't obey the laws of Lego thermodynamics. How would it even move? You fucked it up completely.
genuinely what's the downside to a thing like this


It doesn't even cost that much more than buying all of them individually and you get a complete set. Seems like a stellar deal
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>be classicspacefag
>ignore the original designer intention
its good that you went that far to moc this BUT

the whole point of the old vehicle is that it can instantly change the direction its going because it has 4 turbines.
The ship goes to left and then in the next moment it goes backwards and left.

Your MOC basically don't have a turbine on front which makes the back turbine useless.

How come me - a guy that likes chima and nexo knights, knows about Spyrus more than YOU?
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>complete set
I dont need a complete set. i need multiples of stuff i need for customs and armies
>ships by
Ignore. eBay is a listing site, not a sales site. They're scalping figs, fulfilling orders on a FCFS basis, and then cancelling the rest.
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>the swastika saucer
I don't want some figures and I want multiples of the others. And I can probably get all the ones I actually want for around $30.
>thinking that all turbines can work at the same time
>thinking its moving by spinning

Hello fellow incel zoomie. u sure you over 18?
its a fictional vehicle retard. of course it can do that. are you sure your iq is above 50?
>its a fictional vehicle
with a lore and technology that was described and established before your birth.
>are you sure your iq is above 50?
I'm pretty sure. I'm not a conservtard at least.
ah, you're american. remember to filter your water before drinking it so the lead doesn't damage your brain further. although, it might be too late.
With that lich minifig, what's that transparent red skull supposed to be for? You just throw it at people?
its his dead brother. he carries around his skull to remember him by, like in hamlet.
slow the fuck down there professor we didn't all go to oxford
Szass Tam wore a powerful version of bracers of defense and often was seen using a hand of glory, a ring of spell storing, a ring of protection, and a darkskull. A darkskull emanated unholy energy and tainted everything within its vicinity. This effect extended outwards to a radius of 40ft (12m).
sorry I mean the Lion King
Modern DND is shit fuck off
Cry more
>metallic gold plastic
shits gonna be brittle and breaking in a couple years
Bard is underrated, just swap the head and hair and you have a great dual-wielding protag.
demonslut looks like shes wearing a midriff because of the tail attachment. Good for female but sucks if you want him male(plus the femininie hairdo)
Are DnD orcs grey instead of green?
Someone call fugtrup
I couldn't figure a good way to stick the front turbine in there, plus it looked off with the less symmetrical design. The Saucer Centurion also only has thrusters at the back, so having thrusters on all sides isn't something all Spyrius ships have, but without the back thruster it looked a bit off.
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All things considered D&D is superior. You can use the extra $40 on the kino CMFs
I won't be buying any of these.

360 is a too much of a fuckton money. You can buy shit ton of smaller lego sets that will bring more fun.

Just fucking make at least $150-200 set and we will talk.
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This minifig is really hot, but avocados are disgusting. I don't know how to feel.
Idk man the DnD set is surprisingly big and loaded with content. Like even if you bought a bundle of the Creator3in1 Castle and the Medieval Town Square I don't think they have an equivalent amount content, fun potential
what do i do if a guy is not shipping my brick link order even though i paid
is dnd hiring shills or something? why so much support for this overpriced slop
lol, sorry for being excited. It's just been a REALLYYYYYYYYY long time since Lego made me this happy
This, DnD isn't even popular so it makes no sense. If you want actual fun, play potential, and value from your sets, buy Dreamzzz.
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>still no sail barge pictures
its overpriced slop and they censored slave leia it sucks. just buy one of the old ones
You dont have to be a fan of D&D in particular, just medieval fantasy in general

Barf inducing. I mean the prices are certainly more accessible I'll give you that but that's as far as I'll compliment the line

