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Saitama's preorder opens on 9/10
It's funny to me that the exclusive bonus part is called normal/usual/regular face.

Batman Arkham Knight Ver. (DC)
Fudo Yusei (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Woody Ver.2.0 (Toy Story)
Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
E・HERO NEOS (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)
Revoltech Expansion Pack Vol.2
Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shirai Kuroko (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Shokuhou Misaki (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
Uraraka Ochako (My Hero Academia)
Midoriya Izuku (Reissue)
Joker Ver.1.5 (DC)
Junk Warrior (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's)
Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden)
Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Attack Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tsukumo Yuma & Astral (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 (Marvel)
Deadpool Ver.2.5 X-Force Ver.(Marvel)
Flash (Reissue)
Reverse-Flash (Reissue)
Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Kushana's Imperial Guard ver.(Reissue)
Tolmekian Armored Soldier - Vai Emperor's Imperial Guard ver.(Exclusive)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter)
Deathstroke Ver.1.5 (DC)
Horseclaw (Reissue)
Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Arkham Knight Ver.1.5 (DC)
Agent Venom (Reissue)
Genos (One-Punch Man)
Garou(One-Punch Man)
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Luke (Street Fighter)
Juri (Street Fighter)
Ayane (Ninja Gaiden)
Armored Titan (Attack on Titan)
Female Titan (Attack on Titan)
Tartaglia/Childe - Foul Legacy Ver. (Genshin Impact)
Toga Himiko (My Hero Academia)
Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)
Number 39: Utopia (Yu‑Gi‑Oh! Zexal)
Mazinger Z (Dynamic Pro)
Great Mazinger (Dynamic Pro)
Hell Kaiser Ryo (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)

Previous >>11117851
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Normal face not included normally.
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cant wait for Saitama. Undecided if i want the normal face yet tho

Also heres some quick photos of my revos
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fkn love how Thor came out here
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will be adding shf Deku and shf Bakugo here, but gonna have to restrategize my shelves bc i like having max 4 figs per shelf
that face still makes me mad
and also i should've picked up the figma ages ago for the normal version. it's probably way expensive by now
Aizawa and Kirishima look good.
Everyone pissed at the normal face bullshit was me with Cat-Woman’s unmasked head.
Nice displays anon. How's the Mafex battle damaged Iron Man? I don't have an MCU Iron Man and I've been eyeing him for a while
At least her unmasked state wasn't her default state unlike this Saitama. Although you can make the argument it is the serious mode Saitama so that face isn't the default face.
Thor with all his effects in really does look great. Also not sure why Saitama went back to the plastic cape part with the fabric when Thor does the full fabric so well.
thanks. I really enjoy him, he has good range and the infinity gauntlet w unmasked head really gives him some presence, its one of the reasons why i wanted him.
Main gripe i had was one of the blast effects wouldnt stay in the pegholes but thats always an easy fix
Arkham Batman was delayed, please update the OP next time. They posted about it on their IG.
Im still on the edge of buying or not buying it thankfully so I have time.
Ahh I checked their homepages and didn't see changes so I left it be. I should've know they sucked at updating those.
No reason to be an asshole about it, it was an honest mistake
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I wish there was a list of all of Kaiyodo's figures, not just Revoltech or AY. For instance, I didn't even know stuff like pic related existed at all.
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Yeah you'd think with their multiple figure museums they have a nice database around. Actually they want people to visit them so probably never having that online.
myfigurecollection is decent of course
Predictions on the next MHA figure after Toga if the line isn’t dead? As far as new figures, we’ve had 3 females in a row now, so I’m kinda hoping it’s a male but that new sculptor showed off a Lady Nagant at some point. I feel like shes a poor choice though, she’s not super story relevant. I know she’s popular, but eh. We got Mirko though and she’s not super relevant so I guess she could be on the table.
As far as reissues/tweaks, I really wanna see them do a Bakugo 1.5 and finally fix the issue with the gauntlets. I know a lot of people think the SHF looks better, but I still think that bakugo is better for the posability for sure.
If you think that post was in anyway asshole-ish you're a fucking bitch straight up lmao. I can't believe you actually commented this. Buy more toys and shut the fuck up.
Wow, you really went and proved my point even further. Can’t believe you’d double down and comment that.
Out of all of Class 1A, Ida and Froppy would have to be the most likely, though I wouldn't mind seeing Shoji and Mina as well.
Outside of Class 1A, who knows. I really would love to see Spinner to fill out the League of Villains. And I wouldn't say no to Nejire.
>I really wanna see them do a Bakugo 1.5 and finally fix the issue with the gauntlets
I thought they fixed that in the second run of him, but I don't own him so don't take my word on that. I wouldn't mind a rerelease so that HLJ can actually fill my backorder.
It's why I can live without the extra face. I still have the Figma and got a cloth cape for it so the AY can be my Saitama in serious mode.
That mech suit All Might. 100%. That might be the last MHA AY depending on how the other new IP performs.
I just went checking for Figma Saitama and realized...
He's not actually that good. He's way too dopey looking, even for non-serious Saitama.
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>reworked Gambit
Huh. First gimme reworked Moon Knight.
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Rerelease WHEN?
They really missed the movie boat, but I bet they'll still get the 1.5 in soon because of how well the movie did, probably with an unmasked head as the bonus. Every company has been getting their new DP and Wolverines out.
Will it come with the cigar this time?
Doubt it. If someone like CT Toys does one then it probably would.
Damn, these look great. Appreciate more pics in here. So much for that other anon saying people don't pose their figures...

Can you tell me where some of these effects are from? I think Agent Venom has Bandai explosion effects, right? Where are Todoroki's additional ice effects from, though? And Kirishima's wave dash thing - wasn't that a Bandai thing, too? Maybe from a monsterarts release/effects pack? Are any of these KOs?
thx anon. Yea most effects are from bandai except the ice one. The wave dash is from the Bandai Wave Effect Clear Ver. pack and the ice effects i found on amazon. Though mine is a darker color than the one currently listed on there, so might be KO? not exactly sure
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The Figma is ass overall and a custom cloth cape is practically a must to salvage it, but if you want a goofy-looking Saitama then it still works. Like I said, I'm not bothered missing out on the extra face since I've wanted a serious mode Saitama all this time and AY has finally nailed that look perfectly.
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Woah, that came out of nowhere. I wasn’t expecting another street fighter reveal so soon after Chun Li. Hopefully we get Ryu next
Using RE engine to make Street Fighter 6 was a fucking mistake
Footfags incoming.
This already looks better than chun li. Hoping the exclusive part is some sort of effect part
For me it's the side/underboob
This already looks better than chun li. Hoping the exclusive part is some sort of effect part rather than a face
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Do you think you could find me the link to that ice effect again? What did you search for?
Brace for exclusive swappable expressive feet.
Nah exclusive will be a KO face for Chun Li
i put in ‘figure ice effect’
Right on cue.
I probably should have waited a bit but Saitama is up with Pay Later at Hobby Genki with the bonus. https://hobby-genki.com/en/revoltech/38892-revoltech-amazing-yamaguchi-saitama-one-punch-man-action-figure-limited-bonus-set-4537807220660.html

They've been my go-to for Revoltech with bonuses, so I guess not a big deal. I've only had to pay upfront for these, so having Pay Later as an option is nice.
Saitama with store exclusive face is up at Hobby Genki if anyone wants to keep support this practice,.
Nope. Think of the children.
Awful shipping times
The BBTS of japan
>Awful shipping times
Do you mean they're slow to actually ship things after you've paid, or they're slow to even say they have the item in stock by the time everyone else already has?
Alright so I exaggerated a bit with BBTS. But most of the shipments I've received from them took forever to get them to calculate rates. I've been waiting for almost two months for my latest shipping quote. They chalked it up to their new system of doing things, but it's been this bad since at least Dec 2023.
In addition, I feel like items do take a few days extra to arrive in my warehouse compared to other stores.
Worst of all, they fucked something up so now you can't tell when payments are due for your preorders. If you're lucky they'll send you an email reminding you. But I've already had a few orders cancelled because there's no reminder email and no indication on their website of when payment is due. I don't have a problem paying for things up front, but don't give me the illusion that there's a system worked out where I'll be able to pay later.

