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I want some Mighty Morphin figs, which ones should I buy?
We're not here to live your life for you.
hate to break it to you but buying action figures is not "living life"
>wanting Power Ranger figures
You're in for a hurting, my friend.
Do you care about scale?
I'd prefer them to be at least 5" scale but I'm not a turbo autist about it, just as long as they look cool, have articulation and I can mess around with them. I don't want statues or super fragile "adult collectibles"
Assuming you only want the main Rangers and nobody else.

Bandai Legacy collection.

>Other stuff
Lightning Collection is probably the best you can do right now with what's available. Alternatively Bandai's Legacy collection (6.5") if you have a wallet that can handle the aftermarket. Even further S.H.Figuarts as long as you're not a hamhanding retard.
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Cool, thanks. I already ordered some of the Lightning Collection like Rita, Goldar and Lord Zedd, but I heard mixed things about their rangers. The "metallic" ones look pretty cool, was thinking about getting those
>as long as you're not a hamhanding retard.
I am in fact a hamhanding retard, I have the fine motor skills of your average 2 year old
None. Grow up, have sex, and work on saving the white race instead of buying toys.
you do none of those things
Lightning Series. Just know that some of them will cost you serious rape dollar money, but several fo the most popular teams (Mighty Morphing, Alien Rangers, Zeo, In Space, Dino Thunder, and SPD) all got completed.
Sounds like Super7 Bulk & Skull Ultimates are starting to ship out.
Just got mine today. Anyone else?
just wait for playmates next year
But shitposting on a toy forum sure is.
fuck yeah, I hope they'll give us a new Power Dome playset
Assuming you are like me a manchild who likes MMPR, Super 7 makes some great cheaper stuff and has niche characters, Mezco has beautiful figures of the main cast (if they ever release them), Soul of Chogokin makes god tier Megazords, and if you want something generally just a fun concept and something you could do with your kid, Altera has a build a giant Megazord over time deal where you get a zoobooks style set of parts in the mail every month for a year.

I just moved and rebuilt my display. Need Squatt and Baboo to be made by Super 7... maybe Rito too and I think I will call my collection complete when I get Altera and those fucking Mezcos to actually ship.

Seriously does anyone know what is the delay with Mezco?
I want what you listed + a Scorpina and Alpha 5. But S7 is really dragging their feet with this line, I don't know if we're gonna get anything else other than ranger repaints now.
I forgot Alpha and Zordon! Got them in the mail along side the Power Dome I had as a kid, though mine was broken and like 20% complete. The one in the mail is semi complete. PRs is a nostalgia blast for me as all my toys came from flea markets or garage sales. Pretty beaten and never 100%. I always dreamed as a kid to get the Megazord. Now I just love seeing the Megazord in my house and all the dino zords alongside it just give me a huge smile.

Scorpina would be sick too. I really hope we can get some more of the main squad. I am shocked so many people with the PR IP did things like King Sphinx before Squatt and Baboo. Or with Hasbros weird license and the comic being up in the air, who knows who will get it next or what they might make.
That shelf placement is a fire hazard. Please relocate it.
PR is kill.
10 years on, the bandai Japan imports remain the best option for MPR. You won't get the figuarts cheap now, sadly. But I figure within 5 years, given Bandai paying more attention to US customers, we'll see some new updates of them. If not for HAsbro, Mezco, Super 7 and Threezero I think we'd have seen that sooner but those eat up the audience.
Same with the Megazords. Chogokin is the best, though the Bandai US Legacy Dragonzord is better in Dragonzord form than the Chogokin, imo.
I have the Mezco green ranger and he's very cool though, but the limited posability and possible issues with cloth make me wary of buying more.

Damn, this series is dead
The ULTIMATES Megazord from Super7 was dope, and it scales well with my Lightning Collection monsters
Voltron is deader yet we still get figures from it.
Power rangers will live in some form.
It's amazing it lasted as long as it did
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Your Mork and Mindy figures
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>work on saving the white race instead of buying toys.
We can do both of those things anon.
Get at least the SMP Dinozords so you can contrast it with the fuckhueg Altera.
Whoa, they also get toys. That's so thoughtful
What the fuck is this ugly shit?
look pretty gud
power rangers / street fighter crossover by Hasbro
>Out of touch fanbase
what the fuck does this even mean?
I don't give a shit about the franchise, I give a shit about MMPR which ended in 1995
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>le heckin greentext that proves what a SOIBOI you are KEK
its just chungusfurry
Reminder that apparently the reason the Cammy and Ken Rangers look like such shit is that, even though they were designed by the same people as the Ryu and Chun-Li Rangers, they weren't given time to tweak and finalize the designs like they were with Ryu and Chun-Li, so the Cammy and Ken Rangers are literally rushed out first drafts.
Dont worry there’s that new 2 foot floppy SOC knockoff substcription megazord that will be the latest stab in the heart for gullible PR fans. Man, can PR fans get any more pathetic?

Wake me when they do a PR-PR cross over. I’d like to see a red Ranger as the blue Ranger, or maybe a Lord Zedd ranger. Why not a rita repulsa bikini edition?
Nice lil curio cabinet. Where'd you get it?
>Dont worry there’s that new 2 foot floppy SOC knockoff substcription megazord that will be the latest stab in the heart for gullible PR fans.
I think that's been out in France for a while
Man, Shit Fighter really ruins everything it touches. What a garbage franchise.
No nig, they’re releasing it in Burgerland now under fanhome or whatever.


I am ashamed to call myself a PR fan at this point.
This "Deformed Daizyujin" figure should drop on BBTS in the coming weeks. Looks adorable
This makes sense.
Based points for it being transformable
all cammy ranger would have required is a helmet. covering her up like that tanked any potential sales the figure could have seen.
who would have thought hasbro would be a greater satan than saban?
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>tfw I actually like Zordbuilder
>mfw Bandai is making their own
So far DX Robo Universe is looking to be better than Zordbuilder. The system should make for better looking combos, but it seems the designs of the individual mecha are still compromised.

Those look horrible. Super7 really does suck ass at making anything.

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