For how long?
Sometimes they ship it but forget to mark it as shipped on the site.
New thread?
6 days
It's better than the $500 Shitendell(even if Shitendell was only $360)
what's this? harry potter?
Hm. Sex with minifigs, I think. Yes.
Lego has a severe pricing problem in general. They really need to take their heads out of their own asses. They've completely forgotten the golden maxim: YOU ARE A TOY!
Lord of the cockrings
Kill yourself
You must be 18 or older to post here.
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I'm a Warcraftchad(more so the rts trilogy than WoW) and the DnD theme makes my pp hard the way only Castle 2007 did
Don't tell me you spent $500 on that lameass dust collector. For $500 I expect Moria with a snowy top, the octopus monster, the moon door, the mine itself, the dwarf tomb with the troll, the great halls, the balrog and the bridge, the entire fellowship and loads of orcs/goblins, not this snoozefest where nothing happens
I won't tell you that. I will tell you to wait five more years before you post on here.
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Alpha:Tron , Uranium Search vehicle.
I have both, the DnD one was the first big lego set I bought and I think it was more enjoyable to build.
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Suspicious post because the Lion Castle came out way before the DnD set
Meant to reply >>11144683
More like SHITember
>DnD isn't even popular
literally the most popular and money making fantasy world right now
If you disagree - post numbers of opposite. faggot
I'm not buying the DnD set until I get an unbiased review from Bamidele O. Shangobunmi aka The JANG aka JANGBRICKS aka Jang
I only got into buying lego again a few months ago when the dnd set first came out, so I bought it first.
Shill detected
This theme is sadly brittlebrown central
we living in a rising Castle theme
>barad dur
>dnd CMF
what comes next?

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bionicle fans are eating good.....
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Barad Dur? More like Buy & become poor!
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Be thankful for what you got
Fanfiction: the set
>includes the orc's menu
eheh epic meme xD
It looks cool but it's too much and they're bonkers to ask for it.
They how well Shitendell sold and got greedy. I'll stick to D&D thank you very much
D&D is also overpriced. All three sets are good sets but none of them are worth hundreds of dollars. Lego that kids can't afford is a ridiculous concept.
should I sell my kidney to get this set? the Concorde is my favourite plane
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Big difference between $360 and $460/$500, not really fair to lump them in the same basket.

I hope for smaller more affordable DnD sets(Lotr's small sets are dogshit imo though) as much as anyone else but for this big anniversary first set I struggle to think what they could take away to make it more affordable without losing much, especially since it's meant to work as a playset for a campaign.
Hell no, moc your own
house, castle, dragon, dungeon and buildable creatures all could be seperate. maybe even the tower and bridge.
how much would it cost approximately to MOC a full scale concorde? or just a minifig scale one?
Just be glad you don't live in Canada, where the Rivendell set is nearly $700, and the DnD set nearly $500.
I hate my country's weak monopoly money.
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I think you're missing the point that's it's a whole DnD campaign, you need a inn, forest, dungeon and tower with loads of different enemies and treasure/equipment to make it happen
When is Just2Good going doing to do a Nikocado and reveal his transition was just a social experiment?
He's gonna fade sooner by not covering the popular sets. If he's struggling that much he shouldn't be charity streaming for days on end
mf, who cares if youre obscure. if you genuinely like doing it as a hobby, obscurity shouldnt matter
He has been really behind on lego reviews lately. I used to watch jang, because even without being in the lego program he was always one of the first and his reviews weren't as screamy and dramatic like other youtubers. Now i have to wait a month before he reviews a set and then also need to be lucky it is the right set from the theme.
not being screamy or dramatic gets no views. thats why jang is dying of malnutrition and can't afford to buy a slice of bread
Good I hope everyone who ever posted about Jang suffers starvarion too
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Imo the most "expendable" part of the set is the bridge with the small tower on the right. I know it's the prison where the innkeeper is jailed but they coulda crammed it into the main dungeon/tower somehow. They could use the tree dude as the main visual anchor on the right instead of the little tower, they would just need to find another way to pose the dragon
Its really funny how much Lego pushes diversity and yet their prices are too insane for niggas to buy. And they're the ones saying systemic racism makes niggas poor forever
Sets can be big and expensive but most castle adjacent sets like Barad Dur and the LK Fortress are just plain too big. I like Medieval Village and El Dorado because I see them as a collection of smaller sets you can arrange however. The 3in1 Castle is good on its own and a parts pack. If there were to be a castle theme then I want mid range sets not because I can't afford a big set, I don't want giant fuck off mountains of plastic. Harry Potter technically fills this niche but I don't like the tan and sand green color scheme and they're also priced higher. I like some sets like the school carriage and Aragog sets though.
Needs giant boobs like the Last Unicorn
It drives me nuts how the beard leaves would perfectly match the print if they had used normal green instead of bright green
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Notice how the tree has two available studs right under the face. You can slot these right there
someone moc this?
That deku tree sprout looks weird seems cheap for the new Zelda set.