I wish I didn't have so many preorders with them at this point.
I also had trouble with warehouse taking forever to ship. I believe it took like a month before they sent the shipping cost, and I was freaked because it was the first time using them. When my package arrived it came pretty fucked too, so there's that. I think they're fine overall but probably best to order things all at once to ship, or maybe just order singular things from them that you plan to ship at once, because in comparion to Amiami and HLJ (which neither gave me fucked up packaging) they're really slow.
Worse than nin-nin?
Yeah that pmt thing still affects old orders while new orders are unaffected. I still got payment reminder emails for the older orders despite the date being fucked up funny enough.
i hope cammy gets a revoltech in her new outfit.
Me too. I came to the realization she looks like some dojin art of Android 18 and now I like the design. Don't know much about SF6 but I assume if they do another female character she's at the top of the list.
We still got Luke and Ryu to go. I really hope this line keeps going, because Revo Cammy is A NEED.
Considering how well the movie did (not sure about Japan but let's say somewhat proportional for supes films) I think any reissue plan was upgraded to a 2.0. That will take like under a year though. They also stopped doing new capeshit AY after AK Batman in favor of all the new shit so will take about that long to get through those anyways.
When i first saw cammy's new look the first thing that came to mind was blue mary from KOF. I would not be surprised if japanese character artists get together and swap ideas with each other.

Get rid of luke and give us more legacy characters instead. Who the fuck wants luke? i dont know why capcom pushes him so hard when he will never replace ryu.
Cry more legacy boomer. Us Lukechads are eating good. Storm Collectibles Luke and now a revoltech Luke personally sculpted by Yamaguchi? Lukebros winning since his SF5 DLC
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I hope they put Alex in SF6 and they make a Revoltech...
Got my Stitch in today, the joint for the back spines snapped off inside the body, is there a good way to get it out?
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The posts about Assemble Borg some threads ago made me get one kek.
Anyone know where I can get that old Kaiyodo sumo wrestler figure? Not sure if it's part of that whole capsule era, but it came in a plastic bag and not a box. I think it had like 10 points of articulation, but it was designed brilliantly that it didn't need any more and looked fantastic with the little it did come with. Very expressive figure. Have looked for years with no luck.
I really hate how they ship your new release at the end of the month but if you buy something old they're quick
I'd say to just look into the usual places like Mandarake, Solaris, etc. or even eBay, provided the price is not an absolute wallet rape; but if you want it really badly then go for it. Granted, I dunno about the figure so no idea how it's priced nowadays.
>i hope cammy gets a revoltech in her new generic shitty outfit.
Then you're on luck anon
As long as we do get a good Revoltech Cammy, I'd be more than happy.
There is unfortunately only one and it's going for $150, excluding the $50 shipping, on Ebay atm. I haven't yet paid $200 for a figure. Appreciate the response.
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I’m annoyed this face is the bonus because now I need to get it
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I’m glad the pouty face is on the normal release though
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My condolences anon, I just saw the figure and hot damn, I would not pay such a price for it.
If you're patient then maybe (this is a huge maybe) there will be another one for less than that. Again, check other sites, preferably Japanese ones; the prices might be less, though the shipping costs could also be problematic.
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>Putting accessories for one figure in another figure
Can we stop this shit
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>hints of Silver Centurion
PEAK Iron Man design, Revoltech when?!
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Peak EVERYONE design, gimme a full fucking set.
I suppose she'll have a face where's she's at least looking forward, right?
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Wish her feet were bigger, it will be a lot less difficult to sniff.
If clown feet are what you're after, just go for the Storm version.
If clown feet are what you are after, buy the SHF Dragon Ball Super Full Power Broly.
If clown feet are what you're after, look down
I did look at the ones you recommended, no luck. I was hoping maybe one of you knew of some place that sold more of the older Kaiyodos. I'm not going to pay $200. On a side note, I recently picked up BNIB 200x Raoh and Kenshiro for $100. Clearly not as articulated as the ones that came a bit later, but again with the little articulation they give you, it creates really expressive and dynamic poses. Every generation seems to be ahead of its competitors in terms of posing abilities I've noticed.
I like it if it’s a face plate for the main character of the series. One of the few good things the new SHF One Piece line is doing because of how expressive Luffy is.
Same. This is a bit... eh...
I think anon more means both of them came with faces for the other that could easily have just come with the original figure, without the need for the swip swap. Chun has one extra defeated Juri face and Juri has one extra defeat Chun face. Just swap those. As is anyone getting just one isn't stuck with an unusable face plate. Assuming they do this with Ryu and Luke you'll have a lot of people just buying Ryu who will just not have that extra face.
Just to add, it isn't quite like your Luffy example. That would more be like if Genos came with the "cool teacher" look Saitama does when he's trying to fake teach him something, or if Garou came with the "indifferent after getting chopped in the neck face" for Saitama. Basically extra characters coming with things for the series protag, not like if they made a theoretical Child Emperor and Zombieman who each came with a head for the other.
>Putting accessories for one figure in another figure
Hope they keep doing it, I love to see people crying for small things
using those effects for my SHF Ichigo.
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I landed up pulling the trigger on pic related instead. $110 BNIB from a reputable seller. Cigar looks big enough for my Wolverine as well. Thanks again for the help.
>Cigar looks big enough for my Wolverine as well.
You are aware that is the Revol Mini, meaning that cigar is tiny as hell. I don't have it around at the moment, in the bottom of some ziploc so I won't lose the thing, but it's like 1mm thin and less than a cm long. It will be more like half a cigarette for an AY.
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>its another "anon makes unfounded claims" episode
Maybe it's just me but I don't like when wolverine smokes cigars in his "X-men" outfit, only in casual clothes. I don't see him smoking in uniform on the job if that makes sense.
Maybe in his covert X-Force outfit?
It looks like a massive sausage in Snake's hand.
It has to be the same cigar repainted for Wolverine's original promo pics. Thanks for the pic. You don't by any chance have the mini War Machine? I am determined to find one this year. He also looks like a really posable figure. I'm hoping all of these scale with my other 1:18s (hiya/joytoy/mu)
This wolverine really needed a matte coat.
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You can move her eyes anon at least on this faceplate
There are no movable eyes on Juri. There are just 2 crazed smiling faces.

>In addition to the basic, ferocious "smiling face," three interchangeable faces are included: a "smiling face (looking left)" with different gazes, an "open mouth face" that expresses anger, and a "sulky face" with puffed cheeks.
Can't help you there, I only have Venom Snake and Solid Snake for the Minis
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That smiling face has a huge schnoz though.
My bad I must be confusing it with a different tiny cigar for a smaller figure...Now I'm fucked because I can't remember what that was. I think it had a specific hand with like a circular cut in the finger(s).
Since they seem to only be doing Genos and Garou, what DLC heads do you lads think they'll come with? I'm hoping for an Okay face with Genos, maybe a battle damaged Genos face with Garou? Also gotta wonder how far these guys are gonna get spaced out for release since they didn't show prototypes with Saitama. This series got shafted so hard for figures, it's kinda dumb

It's shame the anime got fucked for animation/hype and even a release date for S3. It's nice to have a few revoltechs coming out but is a shame we'll likely never see other characters made, not even from other manufacturers.
Turns out I was thinking Solid Snake's and mixed up the size with Venom's.
You're making some pretty massive leaps of logic there. So is all SF6 getting Ryu, Luke, Chun-Li, and Juri? Is all Ninja Gaiden getting the 2 ninja?

