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looking for figures with a poppy, cartoonish aesthetic, ideally along the lines of john kricfalusi stuff but anything will do.
>That guy is a based
yes and?
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honestly i still regret not getting sam too

max is so damn alone on my display
prob to give the kids something to play with. *shrugs*
Well, you got Simpsons from Jakks or Super7. The Super7 Simpsons line is dead though, so what is out now is all there will ever be of them. Or why not a Stimpy? Or Ren? Don't wanna get Ren out of storage but Stimpy is the better of the two.
I'm just giving suggestions in line of what he wants Anon.
You shut your whore mouth. You speak when told to do so.

yes daddy
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The fact that /toy/ hates Ren and Stimpy makes me sad. I'd think you'd at most want a Powdered Toast Man
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I want a Powdered Toast Man vs. Waffle Woman
Everyone at my school either hates it or never heard of it. It's a dogwater boomer cartoon made by a rapist. It should be forgotten.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
I love S1 and S2 of Ren and Stimpy. It's still my favorite cartoon of all time alongside Samurai Jack.
While I have no toys of them, I still have some plushies of them from the 90s with their tag still.
I got news for you kid. All the anime and shitty modern cartoons you watch are all made by sex pests too
Kill yourself Diosoth
Start with yourself pedosoth
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There's SuziX from El Superbeasto produced by Neca. She is an older figure though, so one, basically a statue, and two, on the pricey side. Otherwise, there's an official a Sodie Pop pencil topper. Maybe any of the Ramona Flowers figures that are out there? Otherwise that's pretty much your lot.
Also, my bad, thought you specifically wanted girls in the JohnK style or close to it. Anyways, hope my additions are helpful to you.
you've been more helpful than everyone else in this thread arguing about johnK
>Rob Zombie cartoon
That character is voiced by his wife, isn't she?
Kill yourself.
I hope the FBI checks your hard drive someday.

Sure kiddo.
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Saw these on /tv/.I know it's Jeet ai slop (whatever you'd call it), but I think something like this would be a great starting point for visualizing a figure like that. I assume this is a soft coomer thread?
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>AI coom slop
Fuck off, retard.
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Ehh... how about no?
Really wish they made a Donald and Goofy figure along side the Mickey one. The Mickey one is so kino.
Forgot the image like a retard.

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