As a trans person I'm thankful they included their pronouns. Gives me hope for the future
why is he black? trees are brown
>ravenloft and planescape but no spelljammer
there are some black trees (eg, black poplar), and not all trees are brown (eg birch)
>manmade bee skep on a tree
holy cringerino
Designed by people who don't know what bee skeps are and assumed there is at least one specific type of natural beehive that's shaped like that because all they know are depictions that resemble them in cartoons. The utopian elite of Northern Europe have never even seen a bee IRL.
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I pulled a tiefling, mind flayer, and lady of pain. For a laff (because I played a tiefling wizard in a campaign not that long ago), I swapped the tiefling/lady of pain’s clothes. It makes for an extremely orange figure, but because the tiefling skin tone matches the lady’s robes, my male wizard tiefling no longer has midriff. So that’s a sort of fix to the crop-top tiefling problem
now the hands are mismatched and swapping hands is an illegal technique

LOTR aftermarket prices on the old sets are insane right now. I'm honestly tempted to sell my tower of orthanc for $1k and buying this.
Bro faded into obscurity because he essentially started over again with the separate review channel.
Thats how I convinced myself to buy the D&D set, if I eventually regret it I can always resell it for more in a few years
Nor this fucking discussion again
I live in northern european and I've seen that. Danes just have something wrong with them
I love the optimist. That curve is always going to go up and investing in Lego is more valuable than gold!

"I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to buy and build this, let me know in the comments please, how important it is for you to hear review from me about this set in particular"

It's your fault /lg/, you should have told him in the comments how important it was for you to hear from him.
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DnD is going to crash and burn. You'll be lucky ot break even on those meme AFOL sets. All the smart investors are going all in on Dreamzzz.
2024, I am forgotten
lego investing is retarded unless its lego star wars (until disney destroys it completely). otherwise just buy some bars of gold or silver.
>After years of begging and waiting Lego Zeruda comes out
>no hype, nobody cares
What went wrong?
I don’t know if that’s true, but I just figured he was wearing gloves. I mean the actual tiefling has purple hands or whatever
boring overpriced set of a fucking tree. for £260 do the pyramid of power with pig demon ganon fucking link and zelda in the ass while the fat fairy sits in her water pool thing and put the tri force room behind it. and give us the full courtyard with the pig people and bomb throwing cyclopses
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Its so goddamn ridiculous how this is only $60 less than DnD. All things considered the DnD set is the most """reasonably priced""" big set for what you get
they should do the 7 maidens trapped in ganon's JO crystals from zelda 3
Can’t even give it away.
what were they thinking?
Boring fucking set at ridiculous price point. Animal Crossing(which Im not a fan of) has been a massive hit because its actually affordable and the content is fun, they are not just dust collectors
I would pay $150 tops for an Ocarina-only version
Just get the bonsai tree and wait for the link and Zelda Polybags.
id pay $500 for the pyramid of power
lego need to make pink hair link from zelda 3 for my waifufigs collection
I honestly think that half the reason for the high price for the LKC and Rivendell comes from the large amount of minifigs that come with them.
Like Rivendell has 15 and the castle 22, which jacks up the price.