Beyond you thinking the line dies with the 3 announced figures, just because we're getting alt faces with the first 2 SF releases (and literally no other AY/Revoltech figure) doesn't mean this is going to be a regular thing.
They make a few, see how they sell then go from there. Tokyo Revenger AY didn't do well and most likely stopped, but no reason to assume the same for other IP. BnHA didn't have like 13 AY planned out from the start. Each success lead to some more new ones.
The problem I see with OPM is lack of hype. Hopefully S3 changes things but we STILL don't even have an actual release date. If sales are good, sure more SF6 characters but they could make more that turn out to be lackluster and that's it. Obviously it boils down to sales but that's what I mean. To get sales, you need interest, where's the interest for OPM? Seems quite lackluster, especially when S2 was a mess and S3 is in limbo
Who even has Saitama WITHOUT the bonus? I don't want to pay more for the shitty face.
I'm >>11154179 but for AY sales I don't think all of that really matters. If these are mass produced to the magnitude of say SH Figuarts maybe that can affect overall sales and future releases. But for a more limited production like AY are these days, it might not matter. The bar could be pretty low, and OPM general success (heard of manga?) could be good enough. Also IP popularity is not 1:1 to AY sales.
Anime Export does.
Really inexcusable business practices. I can't believe we're getting the bullshit we see in video games for physical items.
Anon, if you're still here, I forgot to ask if the figure itself is "delicate" in the sense that it's quite easy to break it for messing with the poses. I've seen some pics where the arms are broken and I'm not sure if it's a case of hamhands or if Monev is just not built for rough love.
Think Kaiyodo will eventually cover Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen?
Don't really need to do Chainsaw Man given how we have enough decent Denjis out there.
I hope they don't do Jujutsu Kaisen. The character designs are pretty basic and not very toyetic.
Demon Slayer, while being a shit show, could benefit from an AY, especially with the effects parts potential. Problem is I'm not sure if Kaiyodo is willing to step into that ring with Aniplex and Bandai.
i hope they do JJK just for the fact that i prefer AYs to any other figures
Yeah but imagine they do that buffed up Chainsaw Man with a bunch of bloodsplatter effects?
A strange bit of autism, but to each their own. I hate "claws between the fingers". *shrugs*
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you can hate SC as much as you want but at least they got the foot size right.
I dunno if hype is a problem, the fact that Ryu even got a figure or that Mazinger is getting one soon is weirder than any OPM figure. You can argue Mazinger is famous, but AY has been appealing to capeshit collectors for a while so I consider it shocking.
I am not paying for censored Juri so it doesn't matter.
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>There are just 2 crazed smiling faces.
If Kaiyodo has to do another shonen series, Soul Eater would be ideal.
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So...with Daredvil: Born Again coming soon...REVOLTECH WHEN?!
And one of them looks.. I dunno. Big nose, haggish face.
AY Soul Eater would be pure kino.
Right for SFV. Characters got smaller feet for SF6.
No and No.
>big nose
>haggish face
Thats just normal retarded SF6 running on RE engine.
Seriously, who at Capcuck said “duuh lets use the engine we made for realistic looking games for our stylized game”
>who at Capcuck said
Probably someone who thought paying 5% or whatever to use another engine was stupid and unnecessary?
SF6 characters’ faces look stupid and unnecessary
5% of sales of 4 million copies though. That's big.
Does anyone know the shipping price from AmiAmi too U.S.A. for the average Revoltech?
this just makes me want am AY dr doom
That will happen in some form for sure. This design >>11152569 looks promising. Whatever the MCU ver will be I doubt it will look close to the classic comic one so the AY will go with something newer and similar.
In another universe where Kang were more involved in the future movies, This suit might've been picked and they get their AY Kang out as a repaint of it. Easy money. Oh well.
>Whatever the MCU ver will be I doubt it will look close to the classic comic one
What MCU version of a character doesn't at least have the most iconic parts of their comic counterparts' design. I genuinely can't remember, but at the end of the day these are meant to represent those characters, so I'd think most will be familiar. Ignoring the various lesser characters like Batroc, of course.
>saves 5%
>schnoz characters
I’m noticing something here
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>most iconic parts
So his mask and green hood and cape. Yeah I bet it will but there are many different ways that can still go down. This or the body could just be a silver Iron Man armor.
>So his mask and green hood and cape
Yep, that's it. That's all they need and that's Doom, so I'm not entirely sure what you're saying. Add some tacticool like thrusters or greebling into the armor and that's still Doom. It'd be like saying "Cap is going to have a red, white, and blue costume, have his cowl, and have his shield." but that that isn't close to the comic look.

I'm not sure why you're thinking that the new Ultimates look (that's Reed btw) would be remotely what would be made. If they're going to do a blue Doom must as well just go to the even more overdesigned 2099 look.
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Anons never shut up unless they get the first appearance classic costumes of their capeshit characters. They want the Doom they know from MvC. That's what I'm talking about. You and I, we don't care.

I honestly think the movie one will just be Iron Man with the Doom mask and cape. But AY picks whatever that's close. If I'm right then it will be Infamous Iron Man.
>Infamous Iron Man
I personally think because this one doesn't feature the Doom mask, which as we discussed was one of the things that make Doom Doom, doesn't have a chance.
Yeah. 3D was a mistake.
I was thinking if that one was picked, they would just alter the mask. Marvel and DC AYs aren't afraid to make minor changes. Straps and pouches, weapons, color schemes, a lot of things aren't exact to the source. Wonder Woman isn't small, or face and proportions of AY Catwoman is nothing like the games. Nobody is getting mad they change around the mask design, not even Marvel. An asshole move is if they make that the bonus and he came with the comic accurate mask.
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>laughed at Lisbeth's "armpit technology"
>started noticing inferior armpits
It's Joever.
ouch, that split on her ribs doesn't look good. Clearly a problem of the prototype they're using but still, hope the final product won't do that.
Capcucks would never, they're fully troonpilled (and that Juri looks like one)
I would buy SC if they weren't so out of scale, that Juri figure is supposed to be 1:12 scale bit is like 17cm tall, that would imply that she is like 2 meters tall. I hope AY Juri is closer to 14 cm or something like that.
What's this model called and were can I get it from?
Second axe Queen Lisbeth. This choco version was just announced and will probably appear in the usual Japanese import places and Aliexpress but everyone I know online got it from Native.


That fucking price though.
I hope every figure company adopts this pit tech
I cant find this anywhere on aliexpress....
It looks pretty damn awful, not sure why you'd want this.
I want her but that price is ridiculous and she doesn't even come with much stuff. Also that ab crunch look awful
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>but that price is ridiculous
Try buying her white sister from your local shop because native doesn't ship to your country.
>imagine her top is cast-off
That would be an instant buy.
Yikes, bootleg when?
I don’t like how static the hair looks here. Like why isn’t the hair hanging downwards.
they made the black stirrups WAY too thick on her feet
It's a single disk joint specifically designed to appeal to armpit coomers. It's shit as it limits poseability which is why most of the arm movement is in its atrocious-looking butterfly joint. This toy was clearly not designed with functionality in mind.
Because it's a piece of plastic. What the fuck is this question? Are you fucking retarded or something?
It will obviously not be removable, but I mean, nothing is stopping you from just ripping it or removing it yourself like the shfaggots did with the cape of the one piece Law figure.
dude i want to get it on aliexpress but i cant fucking find it
He probably just means like an extra hair piece with some motion in it, like Mirko has with her ears. That said, isn't Juri's hair always that stiff? Probably has a shit ton of product in there, like Aki, Guile, and the others who's hair more or less stays put.
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Bit the bullet and decided to order a Spider-Man 2.0. I made sure the one I ordered was the reissue, but I’ve seen stuff like pic rel with the knees. Is there any way to fix this just in case mine has the same problem?
Anybody receive Shigaraki yet?
I got him in my HLJ Private Warehouse but I'm saving him (Ba-Dum-tish) until Dabi comes out so I end up with two villains at the same time.
Too bad you would need to have both Maka AND Soul or there's no point in getting either of them.
I think even reissues have that problem, I don't own any but some reviews show the legs popping out, sometimes it happens to the torso too.
Hell, in the worst case they can break easiy.
Gross. I already have to deal with Iron Spider’s Torso popping off so I think I can deal with this shit, but man that’s annoying. Just gotta make sure I don’t ham hand it.
Take what I said with pincers, since I really can speak for experience. It's true that certain AY have those issues but it's not like it always happens.
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It better include a gitd version as well
With my experience I find it all depends on your QC luck. Knees are good then they're good, they're bad then they're bad. Not bending the knees to the max really helps though. The sculpt seems like they should bend fully but they shouldn't, it just puts more pressure towards the joint to pop out. Stop when the sculpts hit and just let the boot-cut hinge go the rest.
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Big "maybe" depending on the Mazingers sale results. I can't see them being bad, but I think they will only mean more robots.
Couldn't you just pop it back in, maybe put some tissue in there to make it tighter?
I haven't bought a Revoltech since the Haruhi Suzumiya Wii-game collaboration they did..But i had always been very underwhelmed by their quality.

