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I miss when he reviewed stuff other than statues/collectors items
He still does review toys? Although he mostly reviews 1/6 stuff with the occasional 1/12 Mezco
Michael Crawford, he’s been collecting toys for a long ass time and has a huge collection. He puts out text reviews on a weekly basis.
File: mwctoys reviewer.jpg (77 KB, 600x903)
77 KB
Best reviewer online.
Has an absolutely massive collection, since he's his website has been doing reviewers since probably 99. This also means his website loads instantly, because it still web 1.0.

He mostly collects higher end stuff, but he used to also review GI Joes and Marvel Legends. It gives a good glimps into the past, as he also dates his reviews and how much a toy would cost buying it from Target and websites. He takes a good amount of images, so there's a lot of comparisons and poses. He also used to do "true scale" photos, so that the toy would appear as big as it does on your screen, but who knows if that still works.

Also, for the new reviews, he posted them incorrectly. He forgot to put the "a' at the end of the numbers for the URL. So it should look like http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW-081924a.htm instead of http://www.mwctoys.com/REVIEW-081924.htm

pic of Captain Toy himself at SDCC at the Square Enix booth. Grizzly and old as fuck.
Holy fuck this unlocked a memory.
I used to go to his site all the time just to check out pics of all the new cartoon toys. I probably would not have even started collecting if not for this site.
There was such an era of high-quality collectables back then, it's no surprise he's not really interested in basic figures nowadays because there really isn't a lot to go on.
He still does
I liked his Butt Ugly Martians review

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