That Izzie figure alone will be worth a hundred dollars in a few years. That set will be worth as much as the LoZ set.
Looks cool, Anon.
maybe if it had a waistcape. star wars fans will spend zillions in the future on her yellow waistcape for clone commander gooky or whatever
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mage (male and female heads)
cleric (male and female heads)
fighter (male and female heads)
rogue (male and female heads)
evil wizard (male and female heads)
displacer beast
gelatinous cube
gelatinous cube baby
bed mimic
chest mimic
awakened tree
fighter skeleton
rogue skeleton
mage skeleton
black puddings

>muh prints
most of these monsters have printed eyes and each main fig is totally unique while the castle has a bunch of copy paste soldiers
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>right is an actual castle
>left is a broken tower with glorified statues of licensed monsters
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>DnD one was the first big lego set I bought
>zoomer faggot retard
>worth a hundred dollars in a few years
Why? Because it’s rare? Unavailable? Was only released once?
You must be a fan of DBZ.
damn, his money pile drying up or something? i thought he was loaded.
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guy who posted a few days ago a leak about lego fantasy was right fantasy themes are being merged together. also legos instagram posted an ad of a sexy witch opening a lego bag for this for some reason
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>right is a plane dollhouse of nothingness
>left is a based dungeon of classic adventure
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bit weird for lego
they are also merging minecraft and fortnite and others into a gaming theme. i wonder if zelda will be gaming or fantasy
time to goon
I bet she’s got a super feminine cock.
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bring back minifig packs!
Fine Ill buy the goddamn dungeons and dragqueens set will you shills calm down now?
They never left it’s just Star Wars themed now.
these guys are good to mix with ice planet, especially the new cmf ice planet minifig
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it's even $10.
it's mind-blowing that Lego would release a set with FOUR figures AND a little mech thing, for ONLY $10.
That mech is unironically kino too, the bigger ones from that same year can't even bend their knees and elbows
too bad its so ugly
why are we years of progress behind bionicle again
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It's based
Yup. Got mine for cheap.
Is fuckin sweet. I got the training polybag, two figures, a cool play feature, like five weapons including a cool hammer for the price of a CMF. Take the polybagpill but this is decent!
Why don't Bonklefags want brickbuilt bonkles? Do you even like Lego?
It's a technic theme. And I did like the brickbuilt bonkles that came out in G1 because they had the spirit of bionicle. G2 used a weird system that wasn't technic or system and it sucked and also didn't feel like og bionicle it felt like element power rangers slop
Why can't bonk fags fuck off already? Your theme is dead.
youll know how it feels soon
But I buy anime dolls those are better than bionicle tranny crap
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some do
Bionicle is so fucking cringe
>plane dollhouse
oh no it's retarded
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I am very glad that bionicle game got cancelled because people involved were sharing Sam Hyde videos.
Anyone got the leak?

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I think it's about time Lego does a Shadow Raiders/War Planets theme. Thumbs up if you agree
Bionicle but with soul
you buy gay dolls and you hate epic robots yea im thinking youre projecting and youre the only tranny here.
I want megafigs.
gali looks so sexy here im bricked up. imagine how wet her pussy would be all the time since shes the water toa and sue goes swimming all the time
>Lion knights castle
>You can put the queen to sleep

>Dungeons & Dragons
>If your hero lays down the bed will try to eat you and you have to fight it
yea lion knight castle is cosier and better. hasbro shills are out in full force
I think bionicle is the tranny crap kek anime dolls aren't trannies it's just dolls
youre the one playing with girl toys faggot
Unlike dead tranny bionicle crap kek
Lion Craps Castle
day of rope soon for dollfags. the spirit of bionicle lives forever
Nah bionicle is dead cringe shit notice how no bootlegs ever exist? Kek
>hasbrofags would really rather sleep in a mimic's nasty slimy mouth than a nice cozy bed while your loyal knights guard you to make sure you get a good knight's sleep
i know dnd players like to inject their fetish into everything but seriously
DnD > Lion Knights > Zelda > Rivendell
there are tons of bionicle bootlegs retard
>31120 > DnD > Lion Knights > Zelda > Rivendell
>Lego Space >>>> Lego Fantasy
Did they do a space line this year? Seems to have faded from memory.
We got a cmf...
I disagree but I respect your opinion
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for some reason she oozes tranny energy
I beg of you, please go outside and get some help
Themes like marvel and dc are also part of it so dunno
I respect your respectful disagreement and while we may disagree at least we’re being civil. I appreciate the 3-1 for its price, customization and moc factors, and it’s fun to play with. I don’t need another but I might get one just to have in the box.
Anyone know if Lego plans to make more LOTR sets that aren't UCS? I'd like some dioramas like Star Wars has