How are they these days?
Overall better engineered, but can have potentially random issues occasionally like >>11156966 because they keep making minor changes. Something uncommon when they stuck to using only Revolver Joints. Changes were made but not this frequent. Not so many sticky paints and plastics problem anymore but it's not 100% gone.

QC I'm not entirely sure, but on a personal impression the start of AY era QC might've been worse compared to VulcanLogs. Now it's decent but maybe weak compared to other major Japanese lines. More usage of ABS parts and soft goods so that might make the quality feel higher too. Technically not a bad thing but sometimes the new joints are too tight to move the ball hinge with ease.
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Revotech WHEN?!
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That 3rd party kit (it's the upper torso only) is as close as it's getting.
>2.0 legs
fucking WHY?! I heard TK Custom might do a reissue/update, is that true? If it is, he better put it on LSS legs.
Out of all the figure lines I collect, revol has the worst fucking QC and that's saying a ton considering I only have like 10 of them.
Really? Because all the revoltechs I’ve had don’t have any QC issues. Mafex is the one I’d say has the most issues.
Have you ever tried using stuff like Kiki’s loose joint fix for some of the issues? I’ve heard stuff like that was good. QC issues are a bummer for anything but I respect Yamaguchi’s autism for figures enough to put up with it. An SHF or a Mafex having QC issues burns me more, personally.
What QC issues have you experienced with those lines? I only have a few figures and the most common one I've come across are tight hip joints.
Revo is a strange line for me. On the one hand, it has by far the best articulation and nowadays some really strong sculpts and amazing accessories (most of them, some can be annoyingly sparse)
Yet the QC remains a bit hit or miss, with a lot of parts being problematically loose. I'm still near-religiously collecting the AY MHA line because it just can't be beat, but yeah, I wish it was a bit more consistent.
Yup. Ever since my first revol from nearly 2 decades ago, only half were free of qc issues (my Zoe ones, carnage, and venom). I just realized i have more than 10 since I forgot the ones my friend gifted me. That's why I was hesitant on buying revos again till I got carnage only to get some kinda QC issues again from nearly everyone that I got after. I posted about them before so itll be redundant but i hope to god my agent venom coming in the mail and hayabusa doesnt have any. Despite the QC issues I keep buying them because I whole heartedly believe that they are the best action figures on the market.
I only ever bought 1 mafex figure ever (john wick chp 1 when it came out) so I have no opinion on that line's QC.
Nope, I just just the tissue trick or floor polish. SHF bums me out a ton too thanks to how so much shit are p-bdandai and a scuffed item means youre so fucked. Thankfully I have had very little qc issues from them so far since almost all my p-bandai stuff are perfect barring a nonshf chibi omegamon figure.
Not trying to start a brandwar since every fucking company has issues but for me;
Kaiyodo: Loose joint, joints that dont fit in the socket but they shipped it anyway, BAD FUCKING paint works, paint cracking
Bandai: Loose joints and bad paint apps sometime.
GSC: Loose joints, paint bleeding if they dare to touch anything else, false advertising on how the figure of the final product actually looks, literally got a disassembled figure before, bad paintworks sometimes. And their customer service has told me before that some figures are supposed to look defective.
I wouldnt even mind a tight hip joint since it just takes a little silicon oil but loose joints (god forbid nonfitting joints like my deathstroke) are the worst.
I only got one MHA figure since some anon swore to me it was the best AY at the time and he wasnt wrong, I love the deku AY despite minor issues with the effect peg holes.
>I only got one MHA figure since some anon swore to me it was the best AY at the time and he wasnt wrong
It's a good one. Most of the MHA line is pretty good, but I still have situations where I get loose figures and loose stands. My All Might and Todoroki are insanely loose, sadly.
But I'm still buying every release. Maybe I'm a mark for that, but it's just a cool line.
I forgot to mention that I also only bought the deku because i got store credit from hobbysearch due to... a defective revoltech.
>And their customer service has told me before that some figures are supposed to look defective.
I'm pretty sure GSC even has a guide on how to fix their broken nendo heads with a screw, that says a lot.
>GSC even has a guide on how to fix their broken nendo heads with a screw
Huh. Never knew.
My Iron-Spider AY’s torso would fall off easily, but the one that pissed me off was a joint not fitting. It drove me crazy but removing the joint and replacing it with one of the Spider Legs’ joints made it fit ALMOST perfectly, I had to put some tissue paper to make it good.
>paying around 100 bucks, sometimes more or less, for a figure that can come with loose joints and/or other issues like broken ones
I will stick to my clicking revolver joints thank you
I have like 30 revoltechs and they're all fine with no issues. The only issue I ever had was Wonder Woman's leg popping off easy which was an easy fix but to me they're a perfect line. Crazy how not everyone gets the same toys huh.
One thing that sticks with me is the fact that they just stiffed me (and all the people who ordered the first batch) on Bakugou what with the whole forearm peg being too short to properly support the grenade arms, and then fixing it for the second release but never ever distributing corrected pegs to people who got the first release.
That, and their mindboggling decision to make Kirishima so unnecessily partsform-y. But that isn't a QC thing but an engineering decision.
>have like 10 of them
Must not have found them too bad considering you bought 10 of them. K
I can't think of anything I thought was so shit I bought 9 more of them
That was when revols used to be cheap mind you (20 usd). Thats why i thought it was normal for cheap figures to have shit falling apart.
Ia also miscounted and corrected myself there >>11158690 and yes, theyre the best figures on the market for me so i suck it up like it or not.
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Is this real? Just saw a guy on Instagram post this on his story and now im just wondering if its real
Looks like a custom using AY Batman as the base.
>nekkid man wearing red boots
Yamaguchi headscuplts don't look that good
Yeah it's real
>no shoulder to bicep cut
>no side chest articulation
>hand poster
Anyone who thinks this is official is retarded
I hope not. Those biceps are way too thin.
Revo Juri should be listing soon yes?

How is that figure? I really like her v costume
It's real and not a custom.
It's clearly 3D printed because of all the support marks.
It's not AY.
Logo at the bottom tells me it's some chiainaman dude.

We've seen this before where people post 3D printed figures and then get hired or their model gets bought by companies. That's what happened with the Mirko Revoltech figure. Some dude was hoping to sell to SHF/Figma but got bought off by Kaiyodo instead.
>It's real and not a custom.
>It's clearly 3D printed because of all the support marks.
>It's not AY.
Then by that definition it is a custom.

>Logo at the bottom tells me it's some chiainaman dude.
It's posted on one of their social media pages, yes. What you're trying to say is probably that they're trying to sell it to Kaiyodo, which is possible, but because it isn't an AY right this moment, this is a custom. It is real in the sense that it's a tangible thing, but not (at this time) a product that's seeing release.
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You knoe?
She didn't do so hot as an SHF, she'd do even worse as a pricier Revoltech.
She looks like she's got a mouthful of cum, just as a joke of course since that would be so gross haha
Yamaguchi headscuplts don't look that bad
Try this:
Can't find the original video but basically this is what do you: lay out aluminium foil, sprinkle some baking soda on it and then dip Bakugo's arm peg into super glue, dip it into baking soda and back into superglue, slowly building up layers to make the peg longer (and eventually thicker at the end). If it's too much, you can always shave it off. You may not even need to use baking powder, super glue may be enough. Also it may just be enough to add a little thick ridge to the end of the peg so it holds on more tightly. Not sure about the hole, but you may also need to drill a bit deeper. Get a pinvise for that. If a ridge is sufficient (you could try first with tissues/plastic wrap), you can also try to push the peg on a very hot surface (stove, hot pan, spoon?) so that the plastic melts a tiny bit and forms a thicker end ridge.
Continued(for whatever reason the post was too long?):

I feel your pain though and we shouldn't have to deal with this shit.
As for QC Revos have mostly been good so far. Agent Venom needed a bit of oil for his torso, Venom has a weird assembly with the BIG torso being held up with only a single big revo joint. The friction just aint enough. Also, I have two and on one his knee joint popped out. Deku had a bit of a loose arm, but was easily fixable. Spider-Man 2.0 recently has a weird crack on his shoulder assembly where the chest slides and the shoulder joints pegs in, so it's rarher easy to take out but nothing major.SAS are consitently too tight and NEED to be heated up, especially the wrists. Mafex Gambit is nice overall but his effect piece pegs came off (super glue). TDKR Batman and Robin are total fuck ups. WAYYYY too tight and ridiculously loose/faling apart respectively. Shit SUCKS.The first SHF Goku and Piccolo are quite loose in the waist with no good way to fix them it seems... They're outdated anyways.Old Revos had the benefit of easily switchable joints...
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That mouth looks kinda goofy.
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he came out of nowhere but he looks pretty good. my only beef is the cape looks like insect wings

ayane pic dropped too
I'm sure many would prefer a more classic look but I thought this look was pretty cool. I'd like to see more pics, what it comes with, price, before committing, but I'll probably be interested. Terry is a different character but this will make the 3rd Batman, and I'd have to think more are still coming, at least a 1.5 of the original Batman. I s far opted not to PO AK or DS, but I need some villains for the heroes to deal with... Either way, definitely exciting to see some new AY for DC as we haven't seen much other than reissues recently.
Got Ryu but leaning towards skipping Ayane. We'll see, I guess.
I’ve never CONSOOMED over a figure this hard before. The face is a but stiff but everything else looks great. Do we know what other figures Shiying Yu has sculpted?
>started getting back to a batman binge against last week
>man i would love a beyond revol since the arkham one looks meh
Is this the one based on the damian wayne story? Still getting this nonetheless.
>translucent hair
Otherwise, it looks great.
Honestly he looks like shit what the fuck man
What the fuck.
Why do companies do this weird translucent hair approach? Hair is not translucent like that...
I would expect to simulate the fact that you can usually see some measure of the person's face under the hair, and there isn't really a way to replicate that at this scale aside from translucent material.
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There has never been a worse monkey paw in the history of /toy/, it's even worse than the design in AK
I really want to be ok with this. I really do.
Looked it up. For the AYs that came out, Shiying Yu sculpted Arkham Knight and the 2 Sunbreak figures I haven’t heard a single fucking person talk about. A bummer Yamaguchi isn’t the sculptor but the Arkham Knight is a great figure and the 2 Sunbreak figures look cool enough.
looks ugly af I thought it was aislop
well it's shit and looks like melted candy
Bingo, >>11160659 nailed it. It is an attempt to translate properties of a material that is impossible to pull off in small-scale plastic form. Kind of like how some companies wised up and starting casting figures in slightly translucent skin-colored plastic, to better mimic the look of real skin (vs painted skin tone, which looks like caked on makeup). Statues have been using this clear hair trick for decades now, yet people still pitch a fit any time it comes up in poseable toys.

If you don't like it, just spraypaint it. At least you have that option, you can't really do the reverse.
You're being hyperbolic, it looks fine. It's barely even translucent, it looks like a clear purple piece with metallic purple sprayed over, so only the tips are really clear. ie, best of both worlds. The sculpt also still looks really crisp even under the paint, not sure where you got "melted candy" from. So dramatic.

You don't know what bad is if you're calling this bad. This is nothing like Bring Arts 2B's hair, which was so translucent you could see the inner workings of the head parts underneath.
As a Beyond Batman action figure, big barf. But Yamaguchi has managed to make that ugly redesign suit look interesting. I can see this working like a scifi game tactical space suit, as long as he comes with some trigger weapon holding hands. They seem to be back as a standard issue hands so here's hoping.

It's interesting they are going Batman is Batman, no matter what niche version it is, it will sell better than say another JL member they haven't done. Japan is a different market, AY seems to be going for what's more interesting as a toy. Saying that I realized this also firs for McFarlane making 50 Batman figures, but the size of the lineup is nowhere near the same level.

Also I think superhero movies doing poorly lately except for like the latest Deadpool 3 speaks to the odd choices.
it really is ugly
play arts/bring arts tier
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look like a power ranger

i dont wanna doom myself yet untill i see other pics
It’s just bizarre he went the overdesign route even though we know he made shit like Iron-Spider which was aesthetically perfect.
Nobody cares about Beyond, so they made it "better". As for IS I don't think there was much room to mess around with, and Spider-Man is known for the sleek suits. Batman on the other hand, movies and games constantly made him armored, tacticool ans what not. I think that's the main difference. It;s just public image, nothing to do with comics.
Any /co/mrades wanna give me the rundown on what they're pulling this design from? Is it based off the same source as the recently announced McFarlane?
damn shame koei tecmo characters dont get enough figures. Anaye will look great along side my figma kasumi.
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Don't know about the comics, but clearly the AY is based on this particular suit. The red lines match up almost exactly. All the detailing on the black part of the suit though, not sure if comics ever had them so could be all original there. That would be a real first for AY comics character to go that far off the references.
>game accurate Ayane next to the original anime girl statue style Kasumi
>will look great along side
another drawings of the same suit
Alternate head with no mouth would be cool. That said, if I recall, this look lasted something like < 5 issues, so it's pretty funny that it gets a figure.
That implies that the comics and how they performed have any sort of weight on how AY sells. It never mattered, even if it was in one panel it came up in a search or in the bundle of reference pack and it looked cool, then it's sculpted and sold.
It really would look so much better without a mouth, maybe even a matte coat or at least less shiny black
You must be real fun at parties
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I'm excited about its arm blades, I hope the AY has them. Then I can pretend it's a Mass Effect suit.
Wtf are you talking about. Someone states a fact about the costume, merely says a mouthless/masked head would be cool, and you lose your shit like a psychopath.
>wahh wahh wahh the anon was mean to me
You have to be 18 or older to post here you fucking children.
GUESS WHO FUCKING CALLED IT?! (I didn't predict that it would suck)
Tbh it does look good, I think it's just the mouth and the fact that the wings look too maroon for my liking. Give me a shot with the wings spread out and THEN we'll talk.
Better to be cautiously optimistic instead of a shameless bootlicker.
Head without a mouth? Hehe... Kaiyodo store exclusive, obviously.
Bitching and moaning about the design not being what you wanted is not being "cautiously optimistic" you braindead idiot. Go buy McFarlane's figure instead. His batwoman beyond is more fit to your stupid tastes.
how many batman figs are they gonna do? fuck that, give me HULK
Announcement came in like a car crash, kek.
That’s better.
Make sure to zip it up when you’re done gobbling Yamaguchi’s cock, anon.
Shut up, retard.
This would look a lot better without the random lines, and maybe just making the face be a solid plate with red eyes if they're playing up the tech-y look. Something without a mouth.
I'm still interested in seeing some action shots though, it could be a fun figure.
Sup burst_zg
Sigh, and that is likely going to be the case...
Ugh, not the suit design I would've wanted but still I'll take it. At least I already have figures of Terry in the regular suit from different lines but still.

>inb4 the no-mouth is an exclusive.
Mafex will do the right thing
Seems like the version McFarlane has chosen recently is more recognizable as Batman Beyond. But nothing is recognizable when the target audience don't remember Batman The Future (that was the Japanese title kek).