Literally one of the best Lego sets they've ever made
>187 roof tiles
Show us your moc! How have you played with it? Or did you even get it? You’re not just some shelf fag fanboy are you?
The roof tiles look good
>did you even get it?
No, I can't spend $500 on LEGOs right now
its the head. switch it out for a normal yellow female head without those weird marks
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I do like it(I like Creator 3in1 in general) and definitely acknowledge its versatility and affordability but D&D still edges it for me despite the seemingly outlandish price. Rarely do I respond this strongly to a Lego set.

>Literally one of the best Lego sets they've ever made
How do you play with Rivendell? Do you just act out the scene where characters are sat down and talk over and over? Oh wait you just want a pretty diorama to stick on a shelf. I recommend scale models, they are usually better looking and more affordable than Lego.
It's not a playset it's a display set.
Playsets are ain't towards kids and aren't $500
Again, scale models might be best suited for you. Try it out
I prefer LEGO
I like the DND set but not for that price. I’ll just get the cmfs I want and incorporate them into my fantasy cannon. It’s a low magic world but not a no magic world so they’ll be fine. I like the set the more I see of it though if I can get one for a deal I could see picking it up but that price is just a nope point for me. I’m strange… I’ll spend more than I should on legos and still balk at anything over $40. I give myself a hundred buck spending limit most of the time. I have leaned heavily into getting the Viking village while it’s still around and not ridiculously priced like it’s likely to be.
>DND set
I don't like brown minifigs
>the Viking village
definitely my favorite out of the """""cheaper""""" adult castle(ish) sets, cant say im a fan of the medieval town square and definitely not the blacksmith house

someone keeps saying when d&d gets to amazon it will get a 20% discount which basically means $290, might still feel steep but certainly more digestible for most people than $360
You must be 18 to post here.
Same I only got the tiefling for the baby dragon.
As a Zelda fan that set is such a goddamn disappointment. Wish it had gotten the DnD treatment where they combine the highlights of the franchise into a single microcosm. It definitely needed ganon, some moblins, stalfos, keese and a semblance of a proper dungeon, not the goddamn tree
I just can’t justify the price of the market village and I’ve got more of a “pirates castle fantasy” mashup in mind anyway and I the viking village can add to and expand that world. The dnd set looks cool I just want to be able to branch out my own head cannon more and not get trapped in one specific realm or license.
Best DnD starter set.
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Any cool Dark Souls MOCs?
>Any wholesome little video game kino's for that swaggerific set up?
Shut up
mid tier: 3
shit tie4: 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
im trans btw forgot to mention not sure if it matters
actually 4 is mid too just for the armor
cringe, kys
>Alpha:Troon , Uranus Search vehicle.
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>entire lego collection pops up on facebook for $2k which was pretty fair
>offer $1200
>he accepts
>at the same time my best offer on ebay for a rare vintage set gets accepted for $400 when it was listed for $600
>then two of my holy grail sets also pop up on facebook for $1000 combined
>put in an order on BL to complete sets since things popped up on my wanted list for $200

I spent nearly 3 fucking grand on blocks this week. This is some Chris-Chan level financial moves I'm making lads.
wtf do you do for work

I make 45k a year. This week is insane. My paychecks aren't covering the lego.
>Lego is a disease

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Massively overinflating the price with pieces that used to just be a base plate.
I want that sword, but I don't know if there is enough parts in there I would want to add up to $5.
>of course the shark boat doesnt go on sale
Why do other people have to have the same taste as me?
>grail sets
Fucking moron. Every instrucion for old sets is free online, unless you're a complete bricklet you should be able to recreate it even better and moc approximations for most of the parts you don't own.
You must be 18 years or older to post on 4chan
He just has the autism.
how do I get more space for more lego sets
take apart some of your sets you're not as interested in and store them in bags. the bonus of this is if you want to build a lego set you don't need to buy a new one, you can just rebuild one you already have :-)
>not even saying what the sets are

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