I think what they are going for is Batman x Iron Man. Just like how Agent Venom looks like Venom x Deadpool.
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Funny because McFarlane already made a better looking figure that looks more recognizable than the upcoming one.
in 2029
I never liked the arms. Todd makes anything Batman though they're all fair game.
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It's based on the awful Rebirth suit. Ironically, I think overdesigning it with added armor bits works in its favor.
That's a weird shoulder.
Anyone else sometimes wish AY wasn't so into the tacticool look?
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This lazy edit I would buy.
That's not the final figure. Production could still end up looking like shit.
>Batman Beyond if it looked fucking gay
In another timeline we got this Batman Beyond movie with Spiderverse visuals.
Extra head will probably be classic Terry. Didnt they kind of do that with Moon Knight?
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There's some hope I guess, but goddamn it Kaiyodo.
Eh, I wouldn't buy anything other than the original design anyway, the way the comic began depicting those weird elongated eyes beyond (ha !) a certain point isn't for me at all. I guess the Revoltech design is fine, I just don't care for it.
The only part that bothers me is the goofy lips. Wish the mask was just one thing without mouth, not a covered lower face under a mask on a mask.
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That made me realize what this >>11160619
reminds me of, and it's that Robocop reboot. Where they went with the black suit with the intention of using the more classic silver version for the sequel that never happened.
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Is this Play Arts? Because holy bad fucking character design, Batman.
He could've simply used the Iron Spider mold to make a more simple and cartoon-y look but I guess Yamaguchi gotta Yamaguchi. What a revolting design, and the mouth is a travesty, not to mention that 99% the mouthless face will be an extra item.
This looks really cool but also really awful at the same time, maybe saving my judgement until more pics come out. Maybe it's wayyyy too much red? A lot of the red on Beyond's design is in the wings and here they're maroon, just make them RED and get rid of some of the stupid red panel lining/highlights.
It really does look like a Play Arts Kai.
On one hand I can see what why you’d think so. But on the other hand, since it’s an AY I’ll mainly have them doing action poses so why would I need a whole Soul figure when his scythe form can just come with Maka? I guess you can use Soul as an excuse to sell more effect parts, it would make even more sense for Black Star and Tsubaki with the uncanny sword being exclusive to Tsubaki or whatever the fuck. I just want a highly poseable Black Star figure man.
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>Spiderverse visuals
If you think this is cool I got bad news for you.

>you have shit taste.

This is the most over Designed turd I have ever seen. It's a real shame because having a amazing Gooch batboy beyond would've been pretty cool. I don't know what the fuck this is supposed to be but it's Definitely not that.
Your shit taste cope is showing super hard with this post. Go buy mcfarlane batwoman if you have such shit taste and stop actually shitposting.
Why yes, I cum whenever I hear revolver clicking sounds.
>proceeds to click and pose his still-perfect almost 20 yo Revoltech Eva figure

It's butt ugly just like your taste in women you chungus. Go work out your feelings of cope and regret about it shit head. I'll post whatever the fuck I want. This is the ugliest fucking figure I've seen in years. Deal with it. You can like it what you like, but PSA: If you think this design looks good in any way - you might be retarded. JS. Have a great day fuck face.
Man, are they gonna make anymore X-Men? If not then I'll get Mafex instead.
Yep, they're coming. Mr Yamaguchi and Mr Kaiyodo told me themselves.
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Yeah bro, they are just making the prototypes. Rogue will have AY Gwen's thick ass and legs.
>That's not the final figure. Production could still end up looking like shit.
This is fucking dumb whataboutism. The world could also be covered in maple syrup tomorrow, but is is LIKELY? Tell me how many AY figures have ended up looking drastically worse than their promo pics. I'm patient, I'll wait.
people used to bitch hard about revolver joints but I kind of miss them now. Whenever I dig up an old Revoltech I have a blast with it.
Just wait till they are the main driving force of the new soft reboot MCU. The horned in remnant of the Fox era casts in Avengers films might trigger some AY first.
Juri is up. AmiAmi has her without the pre order bonus for 12k. MFC lists MSRP at 11k or something. Man I don't want Fat-Li's stupid face but no place has Juri for a decent price without the cuck tax.
Also, what's with the price?! 12k yen? What makes Juri so so special. At least Agent Venom was loaded with stuff.
Cyclops,Nightcrawler, and Spiral soon anon
They can also be combined into more crazy builds, see Assemble Borg. I do miss them too, when was even the last time a Kaiyodo figure used said joints? Spider-Gwen?
Some reissues need to use them because of the pegs or corresponding geo joint not existing. Captain America and Wolverine reissues were the last. Or last 1.0 Spider-Man reissue, whichever one was the latest.
>What makes Juri so so special
Painting can be an expensive process. That clearly upped the price for the MonHun AY. Juri isn't that crazy but more involved than like the typical Marvel AY.
Literally anything will be an improvement over whatever the fuck Mafex/Hasbro are doing to her.
All of them.
In all of Juri's pics her lower torso is almost always completely straight, with most pics having her upper torso leaning back a bit. I wonder how the range is there.
"Maintenance" was also very nice with the old joints. Man, I wish we could have the best of both worlds: ball joint articulation and easy removal of joints. I've fantasized about some mechanism to fasten and loosen joints, but that would be quite difficult with ball joints. Maybe have a sort of latch-release thing on the socket? Would be a QC nightmare probably...
Contemplating getting Saitama and Eren, never read either's series' are they any good? For a frame of reference I haven't read much manga but I've been reading MHA and I quite enjoy it, I don't know if that makes me a pleb or not.
>Man I don't want Fat-Li's stupid face but
I thought all Juris have Chun-Li's face and Juri's bonus face is the limited item. I ordered both anyway to have a complete figure. Might sell Chun with all her faces, idk if I want to keep her yet.
I read SNK and it was pretty good until the last arc. Then it was hit or miss, but YMMV. Some people absolutely hate how it ended. Some have no issues.
Never read One Punch, only watched the animu. I love it, even if season 2 was a bit of a downgrade from the first season's animation. Looking forward to season 3.
HLJ doesn't seem to have her, hope they will put her up soon.
They won't, she's a 'limited retailers' release. Amiami, Anime Export, Nin Nin, Hobby Genki, etc will be your options.
Well fuck, thanks for the info. I'm not using amiami, which other shop would be the best for europoor ? does any of them makes you pay upfront or can you pay at release ?
Just watch OPM, if you enjoy art then get the manga because it has some killer fucking pages. Those nips can draw. Unless you get it online then just read them i guess. I like buying physical but it takes up space and is costly when theres so many volumes. OPM is fun, and AoT is more serious and political but i just watched it for the monsters.
>be me
>get mail at 4.20AM
>saitama exclusive back in stock at nin-nin game
>see it at 4.29AM
>walk to computer
>go straight away to the page since it saved the URL
>sold out again
This shit is cancer.
Seriously what is the deal with that store and preorders?
Well fuck. Where do I gotta order Juri to get the extra faceplate? I hate this DLC shit but I'll do it this once for my main
It used to be great. You could waltz up and pre-order store exclusive versions of stuff or p-bandai exclusives so long as the pre-orders were actually open on the manufacturer's side of things.
And then they just suddenly switched to limited quantity shit.... for figures that are available for pre order and made to demand for fucking months.
You need "Limited Bonus Set" Juri to get her agitated face and any Chun-Li to get Juri's K.O. face. I ordered Limited Bonus Set version of both from Hobby Genki because might as well have complete version of both at this point, probably will also be easier to sell in case I don't want to keep Chun-Li. I am in EU but I'll be doing my first shipment once I get one more thing into my private warehouse so idk if they are any good.
Wait, I gotta buy them BOTH to get all of Juri's faces? Alright, that's officially too far for me, I'm out. These figures are too expensive for this kind of scheme.
Bro you don’t need all the faces, it seems like you’re just shiposting.
How is that shitposting...? wtf
Because you’re backing out of buying any of it just because you can’t have any of the faces? Base Juri comes with plenty of faces, the other bonus ones aren’t really necessary. It at least seems like an overreaction.
You don't get to dictate that.
Nah, I am with him, fuck them for doing that. Unfortunately the SF5 Juri figure is absolute garbage so I have to consoom this one.
Juri has no ass sculpt. Easy skip.
They know they can’t top Spider-Gwen’s and gave up sadly.
The idea with these more limited items is that they're made to order, so for the store to pay for them they usually ask for upfront payment. Theres usually a small window or maybe number of units that stores will allow 'pay later' for, but it's too late at this point. I actually haven't ordered one of these from Amiami, so idk if they don't ask for upfront payment, but everyone else does, at least.
Revising this cause I was only thinking of the versions with the exclusive face. Amiami and Anime Export and probably some others have the figure without the bonus face at a lower price and where you can pay later (paying upfront is because these stores have their regular allocation if they want, then if they want the ones they pay upfront for and at retail price at the kaiyodo store for the exclusive part, hence upfront payment for these).
Haven't bought a Revo since 2010. They got me with Juri.
Only contrarians use the "overdesigned" buzzword.
No, I am still buying Juri, I just am not going to try for any bonus parts anymore. It's too convoluted of a scheme and these figures aren't cheap.
This is sometimes true, but this time anon is actually correct. It is the definition of overdesigned. Greebled to fucking hell when everyone just wanted a slim, relatively featureless buck with a Batman Beyond head. Kind of like Iron Spider.
It would be kind of low-effort, but I would not be against Yamaguchi developing a few standard bucks and just making easy gimmes with it, at a reduced price. Skintight suits that need no surface detail, like Havok or Quicksilver. At the end of the day all I want is AY articulation in all my figures.
I think because of the pricing (they can't really go that low) the idea is more effort in the sculpt work is bonus value to the figure. They don't want to be Mafex comics figures that "looks lazy". Even if that's what the west wants, it's not what Japan might want. When it's a Japanese IP character where the name value carries more weight, they don't do this over-correction tactic.
>it's not what Japan might want.
Yet Mafex is doing it, and selling more units than Kaiyodo is selling of their AY.

That said I do like it, overdesigned as it is, and I've no problem with it being the way it is.
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I can see Yamaguchi being good friends with Hiroyuki Imaishi. They even follow each other on twitter.
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Their female bodytypes peaked early
Mafex is clearly oriented for more worldwide sales, mainly US, than other series. They're basically ML tier basic sculpting and in-depth character selection but with gummy figuarts engineering and ripoff pricing because the demand level is never that high. And if it was then even more of a ripoff there. Movie stuff is all Hollywood too. Kaiyodo said fuck appealing to them with mediocre products and the same 5 IPs that keeps getting rebooted because new ideas don't get accepted in US and focused on Japanese sales and taste with superior sculpting, engineering and interesting ideas. Hit or miss.
>I've no problem with it
Most people here seem to have that problem though. But like you, I think it's important to realize differentiation is a good thing. A regular cartoony Beyond AY was never happening. That's clearly Mafex territory.
Yuri in Ninningames is listed as coming soon. Does this mean that the pre-orders have already sold out or that the pre-orders haven't opened yet?
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>Are the pre-orders open, Yuri?
>No, Comrade Premier. The pre-orders are already sold out.
Sold out already. Nin-Nin game has become pure cancer that way.
you have no fucking idea what works on a design level

you are literally a midwit
My beautiful Ayane... hopefully she'll be a good release with lots of stuff and faceplates. Also I still have to preorder Ryu, next month once I pay for Deathstroke. I hope we get best girl Rachel too

I hate bots so fucking much, it's even worse with figuarts shit. It's one second and they're gone but I don't have a better place to order, I did preorder one plamatea from Hobby Genki to see if they're good and I'm probably going to try amiami for revoltech stuff
>I hate bots so fucking much
Same. >>11163108
>focused on Japanese sales and taste with superior sculpting, engineering and interesting ideas
That's great and all, but the ideal situation would be if AY and Revoltech was making big money for Kaiyodo, and not tapping into the worldwide market is obviously limiting. Unless Japanese sales are tremendous, I'd think narrowing the focus to such a degree could be, and likely is, detrimental to overall and potential sales. But it also isn't like these figures still don't sell to NA and Europe, even if it doesn't have mass appeal that 'the classics' generally have, buyers all over the world are still ordering these (not like 'Japanese taste' isn't also appealing to lots, otherwise manga and anime in general wouldn't be as popular as it is). I'd have to think it's just their current distribution infrastructure that's limiting them, as lots of worldwide stores still order AY, but they just have to mark them up so much to make a profit that they don't sell as well as they probably would at a less of a marked up premium (which would probably exist if they produced the volume to match distribution). It isn't like they're making niche characters after all, they're making a lot of A-C list Marvel and DC characters, as well as popular anime (some admittedly niche, but I'm thinking YGO and MHA) and video game characters (how long have people been getting for Hayabusa to get made, and of course SF6 designs which as of now no one has released), which are all characters with worldwide appeal.

All that said, I'm talking in ideals while they have a real situation that they're trying to make the best of, so given their choices, I'd have to think that they perceive their current actions as the best one they've got at this time. Hopefully in time their scope can expand, even if the current philosophies stay the same.
We need another Spider-Woman AY. I want Spider-Girl, but Silk wouldn’t be too bad either, would probably sell more too.
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Considering how Yamaguchi's creative choices work, I wonder how a possible AY Spider-woman would look like. Perhaps Spider-verse Gwen Stacy or another new character.
On that note, is this Gwen design from a specific issue?
I just don't think Kaiyodo as a company have the energy to go global so to speak. They might have when they were earning crazy money with Choco Egg in the early 00's. But recently they had to be bought out by a few banks and then go pretty heavy into the red for a while. And yeah now they don't have any of the distributors which revoltechs and older completed figures have had a few over the years. So who knows how bad (or good?) that can be. And to sell a lot more Revoltechs that requires more money upfront, more efforts dealing with Chinese factories, lots of costs that might not bear fruit. A proper international distribution especially.

I think Kaiyodo like many others settled on the make less per release but have more releases. Profits may be lower per AY release but making more different AY balances out, and less damage if a particular AY didn't sell.

AY started out with Marvel and eventually DC as comic version no less only because it was uncharted waters. Going for a new niche. And it's not that big of a market really. You look at how capeshit movies performs in Japan, they're not that high up. Top100 grossing movies there I think the only one is 2002 Spider-Man at #95. So it's less of they went for the biggest IP ever, and more of another unexplored low competition subject. Sales overseas always have much cheaper competitions. But now Revoltech going for a more limited releases cutting costs and risks allows for better IPs. I don't think they can have both that and also mass produce to a larger quantity and handle distribution altogether.
>this Gwen design
What you mean? It's just her standard costume in the comics no?

This version or don't bother
I don't think any company would ever be able to do an official version of that "costume" of Silk.
No, we need black cat with a sexy cleavage
They already did Catwoman, who knows.
this looks like shit
Batman themed Iron Man is lazy.
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one day someone will abuse spiderma...
AY is also not well-known by any means, it's really only popular among more hardcore collectors who are really into posing. Your standard weeb absolutely knows Figma and Nendoroid, but 9/10 times will be unaware of AY. They just don't have the brand presence. Revoltech used to be a bigger mainstream name, but those days are long gone, and they have not maintained that same level of recognition to the public since then IMO.
i've never seen this before but i can instantly say what a dumb fucking idea for a costume. whoever designed this should be fired. not only does it look like shit, but why on fucking earth would you cover your body in a super sticky substance daily? This would probably painfully rip out all the hair on your body and get in your butthole and shit. God what a moronic design.
Take your meds.
It's not a costume, I can't remember the exact context, maybe it was in that weird her and Peter pheromones thing, but basically she was naked for some reason and she needed a makeshift costume. It was a one time thing for the freaks out there like op that wants it.
Don’t Spidey webs dissolve?
1 hour to dissolve. Hers are organic I think, and come from her fingertips. Being organic, they won't technically dissolve. Idk if Marvel made it so that they do.
It's makeshift, calm dawn. I just don't care for her actual hero costume. At least this one is unique and you can also use her as an lady mummy action figure. And I'm sure her webbing suit isn't sticky surface, she can control it I assume being organic webbing.
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Soon (but no so soon please, I have so many things to pay)
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Started rewatching Evangelion and pulled these out of storage. These got alot of hate when they were released but I'm glad I kept it. The accessories in these sets are unmatched. Loved how they came with an angel base. The Goofy standard head aside I still love this figure.
It's fine but very disappointing head sculpt for 01. Might be the worst 01 head Yamaguchi has done in his career A shame because the No.100 Eva is suppose to be the ultimate Kaiyodo Evangelion.

Who knows maybe when the Mazingers do well and they do more mecha we get TV Eva AYs. And some Angels.
I've always felt the Revo 01 heads were kinda what would happen if you put it in zbrush or another 3d software and tried to mirror one half of the face across, except the mirror is positioned not in the middle of the head, but like 2/5ths off to one side, leading to a super squished head.
This is a surprisingly accurate description of how that head looks
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Yeah it's weird, and not like most of the heads he made, and this was before going digital. He might've sculpted half, scan and mirrored the other half. I read that was how he overcame some of his well known uneven sculpting, but I have no idea what that really means. What you said might actually happened removing some middle bits. The Final Model and Natayanagi were Zbrush and they're kind of similar but better.

The previous one he sculpted looks good, well the head does anyways.
nin-nin game put the shop exclusive juri up again
not sure how many
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You kno

Actually I just want a really well articulated suit buck.
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That makes sense about the head and it looking so bad from the front. Luckily Unit 00s head seems to be OK. I wish I has bought a Unit 02 when they were easily available.
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My dumb ass thought her suit had noticeable variations.
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The Across the Spider verse costume was different. Not huge differences, but enough for a savvy toy company to get collectors to buy another fig.
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Here's your AY doom
I like Street Fighter, as in I don't mind it. Even own Street Fighter 5 and enjoyed it... Aside from that I'm not the biggest fan, just a cultural osmosis thing. I'm really on the fence with Juri. If she was pay later, I'd do it, but right now 80€ for a character that mostly just looks VERY cool, without a lot of stuff... I dunno.
>for a character that mostly just looks VERY cool, without a lot of stuff
i mean those are kinda just bonuses, with AY you're generally buying it because it will pose better than anything else out there
doom's inclusion in fortnite is pretty great but this design sucks so much ass it's unreal
Doom's problem is that his design is perfect, but also extremely dated looking. He's very medieval looking, with a knight-like suit of armor combined with a short belted tunic and hooded cloak. So people think it looks old, which it does, and they try to reinvent it as a suit of tech-armor, or take away the tunic, and it always looks like shit.

Sometimes you just need to accept that shit can be silly and leave it alone. You can just say Doom really like ren faires or some shit. Just stop giving us designs like that.
I think if they did a proper fancy medieval plated armor, and gave him the green robes but maybe make it a little more detailed garments. Or do it similar to Darth Vader's black robes he's actually wearing over the suit. You see more chest armor too.

Some cosplayers try with the plated armor and I think it's a legitimate approach for a live action look. They just really need to change the tunic.
aside from belt too low and tunic too long and baggy, this is pretty great
Something like a Jinbaori which is kind of what Vader's robes were like. Jacket that goes over armor. No idea if there were European equivalent in style. Besides what Doom is already rocking which even historically looks pretty silly.
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I just think that style will never not look silly. It is a dress over the armor
I genuinely love this body mold. It's one of my favourite figures.
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>I think if they did a proper fancy medieval plated armor, and gave him the green robes but maybe make it a little more detailed garments.
Funny you should say, the Fortnite skin has an alternate style that’s exactly that.
I think a revoltech green goblin I like this design I saw that look like a crossover between classic and modern. I'm sure Yamaguchi would do something cool
Fucked it up again. covered up his tunic with that ugly breastplate, and the face design is horrible. It's always something with Doom. Designers just can't leave him alone, and it's pretty much always worse than the original.
I remember liking this doom. What do you think of him?
The design, not the character or the movie
It's not the worst I've seen, for sure. The mask is pretty darn good, it's got updated details but still has the iconic look of the mouth and triangular nose and boxy frames around the eyeholes. This is what you want from an update, you can add or take away little details, but you want the iconic recognizable parts to still be present.

The fit is a different story. Not a real big fan of that weird half-open jacket, it feels again like they were embarrassed by the tunic. But the mask is the real star here anyway. I'm not sure why it's so controversial to just dress Doom like a medieval page boy. He's so dramatic and haughty, it seems right in line with his character.
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Turns out Ayane doesn’t have much accessories, including any extra faces which is a bummer. When I zoom in, her face is adequately bitchy which is essential for an Ayane figure, but a confident face would have been great too.
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Terry's got arm blades as a bonus, while Ayane has a special kunai. Terry 9.9k, Ayane 11k.
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I quite like how he turned out. Wings, arm blades, 2 batarangs, 2 booster effects for his feet, clawed hands and other hands, all for a good price.
no head without the goofy lips?
or is that an exclusive
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Neither. He's snarling in the other face. As mentioned the arm blades are the exclusive.

The lips are pretty much the one consistency with the design everyone seemed to want.
>arm blades are exclusive
>both faces have a goofy mouth
egh. pass
it kills me that without all the dumb red tech lines all over his body this would be a perfectly fine "Yamaguchi" Terry. As is it feels like one of those gross original Play Arts Kai interpretations that they used to do for capeshit
pretty mid releases
Ayane looks pretty beautiful, but with how little she comes with, how little I know about the game, her price, I'll have to pass on her.

I think Terry looks good. Good accessories, fair price, and though controversial, I think the design is very visually distinct from the alternative of her classic look, so I actually quite like how he turned out. I still haven't put in an order for DS or AK, but it'd probably be ideal to get some villains at some point, otherwise it's just Zoom.
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Ayane has movable eyes
See now THESE images make him look less bad
He looks lipless here. Am I delusional?
>He looks lipless here. Am I delusional?
the angle just has the extruded parts of his mask covering the inset part framing his mouth
Gotta whip out the putty and black sharpie and this fig is all set.
hair actually looks great, it's mostly painted except the fringes. it's nice to see they've finally grasped how to do this
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>Ayane has a special kunai.
>People will cry for this
>People will cry for this
and/or picrel :)
should’ve come with the scythe
she doesn't use a scythe
for ryu, that was the main missing accessory
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do you want a figure to include an accessory for another figure? people here will hate you
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Think she'll be able to do a ball jump like pic?
Given the range shown here >>11170143 and the fact that other AYs can, I'm pretty sure she can yes
Little dissappointed with Ayane accessories and price but still. I need her
Bootleg CT toys Agent Venom is acutally good enough. It even comes with glue stains just like a real Revo.
Ugh, hard pass
This Kunai is one of the most iconic visuals in Ninja Gaiden though because it’s what you see in the first 2 NG games’ loading screen which is bizarre when you realize just how little you see Ayane in those first 2 games.
My bootleg didn't, and I've not seen any mention of that about the original. Do you be lying good sir?
If they had to do an extra accessory it should’ve been the true dragon sword.
Same here. Her and Ryu are my most anticipated figures for next year. Hell, if they make Momiji and it’s just a figure and her naginata I’d eat that shit up too. I’m so desperate for Ninja Gaiden related shit the fact that Ayane is this well sculpted and articulated is already unbelievable to me.
The loading screen was all you noticed? Ayane's kunai appears many times ingame, flying out of nowhere and embedding itself in walls. It's how you get tutorials, messages, tips, etc.
Terry McGreebles
NEXT >>11170475

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